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随着我国加入WTO,小麦市场大开放流通格局的形成,将对我国小麦生产形成较大冲击。文章阐述了发展优势专用小麦在闻喜县得天独厚的优势,提出应该立足区域优势,采取有效措施调整小麦品种结构,因地制宜发展优势专用小麦生产,提高小麦市场竞争力,增加农民收入,实现闻喜县小麦生产质的突破。  相似文献   

董巨河 《科技资讯》2013,(7):161-163
新疆作为种植业和畜牧业大省,拥有发展有机肥产业的良好基础.阿克苏、喀什两地是新疆农业发展的重点地区,是新疆小麦、棉花、红枣、核桃的重要产地,且两地动植物资源丰富,有机肥原料充足易得,是新疆有机肥市场最具发展潜力的地区.新疆生物有机肥企业应充分发掘该地区巨大的市场空间,顺应有机肥市场发展方向,利用风化煤发酵生产有机肥等先进技术,生产多功能、适合当地施用的有机肥产品.  相似文献   

农业新技术落实往往与农业机械的性能、种类相配套,农机具的功能、配置等等举足轻重。农业机械在农业推广中至关重要,关系到一些新的农业技术能否落实,特别是在新疆的大农业生产中起着关键型的作用。  相似文献   

小麦是主要粮食作物之一,特别是在高产栽培技术上没有新的突破,使小麦的产量徘徊不前.无论是沿黄灌区还是雨养农业区,干旱缺水已成为限制小麦生产发展的重要因素.因此,节约用水,增加保灌面积和增强抗旱能力,提高现有耕地的小麦单产,是当前小麦生产迫切需要解决的问题.针对这一问题,除不断研究并试验示范推广新品种以外,更重要的,是研究示范推广小麦高产栽培技术.为此经多年研  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了临沧市1952年以来小麦生产发展状况及在粮食生产中的地位和作用,分析了小麦生产发展中存在的主要问题,提出今后小麦生产的发展方向、目标、对策和措施,以促进全市小麦生产的发展。  相似文献   

野生大豆DNA导入小麦及RAPD分子验证   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用花粉管通道法将野生大豆总DNA导入小麦,以期获得变异系小麦.对小麦球蛋白的SDS—PAGE,印迹表明,冬小麦T2l6#产生了新的蛋白亚基,其分子量为78kD,而有的变异品系一些蛋白亚基消失了;凯氏定氮法和氨基酸分析表明小麦后代T216#的总蛋白含量增加,其氨基酸组成,尤其是赖氨酸含量明显提高.RAPD分析结果表明,新品系基因组出现多态性,并具有供体特异性DNA带,这些变异现象表明该小麦品系为转基因后代.本实验为选育高蛋白、优质的新小麦品种提供了途径.  相似文献   

本文从我省水资源条件,旱地农业生产的优势与潜力,实现旱地优质小麦增产途径分析,提出因地制宜发展旱地优质小麦生产,增加总产的思路和观点及其相关措施,以唤起社会各界对旱地优质小麦生产的重视。  相似文献   

随着春粮面积增加,稻麦三熟制扩大,农业生产不断向深度和广度发展。在新三熟制的发展过程中,出现和茬口季节紧张。小麦灌浆期常遇梅雨季节赤霉病重,小麦种植面积受到限制的新问题。因此,根据我区当前生产上的迫切需要,进行小麦品种试验,尽快地鉴定出早熟、抗病、耐湿、高产的小麦新良种,供生产上推广使用。  相似文献   

滴灌小麦技术具有良好的节水增产效应,有力的支撑了新疆生产兵团八师"减棉增粮"作物种植结构调整工作,结合八师滴灌小麦生产的实际情况,从滴灌布置方式、滴灌小麦存在问题及水肥管理等的方面进行了研究分析,以期充分发挥滴灌小麦节水增产的重要功效,为兵团乃至国家的粮食安全做出贡献。  相似文献   

新疆基于其丰富的煤炭、石油、天然气资源的优势及特殊的战略地位,迎来了新的战略发展机遇期。特别是国务院颁布实施32号文件后,国家加大了对新疆的支持力度,新疆农业以及和农业相关行业将进入全面提升产业发展水平的新时期。作为与农业生产息息相关的氮肥产业的生产、流通、消费现状如何?未来发展趋势等等将直接或间接影响到新疆农业生产的整体发展及新疆三农问题的解决。本文对新疆氮肥产业现状进行了深入细致的调查研究,较为科学的对新疆氮肥消费的趋势进行预测分析。同时为未来一定时期中国石油在新疆范围内的氮肥生产、销售决策提供基础数据和意见、建议。  相似文献   

安乡县小宗农作物生产现状与对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南省安乡县近年饲料玉米、高粱、大豆、芝麻、冬小麦等小宗农作物面积出现飞跃性增长,但小宗农作物发展尚存在单产起伏大、市场价格波动大、经济效益低等问题。为此,从安乡县农作物种植结构调整趋势的调查入手,在广泛调查和深入分析结构调整的特点和规律后,提出要从加强市场信息预警、加强品种筛选和栽培技术研究、加强农田水利设施建设、加强新型经营主体培育和延长产业链等方面着手,促进小宗农作物生产健康发展。  相似文献   

IntroductionSincethelate 1970salargenumberofstudieshaveconsideredirrigationschedulinginirrigationmanagement[1- 7] andithasbeenshownthatefficientand profitableirrigationschedulingstrategiesareneeded ,particularlywherewateravailableforirrigationislimited .Inno…  相似文献   

麦套烟生产既能提高复种指数,又可解决轮作换茬和粮烟争地的矛盾,提高土地利用率。本文简要介绍了麦套烟生产的配套技术  相似文献   

就灰关联分析法的基本原理和方法在农作物品种综合评判中的应用问题进行了探讨,提出了使用灰关联分析法进行了农作物品种综合评判的具体做法与步骤,并以鲁西北棉区两熟的小麦配套品种(系)为例,进行了具体的评价计算,计算结果全面客观,切合实际,克服了以往评判中只注重某一或某几种性状而忽视其它性状所造成的偏差,表明灰关联分析法是进行农作物品种综合评判的一种便于操作的,科学的,有效的方法。  相似文献   

Chromosome engineering of pollen wheat is the new procedure combining anther culture and chromosome engineering techniques. It could transfer useful alien genes into wheat varieties, enhancing genetic diversity for investigation of genetics and breeding. In the present study, two new procedures, at genome level and single chromosome level, were established. Compared with the classical chromosome engineering, the chromosome engineering of pollen wheat has the following main characters: (i) diversity of products, (ii) rapid stability and (iii) high efficiency of selection. Experiments indicated that chromosome engineering of pollen wheat is an efficient way for creating alien translocation line, especially non-Robertsonian translocation line. Meanwhile, using this procedure combined with comprehensive identifying methods, the investigation of useful genes and molecular markers on rye chromosomes 1R and 6R respectively has been done. The roles and relationships between chromosome engineering of pollen wheat and gene engineering on crop improvement were discussed.  相似文献   

以盆栽小麦、玉米、大豆和绿豆幼苗为材料,研究了6个浓度山核桃黄酮提取液(0.1~2.0 mg·L ^-1)处理对四种作物幼苗新生根系的电导率、根系活力、硝酸还原酶活性、营养元素吸收、生物量的影响.结果显示:0.1~0.5 mg·L ^-1黄酮提取液对四种作物的苗期营养生长具有良好的促进效应,小麦和绿豆的根系活力分别为0.29、0.35ug .dg ^-1.h^-1,比对照提高40%~24%,大豆和玉米的硝酸还原酶活性分别是49.9、53.1mg .L ^-1,比对照增加54%~24%,处理对四种作物的影响达极显著或显著水平( P<0.01,P<0.05);适宜浓度的黄酮提取液能显著增加幼苗的鲜重与干重;促进根系对N、K、Ca、M g、Fe、M n、Cu和Zn的吸收,但对四种作物促进效应的浓度各有差异.研究表明:适宜浓度的山核桃黄酮提取液具有促进四种作物苗期生长、改善幼苗新生根系对矿质营养吸收的作用.  相似文献   

豫南稻区麦茬水稻产量较低,其重要原因是肥料不足。在小麦、水稻两茬作物之间种植一茬绿肥,每亩可获得鲜草1000—3000公斤,这对提高水稻产量,改良土壤,培肥地力有显着效果。麦收后种植绿肥,解决了水稻肥料不足的矛盾,开辟了一条有机肥发展水稻生产的新途径。多年的试验结果表明,柽麻,绿豆,细绿萍等绿肥作物的适应性强,鲜草产量高,适宜于麦茬水稻掩青作底肥。  相似文献   

Raising crop water use efficiency (WUE) is the physiological basis to implement crop high efficiently using water. The present soil column and field experiments are designed to investigate the change of wheat WUE (Triticum aestivum L.) at whole plant level and root system growth in evolution and the relationship between WUE and its root system growth using 10 wheat evolution genotypes with different ploidy chromosomes sets. Results show that in wheat evolution from 2n→6n, WUE at whole plant level increases with the increase of ploidy chromosomes, and root system growth (root weight, root length) and root/shoot ratio of wheat decrease with the increase of ploidy chromosomes under dry and irrigated conditions. WUE is negatively correlated with root weight and root/shoot ratio of wheat in evolution, significantly. Root system growth has an adverse redundancy for WUE in wheat evolution, and the root redundancy reduces with the increase of ploidy chromosomes, which result in the increase of wheat WUE at whole plant level.  相似文献   

Spiders are important predators in aeroecosystems and contribute to the control of agricultural nect nnnulatinns.Hahitat manage-ment such as the creation of new semi-natural habitats around or within fields enhances spider abundance and species diversity.Using pitfall traps,we investigated the effects of four hedgerow plant svecies.which serve as undisturhed and permanent semi-narimal habitats,on ground-dwelling spider activity density(a parameter of nonulation density and relative activitv)and species richness.Samples were ollected over two winter wheat and two summer maize growing seasons druing 2005-2007 in trial field 1(slope gradient of 20%)and field 2(slope gradient of 12%)at the Ziyane Experimental Site in Sichuan Province,China.The hedgerow species evaluated were Amorpha fruticosa(field 1).Vetiveria zizanioides(field 1),EulahODsis binata (field 2),and Afediraon sativa(field 2).CnmnareA to rnntrnl plots,hedgerow plots had significantly higher activity density and species richness of ground-dwelling spiders within strips in both fields 1 and 2 during the wheat growing season.The presence of hedgerow strins did not augment the activity density and species richness of ground-dwelling spiders within the crop fields during the wheat or maize growing seasons.The ground-dwelling spider activity density within hedgerow strips was significantly higher in the Vetiveria than in the AmorDha nlots and in the Medicago than in the Eulaliopsis plots,and the species richness was significantly higher in the Vetiveria than in the Amornha plots during the wheat season. Our results suggest that hedgerows may serve as important overwinterine sites for ground-dwelling spiders durinjthe wheat growing season.In addition,the diversification of agroecosystems by using hedgerow strips may be a viable strategy for maintaining ground-dwelling spider populations in agricultural areas.However,ground-dwelling spiders did not move into adiacent crop fields;therefore,future work should address the mechanisms of attracting spiders into crop fields,thereby contributing to the bio-control of pests.  相似文献   

Spiders are important predators in aeroecosystems and contribute to the control of agricultural nect nnnulatinns.Hahitat manage-ment such as the creation of new semi-natural habitats around or within fields enhances spider abundance and species diversity.Using pitfall traps,we investigated the effects of four hedgerow plant svecies.which serve as undisturhed and permanent semi-narimal habitats,on ground-dwelling spider activity density(a parameter of nonulation density and relative activitv)and species richness.Samples were ollected over two winter wheat and two summer maize growing seasons druing 2005-2007 in trial field 1(slope gradient of 20%)and field 2(slope gradient of 12%)at the Ziyane Experimental Site in Sichuan Province,China.The hedgerow species evaluated were Amorpha fruticosa(field 1).Vetiveria zizanioides(field 1),EulahODsis binata (field 2),and Afediraon sativa(field 2).CnmnareA to rnntrnl plots,hedgerow plots had significantly higher activity density and species richness of ground-dwelling spiders within strips in both fields 1 and 2 during the wheat growing season.The presence of hedgerow strins did not augment the activity density and species richness of ground-dwelling spiders within the crop fields during the wheat or maize growing seasons.The ground-dwelling spider activity density within hedgerow strips was significantly higher in the Vetiveria than in the AmorDha nlots and in the Medicago than in the Eulaliopsis plots,and the species richness was significantly higher in the Vetiveria than in the Amornha plots during the wheat season. Our results suggest that hedgerows may serve as important overwinterine sites for ground-dwelling spiders durinjthe wheat growing season.In addition,the diversification of agroecosystems by using hedgerow strips may be a viable strategy for maintaining ground-dwelling spider populations in agricultural areas.However,ground-dwelling spiders did not move into adiacent crop fields;therefore,future work should address the mechanisms of attracting spiders into crop fields,thereby contributing to the bio-control of pests.  相似文献   

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