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ExperimentalStudiesofAdaptiveConsciousSystemsCaiYifa(DeptofMath&ComputerSciencesDundeeInstituteofTechnologyDundeeDD11HGUnited...  相似文献   

CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSTheinstituteofSystemsScienceoftheChineseAcademyofSciencesinvitesapplicationsfora100-people-projectpos...  相似文献   

2-DConductorCrossSectionReconstructionviaAmplitudesofBackscatteredFieldinNearRegionsYuChunyang,DongXiaolong&WangWenbingSignal...  相似文献   

MDMethodinSolvingMultipleCriteriaDecisionProblemsArisingfromInvestmentSystemsDUWenzhong;CIJianhua(EconomicInformationCenterof...  相似文献   

RobustStabilizationControlforaClasofNonlinearMeasureDiferentialSystemswithDelay⒇YUEDongXUShifanColegeofInformationandElectric...  相似文献   

VariableStructureControllerDesignofSingularSystemswithDisturbanceintheCaseofIncompleteStateInformation¥WENXiangcaiandLIUYongq...  相似文献   

CombinationofLooselyandCompactlyCoupledIntegrationsofCADToolsandItsApplicationsInSAWDevicesDesignandFabricationPeigangLi;Jiaq...  相似文献   

ResearchofDecisionSystemAnalysisforDecisionSupportResearchofDecisionSystemAnalysisforDecisionSupport¥LIUShaojun;HANChonghaoan...  相似文献   

TheFuzzyIncidenceDegreeinSystemsAnalysisCHENShilian(MathematicsDepartment.QujingTeacher'sCollege,Qujing,Yunnan,China)CAOGuiyi...  相似文献   

1TheCostefectivenesandRiskAnalysisofSimpleStageConflictDecisionMaking1.1TheBasicDemandandPremiseoftheCostefectivenesandRisk...  相似文献   

近年来,线上线下融合的新零售模式得到了飞速发展,加速了中国乃至世界零售业的新变革,极大地影响和改变了人们的生产和消费方式.这种新模式实现线上线下优势互补、催生新的商务模式.伴随着这一新零售模式的飞速发展和落地实践,它所呈现出的协同性、集成性、网络化、数字化和智能化等特征,给新零售企业的运作管理带来了前所未有的挑战,使其面临重重困难.本文将从价值共创的视角,对新零售模式运营管理的几个核心问题展开剖析,重点从线上线下融合相关的基于价值共创的新零售模式创新、多利益主体协同运作激励机制、消费者需求拉动下的全渠道产品动态定价、新零售模式的全渠道运营库存管理以及"最后一公里"物流即时-协同配送优化等方面对国内外的相关研究进行综述,并展望未来研究的发展趋势.  相似文献   

A simulation of earth and space environment was describedr.The whole earth was cut into 128 parts,16 in longitude,8 in latitude,and the position of vertices,normal vectors,texture coordinate were computed by geometry.Different resolutions of texture were chosen according to the distance from the eye to the area presented by the technique MipMap.The unvisible parts were eliminated by judging the parts’ visibility in realtime.Using the techniques of Cg,NormalMap and the mixture of the textures of the earth,the clouds and the multi-layered clouds,the relatively vivid result for representing the surface of the earth was achieved.Moreover,the technique of Billboard,Lensflare,SkyBox and texture blending were used to show the shine of atmosphere,sunshine,and the background of space.  相似文献   

针对综合型平台自营业务和第三方商家之间的销售竞争,考虑双方进行劝说性广告投放,构建了平台自营和第三方商家在不同市场地位情况下的博弈模型,分别给出了平台自营主导,第三方商家主导以及市场地位相同时的最优决策和均衡利润,并分析了横向差异化、纵向差异化和广告服务费系数对最优决策和均衡利润的影响。研究表明:横向差异化(消费者偏好强度)越大,在平台主导和第三方商家主导的两种情况下,平台价格和广告投放水平越高;第三方商家广告投放水平降低,价格先降低后增加;双方市场地位相同情况下,平台和第三方商家的均衡价格和广告投放水平相等,并且双方的价格随消费者偏好强度增加而增加,广告投放水平与消费者偏好强度无关。纵向差异化(平台相对于第三方商家的质量差异)越大,无论市场地位情况如何,平台(第三方商家)均衡价格和广告投放水平越高(越低)。广告服务费系数并不是越高越好,只有当第三方商家主导市场且广告服务费系数达到一定水平之后,此时广告服务费系数增加才能增加平台利润。  相似文献   

The general theory of the ANP enables one to deal with the benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks (the BOCR merits) of a decision, by introducing the notion of negative priorities for C and R along with the rating (not comparison) of the top priority alternative synthesized for each of the four merits in terms of strategic criteria to enable one to combine the four B, O, C, and R values of each alternative into a single outcome. Strategic criteria are very basic criteria individuals and groups use to assess whether they should make any of the many decisions they face in their daily operations. They do not depend on any particular decision for their priorities but are assessed in terms of the goals and values of the individual or organization. Synthesis is made with two formulas, one multiplicative and one additive subtractive that can give rise to negative overall priorities. This paper summarizes and illustrates basic complex decisions involving several control criteria under each of the BOCR merits. Thomas L. Saaty holds the Chair of University Professor, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, and obtained his Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale University. Before that he was a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for ten years. Prior to that he spent seven years at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency in the State Department in Washington, DC, that carried out the arms reduction negotiations with the Soviets in Geneva. His current research interests include decision-making, planning, conflict resolution and synthesis in the brain. As a result of his search for an effective means to deal with weapons tradeoffs at the Disarmament Agency and, more generally, with decision-making and resource allocation, Professor Saaty developed The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and its generalization to dependence and feedback, the Analytic Network Process (ANP). He is co-developer of the software Expert Choice and of the software Super Decisions for decisions with dependence and feedback. He has authored or co-authored twelve books on the AHP/ANP. Professor Saaty has also written a number of other books that embrace a variety of topics, including Modern Nonlinear Equations, Nonlinear Mathematics, Graph Theory, The Four Color Problem, Behavioral Mathematics, Queuing Theory, Optimization in Integers, Embracing the Future and The Brain: Unraveling the Mystery of How It Works. His most recent book is Creative Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making. The book is a rich collection of ideas, incorporating research by a growing body of researchers and practitioners, profiles of creative people, projects and products, theory, philosophy, physics and metaphysics...all explained with a liberal dose of humor. He has published more than 300 referred articles in a wide variety of professional journals. He has been on the editorial boards of Mathematical Reviews, Operations Research, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Applied Mathematics Letters, and several others. He also served as consultant to many corporations and government.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a single-period two-product inventory model with stochastic demands and downward substitution. The optimal order quantities are presented and some properties are provided. Comparing with newsboy model, we prove that both the profit and the fill rate can be improved by using the substitution policy. This work was supported partly by NSFC/RGC Joint Research Program under grant 79910161987 and the National Science Foundation of China (79825102, 70231010, 70321001). Lianqiao CAI is lecturer of School of International Business, Beijing Foreign Studies University. He received his B.S. and M.S. from School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, in 1995 and 1998, and Ph.D of Management Science from Tsinghua University in 2002. His research areas include supply chain management, optimization techniques. Jian Chen is Professor and Chairman of the Management Science Department and co-director of the Research Center for Contemporary Management, Tsinghua University. He has over 80 papers published in some leading international journals and first class Chinese journals, and has been a principal investigator for over 20 grants or research contracts with National Science Foundation of China, governmental organizations, and companies. His main research interests include supply chain management, E-commerce, modeling and control for complex systems, decision support systems and information systems, and forecast and optimization techniques. He serves as associate editor of the “IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part A” and “IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part C”, and on the Editorial Board of “The International Journal of Electronic Business” and “System Research and Behavioral Science”. He is the recipient of the Outstanding Contribution Award of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society in 1996, and the Young Scientist Award of China in 1992. He was Secretary General of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics in Beijing, Co-chair of the IPC of 1998 International Conference on Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Chair of the First Asian eBiz Workshop in 2001, Co-chair of the Asian eBiz Workshop in 2002 and 2003, and Co-chair of the international conference on Global Supply Chain Management in 2002. Houmin Yan received his B.S. and M.S. from the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, in 1982 and 1985, respectively, and his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Management, University of Toronto in 1993. From Jan. 1994, he is with the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, the Chinese University of Hong Kong as an Assistance, Associate and Full Professor. He was a tenured Associate Professor at School of Management, the Univ. of Texas at Dallas. His main research areas are operations management, stochastic models, simulations, and supply chain management. He has published in journals such as Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Optimization: Theory and Applications, IIE Transactions and IEEE Transactions. He consults several high-tech companies, such as Motorola, C&K Systems, and Oriental Power, on issues spanning from production planning and scheduling, supply chain management to business process re-engineering. He is a member of INFORMS.  相似文献   

针对一制造商和一零售商组成的动态闭环供应链系统,分别构建了制造商利他、零售商利他以及双方利他3种行为模式下的Stackelberg微分博弈模型,借助贝尔曼连续型动态规划理论得到了3种利他模式下,制造商的回收努力投入和批发价格策略、零售商的产品销售价格策略、废旧产品回收率以及成员的值函数并进行了对比分析。算例验证了先前结论,进一步分析了制造商利他系数和零售商利他系数对稳态指标的影响,并以自立情形为基准模型,对比分析了3种利他模式下的供应链绩效时间演进规律。研究表明:利他行为是一种正向的社会偏好;制造商的利他行为能够有效地减缓供应链的双重边际效应,提高消费者剩余;零售商的利他行为虽会提高制造商利润,但却以牺牲自身利润为代价,也会使消费者需求量对价格的变动更为敏感;相比之下,双方利他行为是供应链的最优行为模式,可以带来经济、环保、社会三位一体总绩效的提升。  相似文献   

本文阐述了研究民族系统的传统方法和系统方法,强调了民族系统演化的条件性、环境性及民族精神的重要性。提出了民族系统的特点,主要包括民族的演化、融合的乘数原理,民族系统的复杂性、长期性,以及民族系统的宗教性。本文认为,民族差异的多样性是民族整体和谐的基础。民族系统是由民族产生的环境、民族的精神和民族的状态三要素构成,并在此基础上阐述了民族的现代化问题。  相似文献   

针对近年邻避群体事件的舆情诱发性,基于公众认知和政府引导视角研究邻避舆情演化问题.首先,通过多案例比较分析,提炼邻避舆情演化的宏观特征,并基于Gompertz模型改进给予刻画;随后,分析个体对邻避项目的微观认知交互行为,运用演化博弈建模来描述个体复制动态;同时,考虑政府通过正面舆论对邻避舆情给予回应,运用信息熵理论和动力学方法构建政府舆论引导的交互熵模型和动力学方程;进而在此基础上,给出"公众-政府"邻避舆情演化模型;最后,讨论该模型均衡点的存在性和稳定性,并以"广东茂名PX事件"的邻避舆情演化为基础案例进行数值仿真研究.结果表明:当公众对邻避项目风险认知偏差较小时,政府应适当尊重邻避舆情,并遵循渐进式的引导路径对邻避舆情给予及时、主动的关切性回应,否则,邻避舆情会愈演愈烈;而当公众对邻避项目风险认知偏差较大时,政府应对邻避舆情加强跟踪和监管,并给予及时、适量的客观回应,否则,邻避舆情会演化到较高稳态.  相似文献   

在规模经济和网络外部性效应作用下,互联网市场日趋走向"赢者通吃"的垄断型市场结构.然而,云服务的出现降低了竞争门槛并改变了企业成本结构,使在位企业垄断地位受到巨大冲击.本文通过分析"自建服务"和"云服务"两种服务模式特点,建立了在位垄断企业和潜在竞争企业间的市场竞争模型,并提出三个重要命题,研究发现:云服务成本结构、转换成本和市场规模等变量共同影响在位企业和竞争企业的微观市场行为,并最终决定宏观市场结构.本文为理解新兴技术条件下的互联网市场运行机制提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

针对现有航迹抗差关联算法缺乏对海上目标航迹特点和规律的考虑、实际应用效果差的问题,根据典型的实测数据对比分析结果,结合海上目标位置变化慢、空间拓扑关联稳定的特点,以三角形稳定结构为基础,设计了适用于海上目标航迹的抗差关联算法。首先,构建拓扑三角形,通过三角形匹配系数和航迹图匹配系数进行阈值判断,得到航迹对的关联系数。其次,保留其中最大关联系数,构建航迹对关联系数矩阵。最后,采用最大关联系数和阈值判别原则,输出关联航迹。实测数据验证结果表明,所提算法成功实现了所有航迹的有效关联,明显优于对比算法,具有较强的稳定性和鲁棒性,可有效解决实际中海上目标航迹关联问题,实用性强。  相似文献   

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