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塔北轮南地区油气成藏年代与成藏模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过包裹体分析法、伊利石测年法、露点压力 /饱和压力法、油气水界面追溯法等多种成藏年代分析方法研究认为 ,轮南地区油气藏具有多期成藏、晚期调整的特点 ,且早期油藏在晚期的调整改造十分强烈 .其中古生界特别是奥陶系油藏主要为晚海西期充注、喜山期受到调整改造而形成的残余原生油藏 ,三叠—侏罗系油藏主要为奥陶系古油藏在晚喜山期调整形成的次生油藏 .造成古油藏普遍发生调整的主要原因 ,一是后期强烈的构造变动和断裂活动 ,二是晚期高—过成熟气强烈的气侵作用 .因此 ,轮南地区大中型油气田的勘探应以轮南古隆起的斜坡部位 (包括轮南西斜坡和南斜坡 )为重点 ,它们是轮南地区大中型油气田形成和保存的最有利部位  相似文献   

塔里木盆地北部于奇地区东河砂岩油气成藏与勘探前景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
东河砂岩是塔里木盆地勘探热点之一.以成盆、成烃和成藏理论为指导,应用储层预测、流体包裹体分析等技术和方法,综合研究了于奇地区东河砂岩油源条件、储集条件、保存与储盖组合、圈闭条件、油气成藏期次与成藏过程.结果表明,区内油源主要来自阿克库勒凸起南部寒武系—下奥陶统烃源岩,油源较充足,具有一定的资源潜力;储集层类型以孔隙型为主,为中等容积、中等渗透性能储层,有利的储层分布区位于于奇东部地区的东南一带;储盖组合为下储上盖式,盖层封盖能力好;圈闭类型主要为非构造圈闭,至少发生了一次油气注入成藏期即喜山早期.提出今后勘探应突破传统的构造圈闭的束缚,坚持以寻找多类型圈闭特别是地层圈闭为原则.  相似文献   

The activities of deep fluid are regionalized in the Tarim Basin. By analyzing the REE in core samples and crude oil, carbon isotope of carbon dioxide and inclusion temperature measurement in the west of the Tazhong Uplift in the western Tarim Basin, all the evidence confirms the existence of deep fluid. The deep fluid below the basin floor moved up into the basin through discordogenic fault and volcanicity to cause corrosion and metasomatosis of carbonate rock by exchange of matter and energy. The pore structure and permeability of the carbonate reservoirs were improved, making the carbonate reservoirs an excellent type of deeply buried modification. The fluorite ore belts discovered along the large fault and the volcanic area in the west of the Tazhong Uplift are the outcome of deep fluid action. Such cap bonate reservoirs are the main type of reservoirs in the Tazhong 45 oilfield. The carbonate reservoirs in well YM 7 are improved obviously by thermal fluid dolomitization. The origin and territory of deep fluid are associated with the discordogenic fault and volcanicity in the basin. The discordogenic fault and volcanic area may be the pointer of looking for the deep fluid modified reservoirs. The primary chap acteristics of hydrocarbon accumulation in deep fluid reconstructed carbonate rock are summarized as accumulation near the large fault and volcano passage, late-period hydrocarbon accumulation after volcanic activity, and subtle trap reservoirs controlled by lithology.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩油气成藏特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
塔里木盆地塔河油田碳酸盐岩储层主要发育于奥陶系,油气储量丰富,对其油气藏的研究表明,奥陶系碳酸盐岩的主要油源区为南东方向的满加尔寒武—奥陶系生油坳陷,其生成的多期次油气通过断裂、储层、不整合面持续向北部凸起之上的奥陶系储层运移聚集.同时多期次的运聚与成藏造成了油气在平面上分布具有北东密度大、南西密度小的特点.塔河油田碳酸盐岩孔、洞、缝3种储集空间组合构成裂缝型、孔洞-裂缝型、裂缝-孔洞型和生物礁(滩)相孔隙型储层,为油气聚集提供了良好的储集空间.海西期的构造活动使得裂缝发育,同时为岩溶发育提供通道,并进一步改善了早期缝洞的连通性.石炭系卡拉沙依组及巴楚组泥岩作为良好的区域盖层为油气保存提供了必要条件.  相似文献   

拉张槽对四川盆地海相油气分布的控制作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
四川盆地现今为挤压性的沉积盆地,地表所见构造也均为压性构造;但四川盆地沉积盖层在形成、演化过程中发生了拉张运动(地裂运动)并形成了张性构造(拉张槽等)。现今盆地内已发现的主要拉张槽有开江-梁平海槽(拉张槽)和绵阳-长宁拉张槽。开江-梁平海槽(拉张槽)是四川盆地内深埋地下的二叠纪-三叠纪之间的一个北西-南东向展布的深水碳酸盐岩沉积区,是在峨眉地裂运动理论启示下因生物礁油气藏勘探而发现的。绵阳-长宁拉张槽是四川盆地内发育于早寒武世的一个南北向的下寒武统巨厚碎屑岩沉积(降)区,是在兴凯地裂运动理论指导下通过构造-沉积综合研究而发现的。2个拉张槽的发现和特征研究均经历了漫长过程。拉张槽的形成演化不仅控制了优质泥质烃源岩和优质碳酸盐岩储集岩的发育,而且为优质泥质烃源岩-优质碳酸盐岩储集岩组合的形成和油气成藏效应及规模的提高创造了条件,致使环拉张槽周缘地区是克拉通盆地内油气分布最丰富的地区。  相似文献   

HeUanhe gas field, Lungudong gas field and Tazhong gas field are marine marine-origin natural gas reservoirs in the craton area in the Tarim Basin. The natural gas is generated from Cambrian source rocks. The simulation experiment indicated that the cracking of the dispersedly dissoluble organic matter remaining in the source rocks is the main origin of marine natural gas. There are two modes to form gas reservoirs, one is the dry gas reservoir such as HeUanhe gas field, in which gas accumulated on the fault belt with violent tectonic movement, the other is condensate gas reservoir formed on the inheriting uplift such as Lunnan and Tazhong gas fields. The hybrid simulation experiment of cracking gas and crude oil indicated that crude oil accumulated on a large scale in those uplift belts at the early stage, and natural gas filled the ancient oil reservoir at the late stage, and the gas reservoirs were formed after the gas mixed with the crude oil.  相似文献   

目的分析滨里海盆地北部盐下油气成藏条件,建立成藏模式。方法通过钻井、岩心观察、地震和测井解释等近年来的勘探资料进行地质分析。结果明确了该地区油气生、储、盖等地质特征,确定了其油气成藏控制因素,提出了"一"字型成藏模式(自生自储,油气横向运移)、"Z"字型成藏模式(自生自储,油气横向运移)、"人"字型成藏模式(下生上储,油气垂向运移)、"从"字型成藏模式(自生自储,油气侧向运移)、"众"字型成藏模式(自生上储,油气侧向运移)5种油气成藏模式。结论滨里海盆地北部地区盐下层系处于烃源岩和碳酸盐岩发育的有利相带,且具有厚层的盐岩层作为优质盖层,是盐下油气勘探的重点目标区。  相似文献   

Based on the migration track of the Silurian oil pools along the faults in central Tarim by the nitrogen compounds and the maturity parameters of saturated hydrocarbon and aromatic hydrocarbon, the formation of the Silurian oil pools was totally concerned with vertical migration that faults were the dominant migration channels. The comprehensive analysis shows that the dominant geological element, which contributed to the migration and accumulation of the Silurian oil pools in central Tarim, was the strike-slip fault, which developed from Ordovician to Permian. The future work will focus on conducting a more intensive study of the formation, evolution and distribution of the strike-slip faults for making sure of favorable hydrocarbon accumulation and favorable exploration targets.  相似文献   

1970―1978年笔者在塔里木油气地质调研中首次提出古生代有发育的烃源岩,1984年沙参2井实现了古生代海相油田的首次重大突破。1992年通过多个古生代油气田深入研究建立了古生代海相油气成藏理论。其理论内涵:叠加复合盆地成藏,多时代多层系生油,多期成藏,多时代多类型储盖组合,多成藏模式,油气主要分布在古隆起、古斜坡、断裂带和不整合面附近。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔中4油田油气成藏条件与成藏模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
塔中地区是塔里木盆地重要的油气富集区,正确认识塔中4油田的油气成藏条件和成藏模式对于分析塔中地区乃至整个塔里木盆地台盆区的油气藏形成与改造均具有一定的意义。综合利用地质、地球物理、地球化学手段和计算机模拟技术对塔中4油田油气生成、运移和聚集规律进行了研究。结果表明,塔中4油田的油气来自于满加尔坳陷下古生界烃源岩和塔中地区中上奥陶统烃源岩,天然气主要来源于寒武系—下奥陶统烃源岩。石炭系自上而下有含灰泥岩段与CI储集段、中泥岩段与CⅡ储集段、下泥岩段与CⅢ储集段3套储盖组合。塔中4油田最初形成于晚海西期,燕山期又经历了一次重要的成藏过程,喜山期还有一次改造再分配的过程。  相似文献   

对鄂尔多斯盆地志丹地区上三叠统延长组深部长9油气藏的生烃潜力、沉积体系、储集条件、构造条件等进行了研究,对油气藏成藏规律进行了深入探讨,认为该区延长组深部具有较好的成藏条件,其成藏主要受烃源岩展布、沉积体系时空分布、优质砂体发育、鼻状隆起等因素的控制.同时指出,这几个因素的优化匹配是寻找延长组深部长9油层组岩性油藏突破的关键.  相似文献   

松辽盆地滨北地区中浅层油气成藏体系定量研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
滨北地区中浅层纵向上可以划分出2套成藏组合,即浅部成藏组合和中部成藏组合;每套成藏组合都可以划分出3个成藏体系,利用油气成藏门限理论对2套成藏组合的各成藏体系的油气成藏门限进行了计算,结合生油量的计算结果,对各成藏体系进行了定量评价.得出结论:滨北地区浅、中两套成藏组合的各成藏体系,天然气都没有进入成藏门限,石油只在成藏体系Ⅱ和Ⅲ进入了成藏门限,并有一定的可供聚集油量,其中,浅部组合成藏体系Ⅱ和Ⅲ的可供聚集油量分别为12.66×108t和6.17×108t;中部组合成藏体系Ⅱ和Ⅲ的可供聚集油量分别为5.09×108t和2.72×108t.  相似文献   

The Cratonic Area of the Tarim Basin is lo-cated in the central part of the basin, developing primarilywith Cambrian marine source rocks and secondly Middle toUpper Ordovician marine and Carboniferous-Permiantransitional facies source rocks. The source rocks werematured in the changeable period and space, formingmultiple hydrocarbon generating centers during the periods.The Cratonic Area experienced multiple tectonic orogenies,forming several palaeouplifts. The matching conditionbetween effective hydrocarbon generating centers and thepalaeouplifts in various periods is the main control factor forthe formation and distribution of hydrocarbon reservoirs.The palaeouplifts have experienced multiple hydrocar-bon-filling phases, several periods of modifications and evenbreakdown. The palaeouplifts and the adjacent slopesaround the effective hydrocarbon generating center composethe most favorable places for hydrocarbon accumulation.The hydrocarbon phase is related with the evolution of thehydrocarbon generating center. In the Tarim Basin'sCratonic Area, reservoirs were mostly formed during lateHercynian. The originally formed hydrocarbon reservoirswhich are adjacent to source kitchens and in the goodpreservation condition are the most favorable prospectingtargets. Hydrocarbon is richly accumulated under theregional caprock, surrounding the faulted trends, and overand below the unconformity surfaces. Reservoirs in theCarboniferous sandstone, Ordovician karstic weatheredcrust and carbonate rock inside the buried hill compose themain intervals for hydrocarbon accumulation. Carboni-ferous and Silurian sandstone pinchout reservoirs andcarbonate lithologic reservoirs with rich fractures and poresare the main targets for further prospecting.  相似文献   

塔北石炭系东河砂岩油藏主要由东河塘和哈得逊两个油藏构成。通过解析两个油藏的流体特征、充注时间、油区构造演化、油气运移通道及距离和储量规模,指出两个油藏的主要充注时间晚于烃源岩生烃时间,均为次生油藏,油源为奥陶系古油藏,新油藏靠近古油藏运移并聚集。推断东河塘和哈得逊具有不同的油气运移模式:东河塘构造型油藏原油来源于下伏的奥陶系油藏,借助纵向断裂运移至此;哈得逊为北倾的地层型圈闭,原油主要来源于北部的古油藏,运移通道为石炭系和志留系之间的不整合面。结合近5年来新钻井揭示的地质现象,认为塔北南部东河砂岩相变尖灭带油气成藏比较困难,后续勘探应当谨慎且尤需重视次生油藏成藏规律研究。  相似文献   

张树林 《科学技术与工程》2012,12(16):3965-3968
长春岭沿江地区扶余油层油气成藏条件研究和典型油气藏分析表明,研究区内青山口组烃源岩成熟度低、生烃能力较差;研究区的油气成藏规模受外部油气运移数量的控制。研究区油气主要来源于其西北的三肇凹陷青山口组烃源岩;不规则零散分布的河流相砂体、断层对砂体的强烈分割作用以及多期多成因油气对圈闭的充注作用是造成研究区油气分布复杂现象的主要原因。研究区存在"源岩区高压倒灌—侧向断裂疏导—构造高部位聚集"的成藏模式。研究区油气生成、运移与圈闭的形成期在时空上形成了良好有机的配置关系;其中明水组末期是研究区油气成藏事件的关键时刻。密集断裂带及油源补给程度是研究区油气成藏的主控因素。  相似文献   

以塔里木盆地英南2井气藏为例,用流体包裹体进行油气成藏期次的研究。镜下观察流体包裹体,并对与烃类共生的盐水包裹体进行均一化温度和冰融点测试,进行油气藏成藏期的分析。流体包裹体分析表明英南2井气藏多为气态烃包裹体,大部分存在于石英次生加大边中,共生的盐水包裹体的均一化温度集中且接近现今井温,对比埋藏史得出:天然气是在近10Ma时一次性充注成藏。  相似文献   

The adjustment of primary hydrocarbon reservoirs in marine formations is an important feature of the oil pools in the Tarim Basin. Large-scale hydrocarbon adjustment is related to the strong regional tectonic movements, which is always accompanied by extensive migration of basin fluids including diagenetic and mineralizing fluids. Organic fluid inclusions are well developed in hydrothermal mine- rals, such as fluorite, which have been found in the dissolution-enlarged fractures or karstification caves in the Ordovician in the central Tarim Basin. Proved by well drilling, the fluorite deposit is good reservoir for oil and gas. So the peculiar accompanied or superimposed relationship between fluorite hydrothermal fluid mineralization and hydrocarbon migration and accumulation exists in the Ordovician in the central Tarim Basin. Considering regional tectonic setting and mineralization condition, through different kinds of analytic methods including electron spin resonance dating, fluid inclusion laser Raman and colonial inclusions hydrocarbon fossil analysis, we proposed that extensive mineralizing fluids and hydrocarbon migration occurred in late Yanshan-Himalayan (110.4-30.8 Ma) period, and Himalayan, especially, is an important period for hydrocarbon accumulation from 34.3 Ma to present.  相似文献   

The adjustment of primary hydrocarbon reservoirs in marine formations is an important feature of the oil pools in the Tarim Basin. Large-scale hydrocarbon adjustment is related to the strong regional tectonic movements, which is always accompanied by extensive migration of basin fluids including diagenetic and mineralizing fluids. Organic fluid inclusions are well developed in hydrothermal minerals, such as fluorite, which have been found in the dissolution-enlarged fractures or karstification caves in the Ordovician in the central Tarim Basin. Proved by well drilling, the fluorite deposit is good reservoir for oil and gas. So the peculiar accompanied or superimposed relationship between fluorite hydrothermal fluid mineralization and hydrocarbon migration and accumulation exists in the Ordovician in the central Tarim Basin. Considering regional tectonic setting and mineralization condition,through different kinds of analytic methods including electron spin resonance dating, fluid inclusion laser Raman and colonial inclusions hydrocarbon fossil analysis, we proposed that extensive mineralizing fluids and hydrocarbon migration occurred in late Yanshan-Himalayan (110.4-30.8 Ma) period, and Himalayan, especially, is an important period for hydrocarbon accumulation from 34.3 Ma to present.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部第三系油气晚期成藏特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
柴达木盆地西部第三系盐湖相烃源岩成熟期为晚第三纪,成烃期相对较晚;盆地西部大部分构造圈闭是在晚第三纪末—第四纪形成,只有少数构造圈闭是在早第三纪末期形成,总体上讲构造圈闭形成比较晚;流体包裹体均一化温度测定结果表明,盆地西部油气藏存在两次充注,第一次是在晚第三纪早期,第二次是在晚第三纪末期,充注期次相对比较晚;对成藏期次综合分析后确定盆地西部油气成藏时期比较晚,为柴达木盆地油气藏形成的一大特点.  相似文献   

东营断陷盆地地层流体超压系统与油气运聚成藏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东营断陷盆地古近系发育的地层流体超压系统对油气运聚、成藏至关重要。以实测数据和用测井资料预测的地层流体压力数据为依据 ,分析了区内的地层流体压力系统特征 ,并将其分为上部常压、中部超压、下部常压 3个压力系统。超压系统具有纵向分带、平面分区且复杂多变的特点 ,但在宏观上属于盆地级的“超压流体封存系统”。超压系统对油气运聚成藏的作用主要是提供油源、产生运移动力和通道 ,并决定油气充注成藏方式。研究结果表明 ,与盆内超压系统有关的油气成藏模式分为系统内、系统外和封隔层 3种形式 ;超压系统内部的相对低压区及其上、下或侧向的泄压区都是油气聚集的有利地区。  相似文献   

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