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Dome A, located in the central East Antarctic ice sheet (EAIS), is the highest summit of the Antarctic ice sheet. From ice-sheet evolution modeling results, Dome A is likely to preserve over one million years of the Earth’s paleo-climatic and -environmental records, and considered an ideal deep ice core drilling site. Ice thickness and subglacial topography are critical factors for ice-sheet models to determine the timescale and location of a deep ice core. During the 21st and 24th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE 21, 2004/05; CHINARE 24, 2007/08), ground-based ice radar systems were used to a three-dimensional investigation in the central 30 km×30 km region at Dome A. The successfully obtained high resolution and accuracy data of ice thickness and subglacial topography were then interpolated into the ice thickness distribution and subglacial topography digital elevation model (DEM) with a regular grid resolution of 140.5 m×140.5 m. The results of the ice radar investigation indicate that the average ice thickness in the Dome A central 30 km×30 km region is 2233 m, with a minimal ice thickness of 1618 m and a maximal ice thickness of 3139 m at Kunlun Station. The subglacial topography is relatively sharp, with an elevation range of 949–2445 m. The typical, clear mountain glaciation morphology is likely to reflect the early evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet. Based on the ice thickness distribution and subglacial topography characteristics, the location of Kunlun Station was suggested to carry out the first high-resolution, long time-scale deep ice core drilling. However, the internal structure and basal environments at Kunlun Station still need further research to determine.  相似文献   

Niu F  Wen L 《Nature》2001,410(6832):1081-1084
Knowledge of the seismic velocity structure at the top of the Earth's inner core is important for deciphering the physical processes responsible for inner-core growth. Previous global seismic studies have focused on structures found 100 km or deeper within the inner core, with results for the uppermost 100 km available for only isolated regions. Here we present constraints on seismic velocity variations just beneath the inner-core boundary, determined from the difference in travel time between waves reflected at the inner-core boundary and those transmitted through the inner core. We found that these travel-time residuals-observed on both global seismograph stations and several regional seismic networks-are systematically larger, by about 0.8 s, for waves that sample the 'eastern hemisphere' of the inner core (40 degrees E to 180 degrees E) compared to those that sample the 'western hemisphere' (180 degrees W to 40 degrees E). These residuals show no correlation with the angle at which the waves traverse the inner core; this indicates that seismic anisotropy is not strong in this region and that the isotropic seismic velocity of the eastern hemisphere is about 0.8% higher than that of the western hemisphere.  相似文献   

为了对可渗透反应墙墙体内水流速度及流态进行理论研究与分析,采用Fluent软件对可渗透反应墙墙体进行模拟仿真,构建墙体介质为陶粒.模拟仿真结果表明,墙体内填充介质陶粒内部流速缓慢,可以很好固定处理污染物的生物菌,同时也表明,该软件在微观环境下模拟可渗透反应墙内部流速及流态情况是可行的.  相似文献   

气固两相流速度及质量流量的静电测量法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种气固两相流速度及质量流量的静电测量方法,实现了静电法在气固两相流速度及质量流量测量中的应用.通过特殊设计的静电传感器系统,利用气固两相流中固相微粒的荷电信号直接测量两相流的速度和质量流量.速度测量采用互相关分析的方法得到静电信号相移时间,计算出固相速度;通过实验确定静电传感器上静电信号电压有效值与已知两相流质量流量的关系,建立了系统电压一质量流量曲线.实验结果表明,静电测量方法可准确跟踪并测量气固两相流的固相速度,实现两相流的在线无损检测.  相似文献   

明渠减速流下床面摩阻流速研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对明渠非均匀流,采用立面二维数值试验的方法,并将雷诺应力垂线分布计算结果延伸至床面,以此计算减速流情况下床面摩阻流速,得到了不同壅水下床面摩阻流速的计算结果.研究表明:在壅水情况下,当流量和底坡相同时,壅水段摩阻流速随水深的增加而逐渐减小;在相同水深和底坡下,摩阻流速随流量的增加而增大;在相同流量和水深下,摩阻流速随底坡的增大而增大.为满足工程中计算的需要,根据数值试验结果拟合得到了明渠水流壅水情况下床面摩阻流速的实用计算式.  相似文献   

Current ice loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) accounts for about ten per cent of observed global sea-level rise. Losses are dominated by dynamic thinning, in which forcings by oceanic or atmospheric perturbations to the ice margin lead to an accelerated thinning of ice along the coastline. Although central to improving projections of future ice-sheet contributions to global sea-level rise, the incorporation of dynamic thinning into models has been restricted by lack of knowledge of basal topography and subglacial geology so that the rate and ultimate extent of potential WAIS retreat remains difficult to quantify. Here we report the discovery of a subglacial basin under Ferrigno Ice Stream up to 1.5?kilometres deep that connects the ice-sheet interior to the Bellingshausen Sea margin, and whose existence profoundly affects ice loss. We use a suite of ice-penetrating radar, magnetic and gravity measurements to propose a rift origin for the basin in association with the wider development of the West Antarctic rift system. The Ferrigno rift, overdeepened by glacial erosion, is a conduit which fed a major palaeo-ice stream on the adjacent continental shelf during glacial maxima. The palaeo-ice stream, in turn, eroded the 'Belgica' trough, which today routes warm open-ocean water back to the ice front to reinforce dynamic thinning. We show that dynamic thinning from both the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Sea region is being steered back to the ice-sheet interior along rift basins. We conclude that rift basins that cut across the WAIS margin can rapidly transmit coastally perturbed change inland, thereby promoting ice-sheet instability.  相似文献   

嘉陵江西河赤眼鳟的生长研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赤眼鳟属中小型经济鱼类,在筑坝河段生长较快.体长与体重的相关关系为:W=0013898L30668(r=093207);体长和体重生长方程为:Lt=672131[1-e-01464(t+09925)],Wt=5590492[1-e-01464(t+09925)]30668;体重生长拐点tr=66,拐点体重为164415g.讨论了地方种群间的生长差异,探讨了资源利用状况和保护措施.  相似文献   

古树作为组成和支撑森林和城市生态系统的重要组成部分,为各种动植物的生长提供了条件,为人类社会提供多种生态系统服务。分析古树树干腐烂及空洞状况沿海拔梯度的分布规律及其限制因素,有助于古树管理和保护策略的制定与实施。基于PICUS应力波树木断层图像诊断仪,本研究对浙江天目山国家自然保护区内不同海拔梯度上古树树干的腐烂及空洞情况进行了定量评估。共调研137株古树,结论如下:古树树干胸高断层处腐烂及空洞面积所占比例平均值为18.89%;古树树干腐烂及空洞面积占比在不同物种间存在一定差异;古树树干健康状况与海拔和气候因子之间存在一定的相关性,主要表现为随海拔升高,树干内出现腐烂及空洞的古树增多,且腐烂及空洞面积占比不断增大,这一相关性在不同树种之间也存在差异。  相似文献   

在前人的理论和研究成果的基础之上,利用动量守恒所建立的清水速度、固体颗粒速度和浆体流速之间的关系。通过分析水平管道中推移质与悬移质组成的几何关系。对于水平管道中推移质与悬移质的之间比例与平均流速之间的关系进行了深入的研究,得出推移质与悬移质与平均流速之间的关系式,确定了管道输送中的重要系数K4和浮游界限速度VB,通过实验资料验证符合良好。  相似文献   

植被覆盖的河道水流纵向流速垂向分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究天然湿地灌木植被群落交错区植被特征参数垂向变化对水流流速垂向分布的影响,进行了室内实验。在室内水槽种植灌木植被和灌木-草本植被,沿纵向方向设置5个监测断面,垂向布设若干测点,利用Doppler流速仪测量纵向流速,比较分析单一灌木植被群落和群落交错区内纵向流速垂向分布规律。结果表明:植被之间水流纵向流速垂向分布近似为双曲线;植被冠层以上流速垂向分布符合幂函数曲线。  相似文献   

以准正交面法求解三元流场的理论为基础,依据实际计算模型,提出了水力机械流场计算中的速度梯度方程在曲线坐标系下计算的思路,给出了计算表达式.并通过空间点源的计算实例,对数值解与解析解做了比较,证明本文所提出的计算方法是可靠的.  相似文献   

冰川运动速度是计算极地物质平衡和对冰盖和冰架数值模拟的重要参数.针对传统冰川运动速度提取算法的不足和局限,基于差分干涉技术(DInSAR)和多孔径干涉技术(MAI)开展二维冰川运动速度的提取研究.将该算法应用于南极Lambert流域冰川运动速度的提取,得到了研究区域高精度的二维冰川运动速度场,将采用偏移量跟踪算法提取的冰川运动速度和本文提取的冰川运动速度进行了对比分析和精度评价;结合研究区域已有历史观测数据,分析全球气候变化背景下Lambert流域冰川的动态变化.研究结果表明,基于DInSAR和MAI的冰川运动速度提取算法优于偏移量跟踪算法;近20年的冰川运动速度时间序列数据显示Lambert流域的冰川运动速度基本处于稳定状态.  相似文献   

双流体模型模拟喷涂飞行区内的速度分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于双流体模型,并采用ANSYS/CFD多组分传输包分析了颗粒群与压缩气流相互作用下喷涂飞行区内的速度分布。结果表明,双相流的速度分布与单独压缩气流的速度分布大致相似,即在开始的一段喷涂距离内速度降低很快,随后趋于平缓;而在相同的喷涂距离下,与喷涂轴线的夹角越大,其所对应的速度越小。但在喷涂入口处,双相流速度分布具有一段明显的加速段。  相似文献   

油液中含有颗粒物会影响设备的正常运行,考察不同初始速度条件下含颗粒油液的悬浮流中各相的动态特征,利用连续介质模型建立含悬浮颗粒油液的动力学模型,并通过特征线法进行数值求解,得到在不同初始速度条件下各相参数的变化趋势。结果表明:不同初始速度条件下管路始端、中段和终端油液的压力、流速都分别在T/4的奇数倍、整数倍、偶数倍时刻产生跃变,且它们的周期(T)都随着初始速度的增加而减小;悬浮颗粒的浓度分布与油液压力的变化趋势相反。  相似文献   

为研究氩气流在水平携带床热解管中的运动,设计了水平携带床透明冷态模拟装置.以油雾粒子为示踪粒子,利用PIV技术对示踪粒子在水平携带床管内的速度分布和加速距离进行了实验研究,并对管内气流的速度分布进行了分析.研究结果表明,油雾粒子加入管道后的加速距离约为400mm,在大于400mm的区域内已经较为稳定,速度变化很小;气流在进入管内400~600mm时,处于过渡段的后期或已经进入稳定段.  相似文献   

The theoretical spatial power spectrum of a dipole located at ( r0, θ60, φ0) can be fitted by a straight line in logarithmic scale when n is larger than 2. Based on the spherical harmonic coefficients of geomagnetic field during 1900-1995, the depth( r0) of source-layer of every 5a is calculated. The results show that r0 decreased from 1900 to 1960; abruptly changed from 1945 to 1950 related to some kind of disturbance; decreased again from 1960 to 1975; increased from 1975 to 1985; and kept stable after 1985. Then the mean energy density (MED) of each year is induced to its corresponding r0. We find that MED of dipole field kept nearly unchanged from 1900 to 1960. While, MED of non-dipole field increased. The change of r0 coinciding with the geomagnetic secular variation, impulse and length-of-day happened around 1970, suggesting that the change of r0 may be related to the impulse. The variation in the fluid flow in the outer-core caused by the core-mantle coupling is a plausible candidate in explaining the changes in geomagnetic Jerk, length-of-day, and r0.  相似文献   

将精细积分法用于分析输液管的临界流速.先将输液管的控制方程写成状态向量的形式,通过精细积分法高精度地计算传递矩阵,再由边界条件得到输液管临界流速问题的特征方程,解此方程就可确定临界流速,应用表明,该方法处理此类问题原理简单,实施容易,易于处理各种支承情况,而且由于最终只须求解一个二阶矩阵方程,因此计算量小,精度也令人满意.  相似文献   

针对射流表面流场特性,运用可拓学基本原理,建立主流场速度与射流速度耦元、耦合方式的可拓模型.利用RNG k-ε湍流模型对射流表面主流场速度与射流速度耦合情况下减阻特性进行数值模拟,研究射流表面减小黏性阻力和压差阻力的原因及对射流孔附近壁面流域边界层控制行为.研究结果表明:主流场速度越小与射流速度越大耦合情况下射流表面减阻效果最好,节能效果明显;主流场速度与射流速度耦合对边界层的控制行为表现在射流表面模型使射流孔下游流域黏性底层厚度减小,边界层厚度降低,导致壁面所受黏性阻力减小;同时形成的反向漩涡在壁面形成的反向流对仿生射流表面产生逆流向的推动作用,对压差阻力产生抑制效应.  相似文献   

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