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Sato M  Sievers AJ 《Nature》2004,432(7016):486-488
In a strongly nonlinear discrete system, the spatial size of an excitation can become comparable to, and influenced by, the lattice spacing. Such intrinsic localized modes (ILMs)--also called 'discrete breathers' or 'lattice solitons'--are responsible for energy localization in the dynamics of discrete nonlinear lattices. Their energy profiles resemble those of localized modes of defects in a harmonic lattice but, like solitons, they can move (although, unlike solitons, some energy is exchanged during collisions between them). The manipulation of these localized energy 'hotspots' has been achieved in systems as diverse as annular arrays of coupled Josephson junctions, optical waveguide arrays, two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals and micromechanical cantilever arrays. There is also some evidence for the existence of localized excitations in atomic lattices, although individual ILMs have yet to be identified. Here we report the observation of countable localized excitations in an antiferromagnetic spin lattice by means of a nonlinear spectroscopic technique. This detection capability permits the properties of individual ILMs to be probed; the disappearance of each ILM registers as a step in the time-dependent signal, with the surprising result that the energy staircase of ILM excitations is uniquely defined.  相似文献   

R M Starzyk  S W Koontz  P Schimmel 《Nature》1982,298(5870):136-140
A covalent adduct of an aminoacyl tRNA synthetase and uracil nucleoside has been isolated. The enzyme adduct is catalytically inactive; one nucleoside is bound per catalytic site. The release of uridine restores enzyme activity. The nucleoside attaches to a protein segment required for tRNA interaction. The findings add support to concepts of a covalent component for some protein-nucleic acid complexes.  相似文献   

Zaks B  Liu RB  Sherwin MS 《Nature》2012,483(7391):580-583
An intense laser field can remove an electron from an atom or molecule and pull the electron into a large-amplitude oscillation in which it repeatedly collides with the charged core it left behind. Such recollisions result in the emission of very energetic photons by means of high-order-harmonic generation, which has been observed in atomic and molecular gases as well as in a bulk crystal. An exciton is an atom-like excitation of a solid in which an electron that is excited from the valence band is bound by the Coulomb interaction to the hole it left behind. It has been predicted that recollisions between electrons and holes in excitons will result in a new phenomenon: high-order-sideband generation. In this process, excitons are created by a weak near-infrared laser of frequency f(NIR). An intense laser field at a much lower frequency, f(THz), then removes the electron from the exciton and causes it to recollide with the resulting hole. New emission is predicted to occur as sidebands of frequency f(NIR)?+?2nf(THz), where n is an integer that can be much greater than one. Here we report the observation of high-order-sideband generation in semiconductor quantum wells. Sidebands are observed up to eighteenth order (+18f(THz), or n = 9). The intensity of the high-order sidebands decays only weakly with increasing sideband order, confirming the non-perturbative nature of the effect. Sidebands are strongest for linearly polarized terahertz radiation and vanish when the terahertz radiation is circularly polarized. Beyond their fundamental scientific significance, our results suggest a new mechanism for the ultrafast modulation of light, which has potential applications in terabit-rate optical communications.  相似文献   

针对有源电力滤波器控制有实时性、动态性能和控制精度的要求,在基于输入输出间功率平衡特性下,建立基于功率平衡特性有源电力滤波器数学模型,同时提出一种新型非线性控制方法.该控制方法将非线性反馈控制方法和自适应控制相结合,设计参数自适应控制率,得到电网侧瞬时有功参考电流以及系统状态方程,实现在线路与负载参数时变未知的情况下,直流侧电容电压补偿控制和谐波电流的精确跟踪.Matlab/Simulink仿真和实验结果表明:该控制方法正确可行,并具有较好的动态特性和较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

强非线性主动隔振系统的运动响应及传递率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了主动隔振体的非线性动力学方程,即有阻尼受迫振动Duffing方程;对求解强非线性自治系统的能量迭代方法加以改进,将其用于求解强非线性非自治系统,得到了主动隔振系统周期运动响应的解析表达式和振幅-频率关系曲线,并按新振动传递率定义研究了振动传递率与频率的关系.应用这一方法,获得了精度较高的周期解表达式、振幅与频率关系曲线以及位移传递率与频率关系曲线;得到了主动隔振问题的有关结果:对于非线性硬弹簧系统(α>0),随着非线性项系数增大,共振的振幅虽然减小,但传递率增大,故隔振效果较差;对于非线性软弹簧系统(α≤0),随着非线性项系数的绝对值增大,共振的振幅减小,同时传递率也减小,故非线性软弹簧系统(α≤0)具有较好的主动隔振.  相似文献   

讨论了容量有限逻辑环通信网中的门限服务方式和非门限服务方式。文章阐明两种服务方式的运行特点并建立数字模型、通过计算机编程,在相同条件下比较两种方式的系统和队列的各种工作特性参数。文中还针对典例描绘出特性曲线并由此得出结论:非门限服务方式的系统性能略优于门了限服务方式的系统性能。  相似文献   

为了研究航天工程经常采用的半球形容器中液体自由晃动的非线性现象,采用激光位移传感器测量了半球形容器中液体第一阶侧向晃动自由衰减时波高随时闻的变化情况,然后通过数据处理进一步得到了频率和阻尼比的时间历程.结果表明,整个晃动过程可以分为比较分明的非线性和线性2个部分;在非线性部分不论何种液深情况液体的大幅晃动都表现出软特性,这与矩形容器的情况有所区别,晃动过程中阻尼比随振幅的变化关系比较复杂.值得注意的是阻尼比第一次起伏结束的时刻与频率由上升过渡到平穗的时刻大体一致.  相似文献   

基于稳定泛函约束思想,推导了距离观测方程非线性平差的正则化共轭梯度法.该算法将稳定泛函约束作用于共轭梯度法,解决了共轭梯度法求解病态测距定位方程的不稳定甚至不收敛的问题,提高了正则化数值算法的收敛效率,最后采用模拟数据和水下定位实测数据进行了验证.实验结果表明,该算法具有较好的收敛稳定性,收敛效率优于迭代正则化算法.  相似文献   

在对典型反坦克弹药的目标特性和主动拦截弹药拦截交汇方式进行分析的基础上,进行了破片式拦截弹药威力场设计。选取了3种典型反坦克弹药,分析了其在高速破片和近场强冲击波作用下的毀伤模式,通过试验对破片式拦截弹威力进行了初歩验证。  相似文献   

通过重离子核反应^116Cd(^27Al,4n)与在束γ谱的实验技术,对A=130-140核区的奇A核139Pm的高自旋态进行了研究.根据γ-γ符合关系、γ射线的相对强度和各向异性度的测量结果,扩展并更新了^139Pm的能级纲图.实验观测到基于πh11/2和πg7/2 [πh11/2]^2(或者πd5/2 [πh11/2]^2)组态的转动带,利用已有的理论计算结果对这些转动带进行了解释.同时还观测到三个具有很强M1跃迁、旋称劈裂很小的△I=1的带.通过简单分析和系统学比较,指认了它们的组态,发现它们具备磁转动带的特性,很可能是磁转动带.  相似文献   

针对一类具有下三角结构的单输入单输出不确定非线性系统,研究其稳定控制问题.提出一种结构简单、收敛速度可控以及抗扰性能良好的基于Backstepping方法的串级主动补偿控制策略,实现了闭环系统的渐近稳定控制.为解决闭环系统中不确定非线性未知问题,设计一种新的观测器,使得这种观测器能够实时跟踪闭环系统的不确定非线性.通过引入奇异扰动性理论,给出了闭环系统稳定性分析.仿真实验结果验证了该控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   

研究土体在小应变条件下的应力一应变关系特征.以标准砂和粉砂为试样,利用GDS数字应力控制三轴仪进行特殊应力路径下的固结排水试验,在试验的基础上,将Puzrin&Burland的对数曲线型非线性模型、Goto等的正弦函数型非线性模型和传统的双曲线模型的土体应力一应变关系及弹性模量的模拟结果与试验结果进行对比.结果表明,小应变模型能够更好地反映土体在小应变下的变形特征.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Tan YW  Stormer HL  Kim P 《Nature》2005,438(7065):201-204
When electrons are confined in two-dimensional materials, quantum-mechanically enhanced transport phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect can be observed. Graphene, consisting of an isolated single atomic layer of graphite, is an ideal realization of such a two-dimensional system. However, its behaviour is expected to differ markedly from the well-studied case of quantum wells in conventional semiconductor interfaces. This difference arises from the unique electronic properties of graphene, which exhibits electron-hole degeneracy and vanishing carrier mass near the point of charge neutrality. Indeed, a distinctive half-integer quantum Hall effect has been predicted theoretically, as has the existence of a non-zero Berry's phase (a geometric quantum phase) of the electron wavefunction--a consequence of the exceptional topology of the graphene band structure. Recent advances in micromechanical extraction and fabrication techniques for graphite structures now permit such exotic two-dimensional electron systems to be probed experimentally. Here we report an experimental investigation of magneto-transport in a high-mobility single layer of graphene. Adjusting the chemical potential with the use of the electric field effect, we observe an unusual half-integer quantum Hall effect for both electron and hole carriers in graphene. The relevance of Berry's phase to these experiments is confirmed by magneto-oscillations. In addition to their purely scientific interest, these unusual quantum transport phenomena may lead to new applications in carbon-based electronic and magneto-electronic devices.  相似文献   

以MCM-41为模板合成高含氮量(质量分数为19.4%)的介孔氮杂碳(MCN),并用于负载高分散的纳米钯颗粒.在以水作溶剂的苯甲酸选择性加氢至环己基甲酸的反应中,Pd/MCN的活性是单纯活性炭(AC)负载的Pd催化剂的8.6倍.Pd/MCN在一系列苯甲酸衍生物的加氢反应中显示出较高的催化活性、选择性和稳定性.表征发现:MCN表面丰富的碱性位以及Pd和N之间的电子作用对苯甲酸加氢的活性具有重要的促进作用.  相似文献   

Calculation of electrostatic potentials in an enzyme active site   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
M K Gilson  B H Honig 《Nature》1987,330(6143):84-86
To be able to calculate the contributions of individual amino acids to the electrostatic field of a protein would be of considerable value in designing proteins of enhanced or altered function and stability. Recent studies on the serine protease subtilisin provide direct measurements of the electrostatic potential in the active site of the enzyme produced by two charged amino acids. We have used these results to test a recently developed method for the calculation of electrostatic interactions between two specific sites on a protein. The extent of agreement between the theoretical and experimental results suggests that the continuum solvent model used in the calculations reproduces the essential features of the interaction.  相似文献   

通过砌体单轴抗压试验分析了三种不同加载方式对生土基砌体抗压性能的影响,基于层次分析法确定了生土基砌体抗压强度测试的最优加载方式.研究结果表明:采用欧盟标准及改进国标进行加载,试件多发生竖向裂缝贯穿破坏,而美标加载方式下的试件多发生局部破坏;在三种加载方式中,改进国标加载方式下试件的抗压强度均值最小,分别为欧标及美标所测抗压强度均值的94%和82%;改进后的国标加载方式在试件受力状态、数据稳定性及完整性方面均存在优势,建议采用该加载方式测试生土基砌体的抗压强度.  相似文献   

应力敏感对储层的损害具有不可逆性,启动压力梯度导致油藏中出现不流动区;因此,界定海上低渗透油藏非线性渗流的渗透率下限对制定高效开发技术政策至关重要。分别选取珠江口盆地东部10块和17块典型低渗透岩芯开展应力敏感实验和启动压力梯度实验研究。通过实验结果分析,分别建立了应力敏感、启动压力梯度与油藏岩石渗透率的关系模型,定量表征了海上低渗透油藏非线性渗流特征。选用油藏实际参数,模拟计算应力敏感和启动压力梯度对产能的影响,界定了珠江口盆地东部低渗透油藏应力敏感渗透率下限为10×10-3μm2,启动压力梯度下限38×10-3μm2,以此指导南海东部低渗透油藏合理开发技术政策制定,从而为提高油田开发效果奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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