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巴丹吉林沙漠更新世古风向变化及环境意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
古大气环流研究旨在揭示高大沙山形成发育过程中地表风系的变化和大气环流形式。通过对巴丹吉林沙漠的沙山形态、沙山地层测年、古沙丘层理结构以及区域风况等的综合研究 ,表明末次间冰期以前该区主要受西风环流控制 ,地表盛行风向为西风 ,次为西北风 ,河湖水系较发育 ;末次冰期以来该区主要受东亚季风环流影响 ,地表盛行风向为西北风 ,次为西风 ,风沙活动居主导地位。古风向变化可能是青藏高原隆升对西风环流的阻挡与对东亚季风环流强化的具体表现  相似文献   

甘肃临夏盆地东山顶剖面沉积物磁组构特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测量了位于青藏高原东北边缘的临夏盆地东山顶剖面各段不同沉积沉积的磁组构参数,认为造成各段之间差异的主要原因之一是不同的沉积环境条件,其风成黄土段的特征主要同其母质来源方向有关,而其余各段的差异可能同青藏高原阶段性的隆升及由此造成的环境变化有关。  相似文献   

The result of measurements and analyses on magnetic fabrics data for the late Quaternary core at Caoyangxincun in Shanghai shows that abrupt changes of magnetic fabric curves coincide with the boundaries between the marine strata and underlying stiff clay. Littoral, neritic, subtidal and tidal flat facies in the marine strata have distinct magnetic fabric characteristics. The curves of the parameters,K, P, L, q, display clear boundaries between various facies, which could serve as a new method for the stratigraphic subdivision and correlation.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study in this paper for the lithosphere velocity structure, conductivity structure, density and magnetism structure at the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibetan) Plateau has been completed based on the data of gravity, geomagnetism, and magneto-telluric sounding (MTS), explosion seismology acquired on the comprehensive geophysical profile along Gyirong-Sangehu. It presents the deep and shallow structural features of blocks, suture zones, and faults. Meanwhile, the lithosphere structure at the east and west parts of the plateau has been crossstudied and the deep structure of the plateau and the geodynamic models have been discussed according to the geophysical data available for the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau.  相似文献   

研究了轻薄织物各向异性与接缝强力的关系,轻薄织物斜向强伸性对接缝强力有明显影响,织物斜向接缝强力主要与织物断裂伸长率有显著相关性,相关系数为0.7389。  相似文献   

Over 40 a observed temperature data in 172 stations in China and historical proxy data were analyzed. Evidence suggested that during 1980–1994, the warmest year appeared first in southeastern part of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau (henceforth SETP) and then gradually spread northwards and eastwards to eastern China. The climatic change on century time scale in recent 600 a shows 3 relatively warm and clod stages in China. Each warm and cold stage appeared first in Tibet Plateau (henceforth TP) and then in the Qilian Mountains, then in the eastern parts of China. The warm and cold stages in TP were 10–60 a earlier than in the eastern China. The facts show that TP is a pilot region of climatic fluctuation in China on the time scale shorter than 103a.  相似文献   

研究了轻薄织物各向异性与缝纫起皱的关系.随着织物斜向角度增加,织物低应力下织物伸长性能E5、E20、织物弯曲性能和织物成形性呈现明显的变化.织物45°方向成形性F值是织物经向的5.1倍(4.9×2tex全棉府绸织物)或7.8倍(经涤长丝纬棉涤短纤纱交织织物).织物斜向(θ~θ)缝条缝纫起皱得到改善,而缝纫上下层伸长性能差异会造成较严重缝纫起皱,(θ~θ)缝条在45°缝纫起皱较严重.  相似文献   

阿尔金山北麓晚新生代沉积物磁组构特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿尔金山北麓晚新生代沉积物比较敏感地记录了阿尔金山构造活动的历史.通过对若羌米兰河口剖面晚新生代沉积物沉积学和磁组构特征分析,发现中新世晚期以来该区地层沉积变化明显,岩石磁化率椭球体以压扁为主,磁面理发育,磁化率椭球体最小轴方向为NNE-SSW和NNW-SSE,推测阿尔金山晚新生代以来可能至少经历了中新世末-上新世初、晚上新世和中更新世三次重大构造活动历史.根据磁化率各向异性最小轴方向的变化,结合地层不整合关系、沉积物砾石成分和古水流方向变化以及区域研究成果,表明若羌一带地块晚上新世以来发生阶段性逆时针旋转,推断阿尔金断裂构造带的左走滑特征可能形成于晚上新世以后.  相似文献   

基于欧洲中期天气预报中心的ERA-interim再分析资料,应用统计和动力诊断方法,分析了初夏南亚高压(SAH)中心位置年际变化规律及其与青藏高原东南部热源异常的联系.结果显示:初夏SAH中心位置具有显著的准6 a变化特征,但仅有其经向位置与初春青藏高原东南部(SETP)大气潜热活动存在显著的负相关关系;与偏强的初春SETP潜热活动相联系,异常的西风出现在青藏高原的南侧20°N附近,偏西风异常北侧的正涡度异常及其南侧的负涡度异常,加强了青藏高原附近的异常气旋以及印度次大陆半岛及印度洋上空的异常反气旋,这一异常环流形势可以从初春一直维持到初夏,不利于SAH向北移动,最终导致初夏SAH中心位置偏南;反之,初春SETP异常偏弱的潜热活动将以大致相反的物理过程,最终使得初夏SAH中心位置偏北.冬末春初的SETP潜热活动是预报初夏SAH中心经向位置年际变化的一个关键信号.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地风成地貌类型与晚全新世古风况恢复   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用遥感图像的风成地貌形态和高分辨率古季风指标, 恢复柴达木盆地晚全新世以来的古风况, 揭示青藏高原抬升时期东亚季风变迁的历史。结果表明, 柴达木盆地晚全新世以来盛行西北风, 同时有少量西风和北风, 主要由亚洲冬季风控制, 夏季风和西风环流的影响甚微。盆地东部沙丘和雅丹地貌记录了末次盛冰期西风环流的风向, 中西部地区的风成地貌指示晚全新世以来盆地发育西北向的亚洲冬季风。青藏高原的抬升阻挡西风环流进入柴达木盆地, 并加强亚洲冬季风, 造成盆地内古风向的改变, 大气环流模式的转变发生在4000 aBP左右, 此时是柴达木盆地气候从暖湿转向冷干的重要节点。  相似文献   

运用SPSS软件包对甘肃省37个工业行业1999—2004年的工业总产值、从业人数、利润、利税总额等17项指标进行主成分分析,得出各个工业行业的综合实力及排序;将全省37个工业行业分为强势、一般、弱势三类.通过对强势行业与全国相关行业主要经济指标的分析和对比,提出了甘肃工业产业今后发展的主导产业及发展重点.  相似文献   

Guliya ice core records, high lake-level records in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and at its north side as well as vegetation succession records indicated that during the period of 30-40 kaBP, namely the later age of the megainterstadial of last glacial period, or the marine oxygen isotope stage 3, the climate of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau was exceptionally warm and humid, the temperature was 2-4℃ higher than today and the precipitation was 40% to over 100% higher than the current average, all these suggested the existence of an exceedingly strong summer monsoon event. It has been inferred that the occurrence of such an event was attributed, on the one hand, to the stronger summer low pressure over the Plateau, which strengthened the attraction to the summer monsoon; on the other hand, to the vigorous evaporation of the tropic ocean surface, which promoted the moisture-rich southwest monsoon to flow over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. The background responsible for the formation of the very strong summer monsoon was that the period of 30-40 kaBP was just in the strong insolation stage of the 20ka precessional cycle, when the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau received extraordinary strong solar radiation and thus enlarged the thermodynamical contrast between the Plateau and the mid-south part of the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

. 《科学通报(英文版)》2000,45(11):1015-1019
The Nangqen Basin is one of the typical shearing-extensional basins situated in the north part of the Hengduan Mts. Nine ages of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the basin by K-Ar isotope-dilution technique have been reported in the note. The apparent ages of whole rock and separated biotite range from 32.04 to 36.50 Ma. The40Ar-K (%) correlation isochronal line shows that there existed neither argon excessing, nor radiogenetic argon loosing, i.e. the age represents the true diagenetic time. Volcanic activity in this area occurred in the post-collision environment and is controlled by lithosphere substantial thickening and violent intercontinental shearing-strike slip faults. There is age difference of the magmatic activity in the east, the west and the north Tibet. The multi-periodic eruption-intrusion of the magmatic melt since Cenozoic is a tracer showing the pulsating uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

为了获取与研究织物拉伸破坏模式的时频特征,通过改变织物组织结构和纬纱密度织造4种不同织物,在常规织物强力仪上利用自主搭建的声发射检测系统,分别采集对应织物拉伸破坏过程中产生的动态声频信息,利用Matlab软件运行基于HHT方法编译的程序对所采集信息进行信号分析与处理。分析结果表明:织物拉伸过程的AE信号曲线与拉伸载荷-位移曲线完全对应,所表征的结构相变化、纱线形变以及纱线断裂3个破坏模式可明显区分;4种织物结构相变化阶段特征频率相同,均为100Hz,且来自同一来源——经纬纱间正交摩擦,与织物组织、密度无关,表现在持续时间、幅值、能量等声发射信号参量上,结构相变化阶段与纱线强力利用系数大小有关。  相似文献   

永磁直线波力发电机的磁场分析与参数计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了直接把海洋的波浪能转换为电能,提出了一种永磁直线波力发电机。设计了电机的结构。以一个定子模块数为3,振子永磁体磁极数为5的直线发电机为例,采用电磁场有限元方法分析了电机磁场和空载感应电动势,求解发电机定子绕组的电感参数,计算了发电机的功角特性曲面。对感应电动势的实验结果与计算结果进行比较,相对误差为6.8%。该型永磁直线波力发电机在振子速度为0.9m/s时最大输出功率可达80W,能够有效利用海洋波浪能发电。  相似文献   

洛阳二里头遗址南沉积剖面的粒度和磁化率分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洛阳盆地内二里头遗址南沉积剖面位于遗址所在二级阶地的前缘,属于河流堆积。对剖面的沉积物样品做了光释光测年及磁化率、粒度分析。结果表明:剖面沉积年代大致在2000~5000 aBP之间。剖面下部(113~123 cm)沉积物粒度较细,磁化率偏高,粒度曲线反映水流较弱的泛滥平原沉积环境,属河漫滩堆积;中部(90~113 cm)粒度较粗,磁化率较低,粒度曲线反映水动力较强的边滩–漫滩沉积环境,属河床边滩堆积;上部(0~90 cm)粒度变细,磁化率升高,粒度曲线反映水动力条件较弱的泛滥平原沉积环境,属河漫滩堆积。其中沿水平方向可见剖面中部的河床边滩堆积直接覆盖在二级阶地顶面的龙山时期灰坑之上,由此可以确认剖面中部地层记录了一场漫上了河流阶地的特大洪水事件,这一记录与孢粉分析得到的气候变化过程具有明显的相关性。4000 aBP前后异常洪水的出现和大洪水前后河流过程的变化,可能是对4200 aBP全球性气候异常事件的区域响应,对我国最早的都邑——二里头城址的选址有重要的影响。  相似文献   

The dry climate which appeared about 8#x2013;7 Ma ago in South Asia has been interpreted as results of the intensification of Asian monsoon caused by the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau at its maximum altitude around that time. Whether it is or not, it is a critical problem. A total of 55 samples were taken from the Tertiary red earth and Quaternary lacustrine deposits and loess in the Linxia Basin which is located in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, for the analysis of quartz types and contents using electron probe microanalyzer. The results indicate that the eolian sands have existed since 15Ma and reached its maximum content at 8 and 6#x2013;5 Ma, respectively. This means that the climate was very dry during 8-5 Ma period in western China, which was regarded as the result of global climatic change at that time. Mean size of quartz sand grains was about 0.4 mm during 15#x2013;3.6/2.6 Ma period and dropped to 0.1–0.07 mm dramatically after 3.6–2.6 Ma. This demonstrates that the local eolian deposition was decreased significantly and even disappeared since Late Pliocene and was replaced by dust deposits from distal source, suggesting the uplift of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the change of air circulation after 3.6–2.6 Ma.  相似文献   

The age of the clastic-clay sediments with varied content of carbonate in core TS95 taken from the Lake Tianshuihai in the northwest of the Tibetan Plateau was determined successfully by using the total sample dissolution U-series isochron method for the first time. With this method, the serial absolute timescale (isotope time scale) covered the last 240 ka in the main body of the Tibetan Plateau with a sea level up to 4000 m is also established for the first time, thereby laying the foundation for the research on the paleoclimate and palaeoenvironment in the Lake Tianshuihai region as well as the relationship between evolution of the Tibetan Plateau and global changes. In addition to a brief introduction of the basic principles, the procedures of experiments, and the results, this note also presents the adaptability and superiority of this method as well as its possible problems.  相似文献   

通过对甘肃陇东黄土高原区的生态环境现状和成因的分析,指出人类的掠夺性行为加速了本区脆弱生态环境的恶变,并提出了陇东黄土高原区生态环境建设与可持续农业发展的对策。  相似文献   

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