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Visualservocontrolhasbeenanactiveareaofre searchformanyyears.Since1973,therehasbeen significantprogressonvisualservoingcontrol[1],and severalspecialissuesonvisualservoinghavebeen published[2,3].Therearetwobasicapproachestovi sualservocontrol[1]:Position BasedVisualServoing(PBVS)andImage BasedVisualServoing(IBVS).InPBVSsystem,theobject’s3Dposeisrecovered throughcomputervisionandtheerrorbetweenthe currentposeandthedesiredposeiscomputedinthe Cartesiantaskspace.Estimationof3Dmotionsfrom…  相似文献   

Compared with wheeled or tracked robots , legged robots exhibit advantages on agile locomotion and higher survival chance for deadly impacts .A buffering strategy is proposed for quadruped robots with non-extreme initial attitudes from the end of air-righting to the steady standing on the ground . This approach consists of landing phase , buffering phase and recovering phase .The variable stiff-ness control, proportional-derivative(PD) force control and foot trajectory planning are applied to the joints of quadruped robots until the end of the recovering phase .The PD parameters are tuned according to the desired performance of each phase .The above approach is verified on a virtual plat-form.  相似文献   

The extended Gabor function model for visual receptive field ( RF) was modified by substituting the term related to time with two-order integral kernel of F function to generate a new model called modified Gabor function model of RF. A set of the modified Gabor models (MGM) can present the major spatiotemporal properties of neuronal receplive fields at different levels of primary visual pathway. The transient responses, dynamic properties of RF simulated by MGM, are in good agreement with the observations in electrophysiological experiments.  相似文献   

In the proposed visual cryptography schemes for general access structures, the single secret image black-and-white visual cryptography schemes with meaningful shares have been constructed, in which the shares are innocent looking images. The meaningful shares have not been realized in single secret image color schemes; neither have the multi secret images color schemes. In this paper, the multi secret images color visual cryptography schemes for general access structures with meaningful shares are constructed by the method of matrix concatenation, the pixel expansion is obtained, and the validity of the scheme is proven. In our scheme, the different combination of meaningful color shares can be used to recover distinct color secret images. The multi secret images black-and-white visual cryptography scheme is a special case of our color scheme.  相似文献   

A decentralized generalized predictive control (GPC) algorithm is developed for strongly coupled multi-input multi-output systems with parallel computation. The algorithm is applied to adaptive control of structural vibration. The key steps in this algorithm are to group the actuators and the sensors and then to pair these groups into subsystems. It is important that the on-line identification and the control law design can be a parallel process for all these subsystems. It avoids the high computation cost in ordinary predictive control,and is of great advantage especially for large-scale systems.  相似文献   

The cognitive model ABGP is a special model for agents , which consists of awareness , beliefs, goals and plans .The ABGP agents obtain the knowledge directly from the natural scenes only through some single preestablished rules like most agent architectures .Inspired by the biological vis-ual cortex ( V1 ) and the higher brain areas perceiving the visual feature , deep convolution neural networks ( CNN) are introduced as a visual pathway into ABGP to build a novel visual awareness module .Then a rat-robot maze search simulation platform is constructed to validate that CNN can be used for the awareness module of ABGP .According to the simulation results , the rat-robot imple-mented by the ABGP with the CNN awareness module reaches the excellent performance of recogniz-ing guideposts , which directly enhances the capability of the communication between the agent and the natural scenes and improves the ability to recognize the real world , which successfully demon-strates that an agent can independently plan its path in terms of the natural scenes .  相似文献   

A direct Lyapunov-based control law is presented to perform on-orbit stability for spacecraft attitude maneuvers. Spacecraft attitude kinematic equations and dynamic equations are coupled, nonlinear, multi-input multi-output(MIMO), which baffles controller design. Orbit angular rates are taken into account in kinematic equations and influence of gravity gradient moments and disturbance moments on the spacecraft attitude in dynamic equations is considered to approach the practical environment, which enhance the problem complexity to some extent. Based on attitude tracking errors and angular rates, a Lyapunov function is constructed, through which the stabilizing feedback control law is deduced via Lie derivation of the Lyapunov function. The proposed method can deal with the case that the spacecraft is subjected to mass property variations or centroidal inertia matrix variations due to fuel assumption or flexibility, and disturbance moments, which shows the proposed controller is robust for spacecraft attitude maneuvers. The unlimited controller and the limited controller are taken into account respectively in simulations. Simulation results are demonstrated to validate effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of prostate diseases by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in vivo is sometimes difficult for the lower signal to noise ratio (SNR). To increase the SNR of the prostate image, we designed a RF coil that can be inserted into rectum and was named endorectal coil. The properties of RF coil were evaluated using a network analyzer. Moreover the images and spectroscopy of a special phantom were acquired and the results were compared to those of the commercial TORSO coil (G.E. Medical Systems, USA). Our coil gave a significantly higher SNR at the region of interest (ROI). The achieved high local SNR and resulting high spatial resolution would add more anatomic and biochemical information to the diagnosis of prostate diseases.  相似文献   

The visual spatial attention mechanism in the brain was studied in 16 young subjects through the visual search paradigm of precue-target by the event-related potential (ERP) technique, with the attentive ranges cued by different scales of Chinese character and region cues. The results showed that the response time for Chinese character cues was much longer than that for region cues especially for small region cues. With the exterior interferences, the target stimuli recognition under region cues was much quicker than that under Chinese character cues. Compared with that under region cues, targets under Chinese character cues could lead to increase of the posterior P1, decrease of the N1 and increase of the P2. It should also be noted that the differences between region cues and Chinese character cues were affected by the interference types. Under exterior interferences, no significant difference was found between region cues and Chinese character cues; however, it was not the case under the interior interferences. Considering the difference between the exterior interferences and the interior interferences, we could conclude that with the increase of difficulty in target recognition there was obvious difference in the consumption of anterior frontal resources by target stimuli under the two kinds of cues.  相似文献   

Based on the clonal selection theory and immune memory theory, a novel artificial immune system algorithm, immune memory clonal programming algorithm (IMCPA), is put forward. Using the theorem of Markov chain, it is proved that IMCPA is convergent. Compared with some other evolutionary programming algorithms (like Breeder genetic algorithm), IMCPA is shown to be an evolutionary strategy capable of solving complex machine learning tasks, like high-dimensional function optimization, which maintains the diversity of the population and avoids prematurity to some extent, and has a higher convergence speed.  相似文献   

Metabolic information obtained by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (1H-MRSI) has been approved to be a powerful tool to identify either benign or malignant glioma, as well as to confirm the tumor level. However, 1H-MRSI data are affected by various factors, such as the thermal noise, eddy currents, susceptibility artifacts, and rigid body motion. To get accurate quantitative metabolic information, the key problem is to assess the 1H-MRSI data quality. In this paper, we introduce a new evaluating system to filter the data, and a new method, called wavelet denoising method, to improve the data quality under the evaluating system. Experimental results on 1H-MRSI glioma data demonstrate that preprocessing is prerequisite and the proposed algorithm with evaluating system is effective.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to improve human visual perceptual quality as well as coding efficiency of H. 264 video at low bit rate conditions by adaptively adjusting the number of skipped frames. The encoding frames are selected according to the motion activity of each frame and the motion accumulation of successive frames. The motion activity analysis is based on the statistics of motion vectors and with consider- ation of the characteristics of H. 264 coding standard. A prediction model of motion accumulation is pro- posed to reduce complex computation of motion estimation. The dynamic encoding frame rate control algorithm is applied to both the frame level and the GOB (Group of Macroblocks ) level. Simulation is done to compare the performance of JM76 with the proposed frame level scheme and GOB level scheme.  相似文献   

The hydraulic fracture in rock salt is a complicated solid fluid and mass transfer coupling process. Through theoretical analysis, a solid fluid and mass transfer coupling mathematical model of hydraulic fracture in rock salt is established in this work, and numerical simulations are carried out with the model. The simulation results indicate that rock salt cracks in the typical way of wing-crack(or tensile crack) during the fracture, and the relation of fracture aperture (w) with expanding distance (x) and fracture time (t) is w=(0.0034+0.0006t)e(0.0007+0.0018t)x. Furthermore, it has been found that both the water pressure in the crack and the expanding velocity of the crack decrease gradually as a result of the influence of salt dissolving during fracturing. These numerical simulations well illustrate the process of hydraulic fracture in rock salt and are significantly meaningful in engineering practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, NetSLab network platform for remote collaborative pseudo-dynamic testing, which was developed recently by a research group led by the Hunan University, is presented. Aiming at MTS system which is widely used in structural testing, the control method with acquisition board was investigated in this study to realize the communication interface between NetSLab and MTS system, and open up the remote collaborative pseudo-dynamic testing system. Using the developed testing system, a collaborative pseudo-dynamic testing on LAN was carried out successfully. The result manifests that the data transmission and collaborative control can be implemented accurately between NetSLab and MTS system, so that the usability of the testing system is validated.  相似文献   

For simulating multi-scale complex flow fields like turbulent flows, the high order accurate schemes are preferred. In this paper, a scheme construction with numerical flux residual correction (NFRC) is presented. Any order accurate difference approximation can be obtained with the NFRC. To improve the resolution of the shock, the constructed schemes are modified with group velocity control (GVC) and weighted group velocity control (WGVC). The method of scheme construction is simple, and it is used to solve practical problems.  相似文献   

Through our previous experimental and analytical studies, it has been discovered that the key for the development of vibration milling is the impact chaos control and stress release. The necessities for the chaos control and stress release are: (i) to strictly eliminate the sub-harmonics; (ii) to control the super-harmonics to a lower level and (iii) to load the system compressively with relatively higher period, in order that the vibration energy can be absorbed by the particles effectively and sufficiently. A new vibration model for ultra fine milling is proposed, which has wide applications in preparing ultra fine particles.  相似文献   

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