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The aerodynamic roughness z0m' the thermodynamic roughness zoh and the excess resistance to heat transfer kB are analyzed with the data obtained from Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment ( GEWEX) Asian Monsoon Experiment on Tibetan Plateau (GAME/Tibet) in the Intensive Observation Period (IOP). 1998. Some new concepts on the aerodynamic and thermodynamic parameters over the grassy marshland surface of the Tibetan Plateau are proposed.  相似文献   

The sensible and latent heat fluxes during the transition season over the western Tibetan Plateau from the NCEP-1 (NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1), AR-II (NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2) and ERA40 reanalysis datasets were compared and analyzed. The results show that the phase change in soil moisture has a significant effect on the sensible and latent heat fluxes over the western Tibetan Plateau (TP) due to the freezing–thawing processes during the transition from the dry to the wet period. The uncertainties in the sensible and latent heat fluxes over the western TP are quite high in the reanalysis data, and depend largely on the success of the soil moisture simulations in the models. Improving the hydrological process simulations in the land-surface models in seasonally frozen ground and in the active frozen soil layer may be an effective way of enhancing the reliability of the surface heat fluxes from the reanalysis data over the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

青藏高原地面抬升证据讨论   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
当前学术界在青藏高原地面何时达到现代高度问题上存在着许多不同观点,概括起来主要有3种:14Ma前已达到高于现代的最大高度,8Ma前已达到或超过现代高度,距今3.4Ma来分阶中强烈上升并逐步达到现代高度,之所以出现如此大的意见分歧,除高原面积广阔,研究程度不深和覆盖面不够的原因外,不同研究者所使用研究方法和证据的差异也是重要因素,在分析了各种证据对高原地面上升的记录机理后,我们认为夷平面、河流附地,  相似文献   

 由于地形地貌的复杂性,国际对青藏高原及其邻近地区的地表过程观测研究持续关注,中国高寒区地表过程与环境观测研究网络也逐渐形成。整合了中国科学院的17个野外观测站,针对中国高寒区特有的大气、冰川、冻土、湖泊、高寒生态系统等地表过程开展长期观测。通过推动建立规范的观测指标体系,逐渐统一观测仪器设施,开展数据集成与共享等,野外站的观测研究能力得到显著提升,产出了一批具有国际影响力的高水平科研成果,如发现青藏高原降水具有西风、季风和二者过渡区3大模态等,为区域经济社会发展的决策提供了科学依据。未来,野外观测站会统筹长期观测与有限目标的关系,建设高寒网科学数据平台,更好地服务和支撑国家重大科技任务和战略需求。  相似文献   

The exchange of energy and water between the lithosphere and atmosphere mainly takes place at the ground surface. Therefore, freeze/thaw condition at the ground surface is an important factor in ex- amining the interactions between the land surface and atmosphere. Based on the observation data obtained by CEOP/CAMP-Tibet, the diurnal freeze/thaw cycles of the ground surface near Naqu, central Tibetan Plateau was preliminarily analyzed. The results show that the surface layer was completely frozen for approximately one month. However, the time that the ground surface experienced diurnal freeze/thaw cycles was about 6 months. The high frequency of freeze/thaw cycles at the ground surface significantly influences water and energy exchanges between ground and atmosphere over half a year. The interaction processes between the ground and atmosphere under different soil conditions (such as complete thaw, complete freeze and diurnal freeze/thaw cycles) are issues worthy of further examina- tion.  相似文献   

平衡剖面反映的柴西新生代变形对青藏高原隆升的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柴达木盆地为一中新生代盆地,位于青藏高原北缘,盆内中新生代地层发育很好地记录了印度一欧亚板块自约55Ma以来碰撞传到高原北缘的地质事件.在最新的高精度磁性地层绝对年代控制下,通过盆内西部五条北东-南西向地震大剖面,用平衡剖面方法恢复了新生代以来盆地因两大板块碰撞而引起的地壳收敛缩短量.结果显示:在宏观上柴西地区存在两个相对快速收缩期:早始新世-渐新世和晚中新世或上新世-现今(E_(1+2)末-N_1,43.80~22.00Ma和N~2_2或N_2~3-现今,8.20或2.65~0Ma)和两个相对较弱收缩期:中生代末-早始新世和渐新世-晚中新世(M_z-E_(1+2)初期,65.00~43.80Ma和N_1末-N~2_2,22.00~2.65Ma)以及两个主要的断裂活动期次,早期路乐河组末-下干柴沟组上段时期(E_(1+2)-E_3~2)和晚期上油砂山组至今(N~2_2-Q).在微观上,盆地内部受自身断裂活动的控制,发育了独特的形态.表明在印欧板块碰撞高原隆升的早期,柴西地区就开始变形响应,随后盆地在整个新生代发展过程中,都处于板块碰撞高原隆升的大环境影响下而发生整体的变形缩短,同时自身的断裂活动控制了盆地的微观形态.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the work from the INQUA 1997 Project "Response of soil formation to short-warm-episodes of Asian summer monsoon" and its seeded related international and domestic grants. It reviews the effects of the millennial monsoonal changes on the loess- paleosols of the Chinese Loess and Tibetan Plateaus. High-resolution proxy records of pedogenesis and monsoons demonstrate that both Asian winter and summer monsoons were unstable and synchronously and inversely coupled during the last glaciation. During that time rapid episodic cycles of cold surges and warm enhancements spanned only ca. 1-2 ka in high- frequency domain. Sub-Milankovitch cycles (6-8 ka) of progressive cooling or weakening in low- frequency domain generally resembled the pattern of the North Atlantic climatic change. However, during the last interglacial, Asian winter and summer monsoons seemed to vary independently, the former being stable and the later unstable. Soil formation seems to occur in surprisingly fast response to the summer monsoon warm enhancements, resulting in weakly or moderately developed paleosol sequences. North Atlantic and polar cold air surges though the westerlies and other paths, and the north-south swing of the westerlies beside the Tibetan Plateau, may be the alternative mechanisms for the rapid monsoonal changes during the last glacial. But in the last interglacial, the summer monsoons worked largely independently.  相似文献   

文章对国际地震中心陨杂悦(International Seismological Centre)和美国地质调查所震中初定报告孕阅耘(The Preliminary Determination of Epicentres Bulletin)提供的地震数据资料,以及西藏大学地震台网收集的地震数据资料进行分析研究。结果显示,青藏高原属于地质构造与地震活动极为活跃的区域,自1900年以来曾发生过3780次以上地震;青藏高原内部的地震绝大部分都属于浅源地震(源深度小于50km),以拉萨为中心的周边地区属浅源地震的高频率发震区。  相似文献   

Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and environmental changes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Major progress, problems, and challenges of recent investigation of the Tibetan Plateau uplift processes and resulting environmental changes are reviewed and summarized briefly, which especially covers the National Tibetan Research Projects of the Chinese Eighth (1992-1996) and Ninth (1997-2001) "Five-Year Projects". The Tibetan Plateau uplift is a complicated multiple cyclic process. The Gangdise and Himalayas began to uplift in the Middle Eocene and Early Miocene respectively, while the main part of the Plateau merely underwent corresponding passive deformation and secular denudation, resulting in two planation surfaces. The third and also the strongest uplift involved the whole Plateau and its marginal mountains commenced at 3.6 Ma. Successive Kunlun-Huanghe movement at 1.1-0.6 Ma and Gonghe movement at 0.15 Ma raised the Plateau to its present height. The Asian monsoonal system and Asian natural environment formed in response to these tectonic uplifts.  相似文献   

The content and hydrogen isotope ratios of n-alkanes extracted from recent lake surface sediments sampled from nine lakes in three different climate zones on the Southwestern Tibetan Plateau were analyzed.Values were compared with n-alkanes in plants from lake drainages,and dD values of meteoric water,lake water,and mean annual precipitation.The results showed that n-C23was predominantly derived from aquatic plants,and n-C27–n-C33from terrestrial higher plants.The average carbon chain length of n-C27–n-C33(ACL27–33)was positively correlated with the mean annual precipitation.dD values of the long-chain n-alkanes n-C29and n-C31of terrestrial origin(varying between-214%and-169%,and-226%and-185%,respectively)were inversely correlated with mean annual precipitation;but in accordance with the average annual variations in dD(OIPC),dD values of n-C31were strongly related to the dD values of growing season meteoric water(R2=0.74).The large difference between dD values of n-C23of aquatic origin and n-C31(an average of about 27%)demonstrates the enrichment of the lake water dD compared to precipitation,caused by strong evaporation in the semiarid–arid areas of the southwestern Tibetan Plateau.Average value of en C25 31=p(-95%)is evidently higher than the value observed in European wet regions(-128%);besides,en C31(about-116%)is constant along the study transect(SD=9),which indicates that n-C31is a useful proxy for the environment.  相似文献   

青藏高原近地面层气象要素变化特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用第2次青藏高原气象科学实验(TIPEX)1998年5-7月改则、当雄和昌都3个大气边界层加强观测站获取的近地面层观测资料,分析了青藏高原西部、中部和东部地区近地面层风速、温度和湿度的日变化特征及其廓线规律,给出了青藏高原地区地表空气动力学参数和地表温度变化规律,讨论了高原近地面层湍流通量特征及逆湿现象。  相似文献   

利用微脉冲激光雷达探测资料,采用梯度法获取那曲地区夏季的混合层高度序列及日最大混合层高度;利用每日两次(08:00和20:00)的探空资料结合地面最大位温,采用气块法得到雷达探测对应日期的日最大混合层高度(MMH)。通过对比从不同资料得到的MMH,发现08:00探空反演结果与激光雷达结果有较好的一致性(相关系数R为0.85,均方根误差RMSE为0.30 km,平均绝对误差MAE为0.25 km,并通过显著性水平为0.95的t检验);20:00探空反演结果则与激光雷达结果偏差相对较大(R为0.84,RMSE为0.67 km,MAE为0.54 km,未通过t检验)。分析产生偏差的原因发现,探空时刻的残余层、前期的天气变化过程以及对流泡活动或强卷夹过程引起的混合层高度时空变化等都可能是导致20:00高度结果与激光雷达结果不一致的原因,使得20:00探空资料不适合进行最大混合高度的反演。位温廓线的日变化特征也会影响反演结果的准确性,导致08:00探空结果偏高,但可以通过统计订正做修正。  相似文献   

利用耦合地球系统模式(CESM1.0),通过对比有青藏高原的控制试验和无青藏高原的敏感性试验,定性地分析青藏高原对不同季节北大西洋深水(NADW)形成的影响机制.研究结果表明,青藏高原对NADW形成的影响机制因季节而异.移除青藏高原后,NADW形成将会减弱,冷季(北半球10月—次年3月)NADW形成的显著减弱是由海洋表...  相似文献   

应用奇异值分解(SVD)技术,研究了青藏高原地面加热场与东亚地区上空500hPa高度场及其东侧川渝地区春季气温场的时空联系和冷暖异常成因.结果表明:前期冬季青藏高原地面加热场与后期春季高度场的第1模态代表了两场间的主要耦合特征,具有显著的时空相关;前期冬季青藏高原地面加热场通过影响后期春季500hPa高度场,导致未来春季大气环流变化,是造成川渝地区春季气温异常的重要原因.    相似文献   

A comprehensive study in this paper for the lithosphere velocity structure, conductivity structure, density and magnetism structure at the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibetan) Plateau has been completed based on the data of gravity, geomagnetism, and magneto-telluric sounding (MTS), explosion seismology acquired on the comprehensive geophysical profile along Gyirong-Sangehu. It presents the deep and shallow structural features of blocks, suture zones, and faults. Meanwhile, the lithosphere structure at the east and west parts of the plateau has been crossstudied and the deep structure of the plateau and the geodynamic models have been discussed according to the geophysical data available for the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau.  相似文献   

 过去全球变化研究是人类认识气候与环境变化事实与规律,客观评价现代环境在气候与环境发展历史中位置的重要手段,能够为未来气候与环境变化的预测提供科学的检验工具。介绍了湖泊沉积物环境代用指标与气候要素关系定量化的研究,简要回顾利用湖泊沉积物重建高原最近2万年环境变化历史研究成果,阐述高原湖泊沉积对气候变化的敏感响应。  相似文献   

利用热带测雨卫星上测雨雷达的探测结果,考察了青藏高原与东亚及热带地区降水廓线的异同.结果表明高原深厚弱对流降水为高原上最主要的降水类型,占降水总样本近90%,而对总降水量的贡献超过70%,其雨顶高度接近海拔13 km,最大降水率出现在近地面.高原与陆面(非高原地区)及洋面的降水廓线差异主要表现在:①高原上缺少陆面和洋面上的层云降水;②高原深厚对流降水云团在垂直方向上只有2层,难以从平均廓线中辨认深厚降水云团中的冰水混合层和冰晶过冷水层;③高原深厚强对流降水在垂直方向的厚度受到了"压缩",平均最大厚度约10 km,显著小于陆面及洋面地区的平均厚度;④高原深厚弱对流降水平均廓线斜率大于其他地区对流降水平均廓线斜率,表明8 km以上的降水率垂直变率大,由此将释放出更多的潜热,造成显著高于周边地区的对中高层大气的加热.  相似文献   

青藏高原大气降水化学组分特征及来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究青藏高原大气降水无机离子组成特征及来源,2008年5~8月,在定日和聂拉木地区利用自动降水采集系统采集大气降水样品,并利用离子色谱对Cl-、NO3 -、SO42 -、NH4+、K+、Na+、Ca2、Mg2+8种无机离子浓度进行了分析.结果表明:定日、聂拉木降水中总离子浓度分别为390.6μeq·L-1和238.8 μeq·L-1,Ca2+浓度最高,分别为217.9 μeq·L-1和71.0 μeq·L-1,分别占离子总浓度的55.8%和29.7%.海洋源对定日降水中Cl-、SO42 -、K+、Mg2+和Ca2的贡献比例分别为98.3%、10.0%、29.3%、4.0%和0.7%;聂拉木分别为98.9%、45.0%、46.0%、16.7%、3.1%.气团后向轨迹结果表明:来自孟加拉、印度东北部和尼泊尔等地区的污染气团可能是定日和聂拉木降水中NO3 -、SO42 -的主要来源.  相似文献   

Temperature variations on the Tibetan Plateau over the last two millennia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The paleoclimate data recovered from ice cores,tree rings and lake sediments indicate regional features of cfimatic change on the Tibeta n Plateau (TP) during the last 2000 years. The composite temperature reconstructions in-dicate that several main climatic episodes, such as the “LittleIce Age“ between 1400 and 1900, the “Medieval Warm Pe-riod“ in 1150-1400, a less warm period in 800-1100, and an earlier cold period between the 3rd and 5th centuries,occurred in the TP. In addition, temperature varied from region to region. The period from AD 800 to 1100, which waswarm in northeastern TP, was contemporaneous with cool-ing in the western and southern TP. The southern TP ex-perienced warming between 1150 and 1400. For western TP,the δ^18O records of the Guliya ice core indicate that the pe-Hod 1250-1500 witnessed a clear warming. Large-scaletrends in the temperature history from northeastern TP aremore similar to those in eastern China than are the trendsfrom the Guliya ice cap far to the west and southern TP. The most prominent similarities between the temperature varia-tions of the TP and eastern China are such cold phases as 1100-1150, 1500-1550, 1650-1700 and 1800-1850, andthe latter three cold events match with three widespreadg lacial advances which occurred on the TP during the Little Ice A2e.  相似文献   

利用耦合的气候模式CESM, 定量研究青藏高原对全球大气温度和水汽分布的影响。通过对比采用真实地形的参考实验(Real)和去掉青藏高原的敏感性实验(NoTibet)发现, 去掉青藏高原会使北半球大气变冷、变干, 对南半球的影响不明显。北半球中高纬度从地表至平流层均有强烈降温, 地表的降温中心在北大西洋, 年平均降温幅度达5ºC, 高空的降温中心在100 hPa的平流层, 年平均降温幅度达2ºC。北大西洋和南亚地区湿度减少, 南大西洋和东非地区湿度增加。北半球变冷主要是海洋向北经向热量输送减少的结果, 一方面增强了北半球的经向温度梯度, 导致Hadley环流增强, 加强了中低纬地区向北的大气热量输送, 部分补偿了海洋向北减少的热量输送, 维持了北半球中低纬度的能量平衡; 另一方面, 使得北半球中高纬度蒸发作用减弱, 大气中水汽含量减少, 北半球变得寒冷干燥。初步的研究表明, 青藏高原对北半球气候有重大影响, 影响范围可达北半球高纬度地区。  相似文献   

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