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Using transgenic mice expressing human cystatin C (encoded by CST3), we show that cystatin C binds soluble amyloid-beta peptide and inhibits cerebral amyloid deposition in amyloid-beta precursor protein (APP) transgenic mice. Cystatin C expression twice that of the endogenous mouse cystatin C was sufficient to substantially diminish amyloid-beta deposition. Thus, cystatin C has a protective role in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis, and modulation of cystatin C concentrations may have therapeutic implications for the disease.  相似文献   

We present a genome-wide association study of ileal Crohn disease and two independent replication studies that identify several new regions of association to Crohn disease. Specifically, in addition to the previously established CARD15 and IL23R associations, we identified strong and significantly replicated associations (combined P < 10(-10)) with an intergenic region on 10q21.1 and a coding variant in ATG16L1, the latter of which was also recently reported by another group. We also report strong associations with independent replication to variation in the genomic regions encoding PHOX2B, NCF4 and a predicted gene on 16q24.1 (FAM92B). Finally, we demonstrate that ATG16L1 is expressed in intestinal epithelial cell lines and that functional knockdown of this gene abrogates autophagy of Salmonella typhimurium. Together, these findings suggest that autophagy and host cell responses to intracellular microbes are involved in the pathogenesis of Crohn disease.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD), an autosomal dominant, progressive neurodegenerative disorder, is caused by an expanded CAG repeat sequence leading to an increase in the number of glutamine residues in the encoded protein. The normal CAG repeat range is 5-36, whereas 38 or more repeats are found in the diseased state; the severity of disease is roughly proportional to the number of CAG repeats. HD shows anticipation, in which subsequent generations display earlier disease onsets due to intergenerational repeat expansion. For longer repeat lengths, somatic instability of the repeat size has been observed both in human cases at autopsy and in transgenic mouse models containing either a genomic fragment of human HD exon 1 (ref. 9) or an expanded repeat inserted into the endogenous mouse gene Hdh (ref. 10). With increasing repeat number, the protein changes conformation and becomes increasingly prone to aggregation, suggesting important functional correlations between repeat length and pathology. Because dinucleotide repeat instability is known to increase when the mismatch repair enzyme MSH2 is missing, we examined instability of the HD CAG repeat by crossing transgenic mice carrying exon 1 of human HD (ref. 16) with Msh2-/- mice. Our results show that Msh2 is required for somatic instability of the CAG repeat.  相似文献   

A genome-wide association scan in individuals with Crohn's disease by the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium detected strong association at four novel loci. We tested 37 SNPs from these and other loci for association in an independent case-control sample. We obtained replication for the autophagy-inducing IRGM gene on chromosome 5q33.1 (replication P = 6.6 x 10(-4), combined P = 2.1 x 10(-10)) and for nine other loci, including NKX2-3, PTPN2 and gene deserts on chromosomes 1q and 5p13.  相似文献   

Vacuolar-vesicular protein sorting (Vps) factors are involved in vesicular trafficking in eukaryotic cells. We identified the missense mutation L967Q in Vps54 in the wobbler mouse, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and also characterized a lethal allele, Vps54(beta-geo). Motoneuron survival and spermiogenesis are severely compromised in the wobbler mouse, indicating that Vps54 has an essential role in these processes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the peripheral myelin protein gene, PMP-22, in a family with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A). The DNA duplication commonly found in CMT1A was absent in this family, but strong linkage existed between the disease and the CMT1A marker VAW409R3 on chromosome 17p11.2. We found a point mutation in PMP-22 which was completely linked with the disease. The mutation, a proline for leucine substitution in the first putative transmembrane domain, is identical to that recently found in the Trembler-J mouse. The presence of this PMP-22 defect in this CMT1A family and the location of PMP-22 within the DNA duplication associated with CMT1A suggest that both structural alteration and overexpression of PMP-22 may lead to the disease.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of Hirschsprung disease, a common congenital malformation, have identified eight genes with mutations that can be associated with this condition. Mutations at individual loci are, however, neither necessary nor sufficient to cause clinical disease. We conducted a genome-wide association study in 43 Mennonite family trios using 2,083 microsatellites and single-nucleotide polymorphisms and a new multipoint linkage disequilibrium method that searches for association arising from common ancestry. We identified susceptibility loci at 10q11, 13q22 and 16q23; the gene at 13q22 is EDNRB, encoding a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) and the gene at 10q11 is RET, encoding a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK). Statistically significant joint transmission of RET and EDNRB alleles in affected individuals and non-complementation of aganglionosis in mouse intercrosses between Ret null and the Ednrb hypomorphic piebald allele are suggestive of epistasis between EDNRB and RET. Thus, genetic interaction between mutations in RET and EDNRB is an underlying mechanism for this complex disorder.  相似文献   

Initially identified in high-grade gliomas, mutations in the PTEN tumor-suppressor are also found in many sporadic cancers and a few related autosomal dominant hamartoma syndromes. PTEN is a 3'-specific phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3) phosphatase and functions as a negative regulator of PI3K signaling. We generated a tissue-specific deletion of the mouse homolog Pten to address its role in brain function. Mice homozygous for this deletion (PtenloxP/loxP;Gfap-cre), developed seizures and ataxia by 9 wk and died by 29 wk. Histological analysis showed brain enlargement in PtenloxP/loxP;Gfap-cre mice as a consequence of primary granule-cell dysplasia in the cerebellum and dentate gyrus. Pten mutant cells showed a cell-autonomous increase in soma size and elevated phosphorylation of Akt. These data represent the first evidence for the role of Pten and Akt in cell size regulation in mammals and provide an animal model for a human phakomatosis condition, Lhermitte-Duclos disease (LDD).  相似文献   

Gliomas are the most common primary malignant brain tumours and are classified into four clinical grades, with the most aggressive tumours being grade 4 astrocytomas (also known as glioblastoma multiforme; GBM). Frequent genetic alterations in GBMs (refs 2-5) result in stimulation of common signal transduction pathways involving Ras, Akt and other proteins. It is not known which of these pathways, if any, are sufficient to induce GBM formation. Here we transfer, in a tissue-specific manner, genes encoding activated forms of Ras and Akt to astrocytes and neural progenitors in mice. We found that although neither activated Ras nor Akt alone is sufficient to induce GBM formation, the combination of activated Ras and Akt induces high-grade gliomas with the histological features of human GBMs. These tumours appear to arise after gene transfer to neural progenitors, but not after transfer to differentiated astrocytes. Increased activity of RAS is found in many human GBMs (ref. 11), and we show here that Akt activity is increased in most of these tumours, implying that combined activation of these two pathways accurately models the biology of this disease.  相似文献   

Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been the focus of much attention in human genetics because they are extremely abundant and well-suited for automated large-scale genotyping. Human SNPs, however, are less informative than other types of genetic markers (such as simple-sequence length polymorphisms or microsatellites) and thus more loci are required for mapping traits. SNPs offer similar advantages for experimental genetic organisms such as the mouse, but they entail no loss of informativeness because bi-allelic markers are fully informative in analysing crosses between inbred strains. Here we report a large-scale analysis of SNPs in the mouse genome. We characterized the rate of nucleotide polymorphism in eight mouse strains and identified a collection of 2,848 SNPs located in 1,755 sequence-tagged sites (STSs) using high-density oligonucleotide arrays. Three-quarters of these SNPs have been mapped on the mouse genome, providing a first-generation SNP map of the mouse. We have also developed a multiplex genotyping procedure by which a genome scan can be performed with only six genotyping reactions per animal.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD) is caused by expansion of a glutamine repeat in the amino-terminal region of huntingtin. Despite its widespread expression, mutant huntingtin induces selective neuronal loss in striatal neurons. Here we report that, in mutant mice expressing HD repeats, the production and aggregation of N-terminal huntingtin fragments preferentially occur in HD-affected neurons and their processes and axonal terminals. N-terminal fragments of mutant huntingtin form aggregates and induce neuritic degeneration in cultured striatal neurons. N-terminal mutant huntingtin also binds to synaptic vesicles and inhibits their glutamate uptake in vitro. The specific processing and accumulation of toxic fragments of N-terminal huntingtin in HD-affected striatal neurons, especially in their neuronal processes and axonal terminals, may contribute to the selective neuropathology of HD.  相似文献   

Spontaneous and engineered mouse mutants have facilitated our understanding of the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy and they provide models for the development of therapeutic approaches. The mouse myodystrophy (myd) mutation produces an autosomal recessive, neuromuscular phenotype. Homozygotes have an abnormal gait, show abnormal posturing when suspended by the tail and are smaller than littermate controls. Serum creatine kinase is elevated and muscle histology is typical of a progressive myopathy with focal areas of acute necrosis and clusters of regenerating fibers. Additional aspects of the phenotype include sensorineural deafness, reduced lifespan and decreased reproductive fitness. The myd mutation maps to mouse chromosome 8 at approximately 33 centimorgans (cM) (refs. 2, 4-7). Here we show that the gene mutated in myd encodes a glycosyltransferase, Large. The human homolog of this gene (LARGE) maps to chromosome 22q. In myd, an intragenic deletion of exons 4-7 causes a frameshift in the resultant mRNA and a premature termination codon before the first of the two catalytic domains. On immunoblots, a monoclonal antibody to alpha-dystroglycan (a component of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex) shows reduced binding in myd, which we attribute to altered glycosylation of this protein. We speculate that abnormal post-translational modification of alpha-dystroglycan may contribute to the myd phenotype.  相似文献   

Fraser syndrome is a recessive, multisystem disorder presenting with cryptophthalmos, syndactyly and renal defects and associated with loss-of-function mutations of the extracellular matrix protein FRAS1. Fras1 mutant mice have a blebbed phenotype characterized by intrauterine epithelial fragility generating serous and, later, hemorrhagic blisters. The myelencephalic blebs (my) strain has a similar phenotype. We mapped my to Frem2, a gene related to Fras1 and Frem1, and showed that a Frem2 gene-trap mutation was allelic to my. Expression of Frem2 in adult kidneys correlated with cyst formation in my homozygotes, indicating that the gene is required for maintaining the differentiated state of renal epithelia. Two individuals with Fraser syndrome were homozygous with respect to the same missense mutation of FREM2, confirming genetic heterogeneity. This is the only missense mutation reported in any blebbing mutant or individual with Fraser syndrome, suggesting that calcium binding in the CALXbeta-cadherin motif is important for normal functioning of FREM2.  相似文献   

Defects in cilia are associated with several human disorders, including Kartagener syndrome, polycystic kidney disease, nephronophthisis and hydrocephalus. We proposed that the pleiotropic phenotype of Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), which encompasses retinal degeneration, truncal obesity, renal and limb malformations and developmental delay, is due to dysfunction of basal bodies and cilia. Here we show that individuals with BBS have partial or complete anosmia. To test whether this phenotype is caused by ciliary defects of olfactory sensory neurons, we examined mice with deletions of Bbs1 or Bbs4. Loss of function of either BBS protein affected the olfactory, but not the respiratory, epithelium, causing severe reduction of the ciliated border, disorganization of the dendritic microtubule network and trapping of olfactory ciliary proteins in dendrites and cell bodies. Our data indicate that BBS proteins have a role in the microtubule organization of mammalian ciliated cells and that anosmia might be a useful determinant of other pleiotropic disorders with a suspected ciliary involvement.  相似文献   

Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a multiple malformation disorder characterized by dysmorphic facial features, mental retardation, growth delay and limb reduction defects. We indentified and characterized a new gene, NIPBL, that is mutated in individuals with CdLS and determined its structure and the structures of mouse, rat and zebrafish homologs. We named its protein product delangin. Vertebrate delangins have substantial homology to orthologs in flies, worms, plants and fungi, including Scc2-type sister chromatid cohesion proteins, and D. melanogaster Nipped-B. We propose that perturbed delangin function may inappropriately activate DLX genes, thereby contributing to the proximodistal limb patterning defects in CdLS. Genome analyses typically identify individual delangin or Nipped-B-like orthologs in diploid animal and plant genomes. The evolution of an ancestral sister chromatid cohesion protein to acquire an additional role in developmental gene regulation suggests that there are parallels between CdLS and Roberts syndrome.  相似文献   

Shukla V  Coumoul X  Wang RH  Kim HS  Deng CX 《Nature genetics》2007,39(9):1145-1150
Premature fusion of one or more of the cranial sutures (craniosynostosis) in humans causes over 100 skeletal diseases, which occur in 1 of approximately 2,500 live births. Among them is Apert syndrome, one of the most severe forms of craniosynostosis, primarily caused by missense mutations leading to amino acid changes S252W or P253R in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). Here we show that a small hairpin RNA targeting the dominant mutant form of Fgfr2 (Fgfr2(S252W)) completely prevents Apert-like syndrome in mice. Restoration of normal FGFR2 signaling is manifested by an alteration of the activity of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2), implicating the gene encoding ERK and the genes downstream of it in disease expressivity. Furthermore, treatment of the mutant mice with U0126, an inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase 1 and 2 (MEK1/2) that blocks phosphorylation and activation of ERK1/2, significantly inhibits craniosynostosis. These results illustrate a pathogenic role for ERK activation in craniosynostosis resulting from FGFR2 with the S252W substitution and introduce a new concept of small-molecule inhibitor-mediated prevention and therapy for diseases caused by gain-of-function mutations in the human genome.  相似文献   

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