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News recommendation system is designed to deal with massive news and provide personalized recommendations for users. Accurately capturing user preferences and modeling news and users is the key to news recommendation. In this paper, we propose a new framework, news recommendation system based on topic embedding and knowledge embedding(NRTK). NRTK handle news titles that users have clicked on from two perspectives to obtain news and user representation embedding :1) extracting explicit and latent...  相似文献   

According to the political system of our country, the administrative power operation has a strong tendency of expansion and arbitrariness, squeezing the citizens private right . How to supervise the expansion and arbitrariness of administrative power? How to operate administrative power well? The news public opinion would be the valid mechanism to supervise administrative power operation. Involving a practical case. This article starts with the valid function and encountered problem meeting of news public supervision, elaborates the reason and legal principle of the supervision news public opinion to administrative power operation, reviews and comments actualities and prob- lems of the news pubic supervision in our country, explores valid mechanism about supervision of news public opinion to administrative power operation, then tries to put forward some measures to improve and enhance our news public supervision.  相似文献   

English news serves as a way to widen one's knowledge of international community and plays a significant part in our daily life.It distinguishes itself from other styles of writing by its special stylistic characteristics in its headline and its body on the grammar level,on the lexical level and on the rhetorical level.Mastering them can be beneficial to our comprehension of English news and further study,hence helps us obtain news information more quickly and makes us keep pace with the constant change of the new time.  相似文献   

Challenges in translation can be approached from the perspective of intercultural communication, and translation also plays a major role in communication between cultures. The translators of news should be culture conscious and adopt flexible strategies in dealing with cultural differences. In news translation, the readability of the target language text counts the most.  相似文献   

近年来,随着胶囊网络的广泛研究,其在图像、语言等领域取得了重大进展.但胶囊网络存在参数多、训练时间长的缺点.分组反馈路由机制是一种称为分组路由的监督路由策略,该策略将胶囊平均地分成若干组,胶囊局部共享转换权重,从而减少路由参数和计算复杂度,在图像分类领域取得较好效果.本文将胶囊分组方法运用于文本分类任务中,再引入胶囊压缩、静态路由机制,提出了一种新的文本分类模型CapsNet GSR.该模型通过胶囊分组在提取文本局部信息的同时减少参数,利用胶囊压缩和静态路由机制,进一步提高胶囊质量、降低参数数量.在20 news文本分类数据集上的实验证明,其在参数数量和训练时间上有明显减少.在AG’s news、TREC和20 news数据集上的实验表明,该模型在准确率上也有所提高.  相似文献   

Efficient SVM-based Recognition of Chinese Personal Names   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a flexible and efficient method to identify Chinese personal names based on SVM (Support Vector Machines). In its approach, forming rules of personal name is employed to select candidate set, then SVM based identification strategies is used to recognize real personal name in the candidate set. Basic semanteme of word in context and frequency information of word inside candidate are selected as features in its methodology, which reduce the feature space scale dramatically and calculate more efficiently. Results of open testing achieved F-measure 90.59% in 2 million words news and F-measure 86.67% in 16.17 million words news based on this project.  相似文献   

在微软的WindowsDNA(WindowsDistributedInternetApplicationArchitecture)的基础上为西科新闻网(http://news.xust.edu.cn)提供一个解决方案。该网站完全基于数据库驱动,能实现新闻信息的远程维护、在线检索等功能,在确保时效性和可靠性的同时,减少站点维护人员的重复劳动。  相似文献   

Nida's famous notion of Dynamic Equivalence in translation process is characterized by three stages - analysis, transfer and restructuring, which are explained in detail. The application of these principles are illustrated by providing step-by-step explanation on the translation process of headings of two news reports, which are selected from Far Eastern Economic Review.  相似文献   

肖蓉 《科技信息》2011,(11):I0265-I0265,I0283
Modality is used to express subjective judgment as well as the speaker’s opinions and attitudes.This paper aims to analyze the reporters’orientation reflected by linguistic modal expressions in English news reports from the perspective of Systemic-Functional Grammar,especially from the perspective of type,value,orientation and polarity.  相似文献   

就各种语言的谚语而言,其内容的丰富程度和语言自身的质量均为其它语言现象望尘莫及。仅就英语而言,其谚语不但是英美历史和社会发展的踪迹,也是对英美文化和英美人思维习惯与模式的真实写照。英语谚语丰富多彩,包罗万象,其中含有否定词的谚语就不胜枚举。笔者经过多年的学习和观察,积累了一些含否定词的谚语。现将它们列举如下:1.No cross,no crown.不吃苦中苦,就没有甜中甜。2.No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。3.No sooner said than done.说到做到,说干就干。4.Nothing succeeds like success.一事成功,万事顺。5.No man is …  相似文献   

在微软的Windows DNA(Windows Distributed Internet Application Architecture)的基础上为西科新闻网(http://news.xust.edu.cn)提供一个解决方案。该网站完全基于数据库驱动,能实现新闻信息的远程维护、在线检索等功能,在确保时效性和可靠性的同时,减少站点维护人员的重复劳动。  相似文献   

The style in which the language is used may influence the use of different tenses. English used in news reports and in scientific andtechnological materials are different in style; therefore, the tense used in each is also different. The present paper compares the tense use in the USACorpus with that in T-Corpus, aiming to find out their way of tense use that may represent their own stylistic features.  相似文献   

 最近媒体对于"第六次科技革命"的报道增多,继5月17日"第六次科技革命的影响、机遇与对策——从人类文明与世界现代化角度看科技革命"一文后,现又看到"百名院士关于第六次科技革命的看法和建议"(见http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2011/6/248578.shtm).  相似文献   

炳叔已经连续数周早上睡到自然醒了,或八点或十一点一刻,随便。醒来的第一件事,上网。先www.Donews.com 论坛里看IT战友们又骚扰谁了?再 news.sina.com.cn关心大事。 《计算机世界》3.00一份,《中国计算机报》 周一刊1.50一份,炳叔一般买便宜的,翻翻广 告的创意,找找新闻中的人名,瞧瞧专访里的照 片。  相似文献   

About Science Bulletin Science Bulletin(Sci.Bull.,formerly known as Chinese Science Bulletin from 1966 to 2014)is a multidisciplinary academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and co-sponsored by the CAS and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC).Sci.Bull.is a semi-monthly international journal publishing high-caliber peer-reviewed research on a broad range of natural sciences and high-tech fields on the basis of its originality,scientific significance and whether it is of general interest.In addition,we are committed to serving the scientific community with immediate,authoritative news and valuable insights into upcoming trends around the globe.  相似文献   

全国第三届科技活动周展示——依靠科学、战胜非典 http://cpst.net/temp/3sws/3sws_1.htm 广东金科网抗击非典专题 http://www.sti.gd.cn/feidian/index.htm 提供非典新闻信息、广东抗非科技动态、以及非典相关知识。 新浪网抗击非典专题 http://news.sina.com.cn/z/sars/index.shtml 提供最最详尽的非典新闻报道、新闻图片、漫画、flash以及非典相关知识问答、解读等等。  相似文献   

About Science Bulletin Science Bulletin(Sci.Bull.,formerly known as Chinese Science Bulletin)is a multidisciplinary academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and co-sponsored by the CAS and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC).Sci.Bull.is a semi-monthly international journal publishing high-caliber peer-reviewed research on a broad range of natural sciences and high-tech fields on the basis of its originality,scientific significance and whether it is of general interest.In addition,we are committed to serving the scientific community with immediate,authoritative news and valuable insights into upcoming trends around the globe.  相似文献   

About Science Bulletin Science Bulletin(Sci.Bull.,formerly known as Chinese Science Bulletin)is a multidisciplinary academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and co-sponsored by the CAS and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC).Sci.Bull.is a semi-monthly international journal publishing high-caliber peer-reviewed research on a broad range of natural sciences and high-tech fields on the basis of its originality,scientific significance and whether it is of general interest.In addition,we are committed to serving the scientific community with immediate,authoritative news and valuable insights into upcoming trends around the globe.  相似文献   

你年轻聪明、壮志凌云。你不想庸庸碌碌地了此一生,渴望名声,财富和权利。因此你常常在我耳边抱怨:那个著名的苹果为什么不是掉在你的头上?那只藏着“老子珠”的巨贝怎么就产在巴拉旺而不是在你常去游泳的海湾?拿破仑偏能碰上约瑟芬而英俊高大的你总没有人垂青?于是我想成全你,先是照样给你掉下一个苹果,结果你把它吃了。我决定换一个方法,在你闲逛时将硕大无比的卡里南钻石偷偷放在你的脚边,将你绊倒,可你爬起后,怒气冲天地将它一脚踢下阴沟。最后我干脆就让你做拿破仑,不过像对待他一样,先将你抓进监狱,撤掉将军官职,赶出军队,然后将你身…  相似文献   

你年轻聪明,你壮志凌云,你 不想庸庸碌碌地了此一生,你渴望 声名、财富和权力。你常常在我耳 边抱怨: 那个著名的苹果为什么不是掉在你头上?那只藏着“老子珠”的巨 贝为什么就产在巴拉旺而不是你常去 游泳的海滩?拿破仑为什么偏能遇到 约瑟芬而英俊高大的你为什么总没有 人垂青? 于是我想成全你。先是照样给 你掉下一个苹果,结果你把它给吃了; 我决定换个方法,将硕大无朋 的卡里南钻偷偷放在你脚边,将你绊倒,可你爬起后怒气冲天地一脚 将它踢下阴沟; 最后,我干脆让你做拿破仑, …  相似文献   

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