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针对“关于‘复杂性研究’和‘复杂性科学’一文中的一些观点进行商榷。复杂性科学的产生与发展促进了复杂性哲学的产生与发展,复杂性哲学要以复杂性科学为基础。对各个学科领域复杂性探索,建立一整套复杂系统演化理论,形成复杂性科学是可能的。复杂性科学是一门新学科。  相似文献   

复杂性与社会分化——卢曼社会系统理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在卢曼看来,社会系统总是处于极端的复杂状态,同时也处于一种复杂化的过程之中。系统的复杂性征使其在面对环境的影响时,出现各种内在的危机和各种不平衡现象,并产生一系列的运作难题,使社会系统无法以其原来对付环境的原则进行实际运作,迫使社会系统不断地进行复杂性的化约和自我的区分化以化解危机,而社会系统也在此一过程中实现自身的演化和进化。  相似文献   

复杂性科学研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
复杂性科学是研究复杂系统行为与性质的科学。本文在阐述熵增原理的基础上,对复杂性科学研究的演进和复杂性科学主要流派的观点进行了追溯,并对复杂性科学的主要流派——耗散结构理论的研究对象和耗散结构的形成条件进行了述评。  相似文献   

试论"认识主体"复杂性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"认识主体"概念在西方哲学史的演进过程,即是其内涵不断深入的过程,而20世纪以来,现代科学的发展使社会逐步进入信息化并向智能化时代过渡,进一步从认识主体的表现形式、构成方式、思维方式等方面揭示出其复杂性特征.  相似文献   

复杂性研究与隐喻方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
隐喻是文学艺术中常用的表现手法,虽然科学家也经常使用,但却不太被公开认可,因此没有获得应有的方法论地位.然而,复杂性科学的研究者们却特别强调隐喻在复杂性研究中的重要作用.在复杂性的概念刻画和理论描述中,隐喻都有着出色的表现.霍兰是运用隐喻方法的高手,在其复杂适应系统理论和涌现理论中都充分运用了隐喻方法,并获得了令人瞩目的成功.  相似文献   

The nature and status of cultural evolution and its connection with biological evolution are controversial in part because of Richard Dawkin’s suggestion that the scientific study of culture should include “memetics,” an analog of genetics in which genes are replaced by “memes”—the hypothetical units of cultural evolution. Memetics takes different forms; I focus on its minimal form, which claims merely that natural selection shapes to some extent the evolution of some aspects of culture. Advocates and critics of memetics disagree about the scientific status of memetics, but they agree that memetics must face the following fundamental problems. Problem 1: Cultural evolution differs too much from biological evolution. Problem 2: Culture is too complex. Problem 3: Memes are too difficult to identify and track. Problem 4: Memetics produces only trivial results. This paper examines these problems in the context of a minimal memetic analysis in one specific context: patented inventions. Technology is a special subset of culture, and patented inventions are a special subset of technology—not least because there is a detailed written record of every patent. I describe four recent empirical results on technological innovation derived from memetic analysis of the patent record. Result 1: Inkjet printing, PCR, and stents are key drivers of technological innovation. Result 2: Patent genealogies are tangled and incestuous. Result 3: Door-opening innovations drive the evolution of technology. Result 4: The evolving content of the drivers of innovation confirms the importance of inkjet printing, PCR, and stents, among other inventions. These results show that minimal memetics can provide a novel and illuminating analysis the evolution of patented technology. Furthermore, this memetic analysis can answer all of the main problems with memetics. Problem 1 can be dismissed because culture and biology can be quite disanalogous, provided that natural selection still operates in both. Problem 2 is a mirage, because memetic analysis of the patented inventions is consistent with the full richness and complexity of the evolution of technology. Problem 3 is easy to solve, because the patent record makes it trivial to identify and track patents and their key traits through lineages. Problem 4 can be fully answered only after memetic analysis becomes widespread, but the results reviewed here shows that minimal memetics does yield scientific results that are nontrivial and interesting.  相似文献   

未来的复杂性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未来是复杂的,不仅具有复杂性的特征,而且遵循其机理。未来的复杂性有着独特的根源和生成途径。认真研究和把握未来的复杂性既具有重要的思想价值,也可以降低和规避由于复杂性带来的发展风险。  相似文献   

复杂性究竟是什么--复杂性的语义分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
复杂性是近年来国内外学术研究的热门课题,然而对究竞什么是复杂性,回答却众说纷纭。本文从复杂性的辞源入手,分析了复杂性的基本语义,总结了国内外对复杂性的各种定义,并从语境依赖和范式特征两方面,分析了复杂性语义纷争的根源,进而对复杂性究竟是什么做了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

复杂性研究与还原论的超越   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂性研究的一个总特征是对传统还原论持批判态度。并且试图通过建立复杂性范式来超越沿用了数百年的还原论。所谓超越就是既要突破又要包容。所以复杂性研究对还原论的超越要理解为对传统的还原论的适用范围作出合理的限制,既要打破还原论放之四海而皆准的神话,又要充分运用其合理的因素,而不是采取彻底抛弃的态度。  相似文献   

霍金说过“21世纪是复杂性的世纪”。复杂性科学方兴未艾,成为21世纪科学发展的指向。中国传统文化具不具备复杂性?传统文化复杂性的研究方法、传统文化复杂性的演化机制以及传统文化复杂性的结构路径是什么?本文用复杂性科学的发展来审视传统文化,力图寻找探索研究传统文化的新视野、新角度。  相似文献   

怎样给复杂性研究作历史定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
复杂性观超越了系统观,代表着科学方法论跨上的一个新台阶.系统观的核心概念是"涌现",而复杂性观的核心概念是"混沌的边缘"(即有序性与无序性的彼此适中的结合)或自组织.莫兰在复杂性观的视域内改造了系统论,这突出表现在他补充提出了"整体小于部分之和"的原则来制约整体性原则,意味着容许系统中存在一定的无序性以保证组成单元发挥其创造性的自由度.复杂的系统观由此产生.  相似文献   

复杂性探索催生了控制论发展,而控制论发展又促进了复杂性探索,二者相互促进,共同发展.从复杂性探索的角度来看,以维纳为代表的传统控制论既有其历史贡献,也有其历史局限性.感知控制论和元系统跃迁理论,作为一种系统进化控制论,发展和超越了传统控制论,为研究复杂系统及其进化问题提供了一个独到的视角,成为当今复杂性探索控制论转向的重要标志.  相似文献   

随着人类实践的深入和拓展,特别是当代科学技术和社会生活的变革,使得规律的复杂性突出起来。规律的复杂性要求我们反思规律的基本理论,走出“必然趋势”或“确定秩序”的观念误区,肯定规律适用的有限性和规律误差的客观存在。对规律误差的正确认识,有助于我们理解唯物辩证法诸范畴和规律,有助于更加有效地用马克思主义指导实践活动。  相似文献   

生态位视域中技术进化的经验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术进化研究领域,基于生态位理论的经验分析,在方法论上给技术哲学的经验转向研究提供了有益的启发。战略生态位管理(SNM)理论是一种结合多学科而建立的典型的技术生态位进化模型,从技术生态位到市场利基及技术政体的微观考察,再到技术-社会地景的宏观分析,SNM理论有别于生物进化类比的经验分析,其独特视野具有实证有效性和简单性的特征。一些隐喻概念和归纳尚不够精确,但其思想方法拓展了技术进化研究的经验分析路径。  相似文献   

It is argued that given the “anti-anthropomorphic” principle—that the universe is not structured for our benefit—modelling trade-offs will necessarily mean that many of our models will be context-specific. It is argued that context-specificity is not the same as relativism. The “context heuristic”—that of dividing processing into rich, fuzzy context-recognition and crisp, conscious reasoning and learning—is outlined. The consequences of accepting the impact of this human heuristic in the light of the necessity of accepting context-specificity in our modelling of complex systems is examined. In particular the development of “islands” or related model clusters rather than over-arching laws and theories. It is suggested that by accepting and dealing with context (rather than ignoring it) we can push the boundaries of science a little further.  相似文献   

Development (and Evolution) of the Universe   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
I distinguish Nature from the World. I also distinguish development from evolution. Development is progressive change and can be modeled as part of Nature, using a specification hierarchy. I have proposed a ‘canonical developmental trajectory’ of dissipative structures with the stages defined thermodynamically and informationally. I consider some thermodynamic aspects of the Big Bang, leading to a proposal for reviving final cause. This model imposes a ‘hylozooic’ kind of interpretation upon Nature, as all emergent features at higher levels would have been vaguely and episodically present primitively in the lower integrative levels, and were stabilized materially with the developmental emergence of new levels. The specification hierarchy’s form is that of a tree, with its trunk in its lowest level, and so this hierarchy is appropriate for modeling an expanding system like the Universe. It is consistent with this model of differentiation during Big Bang development to view emerging branch tips as having been entrained by multiple finalities because of the top-down integration of the various levels of organization by the higher levels.  相似文献   

Interpreting a taxonomic tree as a set of objects leads to natural measures of complexity and similarity, and sets natural lower bounds on a consensus tree Interpretations differing as to the kind of objects constituting a tree lead to different measures and consensus Subset nesting is preferred over the clusters (strict consensus) and even the triads interpretations because of its superior expression of shared structure Algorithms for computing the complexity and similarity of trees, as well as a consensus index onto [0,1], are presented for this interpretation The full consensus is defined as the only tree which includes all the nestings shared in a profile of rival trees and whose clusters reflect only nestings shared in the profile The full consensus is proved to exist uniquely for each profile, and to equal the Adams consensusThe author is grateful for the many helpful comments on presentation from Frances McA Adams, William H E Day, and Christopher A Meacham  相似文献   

This series of papers is intended to evaluate astrocladistics in reconstructing phylogenies of galaxies. The objective of this second paper is to formalize the concept of galaxy formation and to identify the processes of diversification. We show that galaxy diversity can be expected to organize itself in a hierarchy. In order to better understand the role of mergers, we have selected a sample of 43 galaxies from the GALICS database built from simulations with a hybrid model for galaxy formation studies. These simulated galaxies, described by 119 characters and considered as representing still undefined classes, have experienced different numbers of merger events during evolution. Our cladistic analysis yields a robust tree that proves the existence of a hierarchy. Mergers, like interactions (not taken into account in the GALICS simulations), are probably a strong driver for galaxy diversification. Our result shows that mergers participate in a branching type of evolution, but do not seem to play the role of an evolutionary clock.  相似文献   

以协同学的视角审视思想政治教育的复杂性,国际形势风云激荡折射出思想政治教育外部环境日益复杂,凸显其对象的异质边缘延展;科技理性的膨胀使得其过程复杂性日益累积,其主体思维惰化僵化;其内部呈现出生成性复杂状态,即教育者、受教育者与教育载体三者间的信息不对称。提出了该复杂性问题的应对机制:提升教育主体的阐释能力,溶解反思性带来的问题;重构教育主体的理性思维,应对非理性带来的问题;确保教育载体信息畅通流动,应对信息不对称所带来的问题。  相似文献   

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