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Up to now, 176 meteorite impact craters have been found on the Earth. Among these craters, none of them lies in China. The Xiuyan crater is located in the Liaodong Peninsula of China. This bowl-shaped crater has a diameter of 1.8 km and depth of about 150 m. The impact-derived features include planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz, shatter cones, impact breccia, and radial valleys on the wall of rim. It is the first confirmed meteorite impact crater in China.  相似文献   

High-pressure polymorph of TiO2-II from the Xiuyan crater of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abundant TiO2-II, a high-pressure polymorph of titanium dioxide, was found in the gneiss fragments of impact-produced breccias from the Xiuyan crater. Rutile in the gneiss was severely fragmented and fine-grained clasts less than 2 ~tm in size had been transformed to TiO2-II. Irregular thin layered TiO2-II is also observed in coarse-grained ruffle fragments, where the TiO2-II layers distributes along fractures and cracks in rutile, About 30 percent of rutile in the gneiss had been transformed to TiO2-II. Fine grains of TiO2-II display light bluish grey to light yellow brown in plane-polarized reflected light. Crystallographic investigation shows that TiO2-II has an orthorhombic structure with space group Pbcn. The cell parameters are a=4.543(1)/~, b=5.491(9)/~ and c=4.895(2) ,~. Its empirical formula calculated on the basis of two oxygen atoms can be written as (Tio.985Feo.oosNbo.oor- Si0.003Zr0.0Ol)l.0O302, or simply formula TiO2. According to the shock effects of quartz and feldspars, the peak shock pressure and post-shock temperature in the TiO2-II-bearing gneiss are estimated to be between 35 and 43 GPa and 300-900~C, respectively. The finding of TiO2-II in the shock-metamorphosed gneiss provides another mineral physics evidence for shock origin of the Xiuyan crater.  相似文献   

Maher KA  Stevenson DJ 《Nature》1988,331(6157):612-614
One possible definition for the origin of life on Earth is the time at which the interval between devastating environmental insults by impact exceeded the timescale for establishing self-replicating proto-organisms. A quantitative relationship for the Hadean (pre-3,800 Myr ago) and Early Archean (3,800 to 3,400 Myr) impact flux can be derived from the lunar and terrestrial impact records. Also, the effects of impact-related processes on the various environments proposed for abiogenesis (the development of life through chemical evolution from inorganic materials) can be estimated. Using a range of plausible values for the timescale for abiogenesis, the interval in time when life might first have bootstrapped itself into existence can be found for each environment. We find that if the deep marine hydrothermal setting provided a suitable site, abiogenesis could have happened as early as 4,000 to 4,200 Myr ago, whereas at the surface of the Earth abiogenesis could have occurred between 3,700 and 4,000 Myr.  相似文献   

岫岩老虎山地区处于华北克拉通东北侧的辽东铀成矿带内。通过岩相学和矿物地球化学对研究区的铀矿化(异常)点进行了研究。结果表明,矿化(异常)点的分布主要受不整合面,以及后期脉岩和构造破碎带控制。围岩蚀变具有范围较小,强度大的特征,赤铁矿化、黄铁矿化、绢云母化和硅化与铀成矿的关系最为密切。铀矿物主要为沥青铀矿、铀石、铌钛铀矿和钍石,主要呈脉状或星点状,与金红石、锆石、赤铁矿等矿物共生。矿化特征和成矿作用分析表明,该区域经历了多期次的岩浆活动,为成矿物质的多次活化提供了动力和热液,不整合面、断裂和构造破碎带等薄弱的位置,是热液流动的优良通道,为成矿热液的沉淀富集提供了空间。  相似文献   

四川黄龙景区"源水"成因浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
四川黄龙景区"源水"成因的研究历年来被专家所关注。通过对"源水区"化学场和地温场动态变化的分析,发现黄龙景观"源水区"水量、水质与水温直接受降水与季节影响,认为"源水区"钙华泉水的补给主要来自上游望乡台湿地生态水、降水、地表溪流。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,中国共产党在少数民族聚居的地区建立了民族自治地方,而满族建立民族自治地方却是在改革开放以后。文章论述了由于历史和现实的诸多因素导致满族自治地方设立较晚的艰难过程,积极评价了中央政府和辽宁省相关部门为此作出的大量卓有成效的工作。以岫岩为例,说明了满族自治地方成立后地方经济、社会文化等各方面发生的深刻变化,充分证明了设立民族自治地方这一制度是符合中国国情的。  相似文献   

Knauth LP  Burt DM  Wohletz KH 《Nature》2005,438(7071):1123-1128
Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity discovered sediments with layered structures thought to be unique to aqueous deposition and with minerals attributed to evaporation of an acidic salty sea. Remarkable iron-rich spherules were ascribed to later groundwater alteration, and the inferred abundance of water reinforced optimism that Mars was once habitable. The layered structures, however, are not unique to water deposition, and the scenario encounters difficulties in accounting for highly soluble salts admixed with less soluble salts, the lack of clay minerals from acid-rock reactions, high sphericity and near-uniform sizes of the spherules and the absence of a basin boundary. Here we present a simple alternative explanation involving deposition from a ground-hugging turbulent flow of rock fragments, salts, sulphides, brines and ice produced by meteorite impact. Subsequent weathering by intergranular water films can account for all of the features observed without invoking shallow seas, lakes or near-surface aquifers. Layered sequences observed elsewhere on heavily cratered Mars and attributed to wind, water or volcanism may well have formed similarly. If so, the search for past life on Mars should be reassessed accordingly.  相似文献   

Improving the quality of human resources through edu-cation and training is of great strategic significance.However, few people have done in depth and systematicstudies on the relationship between education and pro-ducttvity in China. This study developed an educationproductivity transform model and empirically tested themodel using data on the most districts of China. The ba-sic notion is that the effect depends both on the capabilityresulted from education, and on the environment inwhich this capability can be exercised, the effect is a re-sult of two factors combined.  相似文献   

Larger amount of national and provincial forest eco-compensation funds in China have been distributed to farmers annually, which aims to encourage farmers input more labor and fund in daily forestry management. We selected 503 household from 50 villages of 10 counties in Jiangxi Province in the paper. Household labor and cash input responded negatively towards forest eco-compensation fund in forestry management. Forest eco-compensation subsidy(FECS) granted to the household in the rural mountain area didn't stimulate the household labor and cash input in forestry management. It implies that it is not a wise way to distribute FECS equally to the rural household, so as to promote the forestry ecological quality. The current forest eco-compensation policy(FECP)need modifying urgently.  相似文献   

基于GIS的辽宁省岫岩县泥石流灾害危险性区划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用GIS技术,以辽宁省鞍山市岫岩满族自治县为例,针对泥石流灾害研究过程中的不确定性,应用确定因子法对泥石流灾害危险性区划进行研究。基于岫岩县地质灾害调查资料,借助GIS的数字化、空间分析等功能,获得泥石流灾害点分布图及其影响因子图,进而利用叠置分析获得按均一条件单元划分的研究区图。根据确定因子法计算每一数据类对应的CF值,然后采用逻辑回归模型进行分析,建立岫岩县泥石流危险性评价模型,利用该模型进行危险性分析,得到岫岩县泥石流危险性区划图。经过灾害点数据的效果检验,证明本方法能够较好地反映泥石流灾害区域危险性特征。  相似文献   

There are abundant natural gas resources in Chinese marine sedimentary basin. The exploration hot shots of natural gas are the Palaeozoic marine strata here in recent years, and several large scale gas fields have been discovered. Chinese Palaeozoic high-post matured and coal measure hydrocarbon source rocks are mainly prone to gas generation in the present. This research considered that gas source rocks and TSR are the key cause of gas enrichment of marine strata. High-quality argillaceous and coal measure hydrocarbon rocks are distributed widely in the Palaeozoic marine strata, which have been in highly matured phase in the present. The argillaceous source rock generally contains various sulfates that could accelerate crude oil cracking to gas for TSR occurrence, and coal measure source rock mainly generates gas, so Chinese marine basin gives priority to accumulating gas. Marine strata have not founded oil reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin and Ordos Basin, and they consist mainly of dry gas. Marine natural gases are the mixed gases of oil cracking gas and coal-formed gas in a general way, oil cracking gases contain usually some H2S and CO2. Hydrocarbon carbon isotopes are very complicated, and methane and ethane isotopic values bear apparent reversal caused by thermal evolution and mixing among different genetic types of natural gas. Coal-formed gases are the main component of Chinese marine natural gas. The Upper Permian of the Sichuan Basin and the Carboniferous-Permian of the Ordos Basin coal measure hydrocarbon source rock present large hydrocarbon generation po- tential, which are the prospecting highlight of marine natural gas hereafter. Oil cracking gas exploration will be paid much attention to in the Tarim Basin because of the lack of coal measure hydrocarbon source rock.  相似文献   

深圳围海造地对海洋环境影响的分析   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
深圳市以山地丘陵地貌为主,平原地貌只占26.45%,城市建设用地非常紧张,沿岸港口、工业和城市建设,通常以围海造地补充不足,至2000年,深圳市围海造地面积已达2680hm^2,这给海洋环境带来不少的负面影响,主要表现在:(1)西部海岸地区滩槽演变剧烈,不稳定性加强,给今后西部港区运作环境带来威胁;(2)纳潮量迅速减少,经过20年的围垦,西部伶仃洋海岸地区纳潮量减少20~30%,深圳湾纳潮量减少15.6%,纳潮量的锐减使得潮流流速降低,流向发生变化,更加不利于污染物的稀释与扩散;(3)沿海水环境污染加重,深圳市西海岸海水普遍达不到3类水标准;(4)海岸生态承载力下降,仅1988—2000年深圳湾沿岸围垦占用红树林保护区面积达到147hm^2,占整个保护区面积48.8%,使得生物多样性降低,物种数量大幅减少.通过对上述海洋环境的影响分析,提出未来填海工程的指导策略和整治意见,以期做到海岸地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯盆地下奥陶统马家沟组白云岩为研究对象,对不同类型白云岩的岩石矿物学属性、地球化学特征、孔隙结构特征、发育层位及分布规律进行对比研究,并结合成因,将白云岩分为3类:(1)泥粉晶白云岩,以岩盐矿物溶蚀型孔隙为主,在含膏云坪相带呈带状分布,横向分布稳定,形成于准同生白云岩化作用;(2)粉-细晶白云岩,以白云石晶间孔为主,主要发育于蒸发岩层系的短期海侵沉积期,受控于浅埋藏期渗透回流白云岩化作用;(3)中-粗晶白云岩,以残余原始粒间孔及格架孔为主,主要发育于台地边缘礁滩及古隆起周边高能颗粒滩相带,并经历了埋藏白云岩化作用.奥陶系白云岩分布具有“层控性”和“相控性”,形成了现今白云岩储层多层叠合发育的特点,为奥陶系多套含气组合的发育创造了有利条件.  相似文献   

There are abundant natural gas resources in Chinese marine sedimentary basin. The exploration hot shots of natural gas are the Palaeozoic marine strata here in recent years, and several large scale gas fields have been discovered. Chinese Palaeozoic high-post matured and coal measure hydrocarbon source rocks are mainly prone to gas generation in the present. This research considered that gas source rocks and TSR are the key cause of gas enrichment of marine strata. High-quality argillaceous and coal measure hydrocarbon rocks are distributed widely in the Palaeozoic marine strata, which have been in highly matured phase in the present. The argillaceous source rock generally contains various sulfates that could accelerate crude oil cracking to gas for TSR occurrence, and coal measure source rock mainly generates gas, so Chinese marine basin gives priority to accumulating gas. Marine strata have not founded oil reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin and Ordos Basin, and they consist mainly of dry gas. Marine natural gases are the mixed gases of oil cracking gas and coal-formed gas in a general way, oil cracking gases contain usually some H2S and CO2. Hydrocarbon carbon isotopes are very complicated, and methane and ethane isotopic values bear apparent reversal caused by thermal evolution and mixing among different genetic types of natural gas. Coal-formed gases are the main component of Chinese marine natural gas. The Upper Permian of the Sichuan Basin and the Carboniferous-Permian of the Ordos Basin coal measure hydrocarbon source rock present large hydrocarbon generation potential, which are the prospecting highlight of marine natural gas hereafter. Oil cracking gas exploration will be paid much attention to in the Tarim Basin because of the lack of coal measure hydrocarbon source rock.  相似文献   

水库消落带是因水库调度等原因而形成的特殊区域,不仅具有水生生态系统,而且还具有陆生生态系统,是水陆之间的交错带.因水位的周期性变化,消落带原有植被死亡,坡面裸露,生态系统比较脆弱.根据青狮潭水库消落带现状,通过分析得出生态脆弱性响应指标,运用层次分析法(AHP)对响应指标进行运算排序,得出影响消落带脆弱性的主要因子是种群复杂度和植被覆盖率问题,消落带生态修复应以恢复其生物多样性和植物修复为主.  相似文献   

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