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针对国内新近研制的细旦丙纶纤维,本文对其试验服的湿舒适性进行了主观穿着测试分析。探讨了服装舒适性研究的三类方法(常规容观试验、假人试验、主观试验)之间的关系。并利用对应分析的数学方法分析了形成不同细旦丙纶针织物透湿差异性的原因,总结了开发具有良好湿舒适性的细旦丙纶织物的一些原则和规律。  相似文献   

针对新近研制的细旦丙纶纤维,本文依据服装舒适性理论,运用先进的假人试验技术,对细旦丙纶试验服的湿热传递性能进行了研究。最后对不同丙纶针织物湿舒适性的差异性进行了归纳分类。  相似文献   

本文分析了丙纶丝芯吸效应的形成机理,并从理论和实验两方面探讨了纯丙纶针织物导湿性的影响因素。  相似文献   

为探讨细旦丙纶短纤织物的服用舒适性,根据测试得出的细旦丙纶短纤织物、对比织物棉及细旦丙纶长丝等3类样本的各项服用性能指标数据,运用聚类分析及对应分析的数理统计方法,分析了此3类织物的优缺点,得出了细旦丙纶短纤织物独特的服用舒适性能;并优化出了该织物具有最佳服用舒适性的组织结构模型.  相似文献   

细旦丙纶复合针织面料的开发和研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
开发出薄壁的热湿舒适性好的细旦丙纶复合针织面料,且已投入使用,同时,对其染整工艺进行了探讨,并分析了生产的经济效益。  相似文献   

功能性纤维及其针织新产品的一条龙开发是“九五”期间我国纺织工业科技发展的重点,在本研究中,根据我国的国情和军队换装的需要,开发薄型的热湿舒适性好的细旦丙纶复合针织面料,  相似文献   

Coolmax织物湿舒适性能的灰色聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对Coolmax织物、棉、涤纶、涤棉织物的芯吸效应、保水率、干燥率、透湿性、透气性进行了测试分析;并通过人体穿着试验对服装的湿舒适性进行了评价;最后利用灰色聚类分析对6种织物的湿舒适性能做了综合评价。结果表明:Coolmax织物的湿舒适性能优于普通涤纶、棉、涤棉织物;客观试验与主观穿着试验的结果具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

功能性纤维及其针织新产品的一条龙开发是“九五”期间我国纺织工业科技发展的重点。在本研究中,根据我国的国情和军队换装的需要,开发出薄型的热湿舒适性好的细旦丙纶复合针织面料,现已供我国驻港部队和坦克兵部队穿用。在本文中,对细旦丙纶复合针织面料的原料选择进行论述,并提出了大筒径单面圆纬机添纱编织的新方法。  相似文献   

开发出薄型的热湿舒适性好的细旦丙纶复合针织面料,且已投入使用。同时,对其染整工艺进行了探讨,并分析了生产的经济效益。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白纤维织物热湿舒适性能研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过时大豆蛋白纤维织物及类似风格的棉、毛、丝织物的导热性、保暖性、冷感性、透湿性、输水性、润湿性及透气性的测试分析,建立了时大豆蛋白纤维织物热湿传递性能的较全面的认识;并利用灰色聚类分析评价系统时前述4类织物的热湿舒适性能做了综合评价。  相似文献   

Based on the theory of moisture vapor permeability and liquid moisture transmission through fabric, this paper is mainly concerned with the wet comfort of the fine denier polypropylene fiber knitted fabrics. The liquid water transport property the liquid water retention property, the moisture permeability property, the moisture releasing and drying property of these fabrics are tested by normal objective ways and discussed. At last, according to these properties these fabries are classified by grey model synthetic evaluation method.  相似文献   

本文对非织造布可模压性的关键问题,即模压品的表面折皱和成型精确性进行了探讨。提出了评价非织造布模压性能的3个指标:表面折皱、径向压缩率和吻合性。通过试验,发现胶乳粘合剂粘合非织造布模压的主要问题是制品的表面折皱,热熔粘合非织造布是成型不吻合性。热熔粘合时,模压品的热收缩较大,纤维取向对织物的变形均匀性有很大影响。在各向同性好的情况下,热熔粘合非织造布的模压性能优于乳胶粘合的。  相似文献   

The results of an investigation into the effects of various finishing processes on the propertiesof cotton rich mans shirting fabrics are presented and discussed.The KES-FB system was used forthe testing of fabric mechanical properties.It is concluded that mercerising cotton rich fabrics is nota cost effective finish process while the optimisation of the bleaching process may bring more bene-fit.The investigation is part of a long term program aimed at the development of an expert systemfor total fabric engineering.  相似文献   

This paper is mainly concerned with the wet comfort of the fine denier propylene knitted garment. The subjec-tive sensation to these propylene garments is recorded in wear trial and analyzed. The relations among the normal objective test, the manikin test and the subjective wear test are discussed. The wicking height, the moisture re-sistance, the water holding ability, the moisture releas-ing and drying ability are recommended as the normal objective ways to evaluate fabric's wet comfort. At last, some principles on designing this type of fabrics are sug-gested .  相似文献   

In this paper,the relations between the parameters of stitch structure and the needle penetra-tion force,and the method by using the needle penetration force detected to evaluate the looplength and evenness of knitted fabric indirectly are analysed and discussed.A microcomputer system with a needle sensor and author's program are used as a pick up setcombined with a data analysis system,for sampling and analysing the needle penetration forcedata.A lot of experimental research work has been done for knitted fabric of some kinds of knittedstitch and loop length.As a summary of this study,some conclusions can be drawn from the linearregression between the needle penetration force and the loop length.Then,the size and evenness ofthe loop length of knitted fabric can be indicated indirectly by detecting the value and variance ofneedle penetration force.It offers an effective method to detect and evaluate the evenness of knit-ted fabric with an efficiently high speed.  相似文献   

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