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1  IntroductionIn Ref.[1 ] some queueing indices of the Mx/ G( M/ G) / 1 repairable queueing system withsingle delay vacation were discussed,and the transient solution,stationary solution andstochastic decomposition of the queue length were obtained.Butwhile the service stationis up and operating,it is subject to breakdowns.Once the service station breaks down,there is a repair operation that bring the broken service station back to a new state andoperation immediately.So it is important to…  相似文献   

This paper considers the departure process and the optimal control strategy for a discretetime Geo/G/1 queueing model in which the system operates under the control of multiple server vacations and Min(N, V)-policy. Using the law of total probability decomposition, the renewal theory and the probability generating function technique, the transient and the steady-state probabilities that the server is busy at any epoch n+ are derived. The authors also obtain the explicit expression of the probability generating function for the expected number of departures occurring in the time interval (0+, n+] from any initial state. Meanwhile, the relationship among departure process, server’s state process and service renewal process in server busy period is found, which shows the special structure of departure process. Especially, some corresponding results of departure process for special discrete-time queues are directly gained by our results. Furthermore, the approximate expansion for calculating the expected number of departures is presented. In addition, some other important performance measures, including the expected length of server busy period, server’s actual vacation period and busy cycle period etc., are analyzed. Finally, some numerical results are provided to determine the optimum value N* for minimizing the system cost under a given cost structure.  相似文献   

进一步研究推广的$M^x$/G(M/G)/1(M/G)可修排队系统,讨论了服务台如下的可靠性问题:1)在时刻t失效的概率,即不可用度;2)在“服务员忙期”内的失效次数;3)在(0,t]内的平均失效次数及其渐近展开;4)在“服务员忙期”内的失效时间;5)在(0,t]内的平均失效时间及其渐近展开,得到一系列结果,并给出了便于计算(0,t]内的平均失效次数和平均失效时间的近似式.  相似文献   

本文把“修理设备可发生故障”引入到N-策略M/G/1可修排队系统中,考虑了 修理设备可更换的N-策略M/G/1可修排队系统.通过引进服务台的“广义修理时间”、顾客的“广义服务时间”和修理设备的“广义忙期”,讨论了系统的排队指标和服务台的可靠性指标.同时,使用全概率分解方法,利用拉普拉斯变换工具,重点讨论了修理设备的不可用 度和在(0,t]时间内的平均更换次数,并给出了数值计算实例.最后,本文在给定的费用结构下 讨论了最优策略N*的求解问题,并给出了数值计算例子.  相似文献   

进一步研究推广的MxG(MG)1(MG)可修排队系统,讨论了服务台如下的可靠性问题:1)在时刻t失效的概率,即不可用度;2)在“服务员忙期”内的失效次数;3)在(0,t]内的平均失效次数及其渐近展开;4)在“服务员忙期”内的失效时间;5)在(0,t]内的平均失效时间及其渐近展开,得到一系列结果,并给出了便于计算(0,t]内的平均失效次数和平均失效时间的近似式  相似文献   

本文考虑了具有温储备失效特征的M/G/1可修排队系统.在该系统中,服务台故障分为两类:第一类是服务台在服务员的"广义忙期"中以故障率为α(0≤α∞)的泊松过程发生故障,第二类是服务台在系统闲期中以分布函数为Y(t)的更新过程发生故障,而且发生第二类故障时不能得到立即修理.利用全概率分解技术和拉普拉斯变换工具,分别讨论了在两类故障模式下服务台的瞬态不可用度和稳态不可用度,(0,t]时间内的平均故障次数和稳态故障频度等可靠性指标,进一步还讨论了服务台由温储备失效引起等待修理的概率.最后,通过数值计算例子讨论了系统有关参数对服务台的第二类稳态不可用度和第二类稳态故障频度的影响.  相似文献   

This paper considers the departure process and the optimal control strategy for a discretetime Geo/G/1 queueing model in which the system operates under the control of multiple server vacations and Min(N, V)-policy. Using the law of total probability decomposition, the renewal theory and the probability generating function technique, the transient and the steady-state probabilities that the server is busy at any epoch n~+ are derived. The authors also obtain the explicit expression of the probability generating function for the expected number of departures occurring in the time interval (0~+, n~+] from any initial state. Meanwhile, the relationship among departure process, server's state process and service renewal process in server busy period is found, which shows the special structure of departure process. Especially, some corresponding results of departure process for special discrete-time queues are directly gained by our results. Furthermore, the approximate expansion for calculating the expected number of departures is presented. In addition, some other important performance measures,including the expected length of server busy period, server's actual vacation period and busy cycle period etc., are analyzed. Finally, some numerical results are provided to determine the optimum value N*for minimizing the system cost under a given cost structure.  相似文献   

考虑单重休假、Bernoulli反馈和可变输入率的离散时间Geo~X/G/1可修排队.顾客的批到达速率与服务器的休假有关.刚服务完的顾客以概率1-θ进入队列寻求下次服务.服务器在服务过程中可能故障需修复后再继续工作.借助更新过程理论、z变换和一种分解法,研究了时刻n+位于服务器忙期的条件概率、服务器的瞬态和稳态不可用度以及(0~+,n~+]时间内服务器的平均故障次数和稳态故障频度,揭示了这类离散时间可修排队中服务器可靠性指标的结构,得到了一些特殊可修排队的可靠性结果.最后通过数值实例分析了系统参数对服务器可靠性指标的影响.  相似文献   

This paper considers a discrete-time Geo/G/1 retrial queue where the retrial time has a general distribution and the server is subject to Bernoulli vacation policy.It is assumed that the server, after each service completion,begins a process of search in order to find the following customer to be served with a certain probability,or begins a single vacation process with complementary probability. This paper analyzes the Markov chain underlying the queueing system and obtain its ergodicity condition.The generating functions of the number of customers in the orbit and in the system are also obtained along with the marginal distributions of the orbit size when the server is idle,busy or on vacation.Finally,the author gives two stochastic decomposition laws,and as an application the author gives bounds for the proximity between the system size distributions of the model and the corresponding model without retrials.  相似文献   

This paper examines an M[x]G/1 queueing system with an unreliable server and a delayed repair,in which the server operates a randomized vacation policy with multiple vacations.Whenever the system is empty,the server immediately takes a vacation.If there is at least one customer found waiting in the queue upon returning from a vacation,the server will be immediately activated for service.Otherwise,if no customers are waiting for service at the end of a vacation,the server either remains idle with probability p or leaves for another vacation with probability 1-p.Whenever one or more customers arrive when the server is idle,the server immediately starts providing service for the arrivals.The server may also meet an unpredictable breakdown and the repair may be delayed.For such a system the authors derive the distributions of some important system characteristics,such as the system size distribution at a random epoch and at a departure epoch,the system size distribution at the busy period initiation epoch,and the distribution of the idle period and the busy period.The authors perform a numerical analysis for changes in the system characteristics,along with changes in specific values of the system parameters.A cost effectiveness maximization model is constructed to explain the benefits of such a queueing system.  相似文献   

本文把“服务台在系统闲期中可能温储备失效”引入到M/G/1可修排队系统中,考虑了具有温储备失效特征的M/G/1可修排队系统.使用全概率分解技术和利用拉普拉斯变换工具,导出了在任意时刻t队长的瞬态分布的拉普拉斯变换的表达式,进一步获得了队长的稳态分布的递推式,同时,给出了稳态队长和稳态等待时间的随机分解结果. 最后通过数值计算实例讨论了平均附加队长随温储备失效参数和修复参数的变化情况.  相似文献   

This paper considers a discrete-time Geo/G/1 queue under the Min(N,D)-policy in which the idle server resumes its service if either N customers accumulate in the system or the total backlog of the service times of the waiting customers exceeds D, whichever occurs first (Min(N,D)-policy). By using renewal process theory and total probability decomposition technique, the authors study the transient and equilibrium properties of the queue length from the beginning of the arbitrary initial state, and obtain both the recursive expression of the z-transformation of the transient queue length distribution and the recursive formula for calculating the steady state queue length at arbitrary time epoch n +. Meanwhile, the authors obtain the explicit expressions of the additional queue length distribution. Furthermore, the important relations between the steady state queue length distributions at different time epochs n -, n and n + are also reported. Finally, the authors give numerical examples to illustrate the effect of system parameters on the steady state queue length distribution, and also show from numerical results that the expressions of the steady state queue length distribution is important in the system capacity design.  相似文献   

考虑延迟D-策略离散时间Geo/G/1排队系统, 使用全概率分解技术, 从任意初始状态出发, 研究了队长的瞬态和稳态性质, 推导出了在任意时刻n+ 瞬态队长分布的z-变换的递推表达式和稳态队长分布的递推表达式, 并获得稳态队长的随机分解结果, 同时得到了系统在三种任意时刻(n-, n, n+)处稳态队长分布的重要关系. 最后, 通过数值实例, 讨论了稳态队长分布对系统参数的敏感性, 并阐述了获得便于计算的稳态队长分布的表达式在系统容量优化设计中的重要应用价值.  相似文献   

服务台可修的M/G/1排队系统的进一步分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在文[1]的基础上,本文进一步讨论了如下问题:1)在广义服务时间和系统忙期内服务台的失效次数;2)在(0,t]内服务台平均失效次数的渐近展;3)在广义服务时间和系统忙期内服务台总的失效时间,并得到一系列新结果.  相似文献   

考虑了一个带负顾客和不耐烦顾客且重试时间为一般分布的离散时间Geo/G/1重试排队系统. 负顾客带走一个正在服务的顾客, 而对重试组中的顾客无影响.正顾客到达系统若遇服务器忙则可能进入重试组也可能离开系统.通过对此排队系统的嵌入马氏链进行分析, 得到了重试组队长和系统队长的概率母函数. 进而得到了一系列重要的排队指标. 此外, 还推导出了系统的稳态存在条件. 以及对无负顾客和不耐烦顾客时的特例进行了分析. 最后通过几个具体的数值实例演示了一些参数对系统关键性能指标的影响.  相似文献   

N个不同部件串联而成的M/G/1可修排队系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
考虑服务台由N个不同部件串联而成的M/G/1可修排队系统,其中服务台正常当且仅当N个部件都正常.在假定每个部件的寿命服从指数分布,而故障部件的修理时间服从一般分布下,通过引入服务台的"广义忙期",提出了分析服务台有关可靠性指标的一种新方法,用该方法更加简洁的讨论了服务台的许多感性趣的可靠性指标,得到了一些重要的可靠性结果,推广了已有的结论.  相似文献   

考虑服务员具有多重休假和系统采用min(N,V)-策略控制的离散时间Geo/G/1排队系统,使用全概率分解技术和更新过程理论,研究了系统在任意时刻n+的瞬态队长分布和稳态队长分布,得到了瞬态队长分布的z-变换表达式和稳态队长分布的递推表达式.进一步,得到了系统在时刻点n,n~-和外部观察时刻点的稳态队长分布.特别地,本文直接获得了一些特殊离散时间排队系统相应的结果.最后,通过数值实例阐述了获得便于计算的稳态队长分布的表达式在系统容量设计中的重要价值.  相似文献   

This paper studies a single server discrete-time Erlang loss system with Bernoulli arrival process and no waiting space. The server in the system is assumed to provide two different types of services, namely essential and optional services, to the customer. During the operation of the system, the arrival of the catastrophe will break the system down and simultaneously induce customer to leave the system immediately. Using a new type discrete supplementary variable technique, the authors obtain some performance characteristics of the queueing system, including the steady-state availability and failure frequency of the system, the steady-state probabilities for the server being idle, busy, breakdown and the loss probability of the system etc. Finally, by the numerical examples, the authors study the influence of the system parameters on several performance measures.  相似文献   

非强占型优先权的M/M/N可修排队系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究一类带有非强占型优先权、服务台忙时与闲时故障率不同的M/M/N可修排队系统,在画出系统状态转移图的基础上,得到系统瞬态概率密度满足的微分方程组。利用拟生灭过程的方法求出系统稳态条件,并在此基础上得到系统的稳态平衡方程组。通过对稳态方程组的分析得到系统中关键的N(N+1)/2个稳态概率值的求解思路,使用Mathematica软件编程实现了稳态概率值的求取过程,并举出一个具体实例。在得到稳态概率值的基础上给出了有效服务台数的稳态分布、稳态队长的母函数这两个系统指标。  相似文献   

This paper considers a discrete-time Geo/G/1 queue under the Min(N,D)-policy in which the idle server resumes its service if either N customers accumulate in the system or the total backlog of the service times of the waiting customers exceeds D,whichever occurs first(Min(N,D)-policy).By using renewal process theory and total probability decomposition technique,the authors study the transient and equilibrium properties of the queue length from the beginning of the arbitrary initial state,and obtain both the recursive expression of the z-transformation of the transient queue length distribution and the recursive formula for calculating the steady state queue length at arbitrary time epoch n~+.Meanwhile,the authors obtain the explicit expressions of the additional queue length distribution.Furthermore,the important relations between the steady state queue length distributions at different time epochs n~-,n and n~+ are also reported.Finally,the authors give numerical examples to illustrate the effect of system parameters on the steady state queue length distribution,and also show from numerical results that the expressions of the steady state queue length distribution is important in the system capacity design.  相似文献   

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