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Behavioural deficit in the rat induced by feeding phenylalanine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R C Leaf  P L Carlton  S M Hess 《Nature》1965,208(5014):1021-1022

Medina JF  Nores WL  Mauk MD 《Nature》2002,416(6878):330-333
A fundamental tenet of cerebellar learning theories asserts that climbing fibre afferents from the inferior olive provide a teaching signal that promotes the gradual adaptation of movements. Data from several forms of motor learning provide support for this tenet. In pavlovian eyelid conditioning, for example, where a tone is repeatedly paired with a reinforcing unconditioned stimulus like periorbital stimulation, the unconditioned stimulus promotes acquisition of conditioned eyelid responses by activating climbing fibres. Climbing fibre activity elicited by an unconditioned stimulus is inhibited during the expression of conditioned responses-consistent with the inhibitory projection from the cerebellum to inferior olive. Here, we show that inhibition of climbing fibres serves as a teaching signal for extinction, where learning not to respond is signalled by presenting a tone without the unconditioned stimulus. We used reversible infusion of synaptic receptor antagonists to show that blocking inhibitory input to the climbing fibres prevents extinction of the conditioned response, whereas blocking excitatory input induces extinction. These results, combined with analysis of climbing fibre activity in a computer simulation of the cerebellar-olivary system, suggest that transient inhibition of climbing fibres below their background level is the signal that drives extinction.  相似文献   

文章详细论述了中央向中西部地区转移支付的补偿因素及其具体模式。  相似文献   

水稻产量和构件对持续干旱胁迫的补偿效应初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 有关干旱胁迫对水稻生长的影响,过去的研究多集中于它的负面作用上,认为水分胁迫必然导致水稻生长发育的障碍和产量降低。现从正面效应的角度探讨水稻对干旱胁迫的补偿性响应。研究结果表明:①轻度水分胁迫不但不会导致水稻减产,产量还比对照增加了3.6%。水稻地上和地下部生长对轻度胁迫也存在明显的补偿效应。轻度水分胁迫显著地促进了水稻茎鞘干物质的转运。虽然轻度胁迫抑制了水稻生育中期的根系生长,但显著地延缓了生长后期水稻根系的衰老。②中度和重度水分胁迫严重地抑制了水稻地上部干物质积累和前、中期根系的生长发育。但在生长后期水稻根系也出现了一定的补偿性生长,根质量、总根长和根系表面积的下降幅度均显著低于对照。然而,由于补偿作用低于水分胁迫带来的损失,水稻产量均显著低于对照。  相似文献   

Plant pathogens and integrated defence responses to infection.   总被引:99,自引:0,他引:99  
J L Dangl  J D Jones 《Nature》2001,411(6839):826-833
Plants cannot move to escape environmental challenges. Biotic stresses result from a battery of potential pathogens: fungi, bacteria, nematodes and insects intercept the photosynthate produced by plants, and viruses use replication machinery at the host's expense. Plants, in turn, have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to perceive such attacks, and to translate that perception into an adaptive response. Here, we review the current knowledge of recognition-dependent disease resistance in plants. We include a few crucial concepts to compare and contrast plant innate immunity with that more commonly associated with animals. There are appreciable differences, but also surprising parallels.  相似文献   

J Gibbs  D J Fauser  E A Rowe  B J Rolls  E T Rolls  S P Maddison 《Nature》1979,282(5735):208-210
Bombesin (BBS) is a tetradecapeptide originally isolated from amphibian skin1. BBS-like immunoactivity is widely distributed in mammalian gut2-5, and plasma levels have been shown to rise sharply following feeding (ref. 6 and V. Erspamer, personal communication). The physiological actions of BBS are unknown. We have previously shown that the classic gut hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) is a powerful and specific suppressor of food intake7-9. Although CCK and BBS lack common amino acid sequences, they have certain common actions on gut viscera10,11. We have now shown that BBS also suppresses food intake, and we compare its action with that of CCK.  相似文献   

本文论述了10种常用热电偶及其补偿导线的型号和特点,选型和使用时需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

L Xu  S Furukawa  J C Middlebrooks 《Nature》1999,399(6737):688-691
Humans and cats can localize a sound source accurately if its spectrum is fairly broad and flat, as is typical of most natural sounds. However, if sounds are filtered to reduce the width of the spectrum, they result in illusions of sources that are very different from the actual locations, particularly in the up/down and front/back dimensions. Such illusions reveal that the auditory system relies on specific characteristics of sound spectra to obtain cues for localization. In the auditory cortex of cats, temporal firing patterns of neurons can signal the locations of broad-band sounds. Here we show that such spike patterns systematically mislocalize sounds that have been passed through a narrow-band filter. Both correct and incorrect locations signalled by neurons can be predicted quantitatively by a model of spectral processing that also predicts correct and incorrect localization judgements by human listeners. Similar cortical mechanisms, if present in humans, could underlie human auditory spatial perception.  相似文献   

从“杜培武案件”中杜要求国家赔偿而未果的事实,可看到《国家赔偿法》范围狭窄、赔偿标准过低、赔偿请求内容较少、精神赔偿和间接损失赔偿得不到法律支持、赔偿义务机关与裁判机关混同等缺陷。  相似文献   

D A Booth 《Nature》1968,217(5131):869-870

E Gross  D Goldberg  A Levitzki 《Nature》1992,360(6406):762-765
In the yeast Sacchromyces cerevisiae, addition of glucose to starved cells triggers a transient rise in the intracellular level of cyclic AMP that induces a protein phosphorylation cascade. The glucose signal is processed by the Cdc25/Ras/adenylyl cyclase pathway, where the role of Cdc25 is to catalyse the GDP-GTP exchange on Ras. The molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of the activity of Cdc25 are unknown. We report here the use of highly selective anti-Cdc25 antibodies to demonstrate that Cdc25 is a phospho protein and that in response to glucose it is hyperphosphorylated, within seconds, by the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. It is also demonstrated that, concomitantly with hyperphosphorylation, Cdc25 partially relocalizes to the cytoplasm, reducing its accessibility to membrane-bound Ras. These results are of general significance because of the highly conserved sequence of Ras-guanyl nucleotide exchange factors from yeasts to mammals.  相似文献   

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