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Summary Adrenergic and cholinergic innervation of the cerebral blood vessels were studied in the carp using fluorescence and cholinesterase histochemistry. Most of the major cerebral and pial arteries were densely innervated with both nerves. Moreover, both nerves, being probably of central origin, were observed frequently on the walls of parenchymal arterioles and capillaries in the sections of the inferior lobe but were only rarely found in the other brain sections.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie wird die adrenergische Innervation der Hodenblutgefässe bei Kaninchen, Meerschweinchen, Hunden und Katzen untersucht. Es wurden auffallende Speciesunterschiede gefunden.  相似文献   

The comparison of the effects of 4 oximes upon the cerebral cholinesterases reactivation after intoxication with paraoxon shows that the best results are obtained with toxogonine and 1574 [(carbaldoxime-4 pyridinium)-1(methyl-1 imidazolium-3)-3 propane]. The reactivation power of this latter compound seems due to the ease with which it can pass through the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

Summary The comparison of the effects of 4 oximes upon the cerebral cholinesterases reactivation after intoxication with paraoxon shows that the best results are obtained with toxogonine and 1574 [(carbaldoxime-4 pyridinium)-1(methyl-1 imidazolium-3)-3 propane]. The reactivation power of this latter compound seems due to the ease with which it can pass through the blood-brain barrier.Supported by grants from the Direction des Recherches et Etudes Techniques (D.R.E.T.) (No. 77–275).  相似文献   

M A Khan 《Experientia》1979,35(3):407-409
The marsupial (quokka) hemidiaphragm showed postdenervation hypertrophy and subsequent atrophy. The type II muscle fibres hypertrophied up to 20 days postoperation and then regressed. However, the type I fibres hypertrophied throughout the experimental period (100 days) studied. Unlike denervated eutherian hemidiaphragm, fibre-splitting was absent in the denervated marsupial muscle. An enhancement of the ATPase reaction in the denervated type I fibres may be due to dedifferentiation. Presumably innervation exerts a 'negative control' and prevents increase of type I fibre size in the normal hemidiaphragm.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of the renin angiotensin system in the hippocampus is shown by immunohistochemistry. Intra- and extra-cellular recordings revealed that angiotensin II and III excite CA 1 pyramidal cells by disinhibition. The effect is antagonized by [Sar1, Thr8]-A II.This work was supported by grant Nos 3.271.78 and 3.396.78 of the Swiss National Science Foundation and research grant HL-24112 from NIH. T. Inagami was a visiting scientist of the Roche Medical Research Foundation.  相似文献   

T J Lee  C Su  J A Bevan 《Experientia》1975,31(12):1424-1426
The results presented provide strong support for the presence of vasodilator innervation in the cat cerebral arteries. The dilator innervation is neither adrenergic nor cholinergic and does not originate in the superior cervical ganglia. The nature of the vasodilator transmitter is unidentified. Such innervation, however, may be involved in the regulation of cerebral blood flow, especially in view of the capability of some cat cerebral vessels to develop intrinsic muscle tone.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei Hunden wurde das aorticorenale Ganglion der linken Seite herausgenommen und die Niereninnervation mit der Silberimprägnations- und der histochemischen Fluoreszenzmethode auf Monoamine nachFalck untersucht. Auf Grund der Degenerationserscheinungen kann geschlossen werden, dass das Ganglion die Nierenarterien, das motorische Nervengeflecht an der Oberfläche der Media, die vasa recta und Nierenbeckenwand mit adrenergischen sympathischen Nervenfasern versorgt.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die histochemische Verteilung der Monoaminoxydase- und Succinodehydrogenase-Aktivität im Zentralnervensystem des Hühnerembryos wurde nach der Methode von Glenner und Nachlas geprüft. Die Monoaminoxydasereaktion ist in der visceralen Säule, entlang dem Sulcus limitans, in Hypothalamus, Area preoptica, Hippocampus und Raphe stark, während die Succino-dehydrogenasereaktion nur in den somatischen Teilen stärker zu sein scheint. Auf Grund dieser Befunde ist es wahrscheinlich, dass das Neuralrohr in longitudinale, viscerale und somatische Säulen unterteilt ist.  相似文献   

Summary The distinctive structural and functional features of the highly specialized blood vessel types (blood sinus, veins, aortae, arteries) of cephalopods are characterized in a comparative survey. Histochemical and physio-pharmacological results indicate a dual neuroregulation of the vessel wall but, however, show contrary effects of the neurotransmitter candidates, catecholamines, serotonin (5-HT) and ACh, on arteries and veins. The spontaneous pulsatile activity of the propulsive veins seems to be partly myogenic but also directly dependent on a dense cholinergic innervation of the sarcosome-rich obliquely striated myocytes.  相似文献   

Riassunto Nel testicolo umano di tipo prepuberale la fosforilasi attiva a) é assente, mentre é presente in discreta quantità la fosforilasi inattiva b). É probabile pertanto che, a differenza del testicolo umano normale, la fosforilasi b) non sia attivata poiché non c'é necessità di energia fornita dalla scissione del glicogeno per la sintesi del DNA.  相似文献   

Summary The marsupial (quokka) hemidiaphragm showed postdenervation hypertrophy and subsequent atrophy. The type II muscle fibres hypertrophied up to 20 days postoperation and then regressed. However, the type I fibres hypertrophied throughout the experimental period (100 days) studied. Unlike denervated eutherian hemidiaphragm, fibre-splitting was absent in the denervated marsupial muscle. An enhancement of the ATPase reaction in the denervated type I fibres may be due to dedifferentiation. Presumably innervation exerts a negative control and prevents increase of type I fibre size in the normal hemidiaphragm.I am grateful to Dr O.M. Sola and Professor B.A. Kakulas for their help and encouragement.  相似文献   

The aminergic and cholinergic innervation of choroid plexuses in three species of amphibia was investigated. Plexuses of the Japanese toad and the bullfrog had poor innervation by adrenergic nerves of sympathetic origin, but in the clawed toad, these plexuses were heavily innervated by adrenergic axons from ganglion cells located in the plexus stroma. Nerve fibers positive for acetylcholinesterase were not found in the plexuses, except for a few fibers with very weak enzyme activity in the clawed toad.  相似文献   

Summary The aminergic and cholinergic innervation of choroid plexuses in three species of amphibia was investigated. Plexuses of the Japanese toad and the bullfrog had poor innervation by adrenergic nerves of sympathetic origin, but in the clawed toad, these plexuses were heavily innervated by adrenergic axons from ganglion cells located in the plexus stroma. Nerve fibers positive for acetylcholinesterase were not found in the plexuses, except for a few fibers with very weak enzyme activity in the clawed toad.Acknowledgment. The authors are very grateful to Prof. T. Wasano (Professor emeritus of Kyushu University) for his encouragement and advice during the course of the present work.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine auffallende Zunahme von -Galactosidase kommt im lymphoetischen Säuger-Gewebe im Zusammenhang mit der immunologischen Auflösung dieses Systems vor. Die hernach auftretende Proliferation retikulärer Zellen steht im Zusammenhang mit der Regeneration dieses Organs. Diese Zellen enthalten eine reichliche Anzahl lysosomatischer Enzyme (z.B. -Galactosidase).

This investigation was supported in part by Public Health Service Research Grants Nos. Ca 02624 and CA 02903 from the National Cancer Institute and in part by an institutional grant to the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research Division of the Michigan Cancer Foundation from the United Foundation of Greater Detroit, and Detroit General Hospital Research Corporation. Newaygo County Cancer Association. We wish to express our gratitude for stenographic assistance to Mrs.Connie Malucusky and MissPatricia Warzocha.  相似文献   

Type II carbonic anhydrase (CAII) in the cytoplasm of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) may contribute to the transport of water and solutes across the RPE. The activity of this enzyme in RPE during its response to damage, e.g., during regeneration, is therefore of interest in understanding retinal disease. Immuno-histochemistry was used to compare CAII activity of normal RPE and RPE experimentally induced to regenerate. In normal rabbits, the RPE stained intensely with a peroxidase-linked antibody specific for human CAII. Regenerating RPE stained less intensely. Within the regenerating epithelium, staining appeared more intense in mature cells than in immature ones, suggesting that CAII activity gradually returns during RPE regeneration.  相似文献   

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