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Yarn Tension at Peeling Point in Rotor Spinning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the work and energy principle as explained inprevious literatures,the yarn tension at peeling point inrotor spinning was analyzed and calculated numericallyin this paper.The results show how raw materials,rotorspeed,rotor diameter,yarn linear density and navel de-sign can have certain definite effects on the tension valueat the peeling point.  相似文献   

Study on the Model of Thermal Channel Spinning Process for PET Polymer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A mathematical model to describe the TCS process inPET high-speed melt-spinning is established.The de-velopment of crystallinity,molecular orientation andmorphological features of high-speed-spun PET fiberin TCS process is investigated at take-up speeds rangingfrom 3600-4400 m/min and thermal channel tempera-tures ranging from 160-200℃ by simulation.The pro-files of tensile force,running velocity,temperature,bi-refringence,crystallinity and diameter in the TCS spin-line for various process conditions are obtained.Thepredicted results using this model are compared with themeasured crystallinty,diameter and birefringence.Theresults indicate that they are in fairly good agreement.The"necking point"in the TCS spinline can be predictedby this model,and its position changes with the corre-sponding process parameters such as take-up speed andthermal channel temperature.It is found that the neck-ing point moves towards the spinneret when the take-upspeed or the thermal channel temperature increases.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the effect of the spinning triangle on yarn structure,a shape model of the spinning triangle is established.The fiber motion in the spinning triangle can be divided into three stages,and the relationship between yarn structure and fiber duration as well as the force acting on the fibers in the three stages is analyzed.The fiber elongation in different location of the spinning triangle is variational.The difference is that the elongation of fiber in the middle spinning triangle is bigger than that in the edge of it and the difference will be amplified with the increase of spinning triangle width,which has an effect on the characteristic of yarns structure.Research results for further study on compact yarn structure and improving spinning frame structure provide theorybasis.  相似文献   

以苯乙烯辅助马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯(PP—g-(MAH—co—St))为相容剂与聚丙烯(PP)、尼龙6(PA6)、改性共聚酯(HCDP)按一定配比共混纺丝,实验表明该共混体系具有良好的相容性。改性聚丙烯纤维的染色性能得到明显改善,可以被分散染料染成深色,并且其抗静电性能明显提高。通过流变性能测试,拟定了主要纺丝工艺,并分析了纺丝温度、纺丝速度、纤维纤度等参数对纤维结构和性能的影响。实现了在高速纺丝条件下制备可染聚丙烯纤维,为工业化生产可染聚丙烯纤维作出了有益的探索。  相似文献   

单向拉伸试验中,在比例极限内,应力应变关系服从胡克定律.但是,从颈缩开始,其应力应变关系处于复杂应力状态.导出了单向拉伸试验颈缩开始后复杂应力的计算公式.  相似文献   

大麻纤维的可纺性能及其研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了大麻纤维的化学组成及大麻纤维的结构、性能,分析了大麻纺纱各种方法的利弊,提出了提高大麻纤维可纺性、改善纱线质量的方法。  相似文献   

本文提出了在悬臂端受有交变干扰力作用的中频电机高速转子的力学模型,得到了运动微分方程式及其特解,从理论上揭示了径向波箔轴承轴糸可以使用平行平板推力轴承的机理。经装机运行试验表明,波箔轴承中频电机气流纺纱器性能良好,所纺纱线完全达到规定质量指标。从而从理论和实践上证实了这种轴承系统适用于受有较小推力载荷的悬臂支承轻载高速机械。  相似文献   

对纤维在喷嘴中产生的喷气流场中的受力和运动情况作了理论分析和推导,探索了利用高速压缩气流来分离纤维的可能性,在此基础上提出了一种新的纺纱方法——喷气自由端纺纱,并设计了纺纱装置进行纺纱实验,结果表明,这种方法纺出的纱具有一般自由端成纱的结构,且本方法利用高速气流来形成自由端和加捻成纱,不损伤纤维.  相似文献   

在聚对苯二甲酰对苯二胺(PPTA)纤维纺丝工艺初步成形的基础上,利用均匀设计法建立回归模型.以纤维断裂强度作为质量指标,对PPTA纺丝过程中的喷出速度、拉伸倍数、卷绕速度3个主要工艺参数进行了优化,力图用最少的试验次数确定最佳的工艺条件.通过计算得到回归方程,经过残差分析可知该方程的可靠性较高.利用SUMT外点法寻优,计算得到PPTA纺丝的最佳工艺条件:喷出速度为26.68m/min,拉伸倍数为7.76倍,卷绕速度为208.34m/min,则PPTA纤维的理论断裂强度为35.67cN/dtex.  相似文献   

For certain industrial applications, the mechanical properties of PET fiber can be deteriorated from hydrolysis because the terminal carboxylic groups promote the degradation of macromolecules under high moisture and high temperature. It limits the wide applications of PET fiber in some special cases. In this paper, three additives are selected to improve the hydrolytic stability through the reaction of bi-functional groups on additive molecules with carboxyl groups on PET molecules. The additives can serve not only as hydrolysis stabilizers, but also as agents to increase the molecular weight and consequently to improve PET fiber mechanical properties. PET pellets were blended with additive before spinning, and melt spun into fiber. The fibers were then hydrolyzed in an autoclave by saturated vapor at 140℃ for a period of time. Measurements of intrinsic viscosity, terminal carboxylic group value and strength of polyester fibers were carried out to study the effects of hydrolysis resistance. Results show that 2, 2'-bis (2-oxazoline) has best hydrolysis-resistibility and the chainextension effect at the same time.  相似文献   

The technological process of compact spinning and the compact procedure of fiber band in compact field are briefly illustrated. The motions of fiber band in compact field are discussed theoretically from which tilting angle of suction slot in profile tube, additional twists created by fiber band's rotating around its own axis and ultimate twists in compact yarn are deduced accordingly. The existence of additional twists is also verified through experiments.  相似文献   

集聚纺集聚区须条的运动分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
阐述了集聚纺的工艺流程 ,集聚区须条的集聚过程 ;在理论上详细论述了集聚区须条的运动情况 ,根据运动所要满足的条件最后得出异形吸管上斜槽的倾斜角α,集聚区须条的附加捻度T0 =tanα2πr 及成纱的最终捻度T终 =nsva·cosα+tanα2πr 。  相似文献   

集聚纺集聚区须条变截面部分的力学分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对集聚区内须条的集聚过程分析,建立须条变截面部分的力学模型,可以得出此部分须条是有附加捻度的,并且对影响这部分须条附加捻度的因素:须条与网格问的摩擦因数和负压的大小进行了分析,结果表明集聚区须条的附加捻度随着须条与网格问的摩擦因数和负压的增加而增加。  相似文献   

通过对集聚区内须条的集聚过程分析,建立须条的受力模型,发现须条在集聚过程中会产生附加捻度,并且对影响须条附加捻度的各种因素:异型管开槽长度、负压大小、须条和网格套圈间的摩擦因数以及异型管的曲率半径进行了分析。设计相关实验对集聚区内须条的力学模型进行了验证。结果表明所建立的集聚区内须条的力学模型是正确的。  相似文献   

对直接纺PET融体取样制成切片,就切片质量对细旦POY、DTY加工的影响因素作了一些研究。试验发现相对分子质量分布宽,熔融结晶温度高且切片熔融峰形窄,在直纺生产细旦POY、DTY时易造成纤维超分子结构的不匀,而产生染色不匀。  相似文献   

从纤维性质、油剂单体、纤维含油量和含油纤维的摩擦特性等方面对棉型干法腈纶纺丝油剂抱合性进行了研究,并进行了工业化试验.  相似文献   

网眼罗拉型集聚纺集聚区须条集聚机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入研究网眼罗拉型集聚纺系统中纤维须条在流场作用下的运动规律,建立了集聚区域的计算流体动力学(CFD)模型,并运用Fluent软件对该区域的流场进行数值计算,然后建立了纤维微元在气流场中的动力学模型,利用自编的Matlab程序对其进行求解,最后获得了纤维在集聚区的运动轨迹.研究结果表明不同初始位置的纤维运动轨迹能够反映须条的集聚规律;气流的横向作用力能够使须条在集聚方向上发生集聚;上层纤维较网眼罗拉表面的纤维集聚速度快;y轴向气流力使须条贴伏在网眼罗拉表面.  相似文献   

先将涤纶纤维在苯胺溶液中预浸泡,然后进行处理,再将纤维置于氧化剂的酸溶液中使苯胺在纤维上氧化聚合,同时进行掺杂制得聚苯胺/涤纶导电复合纤维。讨论了苯胺单体含量、掺杂酸浓度、氧化剂浓度、反应温度及时间对纤维导电性能的影响。实验表明,采用此法制得的导电纤维具有较高的聚苯胺含量和优良的导电性能,电导率达10~(-2)S/cm数量级。  相似文献   

酶对DTP及PET纤维的降解性能探讨   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
采用对苯二甲酸二乙酯作为PET的模拟物,选用4种脂肪酶对DTP和PET纤维的降解性能进行了研究。实验采用碱滴定、紫外分光光度计以及高效液相色谱法进行测试。对DTP降解液的pH值变化以及酶对DTP的降解率随时间的变化情况进行了分析。虽然酶对PET纤维的降解率很低,但通过SEN(电子扫描显微镜)和HPLC观察显示,纤堆表面仍然有被刻蚀的痕迹存在。  相似文献   

残留溶剂对连续莫来石纤维干法纺丝的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以干法纺丝制备连续莫来石纤维,研究残留溶剂质量分数在纺程上的变化以及甬道温度、纤维直径对其影响.实验结果显示:沿平行纺丝线方向,残留溶剂质量分数的变化分为3个阶段,变化最快的阶段在距离喷丝板1m长度范围内,残留溶剂质量分数变化量占全程变化总量的60%~63%;沿垂直纺丝线方向,溶剂蒸发分为2个阶段,通过计算机模拟得到了残留溶剂在纤维横截面上的分布曲线.相同实验条件下,纺丝甬道温度升高30℃,残留溶剂质量分数降低2%~3%;纤维直径增大30μm,残留溶剂质量分数减少1%~2%.在实验范围内,最佳纺丝甬道温度为80℃,最佳纤维直径为80~90μm.  相似文献   

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