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Today??s scientific imaging technologies are able to detect and image emissions and radiations from a much wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum than ever before. Such phenomena lie beyond the horizons of ordinary human perceptibility. I examine here the implications of such ??translation mediations?? for the production of scientific knowledge and show how human embodiment is implicit for all perceptual observational possibilities. The framework is that of a postphenomenology which is able to relate these new phenomena to human embodiment.  相似文献   

心灵表征理论较易机制化,但在处理框架问题方面却遇到了困难。针对心灵表征理论的这个问题,德雷福斯等人提出了反表征主义的海德格尔式的具身理论。具身理论虽然可以解决框架问题,但它还处于隐喻阶段,如何使它实现机制化仍然面临诸多困境。  相似文献   

客观主义是西方主流心理学的典型特征。客观主义导致了心理学中的价值中立论、方法中心论、普适主义和本质主义的观点。社会建构论的兴起挑战了心理学中的客观主义传统,主张实在是建构出来的,不存在超越文化的普遍真理。作者认为,客观主义和建构主义并非非此即彼,应该在科学主义与反科学主义、本质主义与反本质主义、经验主义和相对主义三个方面超越心理学中的客观主义和建构主义的对立。  相似文献   

Thomas S. Kuhn is famous both for his work on the Copernican Revolution and his ‘paradigm’ view of scientific revolutions. But Kuhn later abandoned the notion of paradigm (and related notions) in favour of a more ‘evolutionary’ view of the history of science. Kuhn’s position therefore moved closer to ‘continuity’ models of scientific progress, for instance ‘chain-of-reasoning’ models, originally championed by D. Shapere. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the debate around Kuhn’s new ‘developmental’ view and to evaluate these competing models with reference to some major innovations in the history of cosmology, from Copernicanism to modern cosmology. This evaluation is made possible through some unexpected overlap between Kuhn’s earlier discontinuity model and various versions of the later continuity models. It is the thesis of this paper that the ‘chain-of-reasoning’ model accounts better for the cosmological evidence than both Kuhn’s early paradigm model and his later developmental view of the history of science.  相似文献   

从隐私论题出发,本文将精神事件定义为从内在的观点所得到的知觉,把物理事件定义为从外在的观点所得到的知觉,并以此为起点发展出一个关于心灵的知觉二元论。本文还试图以此理论来说明心灵哲学领域长期存在的心-物互动问题,试图恢复并证明笛卡尔和莱布尼兹曾经达到的某些观察和结论。知觉是心灵最本质的特征,本文在用知觉来定义精神事件和物理事件的同时也发展出一个关于知觉的新理论。  相似文献   

知觉是主体认识外在世界的唯一途径。不同于传统知觉哲学将知觉视为主体与外在世界之间的神秘之幕,弗洛里迪信息哲学进路中的知觉模型将知觉视为数据提供者,是主体与外在世界相互作用的界面。他的综合抽象层次法和行动基语义学提供了一个实践取向的知觉模型。然而这个知觉模型并不能完全解决知觉过程中规范性的突现如何桥接的难题。米丽肯的符号理论提供了相应的补充,将符号功能实现区分为应该实现的功能、符号使用者意向实现的功能和实际实现的功能三个层次。通过自然主义与建构主义研究进路的结合,可以解释知觉过程规范性的产生,为经验知识奠定基础。  相似文献   

知觉二元论与自由意志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以论文"知觉二元论:二元化的另一种方式"中所表述的知觉二元论为基础,来讨论意识研究中所面临的若干问题,如意识的起源和突现,自我意识与精神事件的关系,心灵存在的判别标准,他心问题,特别是自由意志与决定论的关系等问题。笔者认为,非决定论并不是自由意志的前提条件,化解自由意志与决定论的表面冲突是康德为我们设定的一个哲学理想。自由意志与主体知识的缺乏和心灵事件的内在知觉有关。单纯从外在主义的观点来看,自由意志是一个内在的幻象;然而人的内在知觉是真实存在的,从内在主义的观点来看我肯定能感觉到我的决断与行动能改变外在世界中事物进程并为此负责,这就是我们所称的自由意志。  相似文献   

Don Ihde’s paper “Stretching the in-between: Embodiment and beyond” appears to me as a stimulating, topical text with a number of important arguments about human embodiment as a dynamic and epistemically relevant dimension to scientific knowledge production. But, indirectly, the text also raises some basic questions about how to describe the (current) scope of technoscientific knowledge, and the potentials of postphenomenology to deal with this complicated, multi-stable issue.  相似文献   

梅洛-庞蒂的知觉观中包含着丰富的涉身性思想。批判传统实体二元论是梅洛-庞蒂涉身性思想的出发点。其涉身性思想主要体现在:知觉活动的主体不是内在心灵、而是活的身体;知觉的含混性是知觉的本质特征;知觉活动具有非表征的特征。梅洛-庞蒂的涉身性思想与当代涉身认知科学研究的主题密切相关。  相似文献   

本文在对“科学大战”产生的背景、原因以及争论的焦点问题进行梳理的基础上,针对英美学术界尤其是拉宾格尔和柯林斯等人致力于超越“科学大战”的努力进行了讨论,指出进入新世纪以来从对立走向对话正在成为西方学术界的一种发展趋势和潮流,我国学术界应当从中得到某种启示。  相似文献   

量化研究与质化研究:对立及其超越   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
量化研究与质化研究在科学观、本体论、认识论和方法论方面存在着截然对立的品质.量化研究以实证主义哲学为基础,而质化研究以现象学、释义学和社会建构论为理论基础.但是两者都建立在经验的基础上,都曾经对科学心理学的建立和发展作出过贡献.因此,可以把它们的哲学理念同实践上的应用分开,在实践层面上实现二者的互补互惠.  相似文献   

Most protagonists of sustainable development ignore modern insights in the nature of technology, which has led to an emphasis on technological solutions. The notable exception is transition management. However, both social construction of technology and transition management have been criticized as ignoring distributions of power in society, and for not offering guidance in the choice of the most sustainable technologies. The reviewer criticizes this approach: the issue is not to choose the right technologies, but to address the root causes of unsustainability in society. In addition to politization of transition management the reviewer argues that strong visions are necessary to lead the way. Technologies could help to develop those visions.  相似文献   

还原论与整体论之争由来已久。通过分析二者之争的演变,反思争论的实质及现有的解决方案,发现:历史上的还原论或整体论之争主要是后来人将其标签化的结果;现实中的二者之争是由于其各自的支持者将己方优势扩大化的结果;在某些时期、具体问题上或者具体研究中,可能存在着还原论方法和整体论方法的主辅差异,但并不存在二者的绝对对立和孰优孰劣的结论;在为人类的科学研究寻找一条有效的纲领性原则的目标导向下,起源研究可以成为还原论和整体论之争的一种超越。  相似文献   

复杂性研究与还原论的超越   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂性研究的一个总特征是对传统还原论持批判态度。并且试图通过建立复杂性范式来超越沿用了数百年的还原论。所谓超越就是既要突破又要包容。所以复杂性研究对还原论的超越要理解为对传统的还原论的适用范围作出合理的限制,既要打破还原论放之四海而皆准的神话,又要充分运用其合理的因素,而不是采取彻底抛弃的态度。  相似文献   

Free-sorting data are obtained when subjects are given a set of objects and are asked to divide them into subsets. Such data are usually reduced by counting for each pair of objects, how many subjects placed both of them into the same subset. The present study examines the utility of a group of additional statistics. the cooccurrences of sets of three objects. Because there are dependencies among the pair and triple cooccurrences, adjusted triple similarity statistics are developed. Multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis — which usually use pair similarities as their input data — can be modified to operate on three-way similarities to create representations of the set of objects. Such methods are applied to a set of empirical sorting data: Rosenberg and Kim's (1975) fifteen kinship terms.The author thanks Phipps Arabie, Lawrence Hubert, Lawrence Jones, Ed Shoben, and Stanley Wasserman for their considerable contributions to this paper.  相似文献   

从工程回望人的历史,人们会发现诸多工程和身体经验曾紧密地联系在一起,而这一点正在渐渐退出人们的视野。本文通过回顾与身体经验关联的古今之绝唱的工程,并通过反思祛身体化的工程,尝试为现实的工程之思提供一种可能的视点。  相似文献   

伴随回归现象与日常,维特根斯坦着力从早期有关逻辑结构的客观化建构逐渐转向具体言语实践的规范性描述;这一哲学方法论上的调整立足于对感知秩序及其内部张力的重新审视,从而导向一种内在性视野下系统的感知批判;"内在性"既是透析维氏感知批判的关键端口,同时也是哲学语用学转向语境下重思概念秩序及其规范特性的重要坐标。  相似文献   

The relevance of symmetry to today's physics is a widely acknowledged fact. A significant part of recent physical inquiry – especially the physics concerned with investigating the fundamentalbuilding blocks of nature – is grounded on symmetry principles andtheir many and far-reaching consequences. But where these symmetries come from and what their real meaning is are open questions, at the center of a developing debate among physicists and philosophers of science. To tackle the problems arising in considering the symmetry issue is the main purpose of this paper. Starting with briefly recalling the bases for the discussion – how symmetry enters and operates in physics, its special effectiveness in the quantum domain and the many relevant functions it performs (Sections 1–3), the paper then focus on the general interpretative questions that arise and the sorts of answers that have been given (Section 4).  相似文献   

希兰的知觉诠释学-现象学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知觉的诠释学-现象学是希兰科学哲学的核心内容。希兰用海德格尔生存论对胡塞尔现象学的改造,为知觉的现象学分析奠定了本体论基础。希兰知觉诠释学-现象学的基本内容包括:知觉的诠释学属性、知觉的现象学结构、知觉知识的必然性与多元性等。希兰的知觉诠释学属于多元的实在论。  相似文献   

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