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皖北新元古代刘老碑组滑塌沉积及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
安徽北部淮南、凤阳地区刘老碑组为一套页岩、钙质泥岩和泥灰岩沉积,厚度685~857m,中上部发育Chuaria化石群。刘老碑组中段发育一套滑塌沉积。滑塌沉积1~3层,单层厚30~200cm,由粉砂质泥岩、钙质泥岩、泥质粉晶灰岩及含石英粉砂粉晶灰岩组成。滑塌沉积中褶皱发育,有平卧不对称褶皱、旋转滑塌等。滑塌褶皱轴面产状表明,存在一个走向近EW,向SE154°±倾斜的大陆边缘斜坡。并且推测发育Chuaria化石群的刘老碑组中段页岩可能形成于水体较深的大陆边缘环境。  相似文献   

对保存有多细胞藻类原植体、细菌和疑原类化石的贵州瓮安陡山沱组磷块岩所作的地球化学分析表明,磷块岩有机质演化程度较高,最高热解温度tmax达597℃,同提物中以非烃化合物和沥青质为主要成分,烃类含量不足20%,色谱-质谱 (GC-MS)分析图谱显示烷烃的碳数范围很宽,有显著的高碳数正烷烃峰群(C10-C31),奇偶优势明显,烃 机组分中除正烃外还包含有萜焓、甾烷、芳香烃和类异戊二烯烃等。其中生物标记  相似文献   

安徽淮南地区新元古代九里桥组主要由砂质、泥质灰岩,叠层石灰岩和白云质灰岩组成.该组沉积物中保存了特征明显的海洋风暴活动记录.对该组风暴沉积序列的岩性和沉积构造的不同组合特征的研究表明,这一时期发生的风暴活动作用过程经历了平静期、强盛期、减弱期和消亡期四个阶段.在不同的作用阶段,风暴活动发生的频率与强度有所不同,对沉积物的改造和破坏作用也不同,与之相关的岩层中叠层石、微体浮游生物化石和宏体生物化石的分布和保存也各具特色,这些迹象表明长期的风暴活动作用对区域性的生物生存和发展具有显著的影响.  相似文献   

本文采集了贵州省松桃县道坨锰矿102钻孔(ZK102)新元古代南沱组岩芯。通过对南沱组岩石矿物组成的光学显微镜研究,发现南沱组杂砾岩中含有不等量的钾长石与斜长石。其CIA平均值为65,在A-CN-K三角图解中表现钾富集。综合南沱组杂砾岩钾长石、斜长石的风化特征、CIA值和WIP值与SiO_2的关系分析,认为南沱组地层中的富钾现象是由于风化源岩中混入不同含量的钾长石和伊利石,其受到的风化作用弱,从而导致在A-CN-K三角图解中风化趋势偏向钾端的现象,是因为钾的富集,并非大多学者所解释的"钾交代",而是受源岩组成的影响。  相似文献   

There is much debate on biological affinities of the phosphatized globular fossils from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo phosphorites at Weng’an, Guizhou Province. Here we report for the first time the budding structures of some of these globular fossils, which have previously been interpreted as the resting eggs and early cleavage embryos of metazoans. The budding structures are similar to the germinating tubes of the spore and zygote of living algae, suggesting that some globular fossils from the Doushantuo phosphorites bear affinity with algae. The present new information indicated various biological affinity of the phosphatized globular fossils from the Doushantuo phosphorites.  相似文献   

贵州瓮安新元古代陡山沱组磷块岩中的有机化合物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对保存有多细胞藻类原植体、细菌和疑原类化石的贵州瓮安陡山沱组磷块岩所作的地球化学分析表明,磷块岩有机质演化程度较高,最高热解温度tmax达597℃。岩石抽提物中以非烃化合物和沥青质为主要成分,烃类含量不足20%。色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析图谱显示正烷烃的碳数范围很宽,有显著的高碳数正烷烃峰群(C19—C31),奇偶优势明显,烃类有机组分中除正烷烃外还包含有萜烷、甾烷、芳香烃和类异戊二烯烃等。其中生物标记化合物及其组成特征指示了有机物的主要来源是当时生存的真核的多细胞藻类、细菌和古细菌,这与所观察到的磷块岩中保存的古生物化石组成相吻合。某些特征有机物和生物标记物还指示了磷块岩沉积环境特征:强还原性、高盐度、低陆源输入以及与水热活动相关的局部高温。这与沉积学和岩石学的观察相符。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation at Weng'an in Guizhou Province of South China consists of phosphorites and dolomites.Three types of samples are recongnized for the phosphate-bearing rocks.In Type I samples, interstitial phosphates occur within the dolomite rocks, whereas in Type III samples, interstitial dolomites occur within the phosphorites; both of them may have diagenetic origin.The Type II samples are interbedded phosphorites and dolomites.Oxygen isotopic compositions of phosphate and coeval carbonate were analyzed.Phosphates of Type I and II samples show similar low δ18Ophos (SMOW) values of 10.9‰~12.1‰ and 10.7‰~12.8‰, respectively, whereas Type III phosphates show higher δ18Ophos (SMOW) values of 13.2‰~15.0‰.Dolomites from Type I and II samples have δ18Ocarb (PDB) and δ13Ccarb (PDB) values of -6.2‰~-3.4‰ and -2.2‰~-0.7‰, respectively, whereas interstitial dolomites from Type III samples show lower δ18Ocarb (PDB) and δ13Ccarb (PDB) values of -12.9‰~-8.6‰ and -4.4‰~-2.6‰.Petrology and oxygen isotope data suggest that diagenetic alteration may have partially affected the studied rocks, but the dolomites from Type I and phosphates from Type III samples represent the most pristine isotopic compositions of primary carbonates and phosphates precipitated from seawater.Calculations of palaeocean temperatures from the most 18O enriched dolomite and phosphate indicate a temperature range of 32.2 ℃ to 34.0 ℃ for the seawater of the Doushantuo Formation period.Ce anomaly also suggests more oxic conditions and possibly shallower water depth in the upper strata of the Doushantuo Formation at Weng'an, Guizhou Province.  相似文献   

阿中地块南缘晚元古代火山岩地质特征及构造环境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿中地块南缘晚元古代索尔库里群基性火山岩与滨浅海相细粒陆源碎屑岩、成熟度较高的石英砾岩和碳酸盐岩共生,这套火山-沉积岩发生浅变质强变形作用改造,其形成于大陆裂谷构造环境,基性火山岩为大陆裂谷拉斑玄武岩,火山岩-火山碎屑岩上覆岩系--碳酸盐岩中含大量小型叠层石,通过区域对比证明该套地层时代为晚元古代青白口纪,其沉积建造、岩相古地理环境与塔里木北缘库鲁克塔格地区同时代地层特征相似,说明青白口纪时南、北塔里木就有了统一的盖层.  相似文献   

The coalbed methane (CBM) reservoir is the basic geological unit of CBM storing and CBM resource developing. The forming conditions of the CBM reservoir include coal thickness, coal rank, seam buried depth, caprock, and geological structure. The division of a CBM reservoir in the Huainan coalfield is mainly based on the geological structure form and seam buried depth. According to the Fufeng nappe and the secondary structures of Huainan syn-clinorium, seven CBM reservoirs are divided in the Huainan Coalfield, such as Caijiagang, and the dynamic mechanism of CBM forming is analyzed. The structural position where the CBM reservoir is located has the important controlling role on the features of CBM reservoir.  相似文献   

四川盆地深层微生物碳酸盐岩储层特征及其油气勘探前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微生物碳酸盐岩是油气勘探储层的新类型。四川盆地微生物碳酸盐岩储层主要发育在上震旦统灯影组和中三叠统雷口坡组。灯影组微生物碳酸盐岩储层主要发育在灯二段和灯四段。灯影组微生物碳酸盐岩遍布全盆,岩石结构具有全盆地相似性,灯二段以凝块石和葡萄石为主,灯四段以纹层石和叠层石为主。灯二段储集空间主要为喀斯特孔洞、葡萄-花边状孔洞、微生物体腔孔、微生物格架间孔和凝块间溶孔,灯四段则以窗格孔和喀斯特孔洞为主。灯影组微生物碳酸盐岩优质储层形成的主控因素是微生物席、白云石化和风化壳喀斯特作用。雷口坡组微生物碳酸盐岩主要分布在川西地区的雷四段,主要为叠层石和凝块石,储集空间主要为微生物窗格孔和格架孔。雷口坡组微生物碳酸盐岩优质储层形成的主控因素是微生物礁滩(微生物席)、白云石化和埋藏溶蚀作用。目前,在灯影组和雷四段微生物碳酸盐岩储层均已发现大型气田,并具有非常广阔的勘探前景。四川盆地西部中北段是深层-超深层海相领域油气勘探的最有利地区之一。  相似文献   

通过对安徽东至建新剖面红花园组的生物礁、微生物岩进行研究,发现蓝绿菌类Girvanella在生物礁中大量分布,是生物礁的主要造礁成分。其他造礁生物包括瓶筐虫、石海绵、腹足类、腕足类、棘皮类等。Girvanella以散乱分布、包壳、组成内碎屑以及与海绵伴生等4种方式在本区生物礁中存在,并且在生物礁成礁过程中以生物本体矿化作用及粘结、捕获颗粒的作用形成生物礁格架;瓶筐虫及石海绵为生物礁中的居住者,因此,生物礁性质为瓶筐虫/石海绵-微生物礁,微生物起到了主要的造礁作用。此外红花园组典型含生物礁沉积序列是由底部的生屑灰岩基底、中部的海绵层(少量微生物岩)及顶部的微生物岩组成的。通过与其他地区同时代生物礁的对比发现,东至建新剖面红花园组中瓶筐虫/石海绵-微生物礁的发育及微生物的繁盛是全球性的,是由于底栖生物扰动对潮下带微生物发育影响尚未彰显造成的。  相似文献   

Yangjiaping section is located in Hupingshan Town, Shimen County, Hunan Province. The section has been intensively studied since 1980. However, The paleoclimate during the deposition of the Xieshuihe Formation remains controversial. Based on chemical analysis of sedimentary clastic rocks of the unit, the resulting CIA (the chemical index of alteration) values of the Xieshuihe Formation are similar to those of the overlying Gucheng Formation (also called the Dongshanfeng Formation). It indicates that the sedimentary rocks of the Xieshuihe Formation and Gucheng Formation underwent the similar degrees of chemical weathering before deposition. Therefore, the Xieshnihe Formation was also likely to be deposited under a cold climatic condition, which probably belongs to a part of the record of glaciations.  相似文献   

Profound geotectonic, climatic and biological changes occur during the terminal Neoproterozoic and its transition into the early Cambrian. These are reflected in temporal variations of the chemical and isotopic composition of seawater. We are studying a sequence of sedimentary rocks at the Shatan section, northern Yangtze Platform, Sichuan Province of China. This succession comprises, in ascending stratigraphic order, predominantly calcareous sediments of the Sinian upper Dengying Formation and black shales of the lower Cambrian Guojiaba Formation (time equivalent of Niutitang Fm.). Paleoenvironmental setting represents shallow-water shelf deposits. The objective of our study is to provide temporal records for the isotopic compositions of organic and carbonate carbon throughout this time interval. Organic carbon isotope values display a range between -35.8‰ and -30.1‰ with clear stratigraphic variations. Carbonate carbon isotope data vary between -3.5‰ and +0.5‰. These secular variations are interpreted to reflect perturbations of the global carbon cycle, specifically changes in the fractional burial of organic carbon. However, local conditions have further affected the isotopic signals.  相似文献   

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