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Based on bounded network-induced time-delay, the networked control system is modeled as a linear time-variant singular system. Using the Lyapunov theory and the linear matrix inequality approach, the criteria for delay-independent stability and delay-dependent stability of singular networked control systems are derived and transformed to a feasibility problem of linear matrix inequality formulation, which can be solved by the Matlab LMI toolbox, and the feasible solutions provide the maximum allowable delay bound that makes the system stable. A numerical example is provided, which shows that the analysis method is valid and the stability criteria are feasible.  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONWeconsiderthequadraticoptimalcontrolofalinearsystemwithunknownparameters .Thepresentcon trolsignalaffectsboththefuturebehaviorofthesys temandtheprecisionofthefuturestateandparame terestimation .Thisisthewell knowndualeffect[1] ,andoptimalco…  相似文献   

A kind of networked control system with network-induced delay and packet dropout, modeled on asynchronous dynamical systems was tested, and the integrity design of the networked control system with sensors failures and actuators failures was analyzed using hybrid systems technique based on the robust fault-tolerant control theory. The parametric expression of controller is given based on the feasible solution of linear matrix inequality. The simulation results are provided on the basis of detailed theoretical analysis, which further demonstrate the validity of the proposed schema.  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONIn many applications , dynamics of the plant arepartially known,and esti mation is the key in de-signing a successful control . Adaptive control ,re-presents the means of achieving online esti mation,has been the focus of research in recent years .Classes of stabilizable uncertain systems have beenfound,and several adaptive control design proce-dures have been proposed[1 ~4].The purpose of this paper is to develop newsolutions tothe adaptive stabilization problemfor aclass …  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONTi me delayis commonly encounteredin various en-gineering systems ,which often occursinthe trans-mission of information or material between differ-ent parts of a systemand is frequently a source ofinstability and poor performance[1]. Transporta-tion systems , communications systems , chemicalprocess , power systems are typical examples ofti me-delay systems . In the recent years , muchwork has been devoted to the analysis and synthe-sis of controller for state-delayed system…  相似文献   

Some existing methods for chaos control in engineering fields are analyzed and their drawbacks are pointed out. A tracking method can solve these problems to some extent, but it still depends on the mathematical model of the system to be controlled. An intelligent method based on fuzzy neural network (FNN) is used to control chaos in engineering fields. The FNN is employed to learn the inherent dynamics from the input and output of chaos, which can be used in the inverse system method, so that the method is free of the exact mathematical model of the system to be controlled. This intelligent method is compared with tracking method in the presence of measurement noise and model error. Simulation results show its superiority and feasibility.  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONDuringthelasttwodecades,thestudyofchaoticnonlineardynamicalsystemshasbeenrapidlyexpand ed .Oneofthereasonsfortheinterestsisthatchaoticbehaviorshavebeendiscoveredinmanynonlineardy namicalsystemsinphysics ,chemistry ,biology ,en gineering ,an…  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Terrainfollowing(TF)isanimportanttechnology formodernaircraftsuperlowaltitudepenetration flights.Iteffectivelymakesuseofinterferenceand deadzonesinenemydefensesystemscreatedbystray groundwavesandterrainundulations,raisingaircraft survivalcapabilities.Manymethodsareusedinair craftsuchasadaptiveanglemethodinF 111andB 1, templatemethodin“Tornado”and“Mirage2000” etc.TFtechnologyisalsousedincruisemissilessuch as“Tomahawk”.Aerodynamicnonlinearitiesandthe uncertaintiesof…  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Itisoftenmetbygesturesimulationexperimentof thepending bodiessuchassatellite,equipmentin weightlessenvironment,deep seaoperationroom,whereafloatingplatform(about500kg)abletoro tatein1dimention angledrivenbyamotorcalled“inertialwheel”isused,andtheentiresystemiscon trolledbyacomputersystem,standingfarfromthe platform,throughradiosignals(Fig.1)[1].Itisdif ficulttodrivetheplatformtovibrateatahighfre quency(upto10Hz),inordertosimulatethenatu ralmechanicaldisturbance,whileholdt…  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONTi me-delay commonly occurs in various industrialsystems ,such as turbojet engines , electrical net-works ,automotive systems ,and chemical process ,etc .Its existenceis usually a source of poor systemperformance ,or instability . Hence ,the control ofti me delay systems has received considerable atten-tion over the past two decades , and different de-sign approaches have been proposed[1]. We wouldlike to point out SMC is a reasonable method tostabilize the uncertain ti me…  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION The presence of time delay has a significant effect on system performance and destroys the stability of closed-loop system[1]. Therefore, the study on time-delay systems has important practical significance. Recen- tly,considerable progress has been made in this field[1~10]. According to the dependency of the designed contr-oller depends on the time delay, the control approa-ches for time-delay systems can be classified into two categories: delay-dependent[2~3,10] and dela…  相似文献   

Stochastic stabilization analysis of networked control systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Considering the stochastic delay problems existing in networked control systems, a new control mode is proposed for networked control systems whose delay is longer than a sampling period. Under the control mode, the mathematical model of such a system is established. A stochastic stabilization condition for the system is given. The maximum delay can be derived from the stabilization condition.  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONRate control is ani mportant issue althoughit does notbelong to the normative part in video coding stan-dard . Without rate control many video coding sys-tems can not run smoothly because the client buffermay often under-flow and over-flow when a channelused to deliver the compressed streamis of constantbandwidth. There are several rate control ways for aconstant bit rate videotransmissionsystem.One si m-ple solution is shown in MPEG-2 TM5[1],and it isusedto be a benchmar…  相似文献   

A major difficulty in multivariable control design is the cross-coupling between inputs and outputs which obscures the effects of a specific controller on the overall behavior of the system. This paper considers the application of kernel method in decoupling multivariable output feedback controllers. Simulation results are presented to show the feasibility of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the disturbance rejection problem arising in the coordination control of a group of autonomous agents subject to external disturbances. The agent network is said to possess a desired level of disturbance rejection, if the H norm of its transfer function matrix from the disturbance to the controlled output is satisfactorily small. Undirected graph is used to represent the information flow topology among agents. It is shown that the disturbance rejection problem of an agent network can be solved by analyzing the H control problem of a set of independent systems whose dimensions are equal to that of a single node. An interesting result is that the disturbance rejection ability of the whole agent network coupled via feedback of merely relative measurements between agents will never be better than that of an isolated agent. To improve this, local feedback injections are applied to a small fraction of the agents in the network. Some criteria for possible performance improvement are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, extensions to the case when communication time delays exist are also discussed. This research is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants Nos. 10832006 and 60674093.  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTIONThis paper addresses the problemof global stabilization ofthe feed-forword nonlinear system.The stabilization ofsystems withthisstructure has been widelyinvestigatedinthe recent years[1,2].The key way of dealing withsuchaproblemistofindthe solutionfor theintegral.However,in many cases,tofindsuch a solutionis not easy,or theintegral may not be solvable.According to this problem,we propose a design methodandshowthatindeedtheideaproposedin Ref.[1]can befurther developed.Moreov…  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Tocontrolthequalityoftheproducts,wemustsu pervisethequalityindexesandanalyzethechanging tendency.Therearealotofstatisticaltoolsincom monuse,themosteffectivemethodisacontrol chart.Itcangrasptheabnormalsymptomofatrend ofthequalityofproductsincontrollingprocessand makethequalitypreventionpossible.Butfromits workingprocessweknowthismethodalsohassome limitation.Becausethecontrolchartonlydetermines theaveragevalueandlimitinterval,onecanonly judgethequalitystateofproductsstatica…  相似文献   

A new controller design problem of networked control systems with packet dropping is proposed. Depending on the place that the observer is put in the system, the network control systems with packet dropping are modeled as stochastic systems with the random variables satisfying the Bernoulli random binary distribution. The observer-based controller is designed to stabilize the networked system in the sense of mean square, and the prescribed H∞ disturbance attenuation level is achieved. The controller design problem is formulated as the feasibility of the convex optimization problem, which can be solved by a linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. Numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, the formation control problem of secondorder nonholonomic mobile robot systems is investigated in a dynamic event-triggered scheme. Event-triggered control protocols combined with persistent excitation(PE) conditions are presented. In event-detecting processes, an inactive time is introduced after each sampling instant, which can ensure a positive minimum sampling interval. To increase the flexibility of the event-triggered scheme, internal dynamic variables are included in event-...  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Physicalplantsareunavoidabletobeaffectedbydis turbance,time delayanduncertainty,whichmay makesomeunwantedinfluenceonthesystem’sper formanceandevenresultininstability.Howtoavoid andcounteractsuchdisadvantagesthroughfeedback designhasbeenaresearchtopicunderintensiveinves tigationrecently[1~7].Inpractice,twokindsofdisturbancesareoften encountered:stochastic(orrandom)disturbanceand deterministicdisturbance.Forthestochasticdistur bance,systemsunderconsiderationaremodeledand st…  相似文献   

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