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抗冷冻蛋白基因转化甜菜的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗冷冻蛋白基因转化甜菜的研究@李天然,张剑峰,李旭刚¥内蒙古大学生物学系甜菜,抗冷冻蛋白(AFP)基因,遗传转化,根癌农杆菌,PCR扩增抗冷冻蛋白基因转化甜菜的研究李天然,张剑峰,李旭刚(内蒙古大学生物学系,010021,呼和浩特)StudyonTran...  相似文献   

以中国春(CS)、绵阳11(MY11)等小麦为对照,以拟鹅观草(Pseudoroegneria spicata)、中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium)、中国春茸毛偃麦草双二倍体(TE)为材料筛选100条ISSR引物,筛选到引物811能在拟鹅观草扩增出一条758 bp的特异DNA片段(GenBank登录号为EU368734),记为p811758.利用该引物对一系列含有St染色体组的二倍体或多倍体进行PCR扩增,结果显示含有St染色体的材料均可以扩增出p811758,小麦属的其他不含St染色体的物种不能扩增出p811758.以两套中国春-中间偃麦草二体附加系为材料进行初步染色体定位,结果表明所有材料均扩增出了这条特异带.进一步对中国春中间偃麦草后代进行扩增,结果表明p811758可以作为分子标记用来检测小麦背景中含St的染色质.  相似文献   

利用分子标记检测技术,对9种参加2020年上海市水稻区域试验的品种和2种本课题组新培育的新品系的共10个抗稻瘟病基因位点进行了检测.结果显示,Pi37,Pi41,Pi-d23个基因在11种水稻中出现的频率达100%,Pi2,Pi5,Pi9,Pi36,Pikm和Pib抗性基因在11种水稻中出现的频率分别为18.18%,9...  相似文献   

水稻抗纹枯病主效QTLs的分子标记研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

葡萄抗霜霉病基因RAPD标记的序列分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用WizardDNAClean upSystem纯化葡萄抗霜霉病基因RAPD遗传标记OPO 0 6 - 150 0片段 ,用T easyVector克隆RAPD标记 ,采用自动荧光DNA测序仪 (型号ABI 377DNASe quencer)测定了该DNA片段的核苷酸组成及其排列顺序 .来自中国野葡萄的RAPD标记OPO 0 6- 150 0从左右两端各测了 586bp和 4 52bp .对两端序列的酶切位点进行了分析 .根据两端序列可以设计专一PCR扩增引物作为合成抗霜霉病检测探针的基础 ,用于检测葡萄抗病育种和抗病品种的霜霉病抗性 .  相似文献   

水稻早熟基因显性抑制基因的遗传分析和分子标记定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将明恢63,9311,IR68,献国和BG1639等5个迟热水稻品种与早籼核不育系6442S—7杂交,对F1,F2代以及三交F1群体进行抽穗期遗传分析.结果表明,9311,IR68,献国和BG1639等4个迟熟品种含有1对等位的显性抑制基因,可部分地抑制6442S—7显性早熟基因的表达.以6442S—7∥明恢63/9311三交F1群体为定位群体,利用微卫星标记将该抑制基因定位于水稻第8染色体短臂上.该抑制基因命名为Su—Ef-cd(t),并认为该基因对于利用6442S—7早熟基因来培育不同熟期的早熟和中早熟品种具有重要意义.  相似文献   

分子标记(molecularInarker)即指与蛋白质和核酸相关的分子水平上的遗传标记,大致可分为同Ⅰ酶标记,RFLP标记和RADP标记等。研究生物遗传多样性和系统进化关系,首先必须找到恰当的遗传标记(geneticmarker)。恰当的遗传标记是随机选取的能代表生物体遗传组成,具有足够变异类型的标记组合。在生物系统进化和分类研究方面,经典的方法是以形态性状、杂交亲和性、地理生态分布、核型分析和染色体显带等特性作为遗体标记。无疑,经典的方法是重要的研究手段,然而,这些经典的方法基本上建立在宏观的形态观测水平,受环境影响大,研…  相似文献   

通过对退火温度、镁离子浓度、聚合酶浓度等因素进行优化,建立了适合蝴蝶兰ISSR分析的优化反应体系,并将此体系用于分析22个蝴蝶兰品种/品系.从80个引物中筛选出14个引物,共扩增出188条片段(多态性条带比例为84%),表明供试品种/品系间具有丰富的遗传多态性.并且检测出了19条品系特异性条带,可用来鉴定供试蝴蝶兰中的11个品系.22个品种/品系在遗传距离L=0.254处可分为8个组,两个最大的组分别代表红色系和白色系,可见聚类情况与花色特征比较一致.  相似文献   

新疆甜菜湿腐型根腐病病原的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996-1999年从新疆各主要甜菜产区采集湿腐型甜菜根腐病样91个,从中分离获得81个腐霉菌分离物,根据形态特征、生物学特征和菌体可溶性蛋白电泳测定,将其鉴定为3个种:瓜果腐霉(Pythium aphanidermatum)、简囊腐霉(Pythium monospermum)和Pythium spp.经致病性测定表明,这3种腐霉菌是造成新疆甜菜根腐病的主要病原。  相似文献   

Molecular markers linked to Rsa resistant to soybean mosaic virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is a severe disease in worldwide soybean production. A cross was made between Kefeng No. 1 with broad spectrum resistance to SMV and Nannong 1138–2, a susceptible cultivar. The inheritance of resistance to SMV strain Sa prevailing in southern China was analyzed. Results of x2 test from inoculation experiment on parents F1, F2 and F3 lines showed that the resistance to strain Sa was controlled by a single dominant gene Rsa. BSA method was adopted and 900 random 10-mer primers were used to amplify total DNA from resistant pool and susceptible pool in order to obtain polymorphic bands in two bulks. 16 primers could generate polymorphic bands, of which OPW-05 and OPAS-06 could generate the most stable RAPD patterns. RAPD markers OPW-05660 and OPAS-061800 were found to be linked to Rsa. Their order and genetic distance were OPAS-06180022.2cM Rsa10.1 cM OPW-05660. Southern blotting showed that both OPAS-061800 and 0PW-05660 were low copy DNA in genomic DNA. 0PW-05660 has been converted into an RFLP marker successfully. Additionally, pK644H, an RFLP marker, has been identified to be linked to 0PW-05660, and their genetic distance was 37.4 cM.  相似文献   

灰色关联度分析在甜菜抗病育种中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用灰色系统理论中的灰色关联度分析方法对甜菜杂交组合品种进行了多个性状的综合评估。结果表明,甜菜杂交组合以D9016的综合性状最好,NA8907次之,宁甜302最差,评价结果与大田生产示范的结果基本一致。同时初步探讨了用该方法综合评估甜菜耐丛根病品种的选育效果。  相似文献   

By scanning the whole genomic sequence of japonica rice using 45 known plant disease resistance (R) genes, we identified 2119 resistance gene homologs or analogs (RGAs) and verified that RGAs are not randomly distributed but tend to cluster in the rice genome. The RGAs were classified into 21 families according to their functional domain based on Hidden Markov model (HMM). By comparing the RGAs of japonica rice with the whole genomlc sequence of indica rice, we found 702 RGAs allelic between the two subspecies and revealed that 671 (95.6%) of them have length difference (InDels) in their genomic sequences (including coding and non-coding regions) between the two subspecies, suggesting that RGAs are highly polymorphic between the two subspecies in rice. We also exploited 402 PCR-based and co-dominant candidate RGA markers by designing primer pairs on the regions flanking the lnDels and validating them via e-PCR. The length differences of the candidate RGA markers between the two subspecies are from 1 to 742 hp, with an average of 10.26 hp. All related information of the RGAs is available from our web site(http://ibi.zju.edu.cn/RGAs/index.html).  相似文献   

为了明确已克隆的部分稻瘟病抗性基因在上海市主栽水稻品种以及新培育的水稻品系中的分布,选取22份水稻为材料,利用分子标记检测技术,对10个已被克隆的抗稻瘟病基因进行基因型鉴定及分析.结果表明,22种水稻均含Pi36、Pi37、Pi-d2、Pib抗性基因,而Pi-kh、Pi9、Pi2、Pi-ta、Pikm抗性基因在22种水稻中分布各有不同,所有被测水稻中均不携带Pi25抗性基因.  相似文献   

Estimation of the position and effect of sterility genes is an important problem to be solved to understand the sterility mechanism in remote hybridization in plants.In this study,a maximum likelihood (ML) method was used for estimation of the position and effect of sterility genes that exhibit epistasis in an F 2 population using the distorted segregation of markers.The ML solutions for recombination fraction and viability were obtained via an expectation-maximization algorithm.The results of Monte Carlo simulations showed that the estimates of recombination fraction and viability were consistent with their true values.The bias and standard deviation of parameters indicated that a larger sample size,closer linkage and lower viability of sterile genes led to better estimates of the parameters involved.A subset of marker data of the F 2 population derived from a single cross between the rice japonica cultivar Nipponbare and the indica cultivar Kasalath was analyzed using this method.Eight sterility genes were identified on chromosomes 1,3,6,8 and 10,and significant epistasis was detected among four pairs of sterility genes.  相似文献   

简述了DNA分子标记的种类和特点,综述了分子标记技术在菠菜遗传育种中的主要应用,包括:性别鉴定、抗病菠菜育种、高产优质菠菜培育、物种亲缘关系和遗传多样性研究,及分子标记辅助育种等方面的研究进展,并对分子标记技术的发展和应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

概述了分子标记的分类和特点,以及在不结球白菜遗传多样性分析、遗传图谱构建、数量性状座位(quantitative trait locus,QTLs)定位和分子标记辅助育种等领域中的最新研究进展.总结了目前分子标记在不结球白菜遗传改良和辅助育种中存在的若干问题,并对该研究领域提出了一些展望和建议.  相似文献   

DNA序列标签位点(STS)是一个操作简便和花费低的分子标记体系,将与某一性状密切连锁的AFLP(扩增片段长度多态性)片段转换成STS标记可直接用于分子育种工作中.本研究利用Ning 7840和Clark的重组自交系及AFLP技术,探测到一个与小麦赤霉病抗性紧密连锁的坐落在染色体3BS的主效数量特性位点(QTL),发现5个Pstl-AFLP片段与该QTL显著关联;其中2个片段与赤霉病抗性达到50%左右的表型变异解析度,一个为35个碱基的相引相片段,另一个为222个碱基的相斥相片段.222个碱基的DNA片段被克隆和测序,发现11个克隆中含有5种不同的DNA序列,其中一种序列在5个克隆中完全一致,该序列被用来作为设计STS标记的DNA模板.经多次实验,开发出了一个共显性STS标记.该STS标记与原222个碱基的AFLP片段谱带(banding pattern)完全一致,具有鉴别小麦育种材料赤霉病抗病强弱和加速抗病育种进程的潜力.  相似文献   

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