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Integrated study on the tectonic, basin filling and thermal evolution of the Tertiary basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea has indicated that the rift continental margin on the northern South China Sea is not a passive margin and that the western margin is characteristic of the transform-extension. Episodic rifting and the thermal events since 10 Ma in the area have been documented by the integrated analysis of dynamic process. It has been clarified that the tectono-thermal events have exerted a significant influence on basin features and hydrocarbon accumulation, and particularly, the westward collision of the Lusong Island Arc, the generation of densely spaced faults in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, the rapid subsidence, high heat flow and large-scale over pressure and thermal-fluid breakthrough in the Yinggehai and the Qiongdongnan basins have proved to be the important factors determining the formation of oil and gas in these basins.  相似文献   

南海北部大陆架海洋生态系统Ecopath模型的应用与分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
过度捕捞和环境恶化导致渔业资源和海洋生态系统逆向发展。采用EwE5.1软件,对南海北部大陆架建立Ecopath(生态通道模型)模型。通过各级流量、生物量、生产量、捕捞量、系统总流量以及生态位和混和营养效应等方面的分析,得出营养流通主要有2种途径,肉食鱼类间饵料竞争非常激烈,低值鱼类间具相似的捕食压力,顶级捕食者对大部分鱼类负效应不明显。系统受过度捕捞渔业影响很大,并存在营养级I利用效率低和渔业资源小型化、低值化等不稳定的幼态特征。  相似文献   

南海深部计划与国际大洋钻探航次取得了一系列创新进展与重大突破:1)发现南海陆缘岩石圈减薄之初未出现地幔蛇纹岩出露,且岩浆迅速出现;2)新提出南海不是"小大西洋",而是"板缘张裂"盆地,与经典的大西洋型"板内张裂"陆缘模式不同;3)揭示南海受到俯冲带的强烈控制,提出俯冲诱发地幔上涌并影响南海岩浆活动。  相似文献   

南海北部大陆架海洋生态系统Ecosim模型的动态模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了确定最佳的渔业政策,采用EwE 5.1软件,对南海北部大陆架海洋生态系统构建了1987-1998年Ecosim(时间动态)模型。Ecosim模型包含了32个功能组,初始参数来源于20世纪80年代末期静态平衡的Ecopath模型。通过营养关系,分析了渔业捕捞对主要经济鱼类的动态影响。结果显示1998年系统总输出、总生物量都有不同程度的增加,而总捕捞量则有所降低;强化的捕捞压力导致了低值小型鱼类被捕食压力的间接缓解,大中型高价值鱼类的生物量发生明显下降;说明了生态系统呈现出逆向发育的主要原因在于过度捕捞所产生的从上而下(top-down)的控制作用。  相似文献   

南海存在两种火山岩:洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)和洋岛玄武岩(OIB)。国际大洋发现计划(IODP)第349、367、368、368X航次在南海海盆的成功钻取,获得了南海初始扩张(~34 Ma)和停止扩张(~15—16 Ma)前的洋壳样品。南海东部、西南次海盆及北缘洋-陆过渡带代表海盆发展的不同阶段,具有不同的地幔潜能温度、物质组成和洋脊扩张速度,因此产生的洋中脊玄武岩成分差异显著。南海地区在扩张晚期及停止扩张之后存在大规模地幔上涌,与其周缘地区的持续俯冲有关,产出的海山OIB不同于地幔柱活动产生的火山链。南海虽小,但蕴含的信息异常丰富,是窥探地球深部难得的天然窗口。  相似文献   

Heat flow plays an important role in the study of thermal structure and thermal evolution of continental margin of the northern South China Sea. The analysis of heat flow value shows that margin heat flow in the northern South China Sea is relatively high setting, but the percentage of crustal heat flow is lower than 35% in terrestrial heat flow. The terrestrial heat flow exhibited a current of rise from the Northern Continental Margin to the Southern Central Basin. However, the proportion of crustal heat flow in terrestrial heat flow slowly dropped down in the same direction. It is suggested that the main factor causing high heat flow setting is the moving up of hot material from asthenosphere.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) is one of the largest marginal seas in the western Pacific. Its northern part has the features of a passive continental margin. The studies of deep crustal structure in this area are very important for understanding the tectonic nature, evolution history, basin formation of the northern margin, and the origin of the SCS. In the past decades, the deep seismic experiments of crustal studies in the northern SCS have gone through three stages, namely the sonobuoy, two-ship Expanding Spread Profile (ESP), and Ocean Bottom Hydrophone/Seismometer (OBH/OBS). Along the continental slope, the sonobuoy experiments provided useful information about the velocity structure of the upper crust, while the ESP data recorded for the first time the seismic signals from deep crustal structure and Moho interface. And the OBH/OBS profiles revealed the crustal structure in much greater detail. This paper first gives a brief historical review of these deep seismic experiments and studies, then a summary of the latest progress and important research results. The remaining problems and suggestions for further research work are presented as conclusive remarks.  相似文献   

Based on the latest seismic and geological data, tectonic subsidence of three seismic lines in the deepwater area of Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB), the northern South China Sea (SCS), is calculated. The result shows that the rifting process of study area is different from the typical passive continental margin basin. Although the seafloor spreading of SCS initiated at 32 Ma, the tectonic subsidence rate does not decrease but increases instead, and then decreases at about 23 Ma, which indicates that the rifting continued after the onset of seafloor spreading until about 23 Ma. The formation thickness ex- hibits the same phenomenon, that is the syn-rift stage prolonged and the post-rift thermal subsidence delayed. The formation mechanisms are supposed to be three: (1) the lithospheric rigidity of the northern SCS is weak and its ductility is relatively strong, which delayed the strain relaxation resulting from the seafloor spreading; (2) the differential layered independent extension of the lithosphere may be one reason for the delay of post-rift stage; and (3) the southward transition of SCS spreading ridge during 24 to 21 Ma and the corresponding acceleration of seafloor spreading rate then triggered the initiation of large-scale thermal subsidence in the study area at about 23 Ma.  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘深水区由于陆缘地壳的强烈伸展减薄,形成了多个宽深断陷所构成的盆地群,发育多种类型烃源岩和大型储集砂体。大型盆地、广泛分布的多类型烃源岩、高-变地温场的耦合共控,奠定了深水油气资源的物质基础。大型供给水系、构造地貌、相对海平面升降的相互作用,形成3种类型的沉积体系,控制了深水区大型储集体的发育和展布,但高热流加速了深水沉积物压实和成岩作用。南海北部陆缘深水油气勘探前景广阔,烃源岩、有效储层以及热流3因素的复杂多变,决定了油气勘探中机遇与挑战并存。  相似文献   

Seasonal features of the Sverdrup circulation in the South China Sea   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Based on the Sverdrup relation, using climatological wind stress data, the basin scale Sverdrup transport in the South China Sea(SCS) is calculated and the basic seasonal features of the Sverdrup circulation are obtained. A comparison of these calculated features with observations proves that the wind-driven circulation in the SCS is very important for the formation of the SCS upper oceanic circulation in winter, summer and fall. It is shown that the non-uniform sea surface wind is one of the causes to form multi circulation centers in the basin of the SCS. The westward current at 18°N is caused by the local wind, which is stronger in fall and winter. The seasonal variation of circulation in the southern SCS is much more remarkable than that in the north. The wind in spring is helpful to the seasonal reversal of the circulation in the central SCS. The northward transport of the cyclonic circulation reaches the maximum in fall.  相似文献   

为较准确地了解掌握可以反映南中国海天气和气候特征的云量分布演变特征,利用1999年1月至2009年12月的ISCCP卫星云量资料,通过物理量特征提取、对比分析等方法,研究了南中国海总云量及高、中、低云量的分布演变特征,以及其与其他海域各季节云量季节性变化特征。结果表明:南中国海低云量四季中均表现为由海区向沿岸递减,总云量和中、高云量夏秋季高于冬春季,低云量则相反。对于不同海域的云量细节特征要依据各季节大气和海洋环流变化来细致区分,这样有助于在掌握规律基础上有效制作海域上空云的预报。  相似文献   

南海中部存在巨大的中南断裂将南海海盆分割为东-西两部分,至少自1亿年以来,在沉积环境与沉积厚度、洋陆边界的属性与特征、大陆破裂的时代、岩浆活动的来源与程度、减薄大陆架和大陆坡的宽度、洋壳年龄与磁性层结构、磁异常条带特征、岩石化学等诸多方面都存在巨大差异,它们主要受控于早期地质构造背景的差异、东西部大陆减薄伸展速率的变化以及海底扩张的构造环境的不同,并深刻影响了之后的区域沉积分区和沉降特征。  相似文献   

南海的构造演化与其周边的板块构造运动有密切关系,一直是地学研究的热点问题。现对中外学者关于南海成因模式的观点、模式进行综述分析,讨论涉及主动成因10种,被动类成因7种,涉及代表性观点20个,每一观点都能合理解释一些宏观地质现象,也都与另一些地质现象相悖,还需要进一步修正、发展或用新的资料来验证。这是南海研究日趋成熟的表现,未来将会逐渐各个学说融合发展。从史学的角度讨论了"南海观点"之演变,认为未来主要趋向是研究方法多元化、精细化、定量化,认为南海与周围地块之间主被动关系研究、东南亚盆地群响应序列之间对比、岩石圈结构学、区域岩石发展史、不同学说的动力学定量对比与评价是未来的主要研究关注点,并充分考虑外围被动因素,融合南海的发育历史,并将中生代南海的岩石圈禀赋及历史融于其中是南海成因模式研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

南海碳酸盐台地分布自早中新世开始发育,至中中新世达到鼎盛,再到晚中新世大量台地被淹没而逐渐消亡。从分布看,南海碳酸盐台地具有南早北晚、东早西晚的发育规律;从堆积速率看,中中新统速率最大。控制这些台地的诞生、发育演化和消亡的因素十分复杂,可能包括构造活动、相对海平面的变化、陆源碎屑物质输入变化、古海洋环境变化。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR的在分析资料,分析了1948~2004年期间澳大利亚(以下简称澳高)的年变化和日变化及其对南海夏季风的影响。结果显示在澳高强弱年这种影响有着不同的结果:在年际变化中,澳高与南海夏季风的相关性在澳高弱年明显大于强澳高年;而日变化中,澳高与南海夏季风的相关性在澳高弱年为正,澳高强年则为负。进一步研究表明,造成这些现象的原因大致可以归为:强弱澳高年,越赤道气流的通道变换;西太平洋副热带高压(以下简称副高)的位置偏向;马斯可林高压(以下简称马高)的作用的叠加效应.这些作用对于南海夏季风的重要组成部分:越赤道气流产生了重要影响,从而影响了南海夏季风的强度。  相似文献   

21世纪是海洋世纪,南海对中国经济、政治、军事的重要性日益突显.由于南海周边各国的政治文化形态的差异、南海地理位置和贸易通道的重要、资源的丰富及区域外大国的插手,使得南海形势更加严峻.我国应及时采取建立东南亚安全合作机制、共同开发南海资源、运用外交和国际法以及加强国防建设等相应措施来应对复杂的南海问题.  相似文献   

析南海问题中的美国因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
冷战结束后,美国一改其过去所持的中立立场,开始积极介入南海问题,以从政治、军事上遏制中国,并掠夺南海的石油资源,美国对南海问题的介入,无疑会增加争端解决的难度,使我国的周边安全环境趋于恶并改变亚太地区原有的战略均势。  相似文献   

分析了南海东部地区语音电话系统现状,阐述了语音电话系统设计思路及具体设计。  相似文献   

 根据分形几何学的原理,利用数盒子法计算了南海北部陆坡断裂的平面分布分维值,并以此探讨了断裂与天然气水合物的关系,结果表明:属被动陆缘的北部陆坡断裂越发育水合物异常越少,而属主动陆缘的台西南则断裂越发育水合物异常就越多。这一结果也反映了:被动陆缘环境的张性断层因缺乏相伴生的褶皱而不利于水合物的发育,并可能作为天然气的泄漏通道而破坏水合物成藏;主动陆缘环境的断裂以挤压逆冲断层为主,并伴生强烈的褶皱,其中断裂是深部烃源向上运移的通道,褶皱则是浅部天然气聚集成藏的圈闭。  相似文献   

Evaluation of a 3dVAR system for the South China Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The authors evaluate a three-dimensional variational (3dVAR) system for the South China Sea (SCS) in this study. The assimilation method applied in the system takes into consideration error correlation along each ground track and uses recursive filter for optimiza- tion. Data from three R/V cruises during the spring and summer of 1998 and the summer of 2000 are used to evaluate the system. The root-mean-square error and bias are reduced significantly and when the altimeter data are assimilated, the distribution of the error is much closer to the Gaussian distribution. Precipitation and river discharge in the southwestern SCS are reproduced, and the variability of sea surface height is efficiently transferred to the subsurface. The 3dVAR system performs well for each of the three cruises, suggesting that it is steady for routine usage.  相似文献   

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