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为明晰植物幼苗在不同土壤质地中的生长适应策略,探讨利用不同土壤处理方式调控植株幼苗生长发育和提高人工育苗效率的可能。将苗圃土壤分别设置为平床深耕、起垄和平床浅耕三种处理,研究不同处理下当年生胡杨幼苗生长季的生长动态和根系变化特征。结果表明:7月份是胡杨幼苗生长关键期,比根长能够作为反映其生长情况的重要指标,土壤处理方式影响着胡杨幼苗地上、地下生物量分配以及根系形态,深耕对幼苗根系生长有促进作用,这对胡杨苗圃土壤处理方式的选择有参考价值。  相似文献   

【目的】研究多年生木本植物花芽分化进程和特点,揭示树木成花分子调控机制。【方法】分别以南京地区成年美洲黑杨(Populus deltoides)雌株和雄株为材料,详细记录其花芽发育的完整过程,并采用石蜡切片技术对雌、雄花芽发育各阶段进行解剖观察。【结果】在南京地区,每年5月底至6月初成年美洲黑杨的当年花枝上形成肉眼可见的花芽。随后的花芽分化过程可以分为5个阶段:苞片分化期(6月中旬之前)、小花原基起始期(6月中旬至7月中旬)、雌蕊/雄蕊分化期(7月中旬至11月)、休眠期(12月至翌年1月)和雌/雄配子体形成期(翌年2—3月),最终在早春形成单性花。【结论】美洲黑杨雌、雄花均为Ⅱ型单性花,即某一性别花中不存在相反性别花器官的残留。在整个花芽发育过程中,雄花芽较雌花芽大而饱满,雌、雄花芽鳞片外观嫩绿、质地坚硬,花芽长度生长趋势呈“S”形曲线。研究结果可为进一步深入研究杨树花器官发育及性别分化的分子机制提供必要的前提和基础。  相似文献   

The photosynthetic characterization of Populus euphratica and its response to the elevated carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) were analyzed based on its net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), transpiration rate (Tr), and water use efficiency (WUE) at different groundwater depths measured by a portable gas exchange system (LI-6400) in the lower reaches of the Tarim River. The results showed that the elevation of [CO2] decreased the gs, and increased the Pn, Ci and WUE of P. euphratica. However, the effects of the elevated [CO2] on gs, Pn, Ci and WUE varied considerably with groundwater depth. The response of photosynthesis to rising [CO2] was stronger at the greater groundwater depth (more than 6 m) than that at the shallower groundwater depth (less than 6 m). The critical groundwater depth required to maintain the normal survival of P. euphratica was less than 6 m. When the groundwater depth increased to more than 6 m, P. euphratica encountered moderate water stress, and the plant suffered severe water stress when the groundwater depth increased to more than 7 m.  相似文献   

水热因子对塔里木河下游胡杨年轮指数和植被指数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探索塔里木河流域树木年轮与植被遥感间的关系。【方法】借助树木年轮学的方法和技术手段,利用塔里木河下游10个采样点的胡杨样芯数据和长时间序列中国植被指数(GIMMS NDVI)数据及水热因子数据,在分析该区胡杨年轮指数和植被指数变化特征基础上,重点探讨水热因子、胡杨年轮指数及归一化植被指数(NDVI)三者间的相关性。【结果】胡杨年轮指数和年际NDVI变化在1980—2001年间均呈下降趋势,区内植被在该时间段内退化较为严重。年内NDVI变化呈单峰状,5—8月为植被生长季,1—4月和9—12月为植被非生长季。【结论】该区胡杨年轮生长受5月(P<0.01, 显著负相关)地下水埋深和6月(P<0.01,显著负相关)温度影响显著,而NDVI主要与5—7月(P<0.01, 显著负相关)和10月(P<0.01, 显著负相关)的地下水埋深及7月(P<0.01, 显著负相关)温度有关,且影响NDVI和胡杨年轮指数的主要因子是水热因子中的地下水埋深因子。胡杨年轮指数与NDVI间的相关性差,未能通过0.05水平检验。  相似文献   

Combined with materials measured on leaves water potential of Populus euphratica oliv in the process of ecological water delivery in the lower reaches of Tarim River, the influence of ground-water depths and soil salinity on leaves water potential of P. euphratica was analyzed. We found that there was evident negative correlation between the leaves water potential of P. euphratica and ground-water depths. The deeper the ground-water depths were, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress P. euphratica suffered from. Besides, there was evident negative correlation between the soil salinity and the leaves water potential of P. euphratica. The bigger the soil salinity was, the lower the leaves water potential of P euphratica was, the more serious drought stress was indicated from which P. euphratica suffered. For sections rather distant for Daxihaizi Reservoir as well as for those places of wells rather distant from the river course, ground-water depths and the soil salinity were high; the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was low. The leaves water potential of P. euphratica can reflect the degree at which P. euphratica suffers from drought and salt stress, and has an important reference meaning in analyzing proper ground-water depths for the survival and growth of P. euphratic in the lower reaches of Tarim River.  相似文献   

Combined with materials measured on leaves water potential of Populus euphratica ofiv in the process of ecological water delivery in the lower reaches of Tarim River, the influence of ground-water depths and soil salinity on leaves water potential of P. euphratica was analyzed. We found that there was evident negative correlation between the leaves water potential of P. euphratica and ground-water depths. The deeper the ground-water depths were, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress P. euphratica suffered from. Besides, there was evident negative correlation between the soil salinity and the leaves water potential of P. euphratica. The bigger the soil salinity was, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress was indicated from which P. euphratica suffered. For sections rather distant for Daxihaizi Reservoir as well as for those places of wells rather distant from the river course, ground-water depths and the soil salinity were high; the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was low. The leaves water potential of P. euphratica can reflect the degree at which P. euphratica suffers from drought and salt stress, and has an important reference meaning in analyzing proper ground-water depths for the survival and growth of P. euphratic in the lower reaches of Tarim River.  相似文献   

In order to lucubrate the daily variation of respiration in soils of Populus euphratica forests and analyze its relationship with environmental factors in the middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River, the LI-8100 instrument of soil CO2 flux system was used to measure the parameters of soil carbon flux and air temperature 10 cm above ground surface along the profiles of Usyman, Archy River, Yengisu and Karday, and the relationships between the soil carbon flux and the soil moisture content were analyzed. The nonlinear regression analysis was carried out with the software SPSS13.0. We observed that: (1) soil respiration began to be restrained when the air temperature was up to 30℃ 10 cm above the ground surface; (2) the rates of soil respiration under the forests of Populus euphratica were significantly different at various moisture contents, the soil carbon flux was high along the Usyman profile,which has a high soil moisture content, and it was low along the profiles of Archy River, Yengisu and Karday, which has a low soil moisture content; (3) the exponential model can be used to explain the relationship between soil respiration and air temperature 10 cm above the ground surface. The average Q10 values along the profiles of Usyman, Archy River, Yengisu and Karday are 0.61, 0.16, 0.22 and 0.35 respectively, much lower than the average of the world; (4) there is a positive correlation between the soil carbon flux and the soil moisture content  相似文献   

In order to lucubrate the daily variation of respiration in soils of Populus euphratica forests and analyze its relationship with environmental factors in the middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River, the LI-8100 instrument of soil CO2 flux system was used to measure the parameters of soil carbon flux and air temperature 10 cm above ground surface along the profiles of Usyman, Archy River, Yengisu and Karday, and the relationships between the soil carbon flux and the soil moisture content were analyzed. The nonlinear regression analysis was carried out with the software SPSS13.0. We observed that: (1) soil respiration began to be restrained when the air temperature was up to 30℃10 cm above the ground surface; (2) the rates of soil respiration under the forests of Populus euphratica were significantly different at various moisture contents, the soil carbon flux was high along the Usyman profile, which has a high soil moisture content, and it was low along the profiles of Archy River, Yengisu and Karday, which has a low soil moisture content; (3) the exponential model can be used to explain the relationship between soil respiration and air temperature 10 cm above the ground surface. The average Q10 values along the profiles of Usyman, Archy River, Yengisu and Karday are 0. 61, 0.16, 0. 22 and 0. 35 respectively, much lower than the average of the world; (4) there is a positive correlation between the soil carbon flux and the soil moisture content.  相似文献   

胡杨种子萌发及幼苗生长适应机制研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过设置不同的胡杨种子萌发基质和对胡杨幼苗进行不同的水分处理,研究种子萌发对基质的要求及不同水分处理下幼苗的生长状况.结果显示:在水分冗足情况下,种子在不同基质上的萌发率均达到97%,干旱胁迫下的幼苗较水分充足的幼苗叶色深绿,肉质化强,真叶出现较快;干旱胁迫下的幼苗根粗壮,侧根出现较快,且侧根数目多.第一侧根多出现在浅位(0.2~0.6cm).这表明干旱胁迫促使胡杨幼苗形态结构元善。  相似文献   

美洲黑杨维管形成层发生发育的解剖学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规石蜡切片技术,观察研究了美洲黑杨维管形成层的发生和发育,结果表明:(1) 从顶端分生组织至原形成层,以及由原形成层向维管形成层的转化是随着茎的发育逐渐向顶进行的,而且叶迹与维管组织的发育密切相关;(2) 维管形成层为叠生型,并在芽萌动前已开始活动,4 月中旬进入活动旺盛期,分裂形成的薄壁细胞迅速分化为导管参与构成次生木质部。  相似文献   

肖军  袁林 《泰山学院学报》2010,32(6):117-120
以泰山学院4种常见阔叶树五角枫、皂荚、黄栌、木槿等为研究对象,对各种类叶片的主要解剖构造特征进行观察和测定,并综合分析它们在控制水分上的能力.结果表明,不同树种控制水分的主要解剖特征各异;应用模糊数学分析,选择角质层厚度、栅/海比值、上、下表皮厚度、气孔的长度等5个指标进行综合评价,4种阔叶树叶片解剖构造在耐旱性上的能力大小排序为:五角枫〉木槿〉皂荚〉黄栌.  相似文献   

以美洲黑杨的雄花枝为材料,采用卡宝品红压片法,观察花粉母细胞减数分裂进程与花芽及花药外观形态的关系, 为美洲黑杨2n配子的诱导奠定基础。结果表明:美洲黑杨雄花花序开始露出芽鳞之前,小孢子母细胞减数分裂已经结束; 花芽顶端及侧面的芽鳞开始松动时,在同一花序中可以观察到从小孢子母细胞到花粉粒的所有减数分裂阶段,此时是诱导2n配子的最佳时期; 美洲黑杨花药长度与减数分裂阶段密切相关,长约0.5 mm的花药处于减数分裂的小孢子母细胞阶段, 长约1.0 mm的花药处于减数分裂的细线期、粗线期、中期Ⅰ、末期Ⅰ及二分体阶段,长约1.5 mm的花药处于减数分裂的四分体时期,长约2.0 mm的花药已处于花粉粒阶段; 同一花枝上的不同花芽及同一花序中不同小花的发育不同步,但同一小花中的不同花药发育基本一致。美洲黑杨减数分裂过程中染色体行为正常,是分子细胞遗传学研究的良好实验材料。  相似文献   

为探讨南方绿化常用的8种桑科榕属植物:垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)、印度橡胶榕(F.elastica)、黄葛榕(F.virens var.sublanceolata)、黄金榕(F.microcarpa‘Golden Leaves’)、小叶榕(F.microcarpa)、柳叶榕(F.celebensis)、高山榕(F.altissima)、菩提树(F.religiosa)的抗逆性,采集它们的叶片制成玻片,观测叶片解剖构造。9个观测指标包括叶表面上、下角质层厚度,叶上、下表皮细胞厚度,栅栏组织厚度,海绵组织厚度,叶片厚度,叶表皮气孔密度,气孔长度。观测数据采用主成分分析、聚类分析和模糊数学综合评判法进行综合评价。结果前2个主成分贡献率之和为81.384%(〉70%),可以代表原始因子所代表的大部分信息,其中以叶片厚度对贡献率的影响最大;聚类分析的结果是橡皮树和黄葛榕单独各成一类,其它6种植物共同组成一类;模糊数学综合评判得到8种植物抗逆性顺序为:橡皮树〉小叶榕〉高山榕〉黄金榕〉垂叶榕〉菩提树〉柳叶榕〉黄葛榕,这一结果与聚类分析的结果很好地互相吻合。  相似文献   

通过研究小五台山自然保护区内天然青杨种群的平均胸径、密度、大小级结构以及空间分布格局在不同海拔梯度上的差异,以揭示环境变化对青杨种群特征的影响.结果显示:青杨种群的平均胸径沿海拔梯度表现为N型变化,并在海拔1 600 m达到最小;种群密度在海拔梯度上的变化趋势与平均胸径相反.从整体上看,除海拔1 700 m表现为下降型外,青杨种群大小级结构在其它海拔梯度上都表现为增长型.通过Morisita指数和扩散系数的研究发现,种群空间分布以随机分布和均匀分布为主,以及10 m×10 m是进行青杨格局分析的较合适尺度.同时对种群中大小级植株空间分布的分析结果表明青杨种群的分布格局与种群年龄结构密切相关.此外,环境指标的分析结果表明温度是造成青杨种群在海拔梯度上分布差异的主要环境因子.  相似文献   

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