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In the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of superconductivity, electrons form (Cooper) pairs through an interaction mediated by vibrations in the underlying crystal structure. Like lattice vibrations, antiferromagnetic fluctuations can also produce an attractive interaction creating Cooper pairs, though with spin and angular momentum properties different from those of conventional superconductors. Such interactions have been implicated for two disparate classes of materials--the copper oxides and a set of Ce- and U-based compounds. But because their transition temperatures differ by nearly two orders of magnitude, this raises the question of whether a common pairing mechanism applies. PuCoGa5 has a transition temperature intermediate between those classes and therefore may bridge these extremes. Here we report measurements of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate and Knight shift in PuCoGa5, which demonstrate that it is an unconventional superconductor with properties as expected for antiferromagnetically mediated superconductivity. Scaling of the relaxation rates among all of these materials (a feature not exhibited by their Knight shifts) establishes antiferromagnetic fluctuations as a likely mechanism for their unconventional superconductivity and suggests that related classes of exotic superconductors may yet be discovered.  相似文献   

The electronic structure of heavy-fermion compounds arises from the interaction of nearly localized 4f- or 5f-shell electrons (with atomic magnetic moments) with the free-electron-like itinerant conduction-band electrons. In actinide or rare-earth heavy-fermion materials, this interaction yields itinerant electrons having an effective mass about 100 times (or more) the bare electron mass. Moreover, the itinerant electrons in UPd2Al3 are found to be superconducting well below the magnetic ordering temperature of this compound, whereas magnetism generally suppresses superconductivity in conventional metals. Here we report the detection of a dispersive excitation of the ordered f-electron moments, which shows a strong interaction with the heavy superconducting electrons. This 'magnetic exciton' is a localized excitation which moves through the lattice as a result of exchange forces between the magnetic moments. By combining this observation with previous tunnelling measurements on this material, we argue that these magnetic excitons may produce effective interactions between the itinerant electrons, and so be responsible for superconductivity in a manner analogous to the role played by phonons in conventional superconductors.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of superconductivity, there has been a drive to understand the mechanisms by which it occurs. The BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) model successfully treats the electrons in conventional superconductors as pairs coupled by phonons (vibrational modes of oscillation) moving through the material, but there is as yet no accepted model for high-transition-temperature, organic or 'heavy fermion' superconductivity. Experiments that reveal unusual properties of those superconductors could therefore point the way to a deeper understanding of the underlying physics. In particular, the response of a material to a magnetic field can be revealing, because this usually reduces or quenches superconductivity. Here we report measurements of the heat capacity and magnetization that show that, for particular orientations of an external magnetic field, superconductivity in the heavy-fermion material CeCoIn(5) is enhanced through the magnetic moments (spins) of individual electrons. This enhancement occurs by fundamentally altering how the superconducting state forms, resulting in regions of superconductivity alternating with walls of spin-polarized unpaired electrons; this configuration lowers the free energy and allows superconductivity to remain stable. The large magnetic susceptibility of this material leads to an unusually strong coupling of the field to the electron spins, which dominates over the coupling to the electron orbits.  相似文献   

Formation of electron pairs is essential to superconductivity. For conventional superconductors, tunnelling spectroscopy has established that pairing is mediated by bosonic modes (phonons); a peak in the second derivative of tunnel current d2I/dV2 corresponds to each phonon mode. For high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) superconductivity, however, no boson mediating electron pairing has been identified. One explanation could be that electron pair formation and related electron-boson interactions are heterogeneous at the atomic scale and therefore challenging to characterize. However, with the latest advances in d2I/dV2 spectroscopy using scanning tunnelling microscopy, it has become possible to study bosonic modes directly at the atomic scale. Here we report d2I/dV2 imaging studies of the high-T(c) superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta. We find intense disorder of electron-boson interaction energies at the nanometre scale, along with the expected modulations in d2I/dV2 (refs 9, 10). Changing the density of holes has minimal effects on both the average mode energies and the modulations, indicating that the bosonic modes are unrelated to electronic or magnetic structure. Instead, the modes appear to be local lattice vibrations, as substitution of 18O for 16O throughout the material reduces the average mode energy by approximately 6 per cent--the expected effect of this isotope substitution on lattice vibration frequencies. Significantly, the mode energies are always spatially anticorrelated with the superconducting pairing-gap energies, suggesting an interplay between these lattice vibration modes and the superconductivity.  相似文献   

The ground state of superconductors is characterized by the long-range order of condensed Cooper pairs: this is the only order present in conventional superconductors. The high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) superconductors, in contrast, exhibit more complex phase behaviour, which might indicate the presence of other competing ground states. For example, the pseudogap--a suppression of the accessible electronic states at the Fermi level in the normal state of high-T(c) superconductors-has been interpreted as either a precursor to superconductivity or as tracer of a nearby ground state that can be separated from the superconducting state by a quantum critical point. Here we report the existence of a second order parameter hidden within the superconducting phase of the underdoped (electron-doped) high-T(c) superconductor Pr2-xCe(x)CuO4-y and the newly synthesized electron-doped material La2-xCe(x)CuO4-y (ref. 8). The existence of a pseudogap when superconductivity is suppressed excludes precursor superconductivity as its origin. Our observation is consistent with the presence of a (quantum) phase transition at T = 0, which may be a key to understanding high-T(c) superconductivity. This supports the picture that the physics of high-T(c) superconductors is determined by the interplay between competing and coexisting ground states.  相似文献   

E W Hudson  K M Lang  V Madhavan  S H Pan  H Eisaki  S Uchida  J C Davis 《Nature》2001,411(6840):920-924
Magnetic interactions and magnetic impurities are destructive to superconductivity in conventional superconductors. By contrast, in some unconventional macroscopic quantum systems (such as superfluid 3He and superconducting UGe2), the superconductivity (or superfluidity) is actually mediated by magnetic interactions. A magnetic mechanism has also been proposed for high-temperature superconductivity. Within this context, the fact that magnetic Ni impurity atoms have a weaker effect on superconductivity than non-magnetic Zn atoms in the high-Tc superconductors has been put forward as evidence supporting a magnetic mechanism. Here we use scanning tunnelling microscopy to determine directly the influence of individual Ni atoms on the local electronic structure of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta. At each Ni site we observe two d-wave impurity states of apparently opposite spin polarization, whose existence indicates that Ni retains a magnetic moment in the superconducting state. However, analysis of the impurity-state energies shows that quasiparticle scattering at Ni is predominantly non-magnetic. Furthermore, we show that the superconducting energy gap and correlations are unimpaired at Ni. This is in strong contrast to the effects of non-magnetic Zn impurities, which locally destroy superconductivity. These results are consistent with predictions for impurity atom phenomena derived from a magnetic mechanism.  相似文献   

论述几种典型铜氧化物高温超导体的基本结构特征和结构缺陷对超导电性的影响,最后对高温超导体的结构与超导电性研究展望.  相似文献   

近年来,随着相关技术的快速发展,单轴应变或单轴压强技术在研究非常规超导体中被广泛地应用.在单轴压强或单轴应变研究中,样品沿着某个晶轴的方向发生应变,其物理性质也会发生相应的改变.通过研究这种改变,就可能获得超导或其他序的重要信息.和静水压相比,单轴压强对物理性质的改变主要和对称性有关,这使得单轴压强和单轴应变的研究特别适用于与对称性相关联的物理性质,例如,与旋转对称性相关的电子向列相.更重要的是,单轴压强技术也能够用于超导电性性质的研究.本文将介绍常用的单轴压强和单轴应变装置和技术,并介绍其在铁基超导体和其他超导体中的一些典型应用.表明单轴压强和单轴应变技术在研究电子向列相、超导序参量和其他一些竞争序方面具有独特的优势,并将随着相关技术的发展在超导及其他强关联电子体系研究中发挥更重要的作用.  相似文献   

Schaak RE  Klimczuk T  Foo ML  Cava RJ 《Nature》2003,424(6948):527-529
The microscopic origin of superconductivity in the high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) copper oxides remains the subject of active inquiry; several of their electronic characteristics are well established as universal to all the known materials, forming the experimental foundation that all theories must address. The most fundamental of those characteristics, for both the copper oxides and other superconductors, is the dependence of the superconducting T(c) on the degree of electronic band filling. The recent report of superconductivity near 4 K in the layered sodium cobalt oxyhydrate, Na(0.35)CoO2*1.3H2O, is of interest owing to both its triangular cobalt-oxygen lattice and its generally analogous chemical and structural relationships to the copper oxide superconductors. Here we show that the superconducting T(c) of this compound displays the same kind of behaviour on chemical doping that is observed in the high-T(c) copper oxides. Specifically, the optimal superconducting T(c) occurs in a narrow range of sodium concentrations (and therefore electron concentrations) and decreases for both underdoped and overdoped materials, as observed in the phase diagram of the copper oxide superconductors. The analogy is not perfect, however, suggesting that Na(x)CoO2*1.3H2O, with its triangular lattice geometry and special magnetic characteristics, may provide insights into systems where coupled charge and spin dynamics play an essential role in leading to superconductivity.  相似文献   

Determining the nature of the electronic phases that compete with superconductivity in high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) superconductors is one of the deepest problems in condensed matter physics. One candidate is the 'stripe' phase, in which the charge carriers (holes) condense into rivers of charge that separate regions of antiferromagnetism. A related but lesser known system is the 'spin ladder', which consists of two coupled chains of magnetic ions forming an array of rungs. A doped ladder can be thought of as a high-T(c) material with lower dimensionality, and has been predicted to exhibit both superconductivity and an insulating 'hole crystal' phase in which the carriers are localized through many-body interactions. The competition between the two resembles that believed to operate between stripes and superconductivity in high-T(c) materials. Here we report the existence of a hole crystal in the doped spin ladder of Sr14Cu24O41 using a resonant X-ray scattering technique. This phase exists without a detectable distortion in the structural lattice, indicating that it arises from many-body electronic effects. Our measurements confirm theoretical predictions, and support the picture that proximity to charge ordered states is a general property of superconductivity in copper oxides.  相似文献   

镍氧化物超导材料的发现,激发起研究人员新一轮对近似铜氧化物新型超导材料的探寻以及对高温超导机理中有关晶体结构-电子结构密切关系的研究兴趣.本文重点从具有无限层结构的掺杂镍氧化物(Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2)超导体的发现、目前的实验研究进展、对其电子结构及物理机制的研究等方面概述这类新型超导材料的基本特性,并在结尾对镍基超导体系的构建、一些亟待解决的物理和材料问题以及今后研究的方向等作开放性讨论.  相似文献   

高温超导体因其丰富的物理性质和潜在的应用价值已成为30余年来凝聚态物理学备受关注的前沿方向之一.探索和发现新型高温超导体并以此建立非常规高温超导电性的物理机制是超导物理学家们长期追求的目标.本文从高温超导体的研究现状和瓶颈出发,介绍基于异质外延薄膜高温超导电性的原子尺度研究,阐述近年来分子束外延技术在高温超导薄膜制备和量子调控方面取得的研究进展.在外延薄膜超导特性表征方面,着重介绍基于原位扫描隧道显微镜对超导层的原子尺度研究.在新型高温超导体探索方面,主要介绍基于异质外延薄膜界面超导体系的构筑.本文侧重于展示实验设计思路、研究方法以及对高温超导电性微观机制的理解,力图以此启发相关领域的研究人员.  相似文献   

A change in 'symmetry' is often observed when matter undergoes a phase transition-the symmetry is said to be spontaneously broken. The transition made by underdoped high-transition-temperature (high-Tc) superconductors is unusual, in that it is not a mean-field transition as seen in other superconductors. Rather, there is a region in the phase diagram above the superconducting transition temperature Tc (where phase coherence and superconductivity begin) but below a characteristic temperature T* where a 'pseudogap' appears in the spectrum of electronic excitations. It is therefore important to establish if T* is just a cross-over temperature arising from fluctuations in the order parameter that will establish superconductivity at Tc (refs 3, 4), or if it marks a phase transition where symmetry is spontaneously broken. Here we report that, for a material in the pseudogap state, left-circularly polarized photons give a different photocurrent from right-circularly polarized photons. This shows that time-reversal symmetry is spontaneously broken below T*, which therefore corresponds to a phase transition.  相似文献   

Granular superconductivity occurs when microscopic superconducting grains are separated by non-superconducting regions; Josephson tunnelling between the grains establishes the macroscopic superconducting state. Although crystals of the copper oxide high-transition-temperature (high-Tc) superconductors are not granular in a structural sense, theory suggests that at low levels of hole doping the holes can become concentrated at certain locations resulting in hole-rich superconducting domains. Granular superconductivity arising from tunnelling between such domains would represent a new view of the underdoped copper oxide superconductors. Here we report scanning tunnelling microscope studies of underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta that reveal an apparent segregation of the electronic structure into superconducting domains that are approximately 3 nm in size (and local energy gap <50 meV), located in an electronically distinct background. We used scattering resonances at Ni impurity atoms as 'markers' for local superconductivity; no Ni resonances were detected in any region where the local energy gap Delta > 50 +/- 2.5 meV. These observations suggest that underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta is a mixture of two different short-range electronic orders with the long-range characteristics of a granular superconductor.  相似文献   

Wilson SD  Dai P  Li S  Chi S  Kang HJ  Lynn JW 《Nature》2006,442(7098):59-62
In conventional superconductors, the interaction that pairs the electrons to form the superconducting state is mediated by lattice vibrations (phonons). In high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) copper oxides, it is generally believed that magnetic excitations might play a fundamental role in the superconducting mechanism because superconductivity occurs when mobile 'electrons' or 'holes' are doped into the antiferromagnetic parent compounds. Indeed, a sharp magnetic excitation termed 'resonance' has been observed by neutron scattering in a number of hole-doped materials. The resonance is intimately related to superconductivity, and its interaction with charged quasi-particles observed by photoemission, optical conductivity, and tunnelling suggests that it might play a part similar to that of phonons in conventional superconductors. The relevance of the resonance to high-T(c) superconductivity, however, has been in doubt because so far it has been found only in hole-doped materials. Here we report the discovery of the resonance in electron-doped superconducting Pr0.88LaCe0.12CuO4-delta (T(c) = 24 K). We find that the resonance energy (E(r)) is proportional to T(c) via E(r) approximately 5.8k(B)T(c) for all high-T(c) superconductors irrespective of electron- or hole-doping. Our results demonstrate that the resonance is a fundamental property of the superconducting copper oxides and therefore must be essential in the mechanism of superconductivity.  相似文献   

Takahashi H  Igawa K  Arii K  Kamihara Y  Hirano M  Hosono H 《Nature》2008,453(7193):376-378
The iron- and nickel-based layered compounds LaOFeP (refs 1, 2) and LaONiP (ref. 3) have recently been reported to exhibit low-temperature superconducting phases with transition temperatures T(c) of 3 and 5 K, respectively. Furthermore, a large increase in the midpoint T(c) of up to approximately 26 K has been realized in the isocrystalline compound LaOFeAs on doping of fluoride ions at the O2- sites (LaO(1-x)F(x)FeAs). Experimental observations and theoretical studies suggest that these transitions are related to a magnetic instability, as is the case for most superconductors based on transition metals. In the copper-based high-temperature superconductors, as well as in LaOFeAs, an increase in T(c) is often observed as a result of carrier doping in the two-dimensional electronic structure through ion substitution in the surrounding insulating layers, suggesting that the application of external pressure should further increase T(c) by enhancing charge transfer between the insulating and conducting layers. The effects of pressure on these iron oxypnictide superconductors may be more prominent than those in the copper-based systems, because the As ion has a greater electronic polarizability, owing to the covalency of the Fe-As chemical bond, and, thus, is more compressible than the divalent O2- ion. Here we report that increasing the pressure causes a steep increase in the onset T(c) of F-doped LaOFeAs, to a maximum of approximately 43 K at approximately 4 GPa. With the exception of the copper-based high-T(c) superconductors, this is the highest T(c) reported to date. The present result, together with the great freedom available in selecting the constituents of isocrystalline materials with the general formula LnOTMPn (Ln, Y or rare-earth metal; TM, transition metal; Pn, group-V, 'pnicogen', element), indicates that the layered iron oxypnictides are promising as a new material platform for further exploration of high-temperature superconductivity.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of superconductivity in the iron oxypnictide family of compounds has generated intense interest. The layered crystal structure with transition-metal ions in planar square-lattice form and the discovery of spin-density-wave order near 130 K (refs 10, 11) seem to hint at a strong similarity with the copper oxide superconductors. An important current issue is the nature of the ground state of the parent compounds. Two distinct classes of theories, distinguished by the underlying band structure, have been put forward: a local-moment antiferromagnetic ground state in the strong-coupling approach, and an itinerant ground state in the weak-coupling approach. The first approach stresses on-site correlations, proximity to a Mott-insulating state and, thus, the resemblance to the high-transition-temperature copper oxides, whereas the second approach emphasizes the itinerant-electron physics and the interplay between the competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic fluctuations. The debate over the two approaches is partly due to the lack of conclusive experimental information on the electronic structures. Here we report angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) of LaOFeP (superconducting transition temperature, T(c) = 5.9 K), the first-reported iron-based superconductor. Our results favour the itinerant ground state, albeit with band renormalization. In addition, our data reveal important differences between these and copper-based superconductors.  相似文献   

Dai P  Mook HA  Aeppli G  Hayden SM  Dogan F 《Nature》2000,406(6799):965-968
One of the most striking properties of the high-transition-temperature (high-Tc) superconductors is that they are all derived from insulating antiferromagnetic parent compounds. The intimate relationship between magnetism and superconductivity in these copper oxide materials has intrigued researchers from the outset, because it does not exist in conventional superconductors. Evidence for this link comes from neutron-scattering experiments that show the unambiguous presence of short-range antiferromagnetic correlations (excitations) in the high-Tc superconductors. Even so, the role of such excitations in the pairing mechanism for superconductivity is still a subject of controversy. For YBa2Cu3O(6+x), where x controls the hole-doping level, the most prominent feature in the magnetic excitation spectrum is a sharp resonance (refs 6-11). Here we show that for underdoped YBa2Cu3O6.6, where x and Tc are below their optimal values, modest magnetic fields suppress the resonance significantly, much more so for fields approximately perpendicular to the CuO2 planes than for parallel fields. Our results indicate that the resonance measures pairing and phase coherence, suggesting that magnetism plays an important role in high-Tc superconductivity. The persistence of a field effect above Tc favours mechanisms in which the superconducting electron pairs are pre-formed in the normal state of underdoped copper oxide superconductors, awaiting transition to the superconducting state.  相似文献   

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