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ZOU XinqingPierre GerberLI HaiyuLIU QingsongWANG QianSHEN Jingfen & SHEN Jingfen 《科学通报(英文版)》2001,46(Z1):113-115
Jiangsu plain is located along the downstream of the Yangtze River, the north part of which is also the coast area of the Yellow Sea. The specific location makes the local environmental issues regionally important. This paper studied arable land area, plantation structure, livestock sector data, which shows that livestock sector contributes a big amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, in terms of the demand from the agriculture use in Jiangsu plain. But actually, there is still much mineral fertiliser used in agriculture, which causes the N and P produced from livestock sector being an important source of pollution to the environment. The paper suggests to tighten up manure management, in order to lead to a big reduction in the pollution to both soil and surface water. 相似文献
Approximately 10 million m3 x s(-1) of water flow from the Pacific Ocean into the Indian Ocean through the Indonesian seas. Within the Makassar Strait, the primary pathway of the flow, the Indonesian throughflow is far cooler than estimated earlier, as pointed out recently on the basis of ocean current and temperature measurements. Here we analyse ocean current and stratification data along with satellite-derived wind measurements, and find that during the boreal winter monsoon, the wind drives buoyant, low-salinity Java Sea surface water into the southern Makassar Strait, creating a northward pressure gradient in the surface layer of the strait. This surface layer 'freshwater plug' inhibits the warm surface water from the Pacific Ocean from flowing southward into the Indian Ocean, leading to a cooler Indian Ocean sea surface, which in turn may weaken the Asian monsoon. The summer wind reversal eliminates the obstructing pressure gradient, by transferring more-saline Banda Sea surface water into the southern Makassar Strait. The coupling of the southeast Asian freshwater budget to the Pacific and Indian Ocean surface temperatures by the proposed mechanism may represent an important negative feedback within the climate system. 相似文献
张小强 《青海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》2008,(4):54-57
在数码摄影中前期白平衡的使用关系到对影像颜色真实的还原,后期PHOTO SHOP中色彩平衡的应用可弥补使用自平衡的不足,使影像中的各色彩混合达到平衡.掌握白平衡、色彩平衡的应用是拍摄成功数码影像的必要条件之一. 相似文献
报道了对北极狐用电刺激采精法采取精液 ;用粘液电测法 (用测情仪测定雌狐发情期阴道分泌物的电阻值 )确定最适输精时间 ;采用子宫内输精法对 8只雌狐实施人工授精、受胎率 5 0 %的初步试验结果及具体操作技术 . 相似文献
2mol.l-1KCl溶液可作为无土栽培中基质的NH4 —N和NO3-—N的提取剂,其固∶液=1∶5,振荡时间为30min,NH4 —N测定采用靛酚蓝比色法,测定波长为645nm,标准曲线的回归方程为:A=0.7358C 0.0044,r=0.9994(n=7),回收率为:103.6%。NO3-—N测定采用紫外分光光度法,测定波长为205nm,标准曲线的回归方程为:A=0.5654C 0.0127,r=0.9994(n=9),回收率为:102.4%。 相似文献
为探究山西中部地区耐密性玉米品种最佳施氮水平及氮钾配比,以提高玉米产量和品质,制定了优化配方施肥方案,试验选用当地大面积种植的3种耐密性玉米先玉335、郑单958及大丰30,设置200 kg·hm-2、300 kg·hm-2、350 kg·hm-23个施氮量水平,并设1∶1.0、1∶1.5、1∶2.0和1:3.0的氮钾施用配比,分设对照,在成熟期对植株及籽粒含氮量、各处理产量进行测定分析。结果表明:3种供试玉米品种均在施氮量为350kg·hm-2时,达到高产。先玉335和大丰30,在氮钾比为1∶1.5时,玉米单产进一步显著增加,分别达13 773.0 kg·hm-2、14 434.5 kg·hm-2,增产幅度分别达到37.97%和37.10%,同时氮肥利用率分别提升到11.54%和10.02%。郑单958在氮钾比为1∶2.0时,玉米单产极显著提高,达13 464.0 kg·hm-2,增产幅度达40.62%,同时氮肥利用效率提高到12.04%。先玉335以及大丰30整体对氮肥施用水平变化的敏感程度高于郑单958。 相似文献
Changing Arctic Ocean freshwater pathways 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Freshening in the Canada basin of the Arctic Ocean began in the 1990s and continued to at least the end of 2008. By then, the Arctic Ocean might have gained four times as much fresh water as comprised the Great Salinity Anomaly of the 1970s, raising the spectre of slowing global ocean circulation. Freshening has been attributed to increased sea ice melting and contributions from runoff, but a leading explanation has been a strengthening of the Beaufort High--a characteristic peak in sea level atmospheric pressure--which tends to accelerate an anticyclonic (clockwise) wind pattern causing convergence of fresh surface water. Limited observations have made this explanation difficult to verify, and observations of increasing freshwater content under a weakened Beaufort High suggest that other factors must be affecting freshwater content. Here we use observations to show that during a time of record reductions in ice extent from 2005 to 2008, the dominant freshwater content changes were an increase in the Canada basin balanced by a decrease in the Eurasian basin. Observations are drawn from satellite data (sea surface height and ocean-bottom pressure) and in situ data. The freshwater changes were due to a cyclonic (anticlockwise) shift in the ocean pathway of Eurasian runoff forced by strengthening of the west-to-east Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation characterized by an increased Arctic Oscillation index. Our results confirm that runoff is an important influence on the Arctic Ocean and establish that the spatial and temporal manifestations of the runoff pathways are modulated by the Arctic Oscillation, rather than the strength of the wind-driven Beaufort Gyre circulation. 相似文献
A quantitative treatment shows that the nuclear balance will not necessarily be upset if both the United States and the Soviet Union replace missile launchers with single warheads by multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles. 相似文献