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Progress in understanding the neuronal SNARE function and its regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vesicle budding and fusion underlies many essential biochemical deliveries in eukaryotic cells, and its core fusion machinery is thought to be built on one protein family named soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE). Recent technical advances based on site-directed fluorescence labelling and nano-scale detection down to the single-molecule level rapidly unveiled the protein and the lipid intermediates along the fusion pathway as well as the molecular actions of fusion effectors. Here we summarize these new exciting findings in context with a new mechanistic model that reconciles two existing fusion models: the proteinaceous pore model and the hemifusion model. Further, we attempt to locate the points of action for the fusion effectors along the fusion pathway and to delineate the energetic interplay between the SNARE complexes and the fusion effectors. Received 01 July 2008; received after revision 29 August 2008; accepted 23 September 2008  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) can modulate the development and function of the immune system. In this chapter, we present data on the expression of receptors for GH and IGFs and the in vitro and in vivo effects of these proteins. We show that expression of GH and IGFs in the immune system opens up the possibility that these proteins are not only involved in endocrine control of the immune system but can also play a role as local growth and differentiation factors (cytokines). Endocrine control of GH could be direct or mediated via endocrine or autocrine/paracrine IGF-I. In addition, GH can act as an autocrine or paracrine factor itself. Furthermore, IGF-I in the immune system has been shown to be regulated by cytokines, such as interleukin-1 and interferon-γ, alluding to a cytokine-like function of IGF-I. In addition to data on the function of GH and IGF-I in the immune system, we present new findings which imply a possible function of IGF-II and IGF-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Structure and function of the type 1 insulin-like growth factor receptor   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
The type 1 insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-1R), a transmembrane tyrosine kinase, is widely expressed across many cell types in foetal and postnatal tissues. Activation of the receptor following binding of the secreted growth factor ligands IGF-1 and IGF-2 elicits a repertoire of cellular responses including proliferation, and the protection of cells from programmed cell death or apoptosis. As a result, signalling through the IGF-1R is the principal pathway responsible for somatic growth in foetal mammals, whereas somatic growth in postnatal animals is achieved through the synergistic interaction of growth hormone and the IGFs. Forced overexpression of the IGF-1R results in the malignant transformation of cultured cells: conversely, downregulation of IGF-1R levels can reverse the transformed phenotype of tumour cells, and may render them sensitive to apoptosis in vivo. Elevated levels of IGF-IR are observed in a variety of human tumour types, whereas epidemiological studies implicate the IGF-1 axis as a predisposing factor in the pathogenesis of human breast and prostate cancer. The IGF-1R has thus emerged as a therapeutic target for the development of antitumour agents. Recent progress towards the elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of the extracellular domain of the IGF-1R represents an opportunity for the rational assembly of small molecule antagonists of receptor function for clinical use.  相似文献   

These studies were undertaken to investigate the effects of increasing or decreasing IGF-1 levels on aspects of immune function in rats. Female dwarf rats were treated with recombinant human IGF-1 or with a potent sheep anti-IGF-serum. Body weight, thymus weight and spleen weight increased with IGF-1 treatment (p<0.001), while there was no effect of anti-IGF-1 treatment when compared with the appropriate normal sheep serum (NSS) treated controls. IGF-1 treatment significantly decreased WBC and RBC counts, but increased the ratio of CD4+:CD8+ T-cells. Anti-IGF-1 serum had no effect on these parameters compared with NSS. However anti-IGF-1 was associated with increased T-cell numbers, decreased natural killer cells, and enhancement of the animals' ability to produce specific IgG in response to injection of keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH). These results indicate that IGF-1 may suppress immune function although increasing the size of immune organs such as spleen.These studies were part of an M.Sc. at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.  相似文献   

The nuclear lamins polymerize to form the nuclear lamina, a fibrous structure found on the inner face of the nuclear membrane. The lamins also appear to form structures within the nucleoplasm. These various lamin structures help to establish and maintain the shape and strength of the interphase nucleus, but recent work also suggests that the lamins have a role in nuclear processes such as DNA replication. Furthermore, mutations in the human lamin A/C gene have recently been linked to several diseases, including Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy. This review discusses the nature of these mutations and the possible effects of lamin mutations on nuclear function.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is associated with a variety of symptoms, such as incapacitating mental retardation and neurodegeneration (i.e., Alzheimer’s disease), that prevent patients from leading fully independent lives. These phenotypes are a direct consequence of the overexpression of chromosome 21 genes, which are present in duplicate due to non-disjunction of chromosome 21. Accumulating data suggest that the chromosome 21 gene product, dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A (Dyrk1A), participates in the pathogenic mechanisms underlying the mental and other physical symptoms of DS. In this review, we summarize the evidence supporting a role for Dyrk1A in DS, especially DS pathogenesis. Recently, several natural and synthetic compounds have been identified as Dyrk1A inhibitors. Understanding the function and regulation of Dyrk1A may lead to the development of novel therapeutic agents aimed at treating DS.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-1 is a proinflammatory cytokine with important roles in innate immunity, as well as in normal tissue homeostasis. Interestingly, recent studies have also shown IL-1 to function in the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton and cell junctions. For example, treatment of different epithelia with IL-1α often results in the restructuring of the actin network and cell junctions, thereby leading to junction disassembly. In this review, we highlight new and interesting findings that show IL-1 to be a critical player of restructuring events in the seminiferous epithelium of the testis during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

High levels of gastrointestinal lysozyme were present in the stomach of guinea pigs, but not in other portions of the gastrointestinal tract. Because the cecum is the fermentation organ of guinea pigs, these observations call into question the validity of the current hypothesis that the gastrointestinal lysozyme of herbivores functions in the digestion of bacteria from the anterior fermentation organ.  相似文献   

The Type-I bone morphogenetic protein receptors (BMPRs), BMPR1A and BMPR1B, present the highest sequence homology among BMPRs, suggestive of functional similitude. However, sequence elements within their extracellular domain, such as signal sequence or N-glycosylation motifs, may result in differential regulation of biosynthetic processing and trafficking and in alterations to receptor function. We show that (i) BMPR1A and the ubiquitous isoform of BMPR1B differed in mode of translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum; and (ii) BMPR1A was N-glycosylated while BMPR1B was not, resulting in greater efficiency of processing and plasma membrane expression of BMPR1A. We further demonstrated the importance of BMPR1A expression and glycosylation in ES-2 ovarian cancer cells, where (i) CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of BMPR1A abrogated BMP2-induced Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation and reduced proliferation of ES-2 cells and (ii) inhibition of N-glycosylation by site-directed mutagenesis, or by tunicamycin or 2-deoxy-d-glucose treatments, reduced biosynthetic processing and plasma membrane expression of BMPR1A and BMP2-induced Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor type 1 receptor (IGF-1R) plays a key role in the development and progression of cancer; however, therapeutics targeting it have had disappointing results in the clinic. As a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), IGF-1R is traditionally described as an ON/OFF system, with ligand stabilizing the ON state and exclusive kinase-dependent signaling activation. Newly added to the traditional model, ubiquitin-mediated receptor downregulation and degradation was originally described as a response to ligand/receptor interaction and thus inseparable from kinase signaling activation. Yet, the classical model has proven over-simplified and insufficient to explain experimental evidence accumulated over the last decade, including kinase-independent signaling, unbalanced signaling, or dissociation between signaling and receptor downregulation. Based on the recent findings that IGF-1R “borrows” components of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling, including β-arrestins and G-protein-related kinases, we discuss the emerging paradigm for the IGF-1R as a functional RTK/GPCR hybrid, which integrates the kinase signaling with the IGF-1R canonical GPCR characteristics. The contradictions to the classical IGF-1R signaling concept as well as the design of anti-IGF-1R therapeutics treatment are considered in the light of this paradigm shift and we advocate recognition of IGF-1R as a valid target for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

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