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研究龙门山地区甘溪剖面中泥盆统养马坝组铁质鲕粒的成因机制和沉积环境。以薄片鉴定和扫描电镜分析为基础,通过主元素、痕量元素和稀土元素测试,对铁质鲕粒的地球化学特征进行了分析,进而对铁质的来源和铁质鲕粒的成因进行了研究。甘溪的养马坝组铁质鲕粒有正常鲕粒、绿泥石鲕粒和铁化鲕粒3种类型,鲕粒中主要的含铁矿物为赤铁矿和绿泥石。养马坝组铁质鲕粒SiO_2、Al_2O_3和TiO_2彼此之间均存在正相关关系,并且具有较高的相关系数。As平均质量分数为4.1×10-6,与正常海水的As相近;(As+Cu+Mo+Pb+V+Zn)-(Ni+Co)和(Co+Ni+Cu)-(Co/Zn)图表明养马坝组铁质鲕粒中的铁质来源于陆源风化物质。δCe、Eu和La_N/Yb_N平均值分别为1.26、1.29和0.414,均处于大陆边缘沉积范围内。养马坝组铁质鲕粒形成于温暖潮湿动荡的滨浅海环境。  相似文献   

通过对珠江口盆地白云凹陷三维地震资料解释、钻井、测井及岩心资料的观察和描述,对21 Ma发育的深水扇特征、沉积模式及控制因素进行研究。结果表明:岩心上发育正递变层理、鲍马序列和滑塌变形等多种典型重力流构造,指示了沉积物为半深海环境下的重力流沉积;地震资料上可识别出水道、水道堤岸复合体、朵体等典型深水扇构型;21 Ma深水扇沉积模式为陆架边缘三角洲-峡谷-深水扇的沉积模式,是在珠江口盆地的构造格局、相对海平面变化、坡折带演化、断裂系统的形成及古珠江三角洲的物源供给能力等多种因素的控制和有效配置下形成的。  相似文献   

南海油气资源储量丰富,开发过程中面临着油气田开发向着水更深、离岸更远、环境更复杂的方向发展。因采用水下采油树方式进行开采,钻完井成本高,为提高采油采气经济效益,单井的生产要达到采液量4000-8000m3/d,或采气量100×104-300×104 Nm3/d ,还需要具有一定的举升和远输能力,满足水下井口压力20MPa以上。目前深水注采技术全部为国外公司垄断的“卡脖子”技术和工具,为提高我国深水油气田开发技术水平,实现深水油气田人工举升技术的跨越式发展,结合十余年来在中国海上油田注采技术攻关和实践,针对南海深水油田未来高产高效采油、采气、注水开发方面面临的挑战,提出开发拥护有自主知识产权的大排量深井电潜泵、高压注气阀、井下气体压缩机、智能控制开关等工具攻关方及深水人才队伍及实验能力建设等对策建议。  相似文献   

Based on the data of oxygen isotope, micropaleontology and paleomagnetism, we set up the detailed chronology of Core 17957-2 from the southern South China Sea and discuss the change of carbonate dissolution over the last 800 ka. Down-core variation of carbonate content records the “Pacific-type” cycle of higher glacial values and lower interglacial values, though the core lies above the modern lysocline. Carbonate dissolution indices indicate that several severe dissolution of CaCO3happened during the transition from interglacial to glacial stages. Spectral analyses of these indices show that the carbonate dissolution periodicities are mainly made up of 500 ka and 100 ka. Compared with the cycles of carbonate dissolution of the Indian Ocean, the long-term (500-ka) periodicity reflects the characteristic of the deep-water circulation of the oceans.  相似文献   

两广交界处的岑溪二叠纪岛弧型玄武岩是华南地区(狭义)首次报道的、有较为可靠同位素年龄的晚古生代活动大陆边缘型玄武岩。对该地区玄武岩和细碧角斑岩的主量元素、微量元素(包括稀土元素)和同位素年代学进行了综合研究,论证了岑溪细碧角斑岩建造是与古特提斯域大陆边缘岛弧或弧间盆地有关的二叠纪火山喷发产物。  相似文献   

贵州瓮安新元古代陡山沱组磷块岩中的有机化合物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对保存有多细胞藻类原植体、细菌和疑原类化石的贵州瓮安陡山沱组磷块岩所作的地球化学分析表明,磷块岩有机质演化程度较高,最高热解温度tmax达597℃。岩石抽提物中以非烃化合物和沥青质为主要成分,烃类含量不足20%。色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析图谱显示正烷烃的碳数范围很宽,有显著的高碳数正烷烃峰群(C19—C31),奇偶优势明显,烃类有机组分中除正烷烃外还包含有萜烷、甾烷、芳香烃和类异戊二烯烃等。其中生物标记化合物及其组成特征指示了有机物的主要来源是当时生存的真核的多细胞藻类、细菌和古细菌,这与所观察到的磷块岩中保存的古生物化石组成相吻合。某些特征有机物和生物标记物还指示了磷块岩沉积环境特征:强还原性、高盐度、低陆源输入以及与水热活动相关的局部高温。这与沉积学和岩石学的观察相符。  相似文献   

The middle Ediacaran Shuram excursion, the largest negative δ 13 C carb excursion in Earth history, has been interpreted as indirect evidence for episodic oxidation and remineralization of deep ocean DOC (dissolved organic carbon). It has been hypothesized that such oxidation event may have occurred when anoxic DOC-laden deep water was brought to shallow shelves during oceanic upwelling, which is expected to cause localized anoxia in shallow environments. To test this prediction, we systematically analyzed rare earth elements (REE) and δ 13 C carb of the upper Doushantuo Formation carbonates in the Yangtze Gorges area of South China, which were deposited in an inner shelf environment and record a large negative δ 13 C carb excursion correlated to the Shuram event. The REE data show a significant positive shift in Ce/Ce* values, synchronous with a pronounced negative δ 13 C carb shift. This positive Ce/Ce* shift is interpreted to represent an oceanic anoxia event in shallow shelf environments, which may have been caused by the upwelling or impingement of oxygen-depleted and 12 C-enriched deep water onto shelves. This anoxia event coincides with a sharp decline in the abundance and diversity of Ediacaran acanthomorphic acritarchs, raising the possibility that these two geobiological events may be causally related.  相似文献   

对沉积于埃迪卡拉纪末期(551~542 Ma)华南盆地深水的老堡组硅岩样品中微量元素进行了研究.老堡组硅岩的元素地球化学特征显示岩石中微量元素主要来源于沉积水体,它们的质量分数和相关比值具有良好的环境指示意义.老堡组硅岩微量元素具有极低的w(Th)/w(U)(0.15~1.36,平均0.78),高的w(V)/(w(V)+w(Ni))(0.58~0.91,平均0.77),氧化还原敏感元素富集(U,V,Mo的富集系数较高),Mn的质量分数(10.9×10~(-6)~27.6×10~(-6))和富集系数均低的地球化学特征.这些特征表明埃迪卡拉纪末期华南盆地深水是缺氧的.然而,硅岩样品相对低的U,V,Mo质量分数以及缺乏黄铁矿指示了当时深水不是硫化的,而是缺氧含铁的,这种水体环境可能为多细胞后生动物的出现和快速演化提供了必要条件.  相似文献   

南海深水块体搬运沉积体系及其油气勘探意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据块体搬运沉积体系的地球物理识别特征,利用最新采集的二维和三维高分辨率地震资料,在南海深水区域的琼东南盆地、白云凹陷和文莱深水地层中发现了块体搬运沉积体系(MTDs);建立典型MTDs的沉积模式,探讨MTDs的深水油气勘探意义.结果表明:MTDs表现为弱振幅和反射杂乱的特点,发育正断层、逆冲断层、挤压脊和褶皱等沉积构造;典型的MTDs可以划分为头部拉张区域、体部滑移—挤压区域和趾部挤压区域3个结构单元;MTDs主要是富泥沉积物,在深水油气勘探中往往充当良好盖层,容易与浊流沉积体系一起形成深水地层圈闭,也有部分MTDs是富砂沉积物,可以成为潜在油气储层.  相似文献   

 对三水盆地SB-01钻孔下古近系地层进行了微体化石分析,共发现介形类7属10种,分布于5个层位;轮藻化石9属15种,见于3个层位。根据介形类和轮藻化石的分布、丰度和分异度变化,讨论了三水盆地古近纪早期的古环境变化。分析结果表明,三水盆地古近纪早期可划分为4个环境演化阶段。阶段A(89.0~75.5 m):气候较干燥,水体较浅的半咸水环境;阶段B(75.5~53.5 m):气候温暖潮湿为主,湖平面上升,水体盐度仍较高;阶段C(53.5 ~ 21.0 m):温湿-干旱气候条件交替出现,湖平面和水体盐度波动频繁;阶段D(21.0 ~ 5.2 m):气候温暖湿润为主,水体较深,湖水逐渐淡化,相应于湖盆发育盛期。  相似文献   

海南石碌铁多金属矿床是以铁矿为主,共生或伴生有钴、铜等多金属和白云岩等非金属矿产的超大型矿床。碳酸盐岩作为新元古代石碌群的重要组成部分,是主要的赋矿围岩之一。开展了石碌群第六层上、中、下段的碳酸盐岩主、微量元素地球化学研究。结果表明,主量元素以CaO、MgO为主,除SiO_2含量变化较大外,其它成分基本小于1%。碳酸盐岩∑REE含量为1.34×10~(-6)~29.06×10~(-6)(平均为10.89×10~(-6)),明显低于PAAS,稀土配分型式主要呈左倾或向上凸起,蛛网图中亏损高场强元素,富集大离子亲石元素。根据地球化学性质可将样品分为两组:一组具正Eu异常、无Ce异常,Y/Ho值较低(平均为29.49);另一组Eu无异常,具Ce负异常,Y/Ho值较高,为38.28~63.88(平均为44.65)。该特征表明微量元素继承于海水和海底高温热液两个源区,暗示了海底高温热液可能是铁、钴铜多金属的重要来源。根据Ce异常变化规律所揭示的第六层从下段到中、上段氧化性逐渐增强的特征,认为石碌群第六层沉积环境为受限的弧后海盆,石碌群经历了从浅海相到海湾-泻湖相的沉积演化。  相似文献   

在高纯度煤岩显微组分分离富集的基础上,应用透射式显微傅里叶红外光谱技术(Micro-FTIR),对华南晚二叠世煤中中国特有的显微组分--树皮体--的化学结构进行了测定,并与新疆吐哈盆地侏罗纪煤中的镜质体、丝质体和孢子体进行对比.结果表明:树皮体与孢子体的红外光谱特征较为相近,主要由长链脂族结构组成,芳香结构和含氧基团相对较少.此特点与镜质体和丝质体主要由芳香结构组成、脂肪族结构(尤其是长链脂肪烃)含量相对较少(或很少)明显不同.上述结构特征决定了树皮体与孢子体类似,是一种油气生成潜力较大的显微组分.此特点对在华南地区寻找与富含树皮体煤系地层有关的油气资源具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Withthedevelopmentofnewanalyticaltech niquesandstate of artinstruments ,isotopetracinganddatingmethodshavemadeconsiderableprogressinrecentyears .Inparticular ,variouskindsofradio genicisotopedatingmethodshavebeenappliedsuc cessfullyinigneousrocks.However,directdatingofsedimentaryrocksremainsundevelopedandcontro versial.Inmostcases ,researchersapplyU PbandK ArorAr Armethodstodatingvolcanicashesthatareinterbeddedwithinsedimentarystratainanattempttoobtaintheageofsedimentsindirectly[1] .Howev e…  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions of Mn-carbonate and organic carbon from the same individual samples and sulfur isotopic compositions of pyrites in the basal Datangpo Formation were analyzed. Highly 34S-enriched pyrites (δ3434Spyrite =31.7‰—59.4‰) were precipitated in relatively occlusive pore water under anoxic condition in sediments, which is consistent with the observation of large and scattered pyrite framboids. The sulfidic deep ocean was not “oxidized” in the early Datangpo interglacial interval, thus the level of seawater sulfate remained low and marine δ3434Ssulphate remained high. Low δ13Ccar (average -7.4‰) and abnormal relationship between δ1313Ccar and fractionation (?car-org) imply that the negative δ13Ccar excursion may have resulted from oxidation of part of a large organic carbon reservoir. High ? car-org (average 25.1‰) implicates high CO2 level in the atmosphere. Small standard deviation (1.0‰) of ??sup>??Ccar values indicates the Mn-carbonate was precipitated near the water-sediment interface rather than in occlusive pore water in sediments under dysoxic conditions.  相似文献   

川南官渡构造下沙溪庙组储层孔隙度预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四川盆地南部官渡构造下沙溪庙组属致密砂岩储层,常规速度反演难以将有效储层从致密砂岩中分道辨出来,而孔隙度可以较好地将其区分.作者在测井曲线校正、测井孔隙度精细解释的基础上,结合扩展的地震体属性分析法和神经网络拟合法开展储层孔隙度预测,计算了下沙溪庙组孔隙度数据体,并以交互验证法作为质量控制手段,验证了结果的正确性.该数据体可以直观地反映出高孔隙砂岩的展布特征.在此基础上,根据下沙溪庙组储层地质特征,针对下沙溪庙组一砂组进行了孔隙度平面解释,描述了有效储层的平面展布特征,指出该地区下一步勘探的有利区域.  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions of Mn-carbonate and organic carbon from the same individual samples and sulfur isotopic compositions of pyrites in the basal Datangpo Formation were analyzed. Highly 34S-enriched pyrites (834Spyrite =31.7-59.4‰) were precipitated in rel- atively occlusive pore water under anoxic condition in sediments, which is consistent with the observation of large and scattered pyrite framboids. The sulfidic deep ocean was not "oxidized" in the early Datangpo interglacial interval, thus the level of seawater sulfate remained low and marine δ34Ssulphate remained high. Low δ13Ccar (average -7.4‰) and abnormal relationship between δ13Ccar and fractionation (ΔCar-ors) imply that the negative δ13CCar excursion may have resulted from oxidation of part of a large organic carbon reservoir. High Δcar-org (average 25.1‰) implicates high CO2 level in the atmosphere. Small standard deviation (1.0‰) of δ13CCar values indicates the Mn-carbonate was precipitated near the water-sediment interface under dysoxic conditions rather than in occlusive pore water in sediments.  相似文献   

现代海底黑烟囱具有金矿化的潜力,对于重新认识陆上硫化物的金成矿具有重要意义。本文对河北兴隆中元古代黑烟囱及烟囱内部金矿化进行了系统的研究,提供了喷流作用与金矿化关系的直接证据,矿石微区金最高含量达4560 μg/g。碳酸盐、石英和闪锌矿中流体包裹体的均一温度集中在100~200 ℃之间,代表黑烟囱形成的温度下限,也限定了金沉淀富集的温度范围,烟囱不同矿物和不同结构黄铁矿中含金量存在明显差异,金主要富集于后期形成的自形-半自形黄铁矿中,初步推测该区硫化物中金矿化发生于喷流作用后期,热液在烟囱及丘体内部持续活动,促进金的富集。  相似文献   

Anabarites belong to small shelly fossils (SSF), which occur widely in the Lower Cambrian strata of Yangtze Platform in South China. They are phosphate shell in composition and represent the earliest stage of the Cambrian bioradiation of Bilateria, the so-called "Cambrian Explosion". In this study, we attempted to separate Anabarites fossils from Lower Cambrian dolostones, and we obtained samples of both the fossils (SSF) and the granular phosphates (GP). Isotopic analyses were performed on samples of SSF, GP, and matrix dolostone (DH-23). The results showed that the δ30Si values of the quartz filling in fossils celoms, and the siliceous materials in granular phosphates are -0.6‰ and -0.7‰, which is different from normal sedimentary siliceous rocks from the Lower Cambrian strata (0—0.7‰) as reported by Li et al., but is consistent with the data for siliceous rocks and cherts of submarine hydrothermal origin. It is likely that a later hydrothermal replacement could have taken place in the SSF-bearing sedimentary rocks. The oxygen isotope values of the phosphate of SSF and GP are 16.8‰ and 17.0‰, respectively. These are significantly higher than the Neoproterozoic phosphate ores (10.9‰—13.9‰) as reported by Ling et al., hence, late diagenesis and hydrothermal replacement may not have caused a significant change in the oxygen isotope compositions of the small shelly fossils, and the calculated temperatures (25.4—26.3℃) for palaeo-seawater using a SSF phosphate oxygen isotope thermometer are therefore considered here as the upper limit of seawater temperature in the Early Cambrian ocean of the Yangtze Platform.  相似文献   

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