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I propose a distinct type of robustness, which I suggest can support a confirmatory role in scientific reasoning, contrary to the usual philosophical claims. In model robustness, repeated production of the empirically successful model prediction or retrodiction against a background of independently-supported and varying model constructions, within a group of models containing a shared causal factor, may suggest how confident we can be in the causal factor and predictions/retrodictions, especially once supported by a variety of evidence framework. I present climate models of greenhouse gas global warming of the 20th Century as an example, and emphasize climate scientists' discussions of robust models and causal aspects. The account is intended as applicable to a broad array of sciences that use complex modeling techniques.  相似文献   

It is commonly argued that values “fill the logical gap” of underdetermination of theory by evidence, namely, values affect our choice between two or more theories that fit the same evidence. The underdetermination model, however, does not exhaust the roles values play in evidential reasoning. I introduce WAVE – a novel account of the logical relations between values and evidence. WAVE states that values influence evidential reasoning by adjusting evidential weights. I argue that the weight-adjusting role of values is distinct from their underdetermination gap-filling role. Values adjust weights in three ways. First, values affect our trust in the testimony of others. Second, values influence the evidential thresholds required for justified epistemic judgments. Third, values influence the relative weight of a certain type of evidence within a body of multimodal discordant evidence. WAVE explains, from an epistemic perspective, rather than psychological, how smokers, for example, can find the same evidence about the dangers of smoking less persuasive than non-smokers. WAVE allows for a wider effect of values on our accepted scientific theories and beliefs than the effect for which the underdetermination model allows alone; therefore, science studies scholars must consider WAVE in their research and analysis of evidential case studies.  相似文献   

The history of modern economics abounds with pleas for more pluralism as well as pleas for more unification. These seem to be contradictory goals, suggesting that pluralism and unification are mutually exclusive, or at least that they involve trade-offs with more of one necessarily being traded off against less of the other. This paper will use the example of Paul Samuelson's Foundations of Economic Analysis (1947) to argue that the relationship between pluralism and unification is often more complex than this simple dichotomy suggests. In particular, Samuelson's Foundations is invariably presented as a key text in the unification of modern economics during the middle of the twentieth century; and in many ways that is entirely correct. But Samuelson's unification was not at the theoretical (causal and explanatory) level, but rather at the purely mathematical derivational level. Although this fact is recognized in the literature on Samuelson, what seems to be less recognized is that for Samuelson, much of the motivation for this unification was pluralist in spirit: not to narrow scientific economics into one single theory, but rather to allow for more than one theory to co-exist under a single unified derivational technique. This hidden pluralism will be discussed in detail. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for more recent developments in economics.  相似文献   

Turner [The past vs. the tiny: Historical science and the abductive arguments for realism. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 35A (2004) 1] claims that the arguments in favor of realism do not support with the same force both classes of realism, since they supply stronger reasons for experimental realism than for historical realism. I would like to make two comments, which should be seen as amplifications inspired by his proposal, rather than as a criticism. First, it is important to highlight that Turner’s distinction between ‘tiny’ and ‘past unobservables’ is neither excluding nor exhaustive. Second, even if we agreed with everything that Turner says regarding the arguments for realism and their relative weight in order to justify the experimental or historical version, there is an aspect that Turner does not consider and that renders historical realism less problematic than experimental realism.  相似文献   

The compositional difference in microbial and human cell membranes allows antimicrobial peptides to preferentially bind microbes. Peptides which specifically target lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (POPG) are efficient antibiotics. From the core LPS-binding region of Factor C, two 34-mer Sushi peptides, S1 and S3, were derived. S1 functions as a monomer, while S3 is active as a dimer. Both S1 and S3 display detergent-like properties in disrupting LPS aggregates, with specificity for POPG resulting from electrostatic and hydrophobic forces between the peptides and the bacterial lipids. During interaction with POPG, the S1 transitioned from a random coil to an α-helix, while S3 resumed a mixture of α-helix and β-sheet structures. The unsaturated nature of POPG confers fluidity and enhances insertion of the peptides into the lipid bilayer, causing maximal disruption of the bacterial membrane. These parameters should be considered in designing and developing new generations of peptide antibiotics with LPS-neutralizing capability. Received 2 October 2007; received after revision 2 November 2007; accepted 4 December 2007 J. L. Ding, B. Ho: Co-senior authors.  相似文献   

This essay examines the curious relationship between Charles Darwin and the palaeontologist William Boyd Dawkins (1837–1929). Dawkins was a beneficiary of Darwin's patronage and styled himself as a Darwinian to Darwin and the public, yet viciously attacked Darwin and his theory in anonymous reviews. This has confused historians who have misunderstood the exact nature of Dawkins's attitude towards evolution and his relationship to Darwin. The present study explains both the reasons for Dawkins's contradictory statements and his relationship with Darwin. I introduce Batesian mimicry as a conceptual framework to make sense of Dawkins's actions, suggesting that Dawkins mimicked a Darwinian persona in order to secure advancement in the world of Victorian science. Dawkins's pro-Darwinian stance, therefore, was a façade, an act of mimicry. I argue that Dawkins exploited Darwin for his patronage – which took the form of advice, support from Darwin's well-placed friends, and monetary assistance – while safely expressing his dissent from Darwinian orthodoxy in the form of anonymous reviews. This is, therefore, a case study in how scientific authority and power could be gained and maintained in Victorian science by professing allegiance to Darwin and Darwinism.  相似文献   

For the history of science the 1940s were a transformative decade, when salient scholars like Herbert Butterfield or Alexandre Koyré set out to shape postwar culture by promoting new standards for understanding science. Some years ago I placed these developments in a tradition of enduring arts-science tensions and the contemporary notion that previous, “scientistic”, historical practices needed to be confronted with disinterested codes of historical craft (Mayer, 2000). Here, I want to further explore the ideological dimensions of the processes through which the academic study of science became institutionalized. Butterfield’s generation of science historians moulded perception of science in highly specific ways. Whereas the scientist-historians of the 1930s put scientific innovation into its socio-economic contexts, postwar accounts portrayed the birth of modern science as an intellectual revolution. Anti-Marxism formed a defining feature of the process by which the image of scientific work as a disinterested journey of the mind came to be institutionalized. Rather than spelling the end of ideology, appointments processes in the early Cold War years reveal disagreement about what science was to be invariably coextensive with dissent about social and political order. Rather than testifying to irreconcilable conflicts between interestedness and historical craft, the work of both the 1930s and 40s speaks of surprisingly productive relations between the two.  相似文献   

The melatonin rhythm: both a clock and a calendar   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The paper briefly reviews the data which shows that the circadian production and secretion of melatonin by the pineal gland can impart both daily, i.e., clock, and seasonal, i.e., calendar, information to the organism. The paper summarizes the 3 patterns of nocturnal melatonin production that have been described. Clearly, regardless of the pattern of nocturnal melatonin production a particular species normally displays, the duration of nightime elevated melatonin is proportional to the duration of the night length. Since daylength under natural conditions changes daily the melatonin rhythm, which adjusts to the photoperiod sends time of year information to the organism. The melatonin receptors which subserve the clock message sent by the pineal gland in the form of a melatonin cycle may reside in the biological clock itself, namely, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). The melatonin receptors that mediate seasonal changes in reproductive physiology are presumably those that are located on the pars tuberalis cells of the anterior pituitary gland. Besides these receptors which likely mediate clock and calendar information, melatonin receptors have been described in other organs. Interestingly, the distribution of melatonin receptors is highly species-specific. Whereas the clock and calendar information that the melatonin cycle imparts to the organism relies on cell membrane receptors, a fact that is of some interest considering the high lipophilicity of melatonin, recent studies indicate that other functions of melatonin may require no receptor whatsoever.  相似文献   

Summary A novel glycoprotein was isolated from the endometrium of porcine uteri. This high-molecular-weight glycoprotein consisted of 25% of protein and 73% of carbohydrate. The carbohydrate composition was quite characteristic in that equimolar N-acetylglucosamine and galactose were major constituents. Its unique nature makes it distinguishable from hitherto-reported glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The SXT element (SXT) is becoming an increasingly prevalent vector for the dissemination of antibiotic resistances in Vibrio cholerae. SXT is a member of a larger family of elements, formerly defined as IncJ plasmids, that are self-transmissible by conjugation and integrate site-specifically into the host chromosome. Comparison of the DNA sequences of SXT and R391, an IncJ element from Providencia rettgeri, indicate that these elements consist of a conserved backbone that mediates the regulation, excision/integration and conjugative transfer of the elements. Both elements have insertions into this backbone that either confer the element-specific properties or are of unknown function. Interestingly, the conserved SXT and R391 backbone apparently contains hotspots for insertion of additional DNA sequences. This backbone represents a scaffold for the mobilization of genetic material between a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria, allowing for rapid adaptation to changing envi ronments. RID="*" ID="*"Corresponding author.  相似文献   

There is a long-standing debate in the philosophy of mind and philosophy of science regarding how best to interpret the relationship between neuroscience and psychology. It has traditionally been argued that either the two domains will evolve and change over time until they converge on a single unified account of human behaviour, or else that they will continue to work in isolation given that they identify properties and states that exist autonomously from one another (due to the multiple-realizability of psychological states). In this paper, I argue that progress in psychology and neuroscience is contingent on the fact that both of these positions are false. Contra the convergence position, I argue that the theories of psychology and the theories of neuroscience are scientifically valuable as representational tools precisely because they cannot be integrated into a single account. However, contra the autonomy position, I propose that the theories of psychology and neuroscience are deeply dependent on one another for further refinement and improvement. In this respect, there is an irreconcilable codependence between psychology and neuroscience that is necessary for both domains to improve and progress. The two domains are forever linked while simultaneously being unable to integrate.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanism of the in vitro inhibition of Ca2+-, phosphatidylserine-dependent protein kinase C (PK-C)2 by the purifiedholo (ligand-saturated) forms of cellular retinol-binding protein (cRBP) and cellular retinoic acid-binding protein (cRABP) was studied. We report here that i) the PK-C-inhibitory action ofholo-cRBP andholo-cRABP is due to their respective ligands, all-trans-retinol and all-trans-retinoic acid; ii) the reduced phosphorylation of theholo-retinoid-binding proteins and brain cytosolic proteins is not the result of a retinoid-induced soluble phosphatase or protease activity; iii) retinoids reduce PK-C affinity for calcium and phosphatidylserine in vitro; and iv) the structure-function activity of the retinoids and the specific interaction of these effect of retinoids on plasma membrane-associated PK-C activity pays a significant role in defining the early epigenetic aspects of PK-C-dependent tumor promotion and may be a physiological mechanism by which retinoids induce terminal differentiation in cell types that do not express soluble retinoid-binding proteins.We would like to thank Dr L.M. De Luca (NIH, USA) for his contribution of retinylphosphate, Dr H.N. Bhagavan (Hoffmann-La Roche) for his contribution of the arotinoids, and Merrill-Dow Corp. for their contribution of difluoromethylornithine. This work was supported by NIH Grants CA-34968, CA-07175, CA-22484, and CA-09020.  相似文献   

It is well-known that Newtonian gravity, commonly held to describe a gravitational force, can be recast in a form that incorporates gravity into the geometry of the theory: Newton–Cartan theory. It is less well-known that general relativity, a geometrical theory of gravity, can be reformulated in such a way that it resembles a force theory of gravity; teleparallel gravity does just this. This raises questions. One of these concerns theoretical underdetermination. I argue that these theories do not, in fact, represent cases of worrying underdetermination. On close examination, the alternative formulations are best interpreted as postulating the same spacetime ontology. In accepting this, we see that the ontological commitments of these theories cannot be directly deduced from their mathematical form. The spacetime geometry involved in a gravitational theory is not a straightforward consequence of anything internal to that theory as a theory of gravity. Rather, it essentially relies on the rest of nature (the non-gravitational interactions) conspiring to choose the appropriate set of inertial frames.  相似文献   

This paper describes how the physics department of the University of Bristol grew from relative provincial obscurity to international stature. Emphasis is placed on the role of Arthur Tyndall, who as head of the department played a crucial role by attracting external funding to provide for and maintain modern laboratory facilities, through his skill in recruiting staff and his general management of resources. Such essentially entrepreneurial qualities, it is argued, were fundamental to the rapid expansion of Bristol physics and for its emergence as a new centre of excellence.  相似文献   

This paper explores the evolution of a trading zone by organizing the case study of turtle excluder devices within the model proposed by Collins et al. (2007). The case study offers evidence that trading zones do evolve and that the concepts of enforced and fractionated trading zones hold practical utility for describing and defining the complexities of actual exchanges. In this case a trading zone evolved from enforced to fractionated and ultimately diverged into two trading zones. For each step of the evolution I describe the forces that drove these transitions. Finally, I present an adapted trading zone model that is conceptually a better fit for the turtle excluder device case study.  相似文献   

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