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Relativism is one of the most problematic terms associated with philosophical discourse, with Feyerabend considered among the most important twentieth century theorists subscribing to it. This paper provides a detailed overview of relativist positions advanced in Feyerabend's mid-to-late work and investigates the associated epistemic and political applications. Emphasis is placed on how Feyerabend supported certain aspects of relativism, and at what stage he rejected others. It is noted that Feyerabend had already imposed limitations on relativism in Farewell to Reason, in which he entertained the possibility of epistemic definition within stable contexts, and advanced the notion that opportunities and equality associated with political and cultural units could only be valid within a democratic system. In Conquest of Abundance, political relativism is largely discarded, while epistemological relativism is increasingly treated as an appeal for diversity in all areas.In this re-reading of his work, it becomes clear that Feyerabend was already advocating a moderate form of epistemic and political relativism in the middle of his career, which he subsequently developed in the direction of “ontological pluralism” in his later work. This paper thus shows that Feyerabend's relativism should not be completely rejected, but rather that it continues to offer interesting food for thought.  相似文献   

Philosophers of science continue to elaborate our understanding of the roles that values play in scientific reasoning, practice, and institutions. This special issue focuses on the environmental sciences, a mosaic of fields ranging from restoration ecology to forestry to climatology, unified by its attention to the relationships between humans and their habitats. It is a field that revolves around ameliorating environmental problems, aiming to support the provision of social goods and provide guidance to policymakers about how to regulate individuals and industries. Values abound in such judgments as setting the boundaries of an ecosystem, integrating the human dimensions of social-ecological systems, and collaborating with stakeholders. Since few in the field are likely to insist that these judgments can be made without reference to social values, environmental science can serve as fertile ground for exploring the ethical, social, and political terrain at the frontier of the science and values discourse.  相似文献   

I analyse the construction and transfer of models in complexity science. Thereby, I introduce a distinction between (i) vertical model construction, which is based on knowledge about a specific target system, (ii) horizontal model construction, which is based on the alteration of an existing model and therefore does not require any references to a specific target system; and (iii) the transfer of models, which consists of the assignment of an existing model to a new target system. I argue that, in complexity science, all three of those modelling activities take place. Furthermore, I show that these activities can be divided into two general categories: (i) the creation of a repository of models without specific target systems, which have been created by large-scale horizontal construction; and (ii) the transfer of these models to particular target systems in the natural sciences, which can also be followed by an extension of the transferred model through vertical construction of adaptions and additions to its dynamics. I then argue that this interplay of different modelling activities in complexity science provides a mechanism for the transfer of knowledge between different scientific fields. It is also crucial to the interdisciplinary nature of complexity science.  相似文献   

At first glance twentieth-century philosophy of science seems virtually to ignore chemistry. However this paper argues that a focus on chemistry helped shape the French philosophical reflections about the aims and foundations of scientific methods. Despite patent philosophical disagreements between Duhem, Meyerson, Metzger and Bachelard it is possible to identify the continuity of a tradition that is rooted in their common interest for chemistry. Two distinctive features of the French tradition originated in the attention to what was going on in chemistry.French philosophers of science, in stark contrast with analytic philosophers, considered history of science as the necessary basis for understanding how the human intellect or the scientific spirit tries to grasp the world. This constant reference to historical data was prompted by a fierce controversy about the chemical revolution, which brought the issue of the nature of scientific changes centre stage.A second striking—albeit largely unnoticed—feature of the French tradition is that matter theories are a favourite subject with which to characterize the ways of science. Duhem, Meyerson, Metzger and Bachelard developed most of their views about the methods and aims of science through a discussion of matter theories. Just as the concern with history was prompted by a controversy between chemists, the focus on matter was triggered by a scientific controversy about atomism in the late nineteenth-century.  相似文献   

This review attempts to rationalise what is known about bacterial phytotoxins and associate it with the ecology and possible evolution of the producing organisms. Study of non-toxin producing variants gives insight into the ecological role of the toxin. Elucidation of chemical structures of phytotoxins has shown that many exist as families of analogous compounds. Studies on the variation of chemical structures and how they are distributed across species and genera can lead to development of hypotheses on evolutionary relationships. Knowledge on biosynthetic pathways to tosins allows recognition of specific enzymatic steps involved in developing the characteristic features of the structures. Phytotoxins often have a potent biochemical activity, and in some cases the producing organism has associated mechanisms to prevent action of the toxin upon itself; in such cases toxigenesis is clearly not a chance event. The various aspects of bacterial toxigenesis indicate that bacterial phytotoxins are special secondary metabolic products that play beneficial roles to the producing organisms in their various ecological niches.  相似文献   

Genetic ecology is the extension of our modern knowledge in molecular genetics to studies of viability, gene expression and gene movements in natural environments like soils, aquifers and digestive tracts. In such milieux, the horizontal transfer of plasmid-borne genes between phylogenetically distant species has already been found to be much more frequent than had been expected from laboratory experience. For the study of exchanges involving chromosomally-located genes, more has to be learned about the behaviour of transposons in such environments. The results expected from studies in genetic ecology are relevant for considerations of evolution, biodiversity and biosafety. The role of this new field of research in restoring popular confidence in science and in its biotechnological applications is stressed.  相似文献   

This essay considers the development of the nuclear science programme in Malaysia from a transnational perspective by examining the interactions between state agents and other external nuclear-knowledge/technology related actors and agents. Going beyond the model of knowledge diffusion that brings together concerns articulated in Harris’s (2011) geographies of long distance knowledge and Reinhardt's (2011) role of the expert in knowledge transfer, the proposed three-phase model of knowledge transfer theorises the pathways undertaken by a late-blooming participant of modern science and technology as the latter moves from epistemic dependency to increasing independence despite the hurdles encountered, and the underdevelopment of many areas of its technoscientific economy. The model considers tensions stemming from the pressures of expediency for meeting national developmental goals on the one side, and the call to support the objectives of basic science on the other. The three phases of the model are epistemic transition, epistemic transplantation and localisation, and epistemic generation (ETTLG). As additional support for the proposed model, three arguments are proffered as deeper explanations of the epistemic goal by using Malaysia as a case study: knowledge transfer for political legitimization, knowledge transfer for countering agnotology, and knowledge transfer for social engineering and science diplomacy.  相似文献   

分析了县域战略性新兴产业培育的制约因素,对县域经济及产业的类型进行了细分。从战略性新兴产业培育的“产业切入”、“组织保障”和“路径选择”三个关键环节,针对县域经济及产业的不同类型,相应提出了战略性新兴产业培育和发展的六种具体模式。并以湘中某县为例进行了分析,为县域战略性新兴产业发展模式的选择提供一种新的参考思路。  相似文献   

The SXT element (SXT) is becoming an increasingly prevalent vector for the dissemination of antibiotic resistances in Vibrio cholerae. SXT is a member of a larger family of elements, formerly defined as IncJ plasmids, that are self-transmissible by conjugation and integrate site-specifically into the host chromosome. Comparison of the DNA sequences of SXT and R391, an IncJ element from Providencia rettgeri, indicate that these elements consist of a conserved backbone that mediates the regulation, excision/integration and conjugative transfer of the elements. Both elements have insertions into this backbone that either confer the element-specific properties or are of unknown function. Interestingly, the conserved SXT and R391 backbone apparently contains hotspots for insertion of additional DNA sequences. This backbone represents a scaffold for the mobilization of genetic material between a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria, allowing for rapid adaptation to changing envi ronments. RID="*" ID="*"Corresponding author.  相似文献   

通过梳理、研究世界主要发达国家(地区)近几年技术布局、产业规划的特征及方法,分析提出各地方在配合国家战略性新兴产业选择、推进各自新兴产业领域的过程中值得借鉴的发展思路,并对可能产生的新兴产业选择误区提出警示.  相似文献   

‘Epistemic structural realism’ (ESR) insists that all that we know of the world is its structure, and that the ‘nature’ of the underlying elements remains hidden. With structure represented via Ramsey sentences, the question arises as to how ‘hidden natures’ might also be represented. If the Ramsey sentence describes a class of realisers for the relevant theory, one way of answering this question is through the notion of multiple realisability. We explore this answer in the context of the work of Carnap, Hintikka and Lewis. Both Carnap and Hintikka offer clear structuralist perspectives which, crucially, accommodate the openness inherent in theory change. Unfortunately there is little purchase for a viable form of realism in either case. Lewis’s approach, on the other hand, offers more scope for realism but, as we shall see, concerns arise as to whether a relevant form of structuralism can be maintained. In particular his thesis of Ramseyan humility undermines certain conceptions of scientific laws that the structural realist might naturally cleave to. Our overall conclusion is that the representational device of Ramsey sentence plus multiple realisability can accommodate either the structuralist or realist aspects of ESR but has difficulties capturing both.  相似文献   

Summary In the rat endometrium, resident macrophages and exudate phagocytes ensure proteolysis by means of phagocytosis, macro-and micropinocytosis. Using exogenous tracer particles no ultrastructural evidence could be obtained for the occurrence of endometrial prelymphatics. It is suggested that the free tissue fluid may be drained via the fenestrated (probably venous) blood capillaries.Supported by a grant from the Nationaal Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Belgium).  相似文献   

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