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对库车坳陷东部地区侏罗纪的湖盆边界作了界定,着重对库车坳陷东部侏罗纪湖盆的北部边界进行了阐述,指出库如力—夏克阔坦东部是库车坳陷东部地区的沉积边界。  相似文献   

探讨突发构造发育及成藏特点,为库车地区高效勘探提供依据。基于库车地区塑性地层沉积特征及区域构造发育特征的研究,明确了突发构造与叠瓦状构造具有密切的相关性,是叠瓦状构造进一步发育的结果。古隆起是控制突发构造发育的关键因素,当古隆起距推覆源位置较近时,在古隆起前缘发育破碎型突发构造;古隆起距推覆源较远时发育完整型突发构造。突发构造具有受盐体包裹、侧向封堵能力强、构造完整性好、裂缝发育程度高、对储层改造作用好的优势,其裂缝发育程度与构造发育程度正相关。突发构造为区域内最为有利的圈闭类型之一,是下一步勘探的首选类型。  相似文献   

The first detailed chronology for the late Oligocene to early Miocene continental record in northern Junggar Basin is presented,based on rock magnetic experiments and magnetostratigraphic investiga-tions of a 192 m thick mammal-bearing section in the Ulungur River area. Magnetites and hematites were identified as the main carriers for the characteristic remanent magnetization,and the resulting polarity sequence allows an unambiguous correlation to the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS). Furthermore,the Tieersihabahe fauna layer occurs below the Paleocene/Neocene boundary,and the Suosuoquan fauna layer is just above the Neocene onset. Therefore,the age of the Tieersihabahe fauna and Suosuoquan fauna layers can be definitely estimated to be about 25.2 Ma and 22.5 Ma,respectively.  相似文献   

根据平衡剖面原理,对经过西秋里塔格构造带的2条地质剖面进行构造复原,利用PRA公司的BasinMod-1D软件对其中的2口井做沉降史分析,结果表明中、新生代的构造演化特征为三叠纪末期发生构造抬升形成古隆起构造,之后的侏罗纪未发生构造沉降,一直处于沉积间断状态,白垩纪早中期发生构造沉降,白垩纪末期库车拗陷整体发生抬升剥蚀,古近纪库姆格列木群沉积期的喜马拉雅早期构造运动强度较弱,苏维依组-康村组沉积期的喜马拉雅中期构造运动强度逐渐增大,到库车组沉积期-第四纪的喜马拉雅晚期构造活动最强烈。盐层的滑脱作用使得盐上、盐下地层变形极不协调,盐上地层缩短量明显大于盐下地层,表现出明显的盐上、盐下分层缩短的特点。  相似文献   

从构造裂缝的形成机制出发,对库车拗陷A气田砂泥岩互层中构造裂缝的发育规律进行了探讨,分析了其影响因素,并建立了砂泥岩互层构造裂缝发育模型.分析认为,受砂岩脆性特征和泥岩韧塑性特征的影响,砂泥岩互层中的构造裂缝首先在砂岩层中产生,并逐渐向泥岩层扩展形成裂缝网络.脆性岩层较塑性岩层更易产生大量裂缝,因此,在砂泥岩互层中砂岩层的裂缝密度大于泥岩层,同时,由于砂岩和泥岩内摩擦角的差异,裂缝在砂岩层中的平均倾角也大于泥岩层.单个砂岩层或泥岩层的厚度越小,对裂缝的发育越有利.强非均质性地层较均质地层裂缝更为发育,但共轭剪破裂中的一组裂缝会受到抑制,而以另一组裂缝为主.库车拗陷A气田砂泥岩互层中泥岩层的厚度小于4.0m的裂缝穿透极限值,表明裂缝可以穿透泥岩层将砂岩层连通,形成大段连续的油气储集空间.最后,根据理论分析建立了砂泥岩互层构造裂缝的发育模型.  相似文献   

There is a gas-rich and well-charged petroleumsystem in the Kuqa Depression where Triassic and Jurassicsource rocks play important roles. Distributed in an area ofmore than 10000 km and with a thickness of up to 1000 m,they are composed of dark mudstones, carbonaceous mud-stones and coal seams containing 6%, 40% and 90% of TOC,respectively, and are mainly the humic organic matter. Ashigh-quality regional cap rocks, the Neogene and Eogenegypsum rocks and gypseous mudstones matched well withthe underlying Neogene and Cretaceous-Eogene sandstones.They have formed the most favorable reservoir-seal assem-blages in the Kuqa Depression. Also the Jurassic sandstonesand mudstones formed another favorable reservoir-seal as-semblage. The traps are shaped late in the fold-thrust belt,mainly fixed in the Tertiary-Quaternary, where ten structurestyles have been distinguished. These traps spread as a zonein N-S, are scattered like a segmental line in W-E and showtier-styled vertically. The best traps are gypsum-salt coveredfault-bend anticlines related to the passive roof duplex. Thispetroleum system is characterized by late accumulation. Inthe early Himalayan Movement, mainly gas condensate andoil accumulated and were distributed in the outer circularregion of the kitchen; whereas in the middle and late Hima-layan the gas accumulations mainly formed and were dis-tributed in the inner circular region near the kitchen. Theoverpressure of gas pools is common and is formed by sealcapacity of thick gypsum layers, extensive tectonic compres-sion and large uplift. The well-preserved anticline traps un-derlying the high-quality regional cap rocks of the Tertiarygypsum rocks and gypseous mudstones are the main targetsfor the discovery of giant and medium-sized gas fields. Aboveconclusions are important for the petroleum geology theoryand the exploration of the fold-thrust belt in foreland basinsin central and western China.  相似文献   

By using the methods of hydrocarbon generation kinetics and carbon isotope kinetics, combined with geological background of natural gas pool formation, the generation and accumulation of natural gas from Yinan 2 gas pool was studied in Kuqa Depression of the Tarim Basin. Natural gas of Yinan 2 gas pool is mainly derived from Middle and Lower Jurassic coal-bearing source rocks, and generally belongs to long time-accumulated gas. It is suggested that Yinan 2 gas is chiefly accumulated in the last 5 Ma, its Ro ranges from 1.25% to 1.95%, and the loss rate of natural gas is about 25%-30%. This work not only complements and reduces the deficiency of formation model of natural gas pools which traditionally depends on the matching relationships between source rock, reservoir, cap rock, and trap, but also is a useful reference in the study of other gas pools.  相似文献   

详细研究了库车坳陷卡普沙良河剖面恰克马克组叠层石的形态及内部构造、微量元素、氧碳同位素特征。指出该叠层石的形成环境为咸水湖盆。从恰克马克组沉积为湖盆扩张期这一事实出发,认为叠层石的发育与干盐湖无关,而可以作为海泛存在的证据。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地库车坳陷中、新生代沉降特征探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
应用回剥分析方法(Backstripping analalysis)选取有代表性的四条剖面地层,计算了库车盆地中、新生代地层的沉降速率和沉积速率,其中构造沉降在早三叠世、早白垩世、上新世分别达到32.45 m/Ma、37.35 m/Ma和59.82 m/Ma的高峰,沉积速率曲线也清楚的揭示了库车盆地在演化过程中沉降速率起伏变化的特点.结合地震剖面上的构造证据以及岩相古地理、古生物化石证据,分析了库车盆地在中生代以来的构造演化过程,认为库车盆地自中生代以来的构造活动经历了挤压,应力松弛,构造伸展,挤压,应力松弛,再挤压等六个构造活动阶段,说明了盆地演化过程中构造活动的阶段性.由盆地的沉降特点、构造的活动性质,分析认为库车盆地是由三叠纪早期的前陆盆地经历了中生代应力松弛、盆地伸展以及晚白垩世的挤压隆升和剥蚀,经过早第三世的海侵,在新生代再次复活,是再生的前陆盆地.  相似文献   

By using the integrated methods includingsandbodies modelling of the outcrops, sedimentary facies ofthe cores and well logs of the drilled wells, and the reservoircorrelation of interwells, it is thought that the sandstone res-ervoirs of Kela-2 gas field are a suit of high-quality naturalgas reservoirs with great thickness, extensive and continuousdistribution, high porosity and permeability, and a few bar-rier beds. Sedimentary facies and microfacies are the mainfactors controlling the reservoir distribution and interiorheterogeneity. Based on a great deal of data of rock's thinsections, porosity, permeability, and the parameters of capil-lary pressure, the reservoir diagenesis, controls, mechanismand evolution of pores have been studied. It is consideredthat compaction in the early stage and diagenetic dolomiteand calcite cements have effect on the decline of reservoirsproperty. Now compaction is chiefly middle to weak. Thebetter reservoirs have no or a few calcite cements. In theearly of deep buried stage, there are still mainly remainderprimary intergranular pores. The authigenic kaolinite ofreservoirs is the production of the dissolution of feldsparsand lithic fragments. The dissolution results in the partlymodified and broadened secondary intergranular pores. Inthe late of deep buried stage, structure fissures and over-pressure were in favor of improving and preservation ofthese pores.  相似文献   

西藏措勤盆地北部下白垩统层序地层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
措勤盆地北部下白垩统下部川巴组和多巴组可识别沉积层序单元11个,平均延时约1.8 Ma;上部郎山组层序单元12个,平均时限2.1 Ma左右.川巴组和多巴组层序TST以陆源碎屑沉积占优,HST以生物碎屑滩相为特色,层序结构普遍为TST≥HST;郎山组沉积层序发育在碳酸盐台地背景下,TST具向上加深相序,HST为向上变浅相序,多HST≥TST结构.提出并总结了层序结构的物源供应/碳酸盐生产速率与相对海平面之间的关系、成因格架变化的构造演化意义、弧背盆地层序地层标识特点.  相似文献   

库车坳陷是塔里木盆地重要气源地之一,富含油气资源。但是,对于该区油气成藏认识还存在较大争议。通过统计库车坳陷东部600余个天然气样品地球化学特征,对该地区天然气组成、碳同位素、轻烃及成因类型进行了详细剖析。研究发现,库车坳陷东部天然气烃类气体以甲烷为主,重烃含量较低;非烃类气体主要以N2为主,含有少量的CO2。天然气碳同位素特征显示,库车坳陷东部天然气主要处于高成熟—过成熟阶段,且为有机成因烷烃气;并具有一定的同源性。天然气主要为正碳同位素系列,部分碳同位素表现出局部倒转现象。通过对库车坳陷东部天然气地球化学特征综合分析可知,该地区天然气为偏煤成气;且存在少量煤成气与油型气混合气,或者为"同型不同源"气或"同源不同期"的混合气。  相似文献   

A new early angiosperm leaf species is reported from the Xinzhuang Formation of Wuhe County,Anhui Province,It is probably of Barrenian or slightly later in geological age,The fossil leaf is small,no more than 0.6 cm both in length and in width,The leaf vens are well preserved and clearly visble under a low poer microscope.Leaf architectural analysis shows that such a leaf should belong to the first leaf rank of Hickey ,i.e the most primitive one.There are no early angiosperm leaves published colpletely similar to our.A new species name of Dicotylophyllum minutissimum sp.nov.is established for the present leaf fossils.  相似文献   

The early Cretaceous Hemeroscopid larva fossils from Beijing, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More than 100 Hemeroscopid larva fossils were discovered from the Lower Cretaceous in Southwest Beijing, which effectively ends the discussion of morphology and makes it more complete. It is assigned within the Libellu-loidea, and shows close evolutionary correlations with modern Libellulidae. Although the wing characters of adult Hemeroscopus from the same formation indicates the close relationship to Aeschnoidea, we suggest that the larvae and the adults were the same species. Therefore, it probably shows the evolutionary ancestors of Libellulidae. Being the fundamental species discriminating Jehol Entomofauna and Lushangfen Entomofauna, Hemeroscopus bears great significance in the study of stratigraphy.  相似文献   

新疆库车野生维管束植物区系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年对新疆库车县北部天山山地,山前砾质戈壁和南部冲积平原地带分布的植物和植被进行了野外考察,经初步整理和统计分析表明:①研究区共有野生维管束植物72科308属732种,其中野生种子植物68科303属726种,分别占中国种子植物总科、属、种数的19.8%,40.67%,2.36%,占新疆种子植物总科、属、种数的68%,61.96%,21.03%.②在库车县分布的303属野生种子植物属的分布类型中(不包含世界分布),温带成分占绝对优势,占该地区植物总属的90.94%.其中北温带分布占46.06%,旧世界温带分布占16.54%,地中海和西亚至中亚分布占16.14%,其后依次为热带分布占9.06%、中亚分布占5.91%、温带亚洲分布占4.33%、东亚分布占1.97%.说明本地区种子植物区系中北温带、地中海、西亚至中亚和旧世界温带成分占明显优势,表现出该区植物分布的温带性质,同时与中亚、温带亚洲和热带有一定的交流,而与东亚交流很少.  相似文献   

12 consecutive monthly sediment samples were collected from the tidal flat surface in Dafeng County, Jiangsu province. Palynological analysis of these samples indicates that seasonal palynological features of the tidal flat sediment are distinct and some palynological indices such asspecies percentages of Arboreal and Herbaceous pollen and spore are good indicators for discriminating the depositional seasonality of the tidal flat sediment. Sedimentary sequences formed between 1984 and 1994 were used to verify this method. The result proposes that this method can be applied to muddy flat and the species percentage of arboreal pollen is the best indicator for the seasonality study of the tidal flat sediment.  相似文献   

从盆地构造史研究的角度认为库车盆地的天然气主要来源于北部山前冲断带:(1) 受原型盆地构造格局的制约,三叠系、侏罗系烃源岩发育的最有利位置不是在拜城凹陷,而是在克依构造带及其以北的北部山前冲断带;(2)晚第三纪以来的逆冲推覆作用使得烃源岩提早进入高—过成熟阶段,并以产气和凝析油为主;(3)逆冲推覆作用所产生的北倾逆断层控制天然气自下而上、自北而南运移,位于运移路线上的克依构造带和秋里塔格构造带的东段与烃源岩的排气期匹配较好,从而使这些地区最富集天然气。  相似文献   

四川峨眉山地区白垩系物源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对四川峨眉山地区白垩系夹关组、灌口组进行野外剖面研究和薄片鉴定的基础上,对岩石的地球化学特征进行分析,探讨峨眉山地区白垩系沉积时期的主要物源区。研究发现:岩石颗粒的磨圆度和分选性反映出近源沉积的特征;碎屑成分特征表明其主要来源于含有较多中酸性岩浆岩的源区;地球化学特征表明物源区是以长英质岩石为主的大陆岛弧构造背景。结合前人对四川盆地白垩纪古地形特征的研究成果,认为夹关组和灌口组沉积时期峨眉山地区的主要物源区为龙门山构造带。  相似文献   

合肥盆地白垩纪伸展构造格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合肥盆地早白垩世演化过程长期存在争议.利用最新的油气勘探地震资料,系统分析了盆地内主要断层及其东缘的郯庐断裂伸展活动在地震剖面上的构造表现,并在此基础上论述了合肥盆地东部白垩系朱巷组、响导铺组、张桥组的断裂-沉积响应.结合同位素年代学资料综合分析认为,合肥盆地伸展活动的起始时间为早白垩世中期,持续至古近纪末.同时采用2DMOVE模拟软件对断层的分析也支持了这一认识.该时期合肥盆地呈现复合式断陷构造格局,盆地东西部受北北东向郯庐断裂带与吴集断裂的伸展作用控制,出现了北北东向的半地堑式断陷盆地.同时,盆地北界及内部近东西向南倾断裂(寿县-定远断裂、肥中断裂、肥西-韩摆渡断裂)的伸展活动,又控制出现了近东西向、北断南超的半地堑式盆地,总体上为复合断陷盆地,其伸展活动发生在华北克拉通岩石圈减薄的背景下,与太平洋板块高角度俯冲有关.  相似文献   

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