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RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) is a process in which dicer-generated small RNAs guide de novo cytosine methylation at the homologous DNA region. To identify components of the RdDM machinery important for Arabidopsis thaliana development, we targeted an enhancer active in meristems for methylation, which resulted in silencing of a downstream GFP reporter gene. This silencing system also features secondary siRNAs, which trigger methylation that spreads beyond the targeted enhancer region. A screen for mutants defective in meristem silencing and enhancer methylation retrieved six dms complementation groups, which included the known factors DRD1 (ref. 3; a SNF2-like chromatin-remodeling protein) and Pol IVb subunits. Additionally, we identified a previously unknown gene DMS3 (At3g49250), encoding a protein similar to the hinge-domain region of structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) proteins. This finding implicates a putative chromosome architectural protein that can potentially link nucleic acids in facilitating an RNAi-mediated epigenetic modification involving secondary siRNAs and spreading of DNA methylation.  相似文献   

RNA polymerase is poised for activation across the genome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

DNA methylation represses transcription in vivo.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

In mammals, DNA is methylated at cytosines within CpG dinucleotides. Properly regulated methylation is crucial for normal development. Inappropriate methylation may contribute to tumorigenesis by silencing tumor-suppressor genes or by activating growth-stimulating genes. Although many genes have been identified that acquire methylation and whose expression is methylation-sensitive, little is known about how DNA methylation is controlled. We have identified a DNA sequence that regulates establishment of DNA methylation in the male germ line at Rasgrf1. In mice, the imprinted Rasgrf1 locus is methylated on the paternal allele within a differentially methylated domain (DMD) 30 kbp 5' of the promoter. Expression is exclusively from the paternal allele in neonatal brain. Methylation is regulated by a repeated sequence, consisting of a 41-mer repeated 40 times, found immediately 3' of the DMD. This sequence is present in organisms in which Rasgrf1 is imprinted. In addition, DMD methylation is required for imprinted Rasgrf1 expression. Together the DMD and repeat element constitute a binary switch that regulates imprinting at the locus.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a source of unique individual odors that influence individual recognition, mating preferences, nesting behavior and selective block of pregnancy in animals. Such phenomena have been difficult to study in humans, because the human leukocyte antigen (HLA, human MHC) loci are the most polymorphic loci in the human genome, with the potential to generate millions of unique combinations of genotypes. In addition, high variability in background odors, encoded by the rest of the genome and influenced by cultural practices, contribute to a low signal-to-noise ratio that could mask HLA-based olfactory cues. Here we show that women can detect differences of one HLA allele among male odor donors with different MHC genotypes. Notably, the mechanism for a woman's ability to discriminate and choose odors is based on HLA alleles inherited from her father but not her mother. The parents' HLA alleles that she does not inherit show no relationship with odor choice, despite exposure to these HLA-encoded odors throughout her life. Our data indicate that paternally inherited HLA-associated odors influence odor preference and may serve as social cues.  相似文献   

Imprinted genes are expressed from only one of the parental chromosomes and are marked epigenetically by DNA methylation and histone modifications. The imprinting center 2 (IC2) on mouse distal chromosome 7 is flanked by several paternally repressed genes, with the more distant ones imprinted exclusively in the placenta. We found that most of these genes lack parent-specific DNA methylation, and genetic ablation of methylation does not lead to loss of their imprinting in the trophoblast (placenta). The silent paternal alleles of the genes are marked in the trophoblast by repressive histone modifications (dimethylation at Lys9 of histone H3 and trimethylation at Lys27 of histone H3), which are disrupted when IC2 is deleted, leading to reactivation of the paternal alleles. Thus, repressive histone methylation is recruited by IC2 (potentially through a noncoding antisense RNA) to the paternal chromosome in a region of at least 700 kb and maintains imprinting in this cluster in the placenta, independently of DNA methylation. We propose that an evolutionarily older imprinting mechanism limited to extraembryonic tissues was based on histone modifications, and that this mechanism was subsequently made more stable for use in embryonic lineages by the recruitment of DNA methylation.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which the eukaryotic DNA-replication machinery penetrates condensed chromatin structures to replicate the underlying DNA is poorly understood. Here we provide evidence that an ACF1-ISWI chromatin-remodeling complex is required for replication through heterochromatin in mammalian cells. ACF1 (ATP-utilizing chromatin assembly and remodeling factor 1) and an ISWI isoform, SNF2H (sucrose nonfermenting-2 homolog), become specifically enriched in replicating pericentromeric heterochromatin. RNAi-mediated depletion of ACF1 specifically impairs the replication of pericentromeric heterochromatin. Accordingly, depletion of ACF1 causes a delay in cell-cycle progression through the late stages of S phase. In vivo depletion of SNF2H slows the progression of DNA replication throughout S phase, indicating a functional overlap with ACF1. Decondensing the heterochromatin with 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine reverses the effects of ACF1 and SNF2H depletion. Expression of an ACF1 mutant that cannot interact with SNF2H also interferes with replication of condensed chromatin. Our data suggest that an ACF1-SNF2H complex is part of a dedicated mechanism that enables DNA replication through highly condensed regions of chromatin.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation is a repressive, epigenetically propagated DNA modification. Although patterns of DNA methylation seem tightly regulated in mammals, it is unclear how these are specified and to what extent this process entails genetic or epigenetic regulation. To dissect the role of the underlying DNA sequence, we sequentially inserted over 50 different DNA elements into the same genomic locus in mouse stem cells. Promoter sequences of approximately 1,000 bp autonomously recapitulated correct DNA methylation in pluripotent cells. Moreover, they supported proper de novo methylation during differentiation. Truncation analysis revealed that this regulatory potential is contained within small methylation-determining regions (MDRs). MDRs can mediate both hypomethylation and de novo methylation in cis, and their activity depends on developmental state, motifs for DNA-binding factors and a critical CpG density. These results demonstrate that proximal sequence elements are both necessary and sufficient for regulating DNA methylation and reveal basic constraints of this regulation.  相似文献   

Chromatin packaging in mammalian spermatozoa requires an ordered replacement of the somatic histones by two classes of spermatid-specific basic proteins, the transition proteins and the protamines. Temporal expression of transition proteins and protamines during spermatid differentiation is under translational control, and premature translation of protamine 1 leads to precocious nuclear condensation and sterility. We have previously suggested that the double-stranded (ds) RNA binding protein Prbp (encoded by the gene Tarbp2) functions as a translational regulator during mouse spermatogenesis. Here we show that Prbp is required for proper translational activation of the mRNAs encoding the protamines. We generated mice that carry a targeted disruption of Tarbp2 and determined that they were sterile and severely oligospermic. Using immunohistological analysis, we determined that the endogenous Prm2 mRNA and a reporter mRNA carrying protamine 1 translational-control elements were translated in a mosaic pattern. We showed that failure to synthesize the protamines resulted in delayed replacement of the transition proteins and subsequent failure of spermiation. The timing of Prbp expression suggests that it may function as a chaperone in the assembly of specific translationally regulated ribonucleoprotein particles.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is extensively reprogrammed during the early phases of mammalian development, yet genomic targets of this process are largely unknown. We optimized methylated DNA immunoprecipitation for low numbers of cells and profiled DNA methylation during early development of the mouse embryonic lineage in vivo. We observed a major epigenetic switch during implantation at the transition from the blastocyst to the postimplantation epiblast. During this period, DNA methylation is primarily targeted to repress the germline expression program. DNA methylation in the epiblast is also targeted to promoters of lineage-specific genes such as hematopoietic genes, which are subsequently demethylated during terminal differentiation. De novo methylation during early embryogenesis is catalyzed by Dnmt3b, and absence of DNA methylation leads to ectopic gene activation in the embryo. Finally, we identify nonimprinted genes that inherit promoter DNA methylation from parental gametes, suggesting that escape of post-fertilization DNA methylation reprogramming is prevalent in the mouse genome.  相似文献   

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