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塔里木盆地库车地区早第三纪伸展盆地的证据 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
库车坳陷早第三纪伸展构造的证据有三,一是盆地在早第三纪时虽然沉陷范围较大,但沉陷速率较低。其沉降速率与处于伸展构造环境的侏罗、白垩纪盆地相似,而与处于挤压构造环境的三叠纪前陆盆地和晚第三纪前陆盆地相去甚远;二是在盆地东部吐格尔明背斜的北冀与南面塔北隆起的下第三系砾岩中发育有高角度的同生正断层;三是在盆地下第三系地层中发现的灰质砾岩、含砾灰岩等海相沉积和海相腹足类化石及膏盐层均运离古南天山造山带分布,剖面上也不具有前陆盆地沉积典型的楔状沉积的特征,由此不仅说明本区早第三纪海侵的存在,而且还说明在早第三纪发生过伸展作用。 相似文献
通过对陆西地区石炭系火山岩岩性特征、岩相展布、构造演化过程、裂缝分布规律、已知含油气层分布区、岩性与油气层的关系、不同岩性岩相的物性特征、烃源条件等进行分析,认为陆西石炭系存在上、下两个层序,这两个层序的顶界均为区域性不整合面;火山岩相主要有火山通道相、爆发相、溢流相和火山沉积相等4种类型,不同层序相分布有所不同;陆梁隆起的雏形形成于中海西运动第一幕,晚海西期得到定型与加强;上层序物性最好的岩相是溢流相,其次是爆发相,物性最好的岩性是玄武岩,其次是火山角砾岩;有利储层分布区有两个,一个位于夏盐凸起东部的夏盐1—石南3井区,另一个位于夏盐凸起西部及三个泉凸起区;陆西地区的烃源主要来源于玛湖凹陷。最后指出陆西石炭系油气勘探的有利区主要位于夏盐凸起与三个泉凸起的西部。 相似文献
下扬子前中生代构造演化 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
夏邦栋 《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》1998,(2)
下扬子具有前震旦系变质基底,自震旦纪进入板内演化。震旦纪-早古生代发育三个向NE方向打开的拗拉槽,具有典型的三段式建造序列,槽内沉积作用不同于槽间区域的沉积作用。自晚奥陶世末期到志留纪末期,下扬子转变为前陆盆地。碎屑沉积厚度逾6000m,物质来自东侧,说明东侧有一新生的造山带崛起。自晚泥盆世初期到二叠纪末期,该造山带向前陆推挤,下扬子发生SN向引张,在晚二叠世出现成熟的撞击槽。槽内发育火山岩,碎屑沉积物来自该造山带。建议称之为东海造山带。 相似文献
龙门山造山带-川西前陆盆地系统的成山成盆成藏动力学 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
造山带动力学、沉积盆地动力学和油气藏动力学均是地球科学的研究前沿。作者分析了三种动力学的主要研究内容和发展趋势,认为:(1)大陆动力学作用过程决定了造山带动力学和沉积盆地动力学的作用过程;(2)造山带动力学和沉积盆地动力学性质决定了油气藏动力学的作用机制。龙门山造山带-川西前陆盆地系统是由从东向西的深部多级俯冲潜滑而引起的浅部由西向东的多层次推覆而形成的,并且其物质流和能量流的循环均有两个传递系统。高异常古压是上三叠统天然气运移的动力,是控制天然气运聚与区域分布的主要因素,并且古压的演化直接控制了局部构造的成藏。川西前陆盆地侏罗系天然气藏是上三叠统与侏罗系之间流体的跨层流动形成的。龙门山造山带-川西前陆盆地系统形成和演化产生的挤压环境和使川西前陆盆地的被动沉降作用控制了天然气初次运移和聚集的成藏作用。60Ma以来,龙门山造山带-川西前陆盆地系统的整体抬升和剥蚀作用决定了裂缝系统的发育和上三叠统气藏的调整及侏罗系气藏的形成。 相似文献
汤德平 《福州大学学报(自然科学版)》1991,(4):147-152
本文对下扬子地区五个火山盆地(庐枞、宁芜、溧水、溧阳和天目山)中生代火山岩的微量元素进行了系统的研究。该区火山岩的 REE含量较高,配分曲线以 LREE相对富集,并且具Eu负异常为特征。在17种元素的标准化曲线图上,具Rb、K的峰和 Ta、Ti的谷,表明了火山岩中大离子半径元素的相对富集和高场强元素的贫化。这些特点相似于岛弧及活动大陆边缘的火山岩。在 Hf/3-Th-Ta和 Th/Yb-Ta/Yb判别图解上,本区火山岩的成分点都落在破坏性板块边缘及岛弧的区域内。这些分析结果有力地证实了下扬子地区的火山活动是中生代时期库拉-太平洋板块俯冲作用的产物。 相似文献
以区域钻井资料、野外露头勘查、岩石样品地球化学分析为依据,结合近年来三水盆地火成岩研究成果,细致刻画盆地内华涌组火山岩的岩性、时空分布以及喷发特征.华涌组火山岩以流纹岩、粗面岩与玄武岩互层为主,呈典型双峰式组合.根据岩性变化特征在华涌组沉积期内识别出四个火山喷发亚旋回,各旋回均由酸性流纹岩或粗面岩喷发开始,以基性玄武岩喷发结束.其中第一、二亚旋回以中心式喷发为主;第三、四亚旋回以裂隙溢流喷发方式为主,火山活动逐渐由强减弱.通过与周边地区区火山岩分布特征的对比研究,可以确定三水盆地华涌组火山岩是在拉张背景下发育的大陆裂谷型火山岩,是南海开裂初期的重要物质记录. 相似文献
分析了不同空间位置盆地的构造演化差异性,并结合区域构造事件探讨了中非裂谷盆地的构造动力学成因机制。中非裂谷盆地包括两个分支体系:西非裂谷系主要呈左旋走滑双断式结构;中非裂谷系主要表现为单断式右旋走滑结构。研究区内有走滑盆地和伸展盆地两种类型:前者位于走滑断裂带内部,近似平行于走滑断裂带展布,走滑作用强,构造反转明显;后者位于走滑断裂带端部,与走滑断裂带斜交,伸展作用强,构造反转较弱。中非裂谷盆地发育3期裂陷—拗陷构造旋回:早白垩世,中非盆地同时发生强烈的裂陷作用;晚白垩世,不同空间位置盆地的裂谷作用强度差异明显并且经历构造反转;古近纪,只有近NW-SE向盆地发生第三期裂谷作用,而其他盆地处于拗陷期。中非裂谷盆地是非洲陆缘板块构造运动在非洲陆内3个块体差异应力作用的陆内响应,3期裂谷作用的构造动力来源不同:早白垩世中大西洋扩张、晚白垩世南大西洋快速扩张和印度洋扩张双重作用、古近纪非洲板块与欧洲板块主要碰撞及西北印度洋中脊扩张影响。 相似文献
对库车盆地依南气田的构造变形特征及动力学机制进行了系统研究。依南气田所在的依深背斜为一具被动顶板的大型双重逆冲构造,其上覆依奇克里克背斜为一大型断层传播褶皱。它们具有分段和左行左列的雁列式展布特征。受印藏碰撞远距离效应的影响,背斜构造自晚第三纪中新世康村组沉积期开始形成,主要的作用力来源于碰撞作用所传递过来的构造挤压应力,多期自北而南的冲断作用是气田构造形成的根本原因。挤压作用不仅形成了大规模的逆冲断层及大型的断层相关褶皱,而且还产生了左行走滑作用,使断层在发生向南逆冲运动的同时还发生左行走滑运动,从而使背斜构造在走向上发生转折,并呈现出左行左列的走滑构造特点。 相似文献
准噶尔晚石炭世一二叠纪前陆盆地的演化 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
对准噶尔盆地露头区以及钻井、物探资料进行了分析,同时对全盆地二叠系进行了地层划分和对比.结合对准噶尔盆地周缘大地构造环境及基底特征的分析结果,将准噶尔晚石炭世一二叠纪盆地定义为前陆盆地,其中发育3个前陆盆地系统①西缘前陆盆地系统,该系统早期为近南北向延伸,从玛湖一直延伸到古车排子山前,后期分成南北两部分,北部称为西北缘前陆盆地,而南部被北天山前陆盆地系统所叠加;②克拉美丽前陆盆地系统;③北天山前陆盆地系统.各盆地系统的范围、发育时间和程度不同,前两个前陆盆地系统发育时间稍早,而后者盆地范围较前两者大.盆地中的所有构造特征都是这三大前陆盆地系统各构造组成要素叠加复合的结果. 相似文献
Zircon U-Pb geochronology of the volcanic rocks from Fanchang-Ningwu volcanic basins in the Lower Yangtze region and its geological implications 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Jun Yan HaiQuan Liu ChuanZhong Song XiSheng Xu YaJun An Jia Liu LiQun Dai 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(16):2895-2904
The latest eruptions in two important Mesozoic volcanic basins of Fanchang and Ningwu located in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River formed the bimodal volcanic rocks of the Kedoushan Formation and ultrapotassic volcanic rocks of the Niangniangshan Formation, respectively. The representative volcanic rocks of the two Formations were selected for LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb dating. The results indicate that there exist a large amount of magmatic zircons as indicated by high Th/U ratios in these volcanic rocks. The weighted mean age of 21 analyses is 130.7±1.1 Ma for the Kedoushan Formation, and that of 20 analyses is 130.6±1.1 Ma for the Niangniangshan Formation. These U-Pb ages are interpreted to represent the formation times of the volcanic rocks. In combination with other known geochronological data for Mesozoic volcanic rocks from the Lower Yangtze region, it is proposed that the latest volcanic activations in the Jinniu, Luzong, Fanchang and Ningwu volcanic basins probably came to end prior to ca. 128 Ma. There is no significant time interval between the early and later volcanic activities in the Luzong and Ningwu basins, suggesting a short duration of volcanic activities and thus implying the onset of an extensional tectonic setting at about 130 Ma in the Lower Yangtze region. Integrated studies reveal that the Early Cretaceous magmatic activities and their geochronological framework in the Lower Yangtze region are a response to progressively dynamic deep processes that started with the transformation of tectonic setting from compression to extension, followed by delaminating of the lower part of the thickened lithosphere, lithospheric thinning, asthenosphere upwelling, and crust-mantle interaction. 相似文献
HE DengFa ZHOU XinYuan ZHANG ChaoJun YANG XiaoFa 《科学通报(英文版)》2007,52(A01):164-177
The Ordovician system is an important target for exploration in the Tarim Basin. Restoration of the Ordovician tectono-depositional environment is a key basis for the study of the structural development history in Tarim block and the prediction of the favorable Ordovician reservoir belts (zones). Based on the surrounding tectonic settings, the litho-facies and sedimentary fill, the palaeo-geography, palaeoclimate and palaeo-ecology, and the structural deformation and magmatic eruptions, in this paper we combine the sedimentary fill in the basin with the development of the surrounding orogenic belts and re-build the proto-type basins of the different Ordovician periods. During the Ordovician period, the Tarim region was characterized by the composite of the interior cratonic depression with the peripheral cratonic depression. The interior cratonic depression in the central and western parts is mainly the deposiUonal area of the platform facies while the peripheral cratonic depression in the eastern part is mainly the zone of deepwater basin facies, with the slope acting as the transition belt between them. During the Late Ordovician period, the closure of the Northern Kunlun Ocean and destruction of the trench-arc-basin system in the Altyn Tagh region put the southern part of the Tarim block under com- pression and uplifting and turned the central and western parts of the carbonate platform into the mixed deposiUonal continental shelf. The eastern region of the basin had the over-compensated flysch sedimentation with huge thickness, marking the drastic turn of the basin nature. The basin tectonic framework turned to the south-north differentiation of the Silurian period from the east-west differentiation of the Ordovician period. 相似文献
Abnormal overpressure distribution and natural gas accumulation in foreland basins, Western China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Abnormal overpressure occurs in the forelandbasins of Kuqa, South Junggar and West Sichuan in China.The pressure coefficients are high. Overpressure exists inwide areas and various strata. The layers of overpressurehave a very close relationship with lithology, and the area ofoverpressure is controlled by the piedmont depression. Themechanisms of overpressure formation in the Kuqa andSouth Junggar Depression include disequilibrium compac-tion and tectonic compression; the importance of these twofactors varies in different basins and in different stages of thesame basin. Different models of gas accumulation are estab-lished to explain the relationship between overpressure dis-tribution and gas pool formation, and the influence of over-pressure on the gas pools. These models include: (i) theviolent tectonic movement leads to the pool formation inoverpressure belt (Kela-2 gas field in Kuqa); (ii) the pres-sure releases at shallow part and the gas pool forms in latetime (Hutubi gas field in southern Junggar Basin); (iii)through the pressure transfer the gas migrates and accumu-lates (Xinchang gas field in Western Sichuan Basin). 相似文献
Formation and evolution of the Chinese marine basins 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
JIA ChengZao LI BenLiang ZHANG XingYang LI ChuanXin 《科学通报(英文版)》2007,52(A01):1-11
西藏措勤地区典中组火山岩地球化学特征及构造背景 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
措勤盆地位于西藏冈底斯构造-岩浆岩带的西段北侧,该区古新世火山活动十分强烈,形成了一套厚度大于1 000 m的中酸性火山岩地层,火山岩K-Ar和Rb-Sr同位素年龄为63.9~61.0 Ma,区域上可与古近纪林子宗群下部层位相对比,归为古新统典中组.火山岩岩石化学、地球化学特征分析表明,该火山岩系属高钾钙碱性-钙碱性系列,轻稀土富集,负Eu异常明显.与原始地幔相比,微量元素Rb,Ba,K,Th,U富集;Ti,P,Sr,Ta(Nb)亏损.锶、氧同位素组成显示岩浆来源与陆壳物质关系密切,推测是来自于俯冲带的幔源基性岩浆与陆壳重熔酸性岩浆以不同比例混合所形成.综合研究认为,这套火山岩形成于陆缘弧构造环境,与喜马拉雅特提斯洋壳向北俯冲消减作用有关. 相似文献
南秦岭晚古生代伸展结构特征及意义 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用构造岩石地层-沉积盆地-热水成矿流体及沉积组合-要造变形分析等,对秦岭造山带晚生代菜构造特征及意义进行了系统研究,结果表明:秦岭造山带从加里东期末-海西期末一直处于(剪切)伸展体制下,形成一系列伸展构造,其伸展构造样式主要有同生断裂,剥离断层,陆表海域中的盆-岛构,守堑-地垒式盆地构造,三级热水沉积成矿盆地,叠合沉积盆地内的伸展构造样式有褶叠层,分层前切流变构造,滑塌同沉积构造,阶梯状同生断层等,这此伸展要造样式显示秦岭微板块是以伸展作用发生陆壳变形的,可称为秦岭型伸展的菜构造样多,伸展要造是主要控矿构造,低序次同生断裂是含矿热水运移的通道,三级热水沉积成矿盆地是聚矿空间和热水沉积成矿场所,热水喷溢通道口及含矿热水沉积岩相是矿层赋存的部位,认为秦岭菜的构造样式对成矿学和区内的矿产资料与预测有重要的理论和应用价值。 相似文献
内蒙古西乌旗地区二叠纪双峰式火山岩的年代学、地球化学特征和地质意义 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为了加深对中亚造山带东段晚古生代构造背景的认识, 选取内蒙古西乌旗地区二叠纪火山岩进行年代学和地球化学研究。分别利用X光荧光光谱(XRF)、SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年、ICP-MS和ISOPROBE-T方法测定研究区火山岩的主量元素含量、年龄、微量元素和稀土元素含量及Sr-Nd同位素。结果表明, 这套火山岩的SiO2含量集中分布在53.54%~54.71%和72.61%~80.81%两个区间, 分别属于玄武安山岩和流纹岩, 构成双峰式火山岩组合。流纹岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄为279 ± 4.3 Ma, 说明它喷发于早二叠世。玄武安山岩轻稀土略富集而重稀土略亏损, (La/Yb)N为2.06~2.34, 有轻微的Eu负异常, 富集大离子亲石元素和高场强元素, Nb, Ta和Sr有明显的负异常, 推断其来源于深部非原始地幔, 很大程度上受地壳成分的混染。流纹岩亦略富集轻稀土, 略亏损重稀土, (La/Yb)N为1.70~3.81, 有很强的Eu负异常, Sr, P和Ti相对强烈亏损, Nb和Ta轻度亏损, K, Zr和Hf相对富集, 具有较高的正εNd(t)值(+3.98~+5.62)和年轻的模式年龄TDM(490~690 Ma), 具有A型花岗岩的特征, 推断其为新生陆壳来源。综合地球化学特征、区域地质特征和前人研究资料, 这套双峰式火山岩具有板内成因特征, 形成于碰撞后的伸展环境。 相似文献
Analysis on forming conditions of deep marine reservoirs and their concentration belts in superimposed basins in China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
ZHAO WenZhi WANG ZeCheng ZHANG ShuiChang WANG HongJun 《科学通报(英文版)》2007,52(A01):12-27
By taking the Tarim Basin, Sichuan Basin and Ordos Basin as examples, the conditions for deep marine reservoir formation were illustrated in three aspects listed below: late-stage superimposition style, burial history and structural deformation of the marine stratigraphic system. The burial history of marine source rocks can be divided into three types, i.e., type I, type II and type III, which are obviously different from the case with present hydrocarbon phases in terms of hydrocarbon generation and pe- troleum-reservoir formation. Based on evolution history, the structural belts in the marine stratigraphic sequence can also be divided into four types, i.e. earlier normal fault-later fault-fold type, earlier uplift-later fault-fold type, earlier uplift-later flattened slope type, and earlier depression-later thrust type. In this paper, a successive gas generation model was proposed, and it was particularly pointed out that coupling of geothermal field annealing evolution and tectonic subsidence and late gas generation from dispersed liquid hydrocarbon in highly matured to over-matured source rocks are key factors for formation of marine petroleum reservoirs. The geological conditions for formation of high-grade reservoirs in deep marine system, covering early hydrocarbon injection, deep denudation and buried dolo- mitization, were summarized. It was finally concluded that three major structural belts, i.e. paleo-uplift belt characterized by composite hydrocarbon accumulation, paleo-fault belt and high-energy sedimentary facies belt, were involved in marine hydrocarbon accumulation. 相似文献
Crustal P-wave velocity structure in Lower Yangtze region: Reinterpretation of Fuliji-Fengxian deep seismic sounding profile 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
BAI Zhiming WANG Chunyong 《科学通报(英文版)》2006,51(19):2391-2400
A deep seismic sounding profile in this paper, from Fuliji in Anhui Province to Fengxian of Shanghai City, is located at eastern China (Fig. 1). The field work was jointly accomplished by the Chinese Geological and Mineral Bureau, the China Seismological … 相似文献
龙门山中段川西前陆盆地初始盆山边界及其变迁 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过对龙门山中段造山带、前陆盆地、飞来蜂的构造变形和构造演化研究,结合前陆盆地物源分析.确定了盆山转换时期川西前陆盆地初始盆山边界,重塑了盆山边界的变迁过程.研究表明,盆山转换初期川西前陆盆地盆山初始边界断裂为茂汶断裂,现今分布于冲断带内的飞来蜂均来自于茂县-汶川断裂与北川-映秀断裂之间的区域.印支-燕山期造山带向南东挤出,使位于茂县-汶川断裂带与映秀-北川断裂带问的地层发生交形和冲断隆升,形成北东向构造.作为前陆盆地基底的海相碳酸盐岩地层逐渐被抬升剥露,成为飞来蜂的源.随着造山带不断地冲断隆升,前陆冲断带向南东扩展,盆山边界由初始的茂县-汶川断裂依次向南东迁移至北川-映秀断裂、彭-灌断裂和关口-彰明断裂以东. 相似文献