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Alumina nanoparticles were added to a Cu-Zn alloy to investigate their effect on the microstructural,tribological,and corrosion properties of the prepared alloys. Alloying was performed using a mixture of copper and zinc powders with 0vol% and 5vol% of α-Al nanopowder in a satellite ball mill. The results showed that the Cu-Zn solid solution formed after 18 h of mechanical alloying. The mechanically alloyed powder was compacted followed by sintering of the obtained green compacts at 750°C for 30 min. Alumina nanoparticles were uniformly distributed in the matrix of the Cu-Zn alloy. The tribological properties were evaluated by pin-on-disk wear tests,which revealed that,upon the addition of alumina nanoparticles,the coefficient of friction and the wear rate were reduced to 20% and 40%,respectively. The corrosion properties of the samples exposed to a 3.5wt% Na Cl solution were studied using the immersion and potentiodynamic polarization methods,which revealed that the addition of alumina nanoparticles reduced the corrosion current of the nanocomposite by 90%. 相似文献
采用铸锭冶金工艺,制备不同钪含量的Al-Cu-Mg-Ag合金.通过金相显微镜、扫描电镜、透射电镜、晶间腐蚀及剥落腐蚀等实验方法,研究钪对Al-5.3Cu-0.8Mg-0.6Ag合金的组织和腐蚀性能影响.结果表明:添加0.3%~0.5% Sc可明显细化铸态合金的晶粒,平均晶粒尺寸从300 μm降低到60 μm,而添加0.1%~0.3% Sc有助于提高挤压态合金抗腐蚀性能.但当添加0.5% Sc时,合金中形成粗大的Al3(Sc, Zr)稀土化合物相,导致合金的抗蚀性能降低. 相似文献
运用扫描电子显微镜/能谱仪、X射线衍射、盐雾实验、电极化曲线等手段,研究冷却速度和Si对Zn-5Al-0.1RE合金组织及耐蚀性能的影响.结果表明,Zn-5Al-0.1RE-xSi合金由先析出的?-Zn和?-Zn+α-Al共晶组织组成,前者均匀分布在相邻的?-Zn+α-Al共晶胞的边界上.降低冷却速度和Si的加入,均使Zn-5Al-0.1RE-xSi合金单位面积的晶粒增大,晶界减少,合金耐蚀性能提高. Zn-5Al-0.1RE-xSi合金耐蚀性能的差异与合金凝固组织及合金腐蚀产物中Zn5(OH)8Cl2·H2O和ZnO的相对量有关. 相似文献
The effect of alumina nanoparticle addition on the microstructure and tribological properties of a CuCrW alloy was investigated in this work.Mechanical alloying was carried out in a satellite ball mill.The tribological properties of the samples were evaluated using pin-on-disk wear tests with different pins (alumina,tungsten carbide,and steel pins).The results indicated that the tungsten carbide pin had a lower coefficient of friction than the alumina and steel pins because of its high hardness and low surface roughness.In addition,when the sliding rate was decreased,the weight-loss rate increased.The existence of alumina nanoparticles in the nanocomposite led to a lower weight-loss rate and to a change in the wear mechanism from adhesive to abrasive. 相似文献
采用传统固相法制备掺杂Nd2O3和Sm2O3氧化锌压敏陶瓷.采用X线衍射、扫描电镜和压敏电阻直流参数仪对其相组成、显微组织和电性能进行研究.研究结果表明:复合稀土掺杂有利于提高压敏陶瓷的综合电性能.掺杂Nd2O3和Sm2O3氧化锌压敏陶瓷,在固定Nd2O3含量时,随Sm2O3掺杂量增加,样品的平均晶粒尺寸从5.32μm减小到2.91 μm,电位梯度从389.3 V/mm增加到959 V/mm,非线性系数呈先降后升的变化,漏电流密度在0.44~8.66 μA/cm2之间变化.掺杂(摩尔分数)0.25% Nd2O3和0.50%Sm2O3氧化锌压敏陶瓷的电性能最优,电位梯度为959 V/mm,非线性系数为36.7,漏电流为2.25μA/cm2.制备的压敏陶瓷有望用于高电位梯度避雷器. 相似文献
通过常温拉伸性能测试、晶间和剥落腐蚀试验、光学显微镜及透射电子显微镜研究淬火转移时间(5~90 s)对1933铝合金锻件拉伸性能、腐蚀性能及微观组织的影响.研究结果表明:随着淬火转移时间延长,合金的拉伸性能和耐腐蚀性能均降低;当转移时间增加至90 s时,抗拉强度下降7.5%,屈服强度下降9%,伸长率下降约20%,腐蚀深度增加400%.淬火转移时间过长导致晶粒内部析出粗大的平衡η相,降低了时效强化效果;晶界无沉淀析出带宽化,降低了伸长率和耐腐蚀性能.为获得良好的综合性能,转移时应使该合金产品淬火时的温度不低于约366℃. 相似文献
Effects of ECAE processing temperature on the microstructure,mechanical properties,and corrosion behavior of pure Mg 下载免费PDF全文
A two-step equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) procedure was used to process pure Mg. The effects of ECAE processing temperature on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior of pure Mg were studied. The results show that the average grain size of pure Mg decreases with decreasing extrusion temperature. After ECAE processing at 473 K, fine and equiaxed grains (~9 μm) are obtained. The sample processed at 473 K exhibits the excellent mechanical properties, whereas the sample processed at 633 K has the lowest corrosion rate. The improved corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of pure Mg by ECAE are ascribed to grain refinement and microstructural modification. 相似文献
镍基耐蚀合金扩散均匀化处理及组织性能演变 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于三维扩散理论,对所研制的Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu铸态合金的均匀化、固溶处理工艺的有效性,以及对其显微组织、力学性能和耐蚀性能的演变进行了试验研究.研究结果表明:手工电弧炉熔炼、真空感应炉熔炼和真空自耗电极炉熔炼得到比较粗大的铸态组织(分别为约20μm的胞状结构、间距80~100μm的粗大树枝晶和60~80μm的方向性树枝晶),经1 140~1 170℃,2.5 h的处理后,其胞状或枝晶组织消失、偏析组织达到均匀化.与铸态合金相比,固溶状态合金在4种典型介质中的耐蚀性都获得提高(15%~25%以上),硬度、强度提高近30%;在盐酸、混合酸和FeCl3溶液中Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu合金的耐蚀性比1Cr18Ni9Ti奥氏体不锈钢提高1~3个数量级.通过扩散方程傅里叶级数解的分析,导得适合该耐蚀合金固溶处理时间的半经验公式. 相似文献
采用常规铸造和分段式倾斜板过流冷却铸造工艺制备Al-22Si-2Fe-xMn合金,研究表明:过流冷却制备工艺能够改善初生Si形貌及尺寸,但对针状富Fe相作用有限.利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射及透射电镜等手段分析过流冷却条件下Mn元素添加对富Fe相晶体结构的影响,通过摩擦磨损实验研究不同Mn/Fe质量比的过共晶Al-Si合金的硬度及耐磨损性能.结果表明:随着过流冷却铸造过共晶Al-Si合金中Mn/Fe质量比增加,合金中四方结构的长针状富Fe相逐渐减少直至基本消失,当Mn/Fe质量比为0.7时,富Fe相主要为六方结构的块状或鱼骨状α-Al15(Fe,Mn)3Si2相,此时,合金耐磨性较未添加Mn元素时有所提升,磨损机制以磨料磨损方式为主. 相似文献
纳米碳管化学复合镀层组织、沉积机理及性能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
赵国刚 《黑龙江科技学院学报》2010,20(1):1-6
了进一步提高Ni-P镀层的耐腐蚀磨损性能,采用化学镀的方法,使纳米碳管与Ni-P合金共沉积在45#钢表面,分析了复合镀层的沉积过程、组织结构,研究了纳米碳管复合镀层的腐蚀及磨损性能。研究表明:复合镀层中纳米碳管与Ni-P以化学键结合,Ni-P-CNTs复合镀层具有较优异的耐腐蚀磨性能。 相似文献
以低软化点的铅硼硅酸盐玻璃和Al2O3粉末为原料,制备Al2O3/玻璃低温共烧复合玻璃陶瓷材料。考察烧结温度和添加不同质量分数的Al2O3对复合玻璃陶瓷烧结机制和微波介电性能的影响,并探讨了作用机制。结果表明:Al2O3掺入PbO-B2O3-SiO2玻璃中改善了与Al2O3陶瓷的界面润湿,对烧结有一定的促进作用。在添加质量分数为4%Al2O3的复相玻璃陶瓷、烧成温度为850℃时性能最好,其密度为3.1 g/cm3,介电常数为8.46,介电损耗为0.001 1。 相似文献
许春香 《太原理工大学学报》1998,29(1):42-43,47
对挤压铸造法制备Al2O3/ZA27复合材料的高温力学性能及耐磨性能进行了测定,结果表明,Al2O3短纤维加入到ZA27合金中,可显著提高合金的高性能抗拉强度和耐磨性能。 相似文献
CeO2对等离子喷涂Cr2O3涂层组织和滑动磨损性能的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过在Cr2 O3 材料中加入不同含量的CeO2 添加剂 ,探讨了稀土对等离子喷涂Cr2 O3 涂层组织、抗拉结合强度和滑动磨损性能的影响。研究结果表明 ,添加适量CeO2 可以提高Cr2 O3 涂层的致密性、抗拉结合强度和耐磨性。在滑动磨损条件下 ,Cr2 O3 涂层的磨损为疲劳磨损 ,CeO2 的加入不会改变涂层的磨损失效机制。涂层的耐磨性与涂层的抗拉结合强度成正比。 相似文献
锌合金在KOH溶液中的腐蚀性能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用熔化浇铸的方法制备了一系列Zn-In合金和Zn-Pb合金.通过析氢量气法和动电位极化测量了它们在6mol/LKOH溶液中的腐蚀速度.结果表明,添加少量的In或Pb明显地抑制了Zn腐蚀,并且In的添加效果优于Pb.此外,通过交流阻抗技术对它们在碱性溶液中的腐蚀机理进行了探讨.结果表明,高频时,Zn,Zn-Pb,Zn-In合金的电极过程受电子传递步骤控制;低频时,在Zn,Zn-Pb,Zn-0.01%In合金的电极表面出现吸附现象,而对于含In0.05%或0.10%的Zn电极,扩散传质步骤是速度控制步骤. 相似文献
采用溶胶-凝胶法制备非晶态和结晶态两种相结构的SiO2/Al2 O3纳米复合粉体,通过X射线衍射、透射电子显微镜等手段对纳米复合粉体结构和形貌进行表征,并利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪研究纳米复合粉体的红外隐身性能.结果表明:两种相结构的SiO2/Al2 O3纳米复合粉体均呈不规则颗粒状,其中结晶态SiO2/Al2 O3纳米复合粉体的平均晶粒尺寸约为18 nm;结晶态SiO2/Al2 O3纳米复合粉体在2.5~25μm波长范围内的红外发射率均低于非晶态复合粉体,3~5μm内发射率平均值为45.65%,8~14μm内发射率平均值为46.19%,是一种低发射率的红外隐身复合纳米材料. 相似文献
Solidification,microstructure, and mechanical properties of the as-cast ZRE1 magnesium alloy with different praseodymium contents 下载免费PDF全文
The influence of praseodymium (Pr) content on the solidification characteristics, microstructure, and mechanical properties of ZRE1 magnesium (Mg) cast alloy was investigated. The obtained solidification parameters showed that Pr strongly affected the solidification time, leading to refinement of the microstructure of the alloys. When the freezing time was reduced to approximately 52 s, the grain size decreased by 12%. Mg12Zn (Ce,Pr) was formed as a new phase upon the addition of Pr and was detected via X-ray diffraction analysis. The addition of Pr led to a substantial improvement in mechanical properties, which was attributed to the formation of intermetallic compounds; the ultimate tensile strength and yield strength increased by approximately 10% and 13%, respectively. Pr addition also refined the microstructure, and the hardness was recovered. The results herein demonstrate that the mechanical properties of Mg alloys are strongly influenced by their microstructure characteristics, including the grain size, volume fraction, and distribution of intermetallic phases. 相似文献
The Al2O3?(W,Ti)C composites with Ni and Mo additions varying from 0vol% to 12vol% were prepared via hot pressing sintering under 30 MPa. The microstructure was investigated via X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). Mechanical properties such as flexural strength, fracture toughness, and Vickers hardness were also measured. Results show that the main phases A12O3 and (W,Ti)C were detected by XRD. Compound MoNi also existed in sintered nanocom-posites. The fracture modes of the nanocomposites were both intergranular and transgranular fractures. The plastic deformation of metal particles and crack bridging were the main toughening mechanisms. The maximum flexural strength and fracture toughness were obtained for 9vol% and 12vol% additions of Ni and Mo, respectively. The hardness of the composites reduced gradually with increasing content of metals Ni and Mo. 相似文献
利用Ni2+离子取代Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3的B位Zn2+离子来改善其介电性能并研究其微观结构的变化.XRD表明,系统的主晶相为立方钙钛矿的BZNN,并有少量第二相如Ba5Nb4O15、BaNb6O16等.系统在较低温度(1 350℃)下烧结时以及在1 300℃退火处理会形成微弱的有序相,这种趋势说明了Ni2+和Nb5+离子的相互扩散会随着热能和时间的增长而增长.在较高温度下烧结(1550℃)则会形成富Nb液相区.当系统中Ni2+含量为0.7时,1 500℃烧结时系统得到优异的介电性能,介电常数为35.7,容量温度系数为-4.7×10-6/℃,损耗tan δ为0.33×10-4(1 MHz). 相似文献
The effects of Al-P addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg–5%Sn–1.25%Si magnesium alloy were investigated. The results show that the phases of the as-cast alloy are composed of α-Mg, Mg2 Sn, Mg2 Si, little P, and AlP. The Chinese character shape Mg2 Si phase changes into a granular morphology by P addition because AlP can act as a heterogeneous nucleation core for the Mg2 Si phase. When 0.225wt% of Al–3.5%P alloy is added, the mechanical properties of the Mg–5%Sn–1.25%Si alloy are greatly improved, and the tensile strength increases from 156 to 191 MPa, an increase of 22.4% compared to the alloy without P addition. When the amount of Al–3.5%P reaches 0.300wt%, a segregation phenomenon occurs in the granular Mg2 Si phase, and the tensile strength and hardness decrease though the elongation increases. 相似文献
采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、透射电镜和X线衍射仪等分析研究Y对Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr铸造镁合金组织和性能的影响,并测试其室温力学性能.研究结果表明:Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr-xY(x=0,0.6%,1.2%,1.8%,质量分数)合金铸态组织主要由α-Mg和Mg12(NdaZn1-a)相组成,Y元素主要固溶在α-Mg和Mg12(NdaZn1-a)相中;合金经530℃/14h固溶处理后组织由α-Mg、残余的少量Mg12(NdaZn1-a)相以及方块状Mg24RE5相组成;固溶态合金经200℃/12h时效处理后有大量尺寸为10nm左右的β'和β”析出相生成,能有效地强化基体;随Y质量分数增加,合金室温抗拉强度和屈服强度逐渐上升,最高分别达到271 MPa和161 MPa,较基础Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr合金有较大幅度提高. 相似文献