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藏族对自然的神圣崇拜蕴含着朴实的生态意识,而其中对神山的崇拜尤为突出.本文以滇西北藏区为例,分析了藏区神山的生态学内涵,认为藏族的神山文化对生物多样性与生态环境保护具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

设计网络环境的边界,确定网络环境空间边界的主要变量,选择大学生思想政治状况滚动调查中关于信仰的一些核心题目予以具体化和操作化.对东中西部“985”“211”和普通本科等10所高校的大学生开展问卷调查,数据处理均使用SPSS,后期处理以对应分析为主,探索相同变量不同取值类别之间的差异,以及不同变量不同取值类别之间的对应关系,得出新闻类型对大学生信仰影响的相关结论.  相似文献   

本文从地上植被层、林下枯枝落叶层以及林地土壤层三个方面对神山森林的涵养水源的生态服务功能进行了生态学阐述,结果说明神山森林具有重要的涵养水源作用,是当地人民生活和生产的重要绿色水库.  相似文献   

 钙华分为大气成因钙华和热成因钙华两类,不仅具有景观价值,而且具有重要的的科研价值。青藏高原广泛发育热成因钙华,主要形成于泉水和湖泊环境中。青藏高原钙华的形成主要与高原内部的热水活动有关,而热水活动则受控于印度大陆碰撞俯冲所引起的伸展作用和区域大断裂的走滑拉分作用。钙华不仅记录高原的古气候学信息,同时也是区内大多数盐湖矿床成矿过程记录者,但是已有的研究尚不足以充分解读这些信息。形成热成因钙华的CO2一般来自地热过程或地壳深部,其成因机制因时因地而异,远比大气成因钙华更加复杂,并不是所有热成因钙华都记录有古气候信息,因此,只有在充分明确热成因钙华成因机制的基础上,方可重建其古气候和盐湖矿床学信息。  相似文献   

神山崇拜作为远古藏族祖先的信仰方式,经历了从原生型苯教到雍仲苯教再到藏传佛教的发展阶段。其间,佛教和苯教都采纳了神山崇拜这一信仰方式。由此,神山崇拜从、“自然宗教”过渡到了“伦理宗教”曲形态。在这漫长的演变过程中,相应地衍生出了一套独特的祭祀方式,这种祭祀方式逐渐地向民间扩展并不断规范化,又使它超出了宗教信仰的范围,具有了民俗文化的性质、特色和功能。  相似文献   

对青藏高原多年冻土区的成因,不同冻土地貌类型进行了阐述,分析了由此而对工程建筑物,道路修建工程所产生的负面影响。  相似文献   

民间信仰是非官方的信仰理念、行为习惯和制度化仪式的统一体,具有广泛参与性、空间地域性、多元分散性、自发制度性、民间自主性等基本特征。民间信仰是以生活和历史为基础的民众精神生活,既能传承传统文化,;』导民众的价值追求和道德认知,也能促进民众自我组织和自我约束。  相似文献   

邓小平的信仰观就是共产主义信仰观;它具有如一的决心、必胜的信心和虔敬的诚心三大特点;邓小平认为信仰的意义在于信仰具有凝聚力、团结力、驱动力和激励力;在信仰教育上,邓小平提出信仰为本,要从小培养、顾及物质利益和要“顽固”一点的新思路。  相似文献   

所谓"信仰论政治"中的"信仰",是一种权力关系的建构,即通过权力对神人关系及其神圣性的垄断而展现出来的象征权力,它是经由宗教的、与非宗教的历史事件而逐步建构起来的。从南诏大理国时期的佛教与政治之间的关系来看,佛教在南诏大理国时期的发展与变迁,充分展现出了佛教信仰之神圣系统是如何进入王权的统治秩序,又如何通过王权的运作机制,成为了统治集团内部权力建构的神圣性基础,从而重新塑造了国家统治及其权力秩序的合法性,具有一种普遍性的公权力之合法性的超越特征。可见,佛教信仰的实践及其表达,一旦与国家权力及其制度紧密整合,便会具有了国家、民族的意识形态之信仰特征。就此而言,南诏大理国时期对于佛教信仰之推崇及其权力运作机制之中对佛教信仰的最大依赖,实际上就是这种"信仰论政治"之意义在佛教信仰中的具体历史实践。  相似文献   

A c. 300-year oxygen and carbon isotope record derived from fine-grained and ostracod carbonate from Qinghai Lake testifies to dramatic interannual to illterde-cadal linmologicai change. Fine-grained carbonates, whichare mainly authigenic, are likely to have formed in the epillmnion of the lake and their isotopic composition reflects the summer temperature and, more importantly, the isotopic composition of the near-surface waters, which is mainly afunction of evapor ative concentration. Ostracod shells aresecreted in the benthos of the lake, and their isotopic compo-sition reflects summer bottom-water conditions, together with fractionation effects, which may differ between species.Differences between contemporaneous values from authi-genic carbonates and ostracod shells may provide an indica-tion of stratification within the lake and variations in effec-tive precip itation over the northeast part of the Tibetan Pla-tcau over the past 300 years. A period of moderate evapora-tive concentration, from about 300 to 100 yr BP, was inter-rupted by a marked wet phase from-100 to 40 vr BP. which was in turn followed by a return to drier conditions in the most recent part of the record. The increase in δ^18O values in the latter part of the record accords well with instrumental records of lake-level lowering and salinity increase since about 1955 AD.  相似文献   

对青藏高原主夷平面上分布的风化壳红土进行了沉积地球化学和矿物学方面的研究。结果表明,高原风化壳红土中细粒物质(粒径小于1mm)的粒径分布范围较广且比较均匀;红土中粘粒部分的主要化学成分为SiO2,Al2O3和Fe2O3;粘土矿物多属于伊利石-高岭石型组合,少数属高岭石-伊利石型组合。高原风化壳红土处在红土化的初期阶段,间接反映了青藏高原古岩溶发育时期的湿热气候。  相似文献   

An understanding of natural climatic variability is essential for evaluating anthropogenic impacts on recent and future climate[1—3]. Due to the lack of lengthy instrumental records, such an understanding must be gained from natural archives of climate change. Palaeolimnological indicators of past lake levels may provide a sensitive record of changes in effective precipitation in closed basins. This approach is particularly relevant on the Tibetan Plateau, where instrumental records are very…  相似文献   

Short cores of about 80-cm retrieved from three main basins of th e deepwater areas in Qinghai Lake,the largest inland enclosed lake in China, were studied. Sta-ble isotopes of authigenlc carbonates, grain-size, carbonate and organic matter content at 5-year resolution are used to reconstruct the climatic history over the last 800 years in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Chronology was established according to 210^pb dating and 137^Cs methods and the core corrdation. It is found that cores from different deep basins of the lake can be well correlated. The sedimentary rate is highest in the western basin of the lake and lowest in the east.In the southern basin of the lake where the short core Qing-6is located, the recent average sedimentation rate is 0.1004cm/yr. Variations in effective precipitation recorded by the oxygen isotopes and grain size data durine the last 800 years are consistent with the glacial accumulation record form the Dunde and Guliya ice cores. A dry climate lasted for 300 years from 1200 AD to 1500 AD, followed by a wet period from 1500 to 1560 AD. The two dry periods, 1560 to 1650 AD and 1780 to 1850 AD, were the results of southwest monsoon weakening. The effective precipitation generally increased since 1650 AD due to the strengthening of the Asian South-west Monsoon, resulting in a wet period until the 1950s. Ex-cept the early stage, the Little Ice Age on the Plateau is characterized b y increased effective moisture. Organic mat-ter content, with nearly 200-year cycles, shows similar trend with the atmospheric delta earbon-14 before the 1850s, indi-eating that the bioproductivity responds to solar activity.  相似文献   

A paleosol dated for about 500–700 kaBP and developed on a glacial deposit at ~3 000 m a.s.l. in the Yulong Mountains is studied using soil chemical, morphological and mineralogical methods. The analytical results indicate that this soil was formed under tropical and humid conditions and can be classified as red soil, which cannot be formed in the present alpine environment at the studied site. This implies that the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau has experienced intense uplift since the formation of the paleosol. According to the necessary conditions for the formation of the modern red soil in China, we estimate that the uplift height of the Plateau since 500–700 kaBP would have exceeded 800 m.  相似文献   

 青藏高原盐湖极端的自然地理条件孕育了一类独特的嗜盐微生物。阐述了青藏高原盐湖嗜盐微生物的主要类群及其对盐胁迫的适应机制,分析了青藏高原盐湖嗜盐微生物的特点、研究进展,以及盐湖嗜盐微生物资源的应用前景。青藏高原盐湖极端环境嗜盐微生物的研究具有重要的理论意义和应用价值,为探索生命的本质与起源,开发新型的食物、药品以及新材料、新技术,提供了宝贵的独特生物资源。  相似文献   

 青藏高原是研究大陆-大陆碰撞、造山、地壳增厚机制等大陆动力学基本理论问题的理想实验场所。本文依据中国地质科学院执行的3大项目(中法合作、中美合作、亚东格尔木研究)及其他有关研究的成果,从15个方面(包括9个地壳上地幔相关及6个派生的矿产资源和地震问题)论述了研究进展和有待深化的科学问题。  相似文献   

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