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ⅠTroublesome RelationshipLaw has had a long-term and troubled relationship with sci-ence.The misuse of science within the legal realm,as well as ourfailed attempts to make law more scientific,is well documented.The cause of these problems,however,is less clear.People areconfused about the reasons.As I mention later,I would like to  相似文献   

The convective storm identification, tracking and nowcasting method is one of the important nowcasting methodologies against severe convective weather. In severe convective cases, such as storm shape or rapid velocity changes, existing methods are apt to provide unsatisfied storm identification, tracking and nowcasting results. To overcome these difficulties, this paper proposes a novel approach to identify, track and short-term forecast (nowcast) of convective storms. A mathematical morphology-based storm identification method is adopted which can identify storm cells accurately in a cluster of storms. As for the difficult tracking problem, sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) method is utilized to simplify the tracking process. It is not only inherently suitable for handling complicated splits and mergers, but also capable of handling the case of storm-missing detection. In order to provide more accurate forecast of a storm position, this method takes the advantages of the cross-correlation method. The qualitative and quantitative evaluations show the efficiency and robustness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

<正>The problem considered in this paper is how to detect the degree of similarity in the content of digital images useful in image retrieval,i.e.,to what extent is the content of a query image similar to content of other images.The solution to this problem results from the detection of subsets that are rough sets contained in covers of digital images determined by perceptual tolerance relations(PTRs).Such relations are defined within the context of perceptual representative spaces that hearken back to work by J.H.Poincare on representative spaces as models of physical continua.Classes determined by a PTR provide content useful in content-based image retrieval(CBIR).In addition,tolerance classes provide a means of determining when subsets of image covers are tolerance rough sets(TRSs).It is the nearness of TRSs present in image tolerance spaces that provide a promising approach to CBIR,especially in cases such as satellite images or aircraft identification where there are subtle differences between pairs of digital images,making it difficult to quantify the similarities between such images.The contribution of this article is the introduction of the nearness of tolerance rough sets as an effective means of measuring digital image similarities and,as a significant consequence,successfully carrying out CBIR.  相似文献   

This research develops a methodology that helps actors in understanding information generated from multiple construction participants. It employs semiotic theory which approaches the interpreter’s understanding of the role of the representations used in construction documents to communicate meanings to other participants. This strategy is designed to aid the interpreters’ comprehension of the use of symbols. The symbols within the construction documents are forms of representations that take the form of a visual representation of a set of markers that describe a formal language, and of markers that are used to represent natural language as well as other possible representations, such as a collection of codes for indexing documents. Symbols are replaced by signs under the semiotics theory. The use of symbols as signs is this study’s recognition of the relationship between the interpreter and the material quality of symbols. The semiotic analysis is an examination of the compromise between the meanings of a representation per se and the concept associated with the understanding of such representation.  相似文献   

E-tendering can be defined as the issue and receipt of tender documentation through electronic means which facilitates the procurement of construction work and the award of contracts. The current paper-based method of tendering has been commonplace within the industry for a significant number of years, but with recent technological advancements, this traditional process is rapidly becoming outdated. Several major projects within the UK are now being procured through the e-tendering process which includes the multibillion pound development for the Olympic Games in London 2012. However, while these prestigious projects are embracing e-tendering technology, it is not certain as to what extent e-tendering is used across the construction sector generally. This research is primarily concerned with establishing the current status, practicalities and resource effectiveness of e-tendering within UK construction. Results are provided from an in-dustry survey which includes both quantitative and qualitative data. A case study implementation is also in-cluded which assesses the utilisation of e-tendering software in practice. The research findings indicated that e-tendering can provide substantial resource savings to a major part of the supply chain, with the key benefits being enhanced communication, time savings and reduced costs. However, a considerable proportion of the industry remains uncertain about embracing new technologies, with reluctance to change being perceived as the greatest barrier. The findings suggest that many professionals within the UK construction industry recognise a requirement for increased implementation of e-tendering, but feel that training, education and support from senior management are essential requirements for e-tendering to become widely accepted in the future.  相似文献   

Positive Darwinian selection in human population: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews a large number of genes under positive Darwinian selection in modern human populations, such as brain development genes, immunity genes, reproductive related genes, percep- tion receptors. The research on the evolutionary property of these genes will provide important insight into human evolution and disease mechanisms. With the increase of population genetics and com- parative genomics data, more and more evidences indicate that positive Darwinian selection plays an indispensable role in the origin and evolution of human beings. This paper will also summarize the methods to detect positive selection, analyze the interference factors faced and make suggestions for further research on positive selection.  相似文献   

Simulating the mechanical behavior of a cloth is a very challenging and important problem in computer animation. The models of bending in most existing cloth simulation approaches are taking the assumption that the cloth is little deformed from a plate shape. Therefore, based on the thin-plate theory, these bending models do not consider the condition that the current shape of the cloth under large deformations cannot be regarded as the approximation to that before deformation, which leads to an unreal static bending. [This paper introduces a dynamic bending model which is appropriate to describe large out-plane deformations such as cloth buckling and bending, and develops a compact implementation of the new model on spring-mass systems. Experimental results show that wrinkles and folds generated using this technique in cloth simulation, can appear and vanish in a more natural way than other approaches.]  相似文献   

In this paper,we propose a new algorithm to establish the data association between a camera and a 2-D Light Detection And Ranging sensor (LIDAR).In contrast to the previous works,where data association is established by calibrating the intrinsic parameters of the camera and the extrinsic parameters of the camera and the LIDAR,we formulate the map between laser points and pixels as a 2-D homography.The line-point correspondence is employed to construct geometric constraint on the homography matrix.This enables checkerboard to be not essential and any object with straight boundary can be an effective target.The calculation of the 2-D homography matrix consists of a linear least-squares solution of a homogeneous system followed by a nonlinear minimization of the geometric error in the image plane.Since the measurement quality impacts on the accuracy of the result,we investigate the equivalent constraint and show that placing the calibration target nearby the 2-D LIDAR will provide sufficient constraints to calculate the 2-D homography matrix.Simulation and experimental results validate that the proposed algorithm is robust and accurate.Compared with the previous works,which require two calibration processes and special calibration targets such as checkerboard,our method is more flexible and easier to perform.  相似文献   

The production process of iron and steel is accompanied by a large amount of energy production and consumption. Optimal scheduling and utilization of these energies within energy systems are crucial to realize a reduction in the cost, energy use, and CO2 emissions. However, it is difficult to model and schedule energy usage within steel works because different types of energy and devices are involved. The energy hub (EH), as a universal modeling frame, is widely used in multi-energy systems to improve its efficiency, flexibility, and reliability. This paper proposed an efficient multi-layer model based on the EH concept, which is designed to systematically model the energy system and schedule energy within steelworks to meet the energy demand. Besides, to simulate the actual working conditions of the energy devices, the method of fitting the curve is used to describe the efficiency of the energy devices. Moreover, to evaluate the applicability of the proposed model, a case study is conducted to minimize both the economic operation cost and CO2 emissions. The optimal results demonstrated that the model is suitable for energy systems within steel works. Further, the economic operation cost decreased by 3.41%, and CO2 emissions decreased by approximately 3.67%.  相似文献   

随着人们对定制和个性化学习体验的愿望越来越强烈,以及众多新工具整合技术的突飞猛进,整体统一的虚拟学习环境(VLEs,也称为学习管理系统“LMS”)日趋没落,更开放的分布式学习环境(DLEs)异军突起.各种DLE架构语言拥有各自不同的特征,但是,选择出一种合适的架构语言却十分困难.开放组织ArchiMate标准可以解决这个问题.它强调以一个组织形式促进该组织中的所有利益相关者对于架构方面的交流和沟通.ArchiMate是一款可视语言,旨在加强信息技术系统、业务流程、组织结构和决策之间的沟通.本文将介绍一些可阐明合理架构范围的DLE模式,同时对这些模式的潜在可能性以及描述这些模式的ArchiMate语言的应用进行了评估.  相似文献   

信息技术促进低碳经济的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实现低碳经济的关键是技术创新。在知识经济时代,信息技术已经渗透到社会生产的各个行业和社会生活的方方面面。创新信息技术,让其与其他行业的技术结合并带动他们的创新,促使高碳行业低碳化,最终实现低碳经济。  相似文献   

选择JAVA语言编程实现综合业务管理平台,采用面向组件技术和Avalon框架技术,基于WAP业务中产生的关系和需求,并针对目前分散的各自独立运行管理的WebServer网络结构,设计了一套实用、稳定、高效的综合业务管理平台.该平台在配置操作其他WebServer上的业务更具有方便性,便于统计、计费和集中管理.  相似文献   

浅谈IT治理与信息化建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
IT治理机制使得IT战略与企业战略目标保持一致,提升IT投资的回报率,使得IT的决策、实施、服务、监督等流程置于企业控制之下,IT的各类资源和信息与企业战略和目标紧密关联。目前国外IT治理标准及辅助手段主要有COBIT、ITIL、ISO/IEC17799、PRINCE2、CMM。借鉴国外IT治理的思想和框架,科学系统地对信息技术及应用进行管理,逐步建立IT治理机制,对推动我国信息化建设持续有序地发展具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

基于领域工程的商业管理信息系统研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国流通企业信息化建设具有多样性的特点 ,在其管理信息系统中引入基于领域工程(DomainEngineering)技术的思想 ,可有效地解决系统通用性与适用性的矛盾 .本文结合笔者开发的管理信息系统的主要功能、体系结构和实现过程 ,介绍了领域工程技术的设计思想  相似文献   

信息技术在工程项目管理中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着信息技术的发展和普及,特别是信息网络和信息高速公路的建设和应用,信息获取、综合分析和处理以及信息应用已经深入各行各业和社会的各个方面,为人们提供决策支持。工程领域正在渐渐的利用信息技术来管理工程。为了更好更充分的在工程领域利用IT技术,工程项目的信息管理很重要。简要介绍了IT技术和其应用,以及它在工程项目管理中的作用:信息数据的管理和共享。对工程项目管理信息系统的发展方向做了分析,IT的进步必将促进工程建设项目新型的管理模式的产生和发展,并将成为工程建设项目全生命周期优化管理的强有力的工具,信息技术与Internet技术的结合是信息管理的发展趋势。  相似文献   

金融IT是中国信息化建设程度最高的行业之一,其将信息技术服务应用于金融业,为金融机构提供软件开发、系统集成、规划咨询等一体化IT服务,技术创新是金融IT企业的主要创新活动。本研究选取部分代表性企业为对象,运用因子分析法对金融IT企业技术创新绩效影响因素进行降维处理,并在此基础上结合层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对个体案例进行评价。研究结果表明:技术创新条件、外部环境、内部支持力度、需求驱动、信息交流、行业情况、资源基础、资源配置是金融IT企业技术创新绩效提升的主要驱动力量;创新产品营销费用、管理者创新素质、研发成功率均显著正向影响金融IT企业的技术创新绩效。  相似文献   

科技园是一种商业支持组织,其主要目标是孵化和扶持创新型的科技企业,为企业提供管理支持和技术转移服务。一种定位中小民营企业的科技产业园区,致力于专业技术人才、信息、金融、管理等高端智力要素的凝聚整合,为他们创造适宜的营商环境与创新氛围,对促进城市产业升级起到很好的作用。这种都市型科技园区的建筑设计理念与建筑格局值得总结。  相似文献   

新时期我国信息技术产业的发展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文阐述了信息技术产业发展的地位、作用和发展趋势,指出以互联网、计算机为代表的信息技术,引发了第三次工业革命.信息技术产业已成为新时期经济增长的重要引擎,有力地促进了可持续发展,深刻地改变着人类生产生活方式.文章探讨了世界信息技术产业发展趋势,认为信息技术孕育着新的重大突破,产业集聚与融合趋势日益明显,知识产权和标准竞争不断加剧,泛在化网络环境正在形成.本文提出,中国应当进一步发挥信息技术产业经济增长“倍增器”、发展方式“转换器”和产业升级“助推器”的作用,坚持自主创新、开放兼容、融合集成、军民互动、市场导向、跨越发展的方针,以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走出一条中国特色信息技术产业发展道路.注重发展微电子、计算机、软件、关键元器件及其材料等核心基础产业,以及宽带移动通信、下一代网络、信息服务等具有国际竞争力的优势产业.完善信息技术产业政策体系,力争到2020年前后,把我国建设成为信息技术产业强国.  相似文献   

学院招生规模扩大后,为解决教务管理工作面临的巨大压力,我院引进新的教务信息管理系统,通过不断地修改、探讨,逐步完善了教务信息管理系统。该系统采用C/S和B/S混合模式,主要包括系统数据管理、教学计划管理、课表管理、成绩管理、考试管理、学籍管理、毕业生管理等。此外,教务信息网站支持教师网上成绩输入,学生网上选课系统、网上成绩查询系统。该系统的有效运行,使得教学管理工作实现了科学性、规范性、高效性。  相似文献   

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