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探讨了柠檬桉、窿缘桉为主的阔叶木制取半化学浆及其配抄箱纸板的可行性。研究结果表明,桉木经NaOH-AQ法制取半化学浆能与荻苇半化学浆配抄出符合质量要求的箱纸板。  相似文献   

Refining of pulp significantly contributes to papermaking process by affecting the runnability of the stock and quality of end product. The greater the production rates of a paper, the greater are the effects of machine downtime through breaks. A correct approach towards refining treatment is very essential for energy savings and product with desired properties. Papermakers are being encouraged to use non-wood fibres for a variety of reasons - the environment, changing agricultural policy and long-term fibre supply. Compared with wood fibres,there is less knowledge on how to treat non-wood fibres for optimum performance. Laboratory studies aimed at understanding the behaviour of unbleached bamboo long fibre fraction pulp on refining in Escher Wyss Laborefiner under simulated process conditions included investigations of the important parameters like wet web tensile, wet web elongation, water retention value and paper strength properties. The paper describes the influence of two specific edge loads, 1000 and 1500 Ws/km on refining of pulp.Bamboo long fibre fraction pulp responds better to lower intensity refining to develop pulp strength.  相似文献   

The strength properties of a sheet of paper depend on the original qualities and strength of the fibres and to the extent of bonding between the fibres that make up the sheet. A paper sheet made from virgin pulp without beating/refining is characterized by low strength, bulkiness and rough surface. These undesirable characteristics can be changed to a large extent by treating the pulp mechanically. This mechanical treatment of fibres in water is termed beating/refining. The refining of any fib…  相似文献   

Pulp fiber length distribution characterization has been examined in this study. Because of the fiber morphology: slender in shape, fiber size distribution characterization is a very difficult task. Traditional technique involves separation of the particles by size,such as Bauer-McNett fiber classifier, and measuring the weight fractions. The particle fractions obtained may or may not reflect the desired size classification.On the other hand, the more recent technique through optical measurement of fiber length is limited by its inability to measure the mass of the particle fractions.Therefore, not only the two techniques fail to generate identical results, either one was accepted to be of better value. Pure hardwood kraft, softwood kraft, and their mixture samples have been measured for their fiber length distributions using an optical fiber quality analyzer: FQA. The data obtained from FQA are extensively studied to investigate more reliable way of representing the fiber length data and thus examining the viable route for measuring the fiber size distributions. It has been found that the fiber length averaged length 11 is a viable indicator of the average pulp fiber length. The fiber size fraction and/or distribution can be represented by the fiber "length" fractions.  相似文献   

本文概述了我国桉树人工林的分布状况,分析了桉树木材、叶、花等的利用现状。并对我国按树人工林的可持续发展提出建议,以较合理的投入获取最佳的社会、经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

用傅里叶变换红外光谱法对桉木中各组分在碱性亚钠法化机浆预处理及漂白过程中的化学变化进行了研究。结果表明木材在处理过程中存在脱乙酰基作用;木素的烷基芳基醚键受到破坏;纸浆中纤维素的结晶度指数下降;随预处理时NaOH用量的增加,本素中形成了新的共轭羰基和醌型结构,它们使纸浆白度下降。同时对不同纸浆在漂白过程中的变化进行了研究,对影响纸浆白度的因素进行了分析  相似文献   

在石油炼制过程中,硫化物的处理是影响石油产品质量、防止环境污染的关键性工艺过程,这一工艺过程包括三个方面,即原油脱硫、含硫废水处理及成品油脱硫。介绍了现有的处理技术的基础上,重点对生物技术在该方面应用的可能性进行了探讨。对于原油脱硫来说,现有的炼油厂大多采用碱洗的办法来脱出原油中的硫化物,该工艺虽然简单,但它存在处理效率不高、处理后废水量较大的问题,如果用生物法对含硫原油进行处理,可使这一问题得到大大改善。此外,生物技术在含硫废水的处理和成品油脱硫方面也是大有前途的,特别是对于含硫废水的处理,采用生物技术可大大简化炼油厂废水处理工艺,降低处理费用,从而有效地防止环境污染。  相似文献   

Pulping of corn stalks was studied in soda,soda-anthraquinone (AQ), kraft and kraft-AQ processes. The time, temperature and alkali concentration were varied in soda process. In respect to kappa number and pulp yield, 1 hour cooking at 1400C in 14% alkali were best conditions for corn stalks pulping. Pulp yield was increased by 5.5% and kappa number was reduced by 4.4 points with an addition of 0.05% AQ in the soda liquor. Breaking length was better in soda-AQ process than soda process but tear strength was inferior. In the kraft process, pulp yield was increased with increasing sulphidity and decreasing active alkali. The effectiveness of AQ in the low and high sulphidity kraft process was studied. Results showed that AQ was more effective in low sulphidity than high sulphidity. Strength properties in kraft processes were better than the soda and soda-AQ processes.  相似文献   

对雷州产的柠檬桉(Eucalyptus citriodora Hook f)、隆缘桉(E.exserta F.Muell)及雷一桉(E.Leizhou No.1)的木材进行了过热蒸汽干燥试验。干燥时干球温度高达110℃,湿球温度保持100℃。结果表明,隆缘桉与雷一桉比柠檬桉难干,心材比边材难干。 试验前曾运用分析弦向干缩系数对径向干缩系数比值的方法,预测在干燥期间木材可能发生应力开裂的含水率阶段。分析表明,在木材平均含水率降至30%以前,隆缘桉与雷一桉木材的弦,径向干缩系数比的比值远高于柠檬桉,心材的比值远高于边材。分析的预测和干燥质量相符合,即,隆缘桉与雷一桉板材中出现的应力开裂显然地多于柠檬桉;心材部分出现的应力开裂显然地多于边材。 对柠檬桉的气干材与高温干燥材的一部分力学性质作了对比测定。结果是:两种干材的顺纹抗压强度、静曲抗弯强度和静曲弹性模量的差别不明显,但高温干燥材的冲击韧性比气干材的小6%。  相似文献   

刘仁坤 《武夷科学》2010,26(1):105-108
分别从扦插基质、扦插时间、穗条状况、激素处理等方面系统研究了大花序桉扦插育苗的技术问题,为大花序桉优良无性系的规模化生产提供技术保障。  相似文献   

本文是一篇关于PPTA(聚对苯二甲酰对苯二胺)浆粕的制备,成型机理及应用的综述。它汇集了近几年来国内外对PPTA浆粕纤维在制备工艺,成型机理以及应用等方面的研究成果,并对目前国内外主要采用的纺丝法,非纺直接法工艺分别进行了讨论。特别是对于八十年代中期刚刚兴起的非纺直接法,由于其生产成本低,工艺简单,很有发展前途,本文对此作了较为详细的介绍。  相似文献   

桉树施用腐植酸专用肥的营养效应及肥效的持续性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用随机区组设计,以等价投入的常规化肥为对照,开展腐植酸专用肥施肥试验研究。通过专用肥对林木生物量、林木营养以及肥效持续性等方面的效应分析,结果表明:所研发的桉树腐植酸专用肥具有明显的促生效果并能促进林木对营养元素的吸收,提高营养元素利用效率,有效改善树体营养状况。与等价投入的常规化肥相比,施后27个月,林分地上部生物量提高了30.2%-81.1%,营养元素的积累速率提高幅度为4.2%-32.2%,营养元素的利用效率可提高14%-27%。特别是以HA基肥专用每株500g+微生物菌剂10g做基肥,追肥以HA追肥专用2号每株450g的效应最好。此外,在肥效的持续性上,常规化肥的肥效在林木3a生时已基本消失,而腐植酸专用肥的肥效可以持续4—5a,能保持较长时间的养分供应,这对防治地力衰退有现实意义。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONNew pulping and bleaching technologies, which do not use chlorine-base chemicals, continue to be developed in the pulp and paper industry worldwide to meet stricter environmental regulation and increased public environmental awareness. ECF (Element-chlorine-free) and TCF (Total-chlorine-free) bleaching sequence had been used in bleaching plant to reduce the amount of chlorinated organic compounds in the bleach plant effluent. Oxygen delignification was gradually becoming a …  相似文献   

果粒果汁饮料的稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了黄原胶、CMC、C型悬浮剂等4种稳定剂在果粒果汁饮料中的稳定效果。研究结果表明:C型悬浮剂的悬浮效果最好,是果粒果汁饮料的首选浮剂;黄原胶、A 悬浮剂有较好稳定效果,也可作悬浮剂使用,但用量大,液体透明度较差;而CMC不能单独做果粒果汁的悬浮剂。  相似文献   

本文采用衰减频率特性法,整定串级控制系统的主、副调节器参数.整定准则是:在副回路单独工作时,在阶跃干扰作用下,副参数的响应在满足规定衰减比的同时,其误差积分为极小;同理,在主、副回路均投入工作后,则在主回路阶跃干扰作用下,主参数的响应亦应在满足规定衰减比的同时,其误差积分达最小.这里我们简单地采用误差积分(∫_(t2)~(t2)edt),而不是其它诸如ISE、IAE、ITAE等准则,是为了这个准则能根据调节器参数PI/100达极小值来直接计算.在保持衰减比一定的条件下,使误差积分最小,其效果与IAE准则基本相同.  相似文献   

借助于工件磨削区域的分割和砂轮表面的离散化处理,建立了一种新的内圆磨削摸拟计算模型。算例表明,该模型简单。适用,可作为磨削参数优化选择的有效分析工具。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMany studies on the strengths of AS-AQ pulp have been carried out. Generally speaking, except lower tear strength, other strength properties of AS-AQ pulp are similar to those of KP. Some even higher than KP[1,2]. Macleod[3] find that the difference in tear strength between the AS-AQ pulp and KP of aspen can be decreased about bleaching. McDonough et al[4] point out that at the same beating degree, the tear strength of AS-AQ pulp is lower than that of KP, but at the …  相似文献   

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