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“涕”、“泪”二字,目前比较通行的说法是“上古没有‘泪’字,凡‘泪’的意义都说成‘涕’。”汉代产生了“泪”字,但“涕”字仍表示“眼泪”的意思。王为先生主编的《古代汉语》教材,就持这种观点①。后来,郭锡良先生主编的《古代汉语)}也一直沿袭此种说法②。只有任学良先生提出异议,说上古已有“泪”字,而且‘泪”指“眼泪”,“涕”指“鼻涕”扮得十分清楚③。笔者认为,对“涕”和“泪”的不同理解,直接关系到古籍今译问题,有进一步探讨的必要。本文就此谈点自己的看法,以就正干方家。在此问题上,笔者基本赞成任先生的观…  相似文献   

一般认为“闹”字产生于唐代,通过对出土文献考察,该字至迟在西汉时代便已经产生;同时讨论与“闹”相关的词义问题;对汉字史和词汇史的研究具有参考价值。  相似文献   

从发生学的角度分析“毅”字的产生过程,“毅”字当为“轰”的增形辈乳字。“豪”的够体上方加上刀具义的“辛”,以说明“豕”正在发怒而需要加以控制,而“毅”则是在“豪”的形体基础上再加上“曼”,而所加的有刃兵刺义的部件“殳”,其作用实际上是“豢”的形体上方刀具义勺部件“辛”的强化。从发生学的角度而言,“毅”的形体构成为会意字。“毅”的“刚毅”义是本义“妄怒也”的引申义。  相似文献   

假设连词“所”字在上古不仅用于誓辞,还可用于法律书等较庄重的场合。本就“所”字作为假设连词的用法进行了清理,并考察其产生、发展及消亡的过程及原因。  相似文献   

借虽然没有新增文字形体,却使一个原无字形可表达的语词固定地有了一个书写符号。从文字记录语词的原则来说,它是一种造字法。假借字产生的原因,主要是为了克服表意字和记号字的局限性所造成的困难。许慎《说文》对“假借”的定义,“本无其字”指的就是客观造字要求。“依声托事”则是为语词寻求书写符号的主观认知过程。假借字的含义,与其本义可以有联系,但关键在“依声”。假借字的使用,既突破固有的象形表意的方法,解决了语词字符的文化交流需要,也节制了字符的数量膨胀,开辟了以语音为线索记录语音的新途径。在汉字发展史上起到积极的重要作用。  相似文献   

传统的习字格在助人习字功德甚大的同时,也有美中不足之处,不设“十”字中心线的习字格令人无所适从,设有“十”字中心线的习字格又会产生误导,文章在讨论了传统习字格的功过后,又着重讨论了书法结构的重心问题,然后详细介绍了一种准确反映书法结构规律的新型字格--双宫重心格。  相似文献   

管理素质是军校基层干部的必备素质。管理干部需要克服“难”字,树立“敢”字,坚持“严”字,注重“细”字和讲究“实”字上下功夫,不断提高管兵带兵能力。  相似文献   

在徂徕山与牟汶河之间有几个带“望”字的村庄,对于这些“望”字村名的由来坊间流传有许多说法。通过对《石氏墓表》及各个时期的地方志中出现的地名分析可知,泰山地域“望”字地名最初是由以“商王”村为核心的带“王”字的地名演变而来的。在这些“望”字地名出现后又进一步产生了分化变迁,并最终变成了现在的样子。  相似文献   

歌唱吐字要以日常吐字为基础,歌唱时要打开喉咙、要准字音、并把字放在“声”中,融为一体,“字”要靠“声”来表达,而“声”又不可能无“字”做到“字”与“声”的高度统一,形成动听的歌声。  相似文献   

“吝”字在《易经》爻辞中使用较为频繁,共出现了十九次,但关于“吝”字的解释,历来并无定论。本文对带有“吝”字的全部爻辞进行了浅显的分析,通过引证前人的一些观点,从而得出爻辞大意,进而指出“吝”字在每一处的含义,并加以分类总结。  相似文献   

根据密封舱改性渣土的三轴压缩实验数据,建立了基于优化方法的Duncan-Chang双曲线本构模型参数反演方法。为了解决参数识别反问题解的不稳定性问题,在Gauss-Newton优化迭代算法的基础上,提出了正则化参数反演方法。实际应用结果表明,所提出的反演方法具有较快的收敛速度和较强的鲁棒性,预测的实验模型变形与实验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

Spinel compounds LiNi0.5Mn1.3Ti0.2O4 (LNMTO) and Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) were synthesized by different methods. The particle sizes of LNMTO and LTO are 0.5–2 and 0.5–0.8 μm, respectively. The LNMTO/LTO cell exhibits better electrochemical properties at both a low current rate of 0.2C and a high current rate of 1C. When the specific capacity was determined based on the mass of the LNMTO cathode, the LNMTO/LTO cell delivered 137 mA·h·g−1 at 0.2C and 118.2 mA·h·g−1 at 1C, and the corresponding capacity retentions after 30 cycles are 88.5% and 92.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

Amorphous Al72Ni8Ti8Zr6Nb3Y3 powders were successfully fabricated by mechanical alloying. The microstructure, glass-forming ability, and crystallization behavior of amorphous Al72Ni8Ti8Zr6Nb3Y3 powders were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The isothermal crystallization kinetics was analyzed by the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami equation. In the results, the supercooled liquid region of the amorphous alloy is as high as 81 K, as determined by non-isothermal DSC curves. The activation energy for crystallization is as high as 312.6 kJ·mol?1 obtained by Kissinger and Ozawa analyses. The values of Avrami exponent (n) imply that the crystallization is dominated by interface-controlled three-dimensional growth in the early stage and the end stage and by diffusion-controlled two- or three-dimensional growth in the middle stage. In addition, the amorphous Al72Ni8Ti8Zr6Nb3Y3 powders were sintered under 2 GPa at temperatures of 673 K and 723 K. The results show that the Vickers hardness of the compacted powders is as high as Hv 1215.  相似文献   

In the previous papers[1—3], the oscillating reactionusing amino acids as organic substrates was studied. Inorder to obtain information about the kinetic parameters ofoscillating reaction of amino acids in amino acid- BrO3 - ?Mn2 -H2SO4-acetone sy…  相似文献   

We adopted a new method, acid etching process, to fabricate the intrinsic Josephson junctions based on the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 x single crystals. By soaking the crystals into the dilute hydrochloric acid, we fabricated a junction stack successfully, and meantime made the surrounding area insulated. A certain concentration of hydrochloric acid was used to maintain the roughness of the modified layer. The cur-rent-voltage characteristic was achieved through the four terminal measurement. We could control the junctions' number by changing the concentration and the soaking time. We also found that the thick-ness of the stack was equal to the average height of the insulation layer. Such a simple, convenient and controllable fabrication method with a high yield might widen the applications of the intrinsic Joseph-son junctions.  相似文献   

The microstructures and free-volume evolutions of as-cast and pre-annealed Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu12.5Ag5 bulk metallic glasses during rolling deformation have been investigated. No phase transformation is detected in the as-cast/rolled specimen. However,the structural stability of the glass against plastic deformation is worse after pre-annealing,indicated by nanocrystallization in preannealed/rolled specimens with large deformation degrees. Moreover,with increasing deformation degree,the free-volume content in a pre-annealed/rolled specimen increases at a lower average rate than that in an as-cast/rolled specimen.  相似文献   

薛在彪 《科学技术与工程》2013,13(21):6334-6338
以带附加气室的空气弹簧悬架为研究对象,按照物理模型建立带附加气室空气弹簧的数学模型,考虑到空气弹簧刚度的非线性,将该模型以空气弹簧非线性力的形式直接引入到1/4车辆模型。以提高车辆平顺性、行驶安全性及操纵稳定性的综合性能为目标,以附加气室容积为优化变量,设计带附加气室空气悬架的多目标优化模型;考虑到悬架性能各指标量在量纲与量级上的差异,对各指标量进行统一化处理,并采用线性加权和法将多目标函数转化为单目标评价函数。在MAT-LAB/Simulink中搭建系统仿真模型,采用遗传优化算法对典型工况下的最优附加气室容积进行寻优。优化结果表明,优化附加气室容积能有效提高悬架的综合性能,降低车身加速度、悬架动行程,但轮胎动载荷有所增加。  相似文献   

A coordination complex was synthesized from NiCl2 and dipeptide glycylglycine(GG). It was characterized by element analysis, NMR and TG methods, and then was determined to be Ni(C4HsN2O3)2Cl2. Using an isoperibolic reaction calorimeter, the standard molar enthalpy of formation of Ni(GG)2Cl2(solid) has been determined to be -(1 674.66±2.02) kJ · mol^-1 at 298.15 K.  相似文献   

We have fabricated Ni0.18Fe0.19 films with (Ni0.18Fe0.19)1-xCrx films as underlayers by dc magnetron sputtering, the results show that larger anisotropic magnetoresistance (△R/R) values of Ni0.18Fe0.19 films are observed using the underlayers with Cr concentration of -36 at.% at an optimum underlayer thickness of -4.4 nm, the maximum AMR value is 3.35%. The results of atomic force microscope (AFM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) show that the △R/R enhancement is attributed to the formation of large average grain size and the strong(111)texture in the Ni0.18Fe0.19 films.  相似文献   

Work hardening is a well-known phenomenon occurring in crystalline metals during deformation,which has been widely used to increase the strength of metals although their ductility is usually reduced simultaneously. Here we report that the plastic strain of Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 (at.%) bulk metallic glasses has been increased from 0.3% for the as-cast sample to 2.5%-8.0% for samples that have experienced pre-deformation under constrained conditions. The pre-deformed glassy alloys possess more free volume and abundant introduced shear bands,which are believed to promote the activation of shear bands in post-deformation and result in an increase in plasticity. The orientation of the pre-introduced shear bands relative to the loading direction will affect the deformation behavior of pre-deformed samples. The present results show that pre-deformation of this glassy alloy will result in work toughening. This work toughening effect can be removed by isothermal annealing at a sub-Tg (glass transition) temperature,which causes annihilation of free volume and healing of shear bands.  相似文献   

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