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A M Thomson  V E Walker  D M Flynn 《Nature》1989,338(6214):422-424
One class of excitatory amino-acid receptors, the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, mediates transmission at a small, but important, group of synapses in the neocortex. These receptors are implicated in neuronal plasticity during development in young mammals and in memory acquisition in adults. Recently, responses of isolated membrane patches to NMDA were shown to be greatly enhanced by glycine. This, together with the demonstration that the strychnine-insensitive glycine-binding site is distinct from, but linked to, the NMDA receptor has excited intense interest in glycine as a synaptic modulator. Before proposing a physiological function, however, it is important to determine whether glycine could enhance synaptic responses to NMDA receptor activation in intact, adult tissue. An earlier study failed to demonstrate enhancement of NMDA responses when glycine was applied and it was proposed that in intact tissue the high-affinity glycine site was already saturated by endogenous glycine. It remained possible that glycine concentrations can be maintained at low levels close to synaptic receptors. We have examined responses of neurons in slices of adult neocortex to focal applications of excitatory amino acids and glycine and report enhancement by glycine of NMDA receptor-mediated excitatory postsynaptic potentials.  相似文献   

Yamagata M  Sanes JR 《Nature》2008,451(7177):465-469
Synaptic circuits in the retina transform visual input gathered by photoreceptors into messages that retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) send to the brain. Processes of retinal interneurons (amacrine and bipolar cells) form synapses on dendrites of RGCs in the inner plexiform layer (IPL). The IPL is divided into at least 10 parallel sublaminae; subsets of interneurons and RGCs arborize and form synapses in just one or a few of them. These lamina-specific circuits determine the visual features to which RGC subtypes respond. Here we show that four closely related immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) adhesion molecules--Dscam (Down's syndrome cell adhesion molecule), DscamL (refs 6-9), Sidekick-1 and Sidekick-2 (ref. 10)--are expressed in chick by non-overlapping subsets of interneurons and RGCs that form synapses in distinct IPL sublaminae. Moreover, each protein is concentrated within the appropriate sublaminae and each mediates homophilic adhesion. Loss- and gain-of-function studies in vivo indicate that these IgSF members participate in determining the IPL sublaminae in which synaptic partners arborize and connect. Thus, vertebrate Dscams, like Drosophila Dscams, play roles in neural connectivity. Together, our results on Dscams and Sidekicks suggest the existence of an IgSF code for laminar specificity in retina and, by implication, in other parts of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Z Molnár  C Blakemore 《Nature》1991,351(6326):475-477
The mammalian cerebral cortex consists of many structurally and functionally specialized areas, with characteristic input from particular nuclei of the thalamus. Some localized external influence, such as the arrival of fibres from the appropriate thalamic nucleus before or around the time of birth, could trigger the emergence of committed cortical fields from an undifferentiated 'protocortex. The guidance of axons from each thalamic nucleus to its appropriate target area in the cortex could, then, be crucial in the regulation of cortical differentiation. Recently, Yamamoto et al. and Bolz et al. have demonstrated that cocultured explants of rat lateral geniculate nucleus and visual cortex can form layer-specific interconnections. We have now tested the possibility that each cortical area exerts a selective trophic influence on axons from its appropriate thalamic nucleus, and vice versa, by coculturing explants of different regions of the thalamus and cortex taken at various stages of development. Although thalamo-cortical and cortico-thalamic connections formed in vitro can be remarkably normal in many respects, they lack regional specificity.  相似文献   

在基于Super-Peer的对等网络中,由于NAT设备的存在,影响了P2P的TCP连接。在分析目前已有的TCP穿越NAT技术的基础上,提出了在基于Super-Peer的对等网络中进行TCP连接的解决方案,保证了Peer之间进行TCP连接的成功率。  相似文献   

Nishiyama M  Hong K  Mikoshiba K  Poo MM  Kato K 《Nature》2000,408(6812):584-588
Activity-induced synaptic modification is essential for the development and plasticity of the nervous system. Repetitive correlated activation of pre- and postsynaptic neurons can induce persistent enhancement or decrement of synaptic efficacy, commonly referred to as long-term potentiation or depression (LTP or LTD). An important unresolved issue is whether and to what extent LTP and LTD are restricted to the activated synapses. Here we show that, in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, reduction of postsynaptic calcium influx by partial blockade of NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors results in a conversion of LTP to LTD and a loss of input specificity normally associated with LTP, with LTD appearing at heterosynaptic inputs. The induction of LTD at homo- and heterosynaptic sites requires functional ryanodine receptors and inositol triphosphate (InsP3) receptors, respectively. Functional blockade or genetic deletion of type 1 InsP3 receptors led to a conversion of LTD to LTP and elimination of heterosynaptic LTD, whereas blocking ryanodine receptors eliminated only homosynaptic LTD. Thus, postsynaptic Ca2+, deriving from Ca2+ influx and differential release of Ca2+ from internal stores through ryanodine and InsP3 receptors, regulates both the polarity and input specificity of activity-induced synaptic modification.  相似文献   

Functional cartography of complex metabolic networks   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Guimerà R  Nunes Amaral LA 《Nature》2005,433(7028):895-900
High-throughput techniques are leading to an explosive growth in the size of biological databases and creating the opportunity to revolutionize our understanding of life and disease. Interpretation of these data remains, however, a major scientific challenge. Here, we propose a methodology that enables us to extract and display information contained in complex networks. Specifically, we demonstrate that we can find functional modules in complex networks, and classify nodes into universal roles according to their pattern of intra- and inter-module connections. The method thus yields a 'cartographic representation' of complex networks. Metabolic networks are among the most challenging biological networks and, arguably, the ones with most potential for immediate applicability. We use our method to analyse the metabolic networks of twelve organisms from three different superkingdoms. We find that, typically, 80% of the nodes are only connected to other nodes within their respective modules, and that nodes with different roles are affected by different evolutionary constraints and pressures. Remarkably, we find that metabolites that participate in only a few reactions but that connect different modules are more conserved than hubs whose links are mostly within a single module.  相似文献   

G Bi  M Poo 《Nature》1999,401(6755):792-796
Activity-dependent changes in synaptic efficacy or connectivity are critical for the development, signal processing and learning and memory functions of the nervous system. Repetitive correlated spiking of pre- and postsynaptic neurons can induce a persistent increase or decrease in synaptic strength, depending on the timing of the pre- and postsynaptic excitation. Previous studies on such synaptic modifications have focused on synapses made by the stimulated neuron. Here we examine, in networks of cultured hippocampal neurons, whether and how localized stimulation can modify synapses that are remote from the stimulated neuron. We found that repetitive paired-pulse stimulation of a single neuron for brief periods induces persistent strengthening or weakening of specific polysynaptic pathways in a manner that depends on the interpulse interval. These changes can be accounted for by correlated pre- and postsynaptic excitation at distant synaptic sites, resulting from different transmission delays along separate pathways. Thus, through such a 'delay-line' mechanism, temporal information coded in the timing of individual spikes can be converted into and stored as spatially distributed patterns of persistent synaptic modifications in a neural network.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的局域网安全解决方案——安全局域网。动态监控器是安全局域网中的核心部件。动态监控器对终端的文件访问操作以及局域网中各个实体间的通信行为进行监视,并对这些行为加以不可向上读和不可向下写的强制访问控制规则,防止了秘密信息的非法访问以及通过网络进行的信息泄露。结果表明:该方案可以有效地解决局域网的安全问题。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的局域网安全解决方案——安全局域网。动态监控器是安全局域网中的核心部件。动态监控器对终端的文件访问操作以及局域网中各个实体间的通信行为进行监视,并对这些行为加以不可向上读和不可向下写的强制访问控制规则,防止了秘密信息的非法访问以及通过网络进行的信息泄露。结果表明:该方案可以有效地解决局域网的安全问题。  相似文献   

以C院为邮电部北京通信设备厂设计、开发的一个光纤局域网管理信息系统——邮电部北京通信设备厂计算机网络管理信息系统为例,重点阐述了NOVELL网间互连技术的几种方法,以及一个实际的光纤局域网的实现。通过本文的介绍,能使读者对局域网的互联,有一个初步的了解,以便在网络互联的工作中加以借鉴。  相似文献   

用Lagrange乘子法优化并联液体冷却网络系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于并联网络液体冷却系统,现有的优化设计方法存在计算量大、不适应复杂系统的问题.为解决此问题,该文采用Lagrange乘子法求解各支路的最佳流量分配系数,在复杂系统中也能很快得到精确解.同时,该文还对系统的数学物理模型进行了讨论,研究结果表明,模型中换热系数关联式的指数对计算结果的影响小于4%, 数学物理模型是可靠的.该文还给出了分配系数与支路权重因子之间的近似关联式,并对其进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

本文介绍了即将颁布的IEEE802.11e标准中所采纳的改进分布协调功能(EDCF)的分布式媒体访问方法,它可以为具有业务质量(QoS)要求的应用提供带有优先权的媒体访问支持.通过与802.11标准的MAC层进行对比分析,指出了802.1le标准对MAC层所做的改进.  相似文献   

通过对校园网中局域网仿真(LANE)的地址转换、数据格式变换的测试和分析,为实际网络的建设和开发提供了基础和依据。  相似文献   

针对目前局部回归神经网络误差函数在线计算复杂的缺陷,利用信号流图(SFG)基本理论,通过分析信号流图(SFG)和转置信号流图(ASFG),将神经网络的误差导数的信号流图(SFG)和转置信号流图(ASFG)分别级联在原始信号流图(SFG)和转置信号流图(ASFG)上,构成单输出自回归神经网络.依据因果非线性时变系统流图计算仅仅与网络拓扑结构有关的理论,推导了一种与网络结构无关的在线后向BP学习算法,较好地解决了对任意结构的局部回归神经网络的在线学习问题.仿真结果表明了本算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对高光谱图像分类中光谱特征的高度非线性问题,提出一种基于多层感知器卷积层和批标准化层的改进卷积神经网络模型,提高模型在光谱域处理的非线性特征提取能力.该算法通过构建七层网络结构,实现多层局部感知结构,逐个像素对光谱信息开展分析,区分不同目标物的光谱信息,将全光谱段集合作为输入,舍去空间信息,利用动量梯度下降训练算法对多层局部感知卷积神经网络训练,实现对不同目标物体光谱特征的提取与分类.实验中,采用两组高光谱遥感影像进行对比分析,以Pavia University数据集为例,在3 600个训练样本情况下,测试集为1 800个样本,本文方法正确率为90.23%,LeNet-5正确率为87.94%,Linear-SVM正确率为90.00%;在21 000个训练样本情况下,测试集为全部样本,本文方法正确率为97.23%,LeNet-5正确率为96.64%,Linear-SVM正确率为92.40%.实验结果表明,在训练集较小的情况下,本文方法优于传统神经网络,能有效提取数据特征,并且在精度上和计算成本上略优于在小样本分类中具有高效和鲁棒性良好的SVM算法.在大规模训练集时,本文方法表现出良好的...  相似文献   

目前的尽力而为的服务方式将实时应用和非实时平等看待,没有考虑实时应用的特殊要求.同时新增实时应用时,不会考虑现存实时应用资源是否充分.本文引入一个服务质量(QoS)软件框架来解决目前的问题,其中的分类模块可以将不同的应用放入实时队列和非实时队列;数据包调度模块严格执行了实时数据包优先调度机制;资源管理模块动态管理应用资源,确保实时应用资源优先分配.经试验证明,在对实时应用的支持方面,使用了基于软件框架的解决方案明显优于无软件框架的解决方案,为实时应用提供了良好的QoS支持,从而提高无线局域网的服务质量.  相似文献   

针对传统入侵检测方法检测效率低、自适应能力相对较差的弊端,提出一种新的非理性信道下无线局域网络的高效自适应入侵检测方法,介绍了非理性信道的特点。通过添加相关步骤实现人机交互功能,在不用人为控制条件下获取理想聚类结果。阐述了入侵检测方法的一般过程,给出自适应入侵检测方法的流程图,介绍了动态自适应模板检测方法和ISODATA (iterative self-organizing data analysis techniques algorithm)方法的详细运算过程。通过比较入侵对象与原有模板间的相似度,将距离最近或者相关度最大的入侵对象划分到一类,对原有模板不断更新,添加新模板完成对非理性信道下无线局域网络入侵对象的检测。实验结果表明,所提方法效率高、精度高、自适应能力强,可以有效地实现非理性信道下无线局域网络入侵检测,保障了无线局域网络的安全性。  相似文献   

二层交换网络上的嗅探技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了利用APLP欺骗、MAC洪水、交换机端口窃取等针对二层交换网络的嗅探技术,分析了嗅探行为发生时网络通信掉包率、网络带宽、APLP信息流量等参数的异常变化情况,最后总结了启用交换机的端口安全功能、使用静态APLP入口、加密口令和数据等防范嗅探的措施。  相似文献   

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