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用ANSYS对双头单螺杆泵衬套的受力情况作了有限元计算,为了提高计算效率,将螺杆泵衬套的有限元模型简化为平面应变模型求解。讨论了双头单螺杆泵衬套在受到均匀压力与非均匀压力,以及衬套和螺杆在静态接触的情况下,衬套内各点的变形、应力与应变的分布;揭示了双头单螺杆泵衬套的受力状态和变形规律。为双头单螺杆泵的结构优化设计及性能改善提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

为研究稠油热采工况下橡胶衬套的温升机理,对高温、含砂稠油工况下螺杆泵的定子橡胶衬套进行摩擦学试验。基于传热学原理,运用有限元方法对双头单螺杆泵橡胶衬套进行热力耦合研究,分析定子橡胶衬套温度场和热应力、应变的变化规律,并研究转速、过盈量、摩擦因数等因素对定子衬套热力耦合的影响。研究结果表明:考虑橡胶滞后生热作用,衬套的温度呈椭圆形分布,沿中心向外递减;衬套的温升,最大热应力和最大位移随转速、过盈量的增大而增大,随摩擦因数的增大而减小;摩擦因数对衬套的热力耦合场影响相对较小。  相似文献   

单螺杆式水力机械工作理论的研究及新产品开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了近10年石油大学(华东)单螺杆式水力机械课题组在工作理论研究及新产品开发方面的主要成果。单螺杆式水力机械螺杆-衬套副二次啮合理论的提出,各种作用力和力矩分析计算公式的确定以及单螺杆式水力机械优化设计新方法的创立,为国产单螺杆式水力机械的设计,制造和选用水平的进一步提高打下了较坚实的基础。一些新产品的开发设计已显示出广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文系统地研究了短幅外摆线等距线型单螺杆式水力机械的平面啮合和空间啮合理论,推导了螺杆和衬套的曲面方程,讨论了其啮合特征,并分析了螺杆-衬套副的密封原理。本文所得的结论对于该型单螺杆式水力机械的设计计算和加工制造都具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文系统地研究了短幅内摆线型单螺杆式水力机械的平面啮合和空间啮合理论,推导了螺杆和衬套的曲面方程,讨论了其啮合特征,对螺杆-衬套副的密封原理也进行了分析。本文所得的结论对于该型单螺杆式水力机械的设计计算和加工制造,都具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

我校“提高采收率实验室”成立于1984年,隶属于“油气藏地质及开发工程”国家重点实验室,是中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC)提高采收率重点实验室的组成部分之一。化学驱提高采收率技术是“油气田开发工程” 国家级重点学科和“应用化学” 省级重点学科的一个研究方向,研究重点在基础理论、应用基础理论、油田应用技术研究及驱油用化学剂的研制、生产与现场服务。科学研究专题报道“发挥学科优势,构建研究平台,凝聚团队力量,推动技术进步”从“研究团队、研究条件、研究方向及特色、承担的科研任务、典型成果——化学驱提高石油采收率专用聚合物及其应用研究” 等方面向读者系统地介绍了我校提高采收率学科的研究现状。由中国海洋石油总公司总经理周守为博士撰写的《海上稠油高效开发新模式研究及应用》,从提高开发效益的角度出发,提出了海上稠油油藏加速开采的新模式。新的开采模式,有可能将海上稠油油藏的采收率提高10%甚至更高,从而显著地提高油气资源的利用率,对于石油资源相对紧缺的我国具有十分重要的意义。《各向异性低渗储层渗流特征分析》由中国科学院史成恩博士等人完成,论文综合考虑了各向异性低渗透地层中启动压力梯度和应力敏感系数对不稳定渗流特征的影响,提出了该类地层中考虑启动压力梯度和应力敏感系数影响下的低速非达西流时的近似解,对确定激动区半径移动规律,单井控制面积、油井产能变化、地层压力分布等有一定指导意义。博士生导师、叶仲斌教授等为本期撰写的《疏水缔合聚合物的流度控制能力研究》,研究了具有缔合能力的疏水缔合聚合物和无缔合能力的线性高分子流度控制能力,通过降低分子量的要求,适当增加疏水单体含量即提高疏水缔合聚合物溶液的缔合力,达到改善其在高渗透多孔介质中流度控制能力的目的。《基于相对振动能量的转轴运行状态诊断》是由中国石油大学万波博士等完成的,定性分析了输油泵机组转轴的运行状态与两端相对振动能量的关系曲线近似服从浴盆曲线,利用了多测点、多通道轴心轨迹振动信号合成三维轴心轨迹,提取了轴两端测点的轴心轨迹相对跳动量和可以反应转轴两端相对跳动量的指标,验证了转轴两端相对振动能量法对转子系统运行状态分析、诊断的可行性。由李爱辉和郭拥军博士撰写的系列文章《分子间高缔合比例疏水缔合聚合物研究(Ⅲ) 》对ANPE-HAWP的增粘、耐温、抗盐和抗剪切性能进行了研究和评价。多尺度科学已经取得了重要进展,是许多学科研究的热点和前沿。博士生导师康毅力教授撰写的《多尺度科学及其在油气田开发中的应用研究》,提出了油气藏是一个复杂的多尺度系统,油气产出是一个跨时间和空间尺度的复杂过程,是在微观孔喉、微裂缝至宏观裂缝、水力裂缝等渗流通道中的一系列串联耦合过程的观点。并以致密砂岩气藏为例,探讨了非常规天然气开发中的多尺度现象及其对气藏开发的影响及对策。感谢广大作者与读者对本刊的厚爱与支持!  相似文献   

采油螺杆泵磨损机理试验性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
现今油田螺杆泵抽油井普遍采用的是单螺杆泵进行采油作业,针对螺杆泵转子与定子橡胶间的磨损问题,本文模拟GLB120-27型采油单螺杆泵螺杆-衬套副进行磨损试验研究,利用变频器改造MPX—2000型磨损试验机的参数及设计进行磨损试验的夹具,查阅相关文献并结合现场实际工况确定试验方案及试验参数,通过试验结果分析摩擦系数和磨损量与速度、载荷、环境介质之间的规律,为分析螺杆泵橡胶衬套磨损机理提供依据。  相似文献   

对影响单螺杆油气混输泵螺杆-衬套副的性能和寿命的各种因素(如过流面积、密封腔的压力变化规律、相对滑动速度、螺杆转动惯性力、压缩比等)及其随结构参数的变化规律进行了全面的理论分析。通过对单项指标的分析,结合现有单螺杆油气混输泵的设计和安装必须满足的结构条件,推荐了综合考虑多项指标时结构参数的优选方法,得到了结构参数的优选图解。所得的结果对单螺杆油气混输泵的设计具有一定意义。  相似文献   

单螺杆式水力机械螺杆和村套之间的摩擦阻力矩受诸多因素的影响,螺杆-衬套副的作用线(啮合线)难以用简单的计算式表达.本文根据橡胶弹性物理学理论研究了螺杆-衬套副中的各项摩擦阻力矩,如:横向力引起的摩擦阻力矩、倾倒力矩引起的摩擦阻力矩、惯性力引起的摩擦阻力矩、螺杆-衬套副的过盈值引起的摩擦阻力矩等,并给出了计算表达式,由此还给出了螺杆-衬套副的自锁条件.举例说明了摩擦阻力矩随各种参数的变化规律.  相似文献   

将地面驱动螺杆泵与井下油水分离系统相结合,设计出一种地面驱动螺杆泵井下油水分离系统,介绍系统的结构组成、工作原理,双流道单螺杆泵衬套工作部分长度及双级串联式水力旋流器设计方法。选择X井进行双级串联式水力旋流器的地面实际介质分离性能试验。结果表明:在一定范围内,分流比越大底流含油质量分数越小,底流含油质量分数随入口流量的增大先减小后增大;当分流比大于0.3、入口流量为24~42 m3/d时,底流含油质量分数小于200×10-6;系统关键装置的设计方法是合理的。  相似文献   

Zhou Shouwei doctor, senior engineer of professorship, graduated from Southwest Petroleum Institute in 1982. He is now a member of the Party Group and deputy general manager of China National Offshore Oil Corporation(CNOOC), the president of CNOOC Ltd., the chairman of Offshore Oil Engineering CO. LTD., the director of the key laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) of CNOOC, the vice-president of China Petroleum Institute Offshore Oil Branch, the vice-president of China Shipbuilding Engineering Society, the vice-president of China Ocean Institute, the vice-director of World Petroleum Congress of China National Committee, a member of Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation (Southwest Petroleum University), the editorial board director of China Offshore Oil and Gas, the deputy director of editorial board of Natural Gas Industry.Zhou Shouwei is China's famous expert of offshore oil development, he contributed a lot to offshore heavy oil field development, high quality and high speed drilling, marginal oil fields and full ocean oilfield development of FPSO (floating production storage offloading units). He proposed the new model and new theory of offshore oilfield development, promoted the progress of offshore heavy oil development, made China reach international advanced level in offshore heavy oil development technology.Zhou Shouwei achieved many significant science and technology progress rewards, including three the first award of national science and technology progress rewards, one special science and technology progress reward, and five the firsts and four the seconds. He achieved six patent technologies (four invention patents), published nineteen monographs and papers.He is the first person who proposed founding the four development systems of oil and gas in Bohai sea and the thought of the rolling exploration and development, and developed four matching technology series. The “Offshore High-yielding Technology with Fewer Wells”, posed him, solved the difficult problem of large marginal oilfield development in Bohai sea, which overcame the world difficulty in long-distance transportation of heavy oil in multi-phase. He advocated and probed out the packaged technology of Optimized and Fast Drilling, which increased the efficiency of drilling by almost 3 times. His new technology of marginal oilfield development has been applied successfully in parts of practice of marginal oilfield development, which made great contribution to establishing the technology system of offshore oilfield development and making the Bohai oilfield the third largest one of China after Daqing and Sengli Oilfields.He is the first one who proposed the new model of high efficient development of offshore oilfield. He was in charge of moderate sanding in drilling fracturing, early water injection, water injection and accumulation, depth profile control, and electric submersible screw pump lifting, which made important breakthrough in offshore application. He headed the national 863 topics “Depth Profile Control Enhanced Oil Recovery”, laying the foundation for the Bohai oilfield’s production to reach 30,000,000 tons a year.China’s first FPSO, designed by Zhou Shouwei, was recognized as one of the ten famous ships in China’s ship making history. His technology of emergency relief single point overcame difficulties in serious ice environment. He posed in the first place that the underwater single point should be used in China’s offshore oilfield, and won the invention patent of underwater installation, which reached international advanced level. He positively gave impetus to the application of “shallow water effect for large floating body” theory, successfully made the 160,000 tons large FPSO used in Bohai area, the lowest sea area in the world. So far, FPSO manufacture has become China’s new high-tech industry, and its manufacturing technology has reached international advanced level.  相似文献   

Academician Han Dakuang was born in Shanghai in 1932, native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and graduated from Tsinghua University with a degree in petroleum engineering major in 1952. He is a senior expert in oil and gas development engineering, member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor level senior engineer of Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (RIPED), doctoral tutor, and the sixth editorial board consultant of the Journal of Southwest Petroleum University (Science & Technology Edition). He taught for nearly 20 years at Tsinghua University and Beijing Institute of Petroleum (now China University of Petroleum). Since 1972, he has engaged in the research work in oil & gas reservoir engineering in RIPED, holding the posts of the director of Oil & Gas Field Development Department, vice president and chief engineer of RIPED.For more than 50 years, academician Han Dakuang has been engaged in the scientific research and teaching work of oil and gas field development engineering. On the one hand, he went deep into the oilfield production realities, carried on the comprehensive study of Reservoir Engineering and gave the strategic countermeasures; on the other hand, he actively carried out the research and application of seepage mechanics and interface physical chemistry, and became one of the pioneers of reservoir numerical simulation and enhanced oil recovery technology. His contributions and achievements in oil and gas field development engineering include:Reservoir Engineering Study area: In the early 1950s, academician Han Dakuang took part in China's first oil field waterflooding program — the design of Yumen Laojunmiao Oil field waterflooding program, who was responsible for the seepage calculation. Since then, he was repeatedly responsible for or participated in the compiling work of the oil and gas field development plans, annual plans and the discipline development plans, which made contributions to the strategic arrangements and the scientific and technological progress of China's oil field development over the years. Aiming at the development problem of China's old oilfields at high water-cut late stage, he systematically studied the new pattern of residual oil distribution and the new changes of the oil field development situation, and proposed strategies, concepts and new technology development direction, which is of important guiding significance for the elderly Oilfield enhanced oil recovery and to increase recoverable reserves. His idea has been adopted by the major leaders of China National Petroleum Corporation and China Petroleum Corporation and many older fields as the highly technology and the significantly economic efficiency.Reservoir numerical simulation area: In the early 1960s, academician Han Dakuang started numerical simulation research, the research result of "reservoir numerical simulation technique" which he chaired laid the foundation for China's further development of this technology, and won the 2nd prize of the National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology and the 1st prize of the China National Petroleum Corporation scientific and technological progress. Another early study on "The Numerical Simulation of Oil-Water Flow in the Heterogeneous Oil-Wet Sandstone Reservoir" won the 1st prize of the Former Ministry of Petroleum Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement.Enhanced Oil Recovery area: in the early 1960s, academician Han Dakuang began the experimental study of polymer flooding, and pointed out the effectiveness of polyacrylamide solution as EOR oil displacement agent. He presided over the "The Evaluation of Potential of Enhanced Oil Recovery in Water Injection Oil Field of China and its Development Strategy ", which opened up a broad way for the application of the new technology in China, and won the 1st prize of the China National Petroleum Corporation Scientific and Technological Progress.Oil production engineering technology area: the "The New Paraffin-proof Technology in Oil Wells" research had an extensive popularization and won the National Science Congress Award.Academician Han Dakuang has published five books and a translation, and more than 60 domestic and overseas papers and reports. He is the tutor for more than 40 Master, doctor, and postdoctoral students and many of them have become experts and even professors in this area.As his contribution to oil and gas field development engineering, he was granted the honor of “Distinguished Science and Technology Experts in Petroleum Industry” by China National Petroleum Corporation in 1991, and acquired the special subsidy approved by the government in the same year. Later in 1996, he received the Sun Yueqi Energy Award issued by the Chinese Development Foundation in Science and Technology.  相似文献   

 着眼于中国南海油气工程技术与装备创新发展问题,通过专家咨询调研,梳理了深水油气工程技术与装备发展现状,并将其分成深水油气勘探技术与装备、深水油气田高效开发工程模式、深水钻完井关键技术与装备、深水油气生产与输送关键技术与装备4个领域,构建了相应的4级层次评价模型,运用德尔菲法和权值因子判断法对深水油气工程技术与装备进行了量化分析和重要性排序,并对相应的关键装备系统进行了风险分析。研究结果表明,在深水油气工程中比较重要的技术与装备内容包括:深水油气勘探技术、油气田开发先进井型技术、浮式钻井平台/钻井船总体结构设计制造技术、深水钻井隔水管安装与作业控制技术、水下井口系统设计制造技术及其安全高效安装技术、深水钻完井安全高效作业技术、浮式生产平台总体结构设计制造技术、水下采油树系统设计制造技术及其安全控制技术以及电液复合式控制系统设计制造技术等;深水油气工程装备组成复杂,海洋环境和作业工况恶劣,导致泥浆循环、深水钻井隔水管、水下井口与采油树、油气处理、水下管汇及水下生产控制等系统出现失效的风险较高,可通过优化设计控制降低装备失效概率。  相似文献   

伴随着“两会”的春风,西南石油大学学报2008年第2期如期与您相见。  2008年3月5日,国务院总理温家宝在十一届全国人大一次会议上所作的政府工作报告中指出:2008年工作的主要任务包括“实施基础研究、高技术研究和科技支撑计划以及优先发展教育”。与此相呼应,本期的学报具有以下两大特点:(1)及时报道了我国石油工业主要领域的科技成果(国家级重大科研基金资助论文11篇);(2)体现了我国石油天然气行业高校师生的学术水平(84%的文章第一作者来自全国8所高校)。  资料显示,2007年中国生产天然气693.1×108 m3,并预计2008年天然气产量将达到760×108 m3。四川盆地东北部三叠系飞仙关组是近年来我国发现的重要天然气储集层,可采储量已达5 000×108 m3左右,川东北已成为我国油气的重点勘探地区之一。西南石油大学教授、博士生导师司马立强结合国家863专项研究课题(2006AA06Z220)的研究成果,撰写了《川东北飞仙关组储层孔隙度计算方法探讨》。详细讨论了缝洞对三孔隙度曲线的影响,提出了缝洞性储层求取孔隙度的新思路及模型计算方法,该方法提高了孔隙度计算精度,值得借鉴。  《大尺度溶洞裂缝型油藏试井新模型》由“油气藏地质及开发工程”国家重点实验室博士(后)彭小龙等人撰写,从主要特征、试井模型、实例分析方面针对常规试井模型解释结果与大尺度缝洞型油藏地质特征不相符问题,以一个缝洞和两个缝洞为例,建立了拟稳态条件下的流动方程,采用Laplace变换和逆变换,得到实空间的解析解。其研究内容为国家重点基础研究发展计划973项目(2006CB202403)的部分研究成果,对于石油天然气工程及其相关领域的研究具有重要的指导意义。  受世界石油供需变化的影响,如何在新形势下调整产品结构、合理利用有限资源,成为石蜡开发应用值得关注的热点问题。成都理工大学教授、博士生导师汪灵在国家自然科学基金资助项目、国家“十五”科技攻关计划重点项目研究的基础上,撰写了《硬脂酸对石蜡熔点及力学性能的影响》,其研究成果对石蜡在工业中的进一步运用有一定的参考价值。  提高硬地层钻井速度是世界公认的钻井难题。从事钻井工程的读者不妨阅读一下由西南石油大学副教授伍开松等人撰写的《粒子冲击钻井技术述评》。论文以粒子冲击钻井系统的整个工艺流程为依据,评述了粒子冲击钻井技术的优点和缺点,阐述了其破岩机理,推介了一种高效经济的深井硬地层钻井的新方法。  《油田产量构成二层规划模型及其应用》由西南石油大学教授谢祥俊等人完成,论文针对目前油田的实际管理组织结构,采用二层规划模型,对油田生产过程中的最优化问题进行了研究。模型应用于国内多个中、后期开发油田的开发规划中,产生了很好的经济效益。研究内容对油田生产规划具有一定的指导意义。  库车拗陷位于塔里木盆地北部南天山山前地区,是近年来塔里木盆地油气勘探的主战场。中国石油大学教授、博士生导师汤良杰率领的研究团队在国家自然科学基金项目、国家“973”计划项目研究的基础上,撰写了《库车西秋里塔格构造带中、新生代构造演化》,根据平衡剖面原理,对两条地质剖面进行构造复原,结合两口井的沉降史分析,研究得出了该带中、新生代的构造演化特征。对于该区下一步的油气勘探具有重要的指导意义。  一年之计在于春。我们在春天播种希望,希望广大读者一如既往地对学报给予关心和支持,多提宝贵意见,帮助改进工作。让我们共同努力,把西南石油大学学报办得更好!  相似文献   

渤601井是渤南油田一口重点评价井,钻探目的是扩大渤深6断块潜山低部位含油气范围.该井四开钻探过程中成功地采用欠平衡钻井技术钻穿寒武系凤阳山组,以防止该区古生界灰岩储层发生井漏及储层污染,从而保护油层.在该区发现了高产工业油流.在欠平衡钻井中成功地进行了中途测试,并提高了深井钻井速度,为渤南地区裂缝性地层钻井提供了宝贵的经验.结合渤601井实际情况,给出了地质设计和工程设计,分析了施工过程中主要技术难点,介绍了钻前准备工作、欠平衡钻进、完井和施工效果.  相似文献   

 沙特B区块属于高温高压低渗凝析气田,储层为致密砂岩地层,在前期的勘探作业中,钻井中显示良好而测试时产量不高,室内实验表明油锁和水锁是引起储层伤害的主要原因.为了解决这个问题,本文采用一种新型全过程欠平衡设计方法,在设计时充分考虑了井控安全、油锁、水锁、井壁稳定对井底负压值的影响、在水力参数计算过程中高温高压对钻井液密度和黏度的影响;在施工过程中考虑了在钻进、接立柱、取心、起下钻等整个作业过程中保持井底负压所需要的设备和工艺.通过现场M-0001井试验表明,该方法能有效释放油气井产能,避免储层伤害,测试后显示该井表皮系数为-3.44,钻井过程中储层没有污染.  相似文献   

PDA(个人数据助理)是近年飞速发展起来的新型计算机电子产品,文中较全面地介绍了PDA的过去和未来,PDA产品的技术特点及发展趋势,国内对PDA市场的态度、对策和已取得的可喜进展,并大致介绍了国家863项目“PEPDA(石油工程个人数据助理)系列产品研究和开发”的总体设计思路。  相似文献   

随着海洋油气开发步伐的加快,半潜式钻井平台等海洋工程装备的需求在国内外也越来越大.针对半潜式钻井平台结构区域界限明显、技术复杂及设计过程中图纸、材料、设备清单数量多等特点,文中提出利用模块化的思想使用操作符工具开展平台设计的方案,并建立模块库对设计全过程信息进行管理,一方面有助于提高设计生产效率,另一方面可从设计标准、产品规范、专家知识、经验以及成功先例等方面获取知识,不断积累和完善模块库,充分发挥信息效益,为钻井平台的信息化制造全过程管理提供支持,提高软件的移植性和可重用性,切实保证设计质量,降低设计建造成本.  相似文献   

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