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背包问题是组合优化中很重要的NP问题。因为三链DNA的特殊结构在参与反应时可以减少计算模型的错解率,且在生化反应中利用磁珠分离法对解进行分离较方便准确,文章利用三链模型求解0-1背包问题和完全背包问题。首先将背包问题的约束条件进行分解,再将物品质量编码为DNA片段,链接反应后,利用凝胶电泳技术和三链模型检测所包含的物品组合,得到满足约束条件的物品组合,再利用此方法检测价值最大的组合,即问题的解。其他的背包问题也可用此方法来解决。  相似文献   

The essential characteristic of DNA computation is its massive parallelism in obtaining and managing information. With the develop- ment of molecular biology technique, the field of DNA computation has made a great progress. By using an advanced biochip technique, laboratory-on-a-chip, a new DNA computing model is presented in the paper to solve a simple timetabling problem, which is a special version of the optimization problems. It also plays an important role in education and other industries. With a simulated biological experiment, the result snggested that DNA comnutation with lab-on-a-chin has the notential to solve a real comtplex timetabling problem.  相似文献   

The essential characteristic of DNA computation is its massive parallelism in obtaining and managing information. With the development of molecular biology technique, the field of DNA computation has made a great progress. By using an advance technique of biochip, laboratory-on-a-chip, in this paper a new DNA computing model was presented to solve a simple timetabling problem, which is a special version of the optimization problems and plays an important role in education. With a simulated biological experiment, the result suggested that DNA computation with lab-on-a-chip has the potential to solve a real complex timetabling problem.  相似文献   

图的最小顶点覆盖问题的质粒DNA计算模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了图的最小顶点覆盖问题的质粒DNA算模型及其实现算法.算法的时间复杂性是O(q),编码最小覆盖问题所需的核苷酸片段种类为n,其中n,q分别是图的规模和边数.在算法中,所用酶的种类也等于图的规模.而且,算法不需要复杂的单链DNA自身退火反应和PCR扩增.  相似文献   

The essential characteristic of DNA computation is its massive parallelism in obtaining and managing information.With the development of molecular biology technique,the field of DNA computation has made a great progress.By using an advanced biochip technique,laboratory-on-a-chip,a new DNA computing model is presented in the paper to solve a simple timetabling problem,which is a special version ofthe optimization problems.It also plays an important role in education and other industries.With a simulated biological experiment,the result suggested that DNA computation with lab-on-a-chip has the potential to solve a real complex timetabling problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, a logic computing model was constructed using a DNA nanoparticle, combined with color change technology of DNA/Au nanoparticle conjugates, and DNA computing. Several important technologies are utilized in this molecular computing model: DNA self-assembly, DNA/Au nanoparticle conjugation, and the color change resulting from Au nanoparticle aggregation. The simple logic computing model was realized by a color change, resulting from changing of DNA self-assembly. Based on this computing model, a set of operations computing model was also established, by which a simple logic problem was solved. To enlarge the applications of this logic nanocomputing system, a molecular detection method was developed for H1N1 virus gene detection.  相似文献   

论述DNA计算技术进展。先介绍DNA计算的基本原理,论述DNA计算的特点方法和存在的问题,接着介绍DNA计算的国内外研究现状,最后指出DNA计算研究中需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

A DNA based model for addition computation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Much effort has been made to solve computing problems by using DNA-an organic simulating method, which in some cases is preferable to the current electronic computer. However, No one at present has proposed an effective and applicable method to solve addition problem with molecular algorithm due to the difficulty in solving the carry problem which can be easily solved by hardware of an electronic computer. In this article, we solved this problem by employing two kinds of DNA strings, one is called result and operation string while the other is named carrier. The result and operation string contains some carry information by its own and denotes the ultimate result while the carrier is just for carrying use. The significance of this algorithm is the original code, the fairly easy steps to follow and the feasibility under current molecular biological technology.  相似文献   

DNA sequence design has a crucial role in successful DNA computation,which has been proved to be an NP-hard(non-deterministic polynomial-time hard) problem.In this paper,a membrane evolutionary algorithm is proposed for the DNA sequence design problem.The results of computer experiments are reported,in which the new algorithm is validated and out-performs certain known evolutionary algorithms for the DNA sequence design problem.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionOWith the rapid development of society informatization,information society has arrived. While computer andcomputer networktechniques are being widely used,commit-ting cri mes on computers or using computers committingcri mes has been more and more rampant . Such cri mes treatcomputers as targets of tools ,and pri marily happen throughnetworks . They are seriously harmto national security andsocial stability,against the legal rights of citizens ,legiti matesand all other organiza…  相似文献   

概述了DNA计算的基本原理、DNA计算的应用和DNA计算机的研究进展及存在问题,基于DNA生化反应的计算机称为DNA计算机,由于其采用一种完全不同于传统计算机的运算逻辑与存贮方式,DNA计算机在解决某些复杂问题时具有传统计算机无法比拟的优势,目前国际上关于DNA计算和DNA分子生物计算机的研究方兴未艾,极大地推进了DNA计算机的研究过程。  相似文献   

Solid phase based DNA solution of the coloring problem   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
DNA computing has the potential to tackle computationally difficult problems that have real-world implications.The parallel search capabilities of DNA make it a valuable tool for approaching intractable computational problems,for which conventional computers have limited potentials.Up to now,many accomplishments have been achieved to improve its performance and increase its reliability.In this paper,the coloring problem has been solved by means of molecular biology techniques.The coloring problem is a well-known NP-complete problem.This work represents further evidence for the ability of DNA computing to solve NP-complete problems.  相似文献   

质粒DNA计算模型的计算体系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
首先从具体实例入手抽象和归纳出质粒DNA计算模型的概念,并对质粒DNA计算模型计算体系的2个基本要素———计算物质和计算手段进行研究,由此形成了质粒DNA计算模型完备的计算体系;然后针对质粒DNA计算模型计算体系的应用,分析和解决了经常出现的关键问题.讨论了初始质粒DNA重新合成的重要性,并给出了重新合成的方法;接着对计算体系的2个基本实验(酶切和酶连实验)的成功率问题进行了分析,并提出了解决的方案;最后对检测实验进行了分析,提出了检测多种DNA序列的检测方法.对这些问题的分析和解决有利于质粒DNA计算模型理论的完善和应用的拓广.  相似文献   

通过一个实例给出了粘贴系统模型的基本定义,讨论了粘贴系统模型的正则文法特性,并从自动机的角度给出了相当于正则文法表达能力的有限自动机模型。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new molecular computing model is developed to solve the maximum independent set problem, based on the method of DNA length reducing. To solve the maximum independent set problem with n-vertices and m-edges, the time complexity is O(n+m). With the enlargement of the problem scale, the numbers of the required tubes will increase linearly. Two important methods in this experiment are single strand DNA (ssDNA) circularization and DNA length reducing. In addition, using reverse polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and circligase, the structure of DNA molecules is changed in each computing step, transforming from linear double strand DNA (dsDNA) to linear ssDNA and circular ssDNA. Using the circular DNA structure, the recombina-tion among DNA molecules is avoided. To verify this computing model, a small maximum independent set problem was solved.  相似文献   

DNA计算是应用分子生物技术进行计算的新方法。应用形式语言及自动机理论技术研究DNA计算理论,有利于推动理论计算科学的发展。本文根据DNA分子的结构及特点给出了DNA分子的形式化描述,介绍了DNA粘接计算模型的文法结构和计算能力,并应用DNA计算方法求解3-SAT问题。  相似文献   

一种可伸缩的粒计算知识获取方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
粒计算是一种新的智能信息处理理论,它很大程度上模拟了人脑认识和解决问题的过程.通过对信息表分层粒化模型的研究,引入了粒分布链表的概念来生成粒子,并改进了一个粒计算算法.改进算法使用数据库技术对原始数据集进行粒化来生成粒分布链表,能够直接处理海量数据集,同时不影响原算法的有效性.通过试验测试了该方法的有效性及可伸缩性.  相似文献   

Using a small quantity of DNA molecules and little experimental time to solve complex problems successfully is a goal of DNA computing. Some NP-hard problems have been solved by DNA computing with lower time complexity than conventional computing. However, this advantage often brings higher space complexity and needs a large number of DNA encoding molecules. One example is graph coloring problem. Current DNA algorithms need exponentially increasing DNA encoding strands with the growing of problem size. Here we propose a new DNA algorithm of graph coloring problem based on the proof of four-color theorem. This algorithm has good properties of needing a relatively small number of operations in polynomial time and needing a small number of DNA encoding molecules (we need only 6R DNA encoding molecules if the number of regions in a graph is R).  相似文献   

A new DNA algorithm to solve graph coloring problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a small quantity of DNA molecules and little experimental time to solve complex problems successfully is a goal of DNA computing. Some NP-hard problems have been solved by DNA computing with lower time complexity than conventional computing. However, this advantage often brings higher space complexity and needs a large number of DNA encoding molecules. One example is graph coloring problem. Current DNA algorithms need exponentially increasing DNA encoding strands with the growing of problem size. Here we propose a new DNA algorithm of graph coloring problem based on the proof of four-color theorem. This algorithm has good properties of needing a relatively small number of operations in polynomial time and needing a small number of DNA encoding molecules (we need only 6R DNA encoding molecules if the number of regions in a graph is R).  相似文献   

The designing,encodings and an instance of simulation of a binary tree for DNA computer were proposed,which utilizes the method of biology to complete inserting and deleting of the binary tree. Firstly,DNA encodings for storage and all elements of the binary tree were completely given out. Then, the implementations of all biooperations in DNA computer were described. Finally, to prove the feasibility of this method, an actual binary tree with detailed nucleotide encodings was introduced. The process of an algorithm implemented on this binary tree was demonstrated. Based on this method, more other data structures in DNA computer can be developed.  相似文献   

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