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The so_called Jacobi_Eisenstein series is defined by E k, S (z, w)=∑y∈J ∞\J (1, j) Z 1|k, Sy(z, w) . The Fourier coefficients of E k, S is determined completely. The theorem extends the results of Eichler and Zagier to the case of general index matrices.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionIntheprocessofR&Ditem ,thereisusuallycompetition .ManyfirmswanttoinvestR&Dtoobtainapatent.Lury[1 ] gaveanequilibriuminvestmentundertheconditionofone timeinvestmentandcontinuousinvestmentwhenthepayoffwasafixedprize.Ref.[2 ]analyzedtheeffectofinformationsharinginR&D .TherearemanyliteraturesaboutanalysisofR&DlevelswhenfirmscompeteinoutputmarketafterR&Dsucceeds[3 ,4] .Additionally ,todecideinvestmentlevel,therearemanyliteraturesaboutR&Ditem’spricing .MondherBellalah[5] ,K .…  相似文献   

0 IntroductionLeRte(f K.[,1]O), ,ki) .e b.e, aOips- am ocdoumlaplre tseys dtiesmcre(tese eva lCuhatpito .nII Iri nignwith unique maxi mal idealJ(O) suchthatJ(O) =(π)forπ∈O,Kis the quotient field ofOcharacteristic 0 ,andkis theresidue fieldO/(π)of characteristicp, wherepis a fixedpri me number .Inthis paper , we fix a finite groupG,andletKcontains all the |G|-throots of unity,where |G|is the or-der of finite groupG.In particular bothKandkare splittingfields of every subgroup ofG.D…  相似文献   

It is well known that, the singular integral operatorS defined as: ifL is a closed smooth contour in the complex plane C, thenS is a bounded linear operator fromH μ(L) intoH μ(L): ifL is an open smooth curve, thenS is just a linear operator fromH * intoH *. In this paper, we define a Banach space , and prove that is a bounded linear operator, then verify the boundedness of other kinds of singular integral operators. Supported by the National Science Foundation of China Wang Xiaolin: born in Aug. 1950, Professor  相似文献   

A mathematical model formulated as ΔfHθm(g)=a+sum from i=1 to 5bipi(i≠2) was constructed for the relationshipbetween standard formation enthalpy ΔfHθm(g) and path index Pi of substituted benzenes derivatives. An empiric equation for the calculation of ΔfHθm(g) was worked out. The calculated values of standard formation enthalpy based on this model are excellently consistent with those from experimental for 55 organic compounds. The model is shown to be simple and of practical usefulness, particularly when required experimental data are unavailable.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionLeqtuiliHnebaer afo rHimlbaenrtd sap baoceun.dLeedtlianaenardfufnbceti oan baolu onndeHd ,serse--spectively. Our goal is to seekv∈Hsuchthata(u,v) =f(u) , u∈ H (1)As a rule, we call the expression (1) a variational equationandva solutiontothis equation.By virtue of the Riesz repre-sentationtheorem,there exists a uniquely determined boundedlinear operatorA:H→Hsuchthata(u,v) =〈u,Av〉, u,v∈ H,where〈·,·〉is the inner product onH.If the sesquilinearformais also with posit…  相似文献   

Pulsed laser photolysis/laser-induced fluorescence (LP-LIF) is utilized to measure rate constants for C2(a3Πu) reactions with NO, N2O, O2, H2 and NH3. Multiphoton dissociation of C2Cl4 at 266 nm is employed for the generation of C2(a3Πu) radicals. The C2(a3Πu) concentration is monitored by the fluorescence of the (0, 0) band of the (d3Πg&#8596;a3Πu) transition at 516.5 nm. C2(a3Πu) removal rate constants for the reactions are determined as kNO = (5.46 ± 0.10) × 10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 , kN2O = (1.63 ± 0.20) × 10-13 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 , kN2O = (1.58 ± 0.16) × 10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, kO2 = (5.92 ± 1.00) × 10-14 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, kH2< 1.0× 10-14 cm3 molecule-1 s-1. Based on the data analysis and theoretical calculation, we suggest that the C2(a3Πu) reactions with H2 and NH3 proceed via the hydrogen abstraction mechanism, barriers exist at the entrance channel of the reactions of C2(a3Πu) with H2 and NH3.  相似文献   

Let S={x_1,x_2,...,x_n } be a set of n distinct positive integers and f be an arithmetic function.By(f[S])(resp.( f[S])),we denote the n*n matrix whose i,j entry is Σ[x_i,x_j]|l l∈S f(l) (resp.Σx∈Sf(x)-Σ x_i,|l l∈S f(l)-Σ x_j,|l l∈S f(l)+Σ[x_i,x_j]|l l∈S f(l)).In this paper,we first investigate the structures of the matrices ( f[S]) and( f[S]),then we give the formulae for the determinants of these matrices.These extend the results obtained by Bege in 2011.Finally,we give two examples to demonstrate the validity of our main results.  相似文献   

The boundary value problem for harmonic maps of the Poincare disc is discussed. The emphasis is on the non-smoothness of the given boundary values in the problem. Let T . be a subspace of the universal Teichmüller space, defined as a set of normalized quasisymmetric homeomorphisms h of the unit circle S onto itself where h admits a quasiconformal extension to the unit disc D with a complex dilatation μ satisfying where ρ(z)|dz|2 is the Poincare metric of D. Let B . be a Banach space consisting of holomorphic quadratic differentials φ in D with norms It is shown that for any given quasisymmetric homeomorphism h : S1→S1∈ T . , there is a unique quasiconformal harmonic map of D with respect to the Poincare metric whose boundary corresponding is h and the Hopf differential of such a harmonic map belongs to B .  相似文献   

Thermogravimetry was used to study the non-isothermal decomposition kinetics and the stability of porphyrin copper-sodium from ephedra. The kinetic equation for the second step can be expressed as . The kinetic compensation effect is found to be: InA=0. 2468E a −8. 0513.Ea is 206. 61 kJ/mol. The results show that porphyrin copper-sodium has a high activation energy and good stability. Biography: Zhang Lian-ru(1964), female, lecturer Research direction, applied biochemistry.  相似文献   

We proved ifk(z)H q (q≥1),g(z) is analytic on |z|=1, , thenk′(z)H 1, especially, ifq=1, thenk(z) is an analytic function on the closed unit disk |z|≤1. Peng Zhigang: born in June 1970, Ph. D  相似文献   

Some limit theorems for weighted sums of random variable fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1Preliminaries DuringthelastyearsthereappearedquiteafewpapersaboutlimittheoremsforBanachspacevaluedrandomvariables(r.v.’s)withmultidimensionalindex.Itistheaim ofthispapertogivecomparativeweakconditionswhichimply limittheoremsforweightedsumsofBanachspacevaluedr.v.fields.Thecurrentworkextendsthecorrespondingresultsof Refs.[15].Westartwithsomenotationsanddefinitions.LetNdbe thesetofalld dimensionallatticeofpointswithpositiveinte gersascomponents,whered≥1isafixedinteger.LetNdbe equippedwithco…  相似文献   

0Introduction Considerthemodel:y=h(x′β)+e wherey=y(1)y(q),h(t)=h(1)(t)h(q)(t),e=e(1)e(q),h(i),i=1,2,…,qisaknownboundedinjection:Rq→R1,h′isapositive matrixwith h(i)(t)tjasits(i,j)elementj=1,2,…,q,t=(t1,t2,…,tq),thepartialderivativesof2thorderofhexistandcontinuous.eistherandomerror.βisthep×1unknowparameterandxiisthefixedknownp×qmatrix,i=1,…,n,η=x′βiscalledpredictor,andthismodeliscalledgeneralizedlinearmodel.Supposetheindependentobservationsy1,…,ynaregetfromq dimensionrespons…  相似文献   

For double arrays of constants {a ni, 1≤ik n, n≥1} and NA r.v. 's {X n, n≥1}, conditions for almost sure convergence of are given. Both casesk n ↑ ∞ andk n=∞ are treated. A Marcinkiewicz-type theorem for i. d. NA sequences is obtained as a special case. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Cheng Riyan: born in 1968, MS student  相似文献   

In this paper,an exponential inequality for weighted sums of identically distributed NOD (negatively orthant dependent) random variables is established,by which we obtain the almost sure convergence rate of which reaches the available one for independent random variables in terms of Berstein type inequality. As application,we obtain the relevant exponential inequality for Priestley-Chao estimator of nonparametric regression estimate under NOD samples,from which the strong consistency rate is also obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper some new results of strong stability of linear forms in φ-mixing random variables are given. It is mainly proved that for a sequence of φ-mixing random variables {x n , n ⩾ 1} and two sequences of positive numbers {a n , n ⩾ 1} and {b n , n ⩾ 1} there exist d n R, n = 1,2,L, such that a.s. under some suitable conditions. The results extend and improve the corresponding theorems for independent identically distributed random variables. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(10671149)  相似文献   

By the discussion of division in \(F_{^{^{^{_2 m} } } } \left[ u \right]/\left\langle {u^4 } \right\rangle \), the minimal spanning set and the rank of a (1 + u + u 2) - constacyclic code with an arbitrary length N = 2 e n over \(\Phi \) are determined based on the factorization of (x n - 1) over \({F_{{2^m}}}\).  相似文献   

A series of side-chain liquid crystalline polysiloxanes containing either cholesteryl or cyanobiphenyl mesogenic groups were synthesized by the hydrosilylation reaction of a polysiloxane containing Si−H group with a vinyl-terminated compound containing the mesogenic group. Their chemical structures were confirmed by IR,1H NMR, and elemental analysis, Their phase behaviors were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, optical polarizing microscope, and X-ray diffraction technique. The results show that all these polysiloxanes except P V display smectic or nematic mesonorphism or both. The dependence of phase transition temperature on the rigidity of mesogenic unit. the length of spacer group, and the flexibility of chain is also described. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Xu Guangwei: born in June 5, 1970, Postgraduate  相似文献   

A graph G is super-edge-connected,for short super-λ,if every minimum edge-cut consists of edges adjacent to a vertex of minimum degree.Alphabet overlap graph G(k,d,s)is undirected,simple graph with vertex set V={v|v=1()kv…v;vi∈{1,2,…,d},i=1,…,k}.Two vertices u=(u1…uk)and v=(v1…vk)are adjacent if and only if us+i=vi or vs+i=ui(i=1,…,k-s).In particular G(k,d,1)is just an undirected de Bruijn graph.In this paper,we show that the diameter of G(k,d,s)is k s,the girth is 3.Finally,we prove that G(k,d,s)(s≥k/2)is super-λ.  相似文献   

Based on the prerequisite that the earliest acid rock formed because of the initial global expanding tectonic processes, by combining it with other geological limitation conditions, and starting from the lithosphere elastic mechanics, the following is defined: the earth expansion started at about 4300 Ma ago, the average increasing rate of the earth radius is 0.40 mm/a, the initial expanding earth radius is 4651 km, and the initial global expansion of tectonic processes happened at 4183.7 Ma ago. From the natural and attenuation evolution condition of the earth and terrestrial planets, through the limit condition got from the combination of the mathematics logic and the geological significance, the limited expanding earth evolution model is established as follows: in whichR 0= 4.651×106 m,A =1.86×106 m, β = -6.01×10−10/ a andt s=3×108 a. From this model the maximum radiusR maxof the limited expanding earth evolution should be 6511 km. The earth’s radius increasing rate is about 0.1 mm/a at present.  相似文献   

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