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Mougeot F  Redpath SM  Leckie F  Hudson PJ 《Nature》2003,421(6924):737-739
A central issue in ecology lies in identifying the importance of resources, natural enemies and behaviour in the regulation of animal populations. Much of the debate on this subject has focused on animals that show cyclic fluctuations in abundance. However, there is still disagreement about the role of extrinsic (food, parasites or predators) and intrinsic (behaviour) factors in causing cycles. Recent studies have examined the impact of natural enemies, although spatial patterns resulting from restricted dispersal or recruitment are increasingly recognized as having the potential to influence unstable population dynamics. We tested the hypothesis that population cycles in a territorial bird, red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus, are caused by delayed density-dependent changes in the aggressiveness and spacing behaviour of males. Here we show that increasing aggressiveness experimentally for a short period in autumn reduced recruitment and subsequent breeding density by 50%, and changed population trajectories from increasing to declining. Intrinsic processes can therefore have fundamental effects on population dynamics.  相似文献   

Haskell JP  Ritchie ME  Olff H 《Nature》2002,418(6897):527-530
Scaling laws that describe complex interactions between organisms and their environment as a function of body size offer exciting potential for synthesis in biology. Home range size, or the area used by individual organisms, is a critical ecological variable that integrates behaviour, physiology and population density and strongly depends on organism size. Here we present a new model of home range-body size scaling based on fractal resource distributions, in which resource encounter rates are a function of body size. The model predicts no universally constant scaling exponent for home range, but defines a possible range of values set by geometric limits to resource density and distribution. The model unifies apparently conflicting earlier results and explains differences in scaling exponents among herbivorous and carnivorous mammals and birds. We apply the model to predict that home range increases with habitat fragmentation, and that the home ranges of larger species should be much more sensitive to habitat fragmentation than those of smaller species.  相似文献   

Cryptic evolution in a wild bird population.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
J Meril?  L E Kruuk  B C Sheldon 《Nature》2001,412(6842):76-79
Microevolution is expected to be commonplace, yet there are few thoroughly documented cases of microevolution in wild populations. In contrast, it is often observed that apparently heritable traits under strong and consistent directional selection fail to show the expected evolutionary response. One explanation proposed for this paradox is that a genetic response to selection may be masked by opposing changes in the environment. We used data from a 20-year study of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) to explore selection on, and evolution of, a heritable trait: relative body weight at fledging ('condition'). Despite consistent positive directional selection, on both the phenotypic and the additive genetic component (breeding values, estimated from an animal model) of condition, the mean phenotypic value of this trait in the population has declined, rather than increased, over time. Here we show that, despite this decline, the mean breeding value for condition has increased over time. The mismatch between response to selection at the levels of genotype and phenotype can be explained by environmental deterioration, concealing underlying evolution. This form of cryptic evolution may be common in natural environments.  相似文献   

Climate change and population declines in a long-distance migratory bird   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both C  Bouwhuis S  Lessells CM  Visser ME 《Nature》2006,441(7089):81-83
Phenological responses to climate change differ across trophic levels, which may lead to birds failing to breed at the time of maximal food abundance. Here we investigate the population consequences of such mistiming in the migratory pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca. In a comparison of nine Dutch populations, we find that populations have declined by about 90% over the past two decades in areas where the food for provisioning nestlings peaks early in the season and the birds are currently mistimed. In areas with a late food peak, early-breeding birds still breed at the right time, and there is, at most, a weak population decline. If food phenology advances further, we also predict population declines in areas with a late food peak, as in these areas adjustment to an advanced food peak is insufficient. Mistiming as a result of climate change is probably a widespread phenomenon, and here we provide evidence that it can lead to population declines.  相似文献   

为有效防范机场鸟击事件的发生,作者从2009年12月-2010年11月对昆明巫家坝国际机场及其周边地区鸟类群落的时空变化规律进行了实地调研,共记录到74种鸟类,分属12目29科,其中留鸟42种,冬候鸟23种,夏候鸟7种,旅鸟2种.不同季节的鸟类种类、密度和Shannon-Weiner多样性指数冬季最低,秋季最高;Pielou均匀度指数则是秋冬季较春夏季为低.调查区域内不同生境鸟类群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,从高到低依次为机场>公园>湿地>居民区,Pielou均匀度指数从高到低则为公园>机场>湿地>居民区;从相似系数来看,机场与湿地间的鸟类群落相似性最高.研究结果表明,昆明机场鸟类群落的季节变动受候鸟迁徙影响严重,秋季应是鸟击的重点防范时段.向化村湿地与机场生境的相似程度最高,对湿地的生态整治应能有效地降低鸟击威胁.据此提出了昆明机场的鸟击防治策略.  相似文献   

Facultative sex ratios and population dynamics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
J H Werren  E L Charnov 《Nature》1978,272(5651):349-350

Evolution driven by differential dispersal within a wild bird population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Garant D  Kruuk LE  Wilkin TA  McCleery RH  Sheldon BC 《Nature》2005,433(7021):60-65
Evolutionary theory predicts that local population divergence will depend on the balance between the diversifying effect of selection and the homogenizing effect of gene flow. However, spatial variation in the expression of genetic variation will also generate differential evolutionary responses. Furthermore, if dispersal is non-random it may actually reinforce, rather than counteract, evolutionary differentiation. Here we document the evolution of differences in body mass within a population of great tits, Parus major, inhabiting a single continuous woodland, over a 36-year period. We show that genetic variance for nestling body mass is spatially variable, that this generates different potential responses to selection, and that this diversifying effect is reinforced by non-random dispersal. Matching the patterns of variation, selection and evolution with population ecological data, we argue that the small-scale differentiation is driven by density-related differences in habitat quality affecting settlement decisions. Our data show that when gene flow is not homogeneous, evolutionary differentiation can be rapid and can occur over surprisingly small spatial scales. Our findings have important implications for questions of the scale of adaptation and speciation, and challenge the usual treatment of dispersal as a force opposing evolutionary differentiation.  相似文献   

Most theories of motor cortex have assumed that neural activity represents movement parameters. This view derives from what is known about primary visual cortex, where neural activity represents patterns of light. Yet it is unclear how well the analogy between motor and visual cortex holds. Single-neuron responses in motor cortex are complex, and there is marked disagreement regarding which movement parameters are represented. A better analogy might be with other motor systems, where a common principle is rhythmic neural activity. Here we find that motor cortex responses during reaching contain a brief but strong oscillatory component, something quite unexpected for a non-periodic behaviour. Oscillation amplitude and phase followed naturally from the preparatory state, suggesting a mechanistic role for preparatory neural activity. These results demonstrate an unexpected yet surprisingly simple structure in the population response. This underlying structure explains many of the confusing features of individual neural responses.  相似文献   

As the research of knowledge graph(KG)is deepened and widely used,knowledge graph completion(KGC)has attracted more and more attentions from researchers,especially in scenarios of intelligent search,social networks and deep question and answer(Q&A). Current research mainly focuses on the completion of static knowledge graphs,and the temporal information in temporal knowledge graphs(TKGs)is ignored. However,the temporal information is definitely very helpful for the completion. Note that exis...  相似文献   

为了在反应堆动力学方程求解中检验一种新的时空动力学方法——时间上二次展开的格林函数节块法(TQE/ NGFM) ,作者编写了应用这种方法的 FORTRAN程序。该程序采用了新的迭代求解方式 ,与标准的格林函数节块法的程序对轻水堆的典型算例进行了校算。标准的瞬态格林函数节块法 (TNGFM)在时间上采用全隐式近似。在求解二维 TWIGL问题时 ,在相近计算精度下 ,TQE/ NGFM的计算时间是 TNGFM的约 1/ 5。结果表明 ,时间上二次展开的时空动力学方法是一种有效的、先进的方法  相似文献   

Meaning of density-dependence and related terms in population dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SOLOMON ME 《Nature》1958,181(4626):1778-80; discussion 1780-1

首先分析和探究带有增长、聚合和破损过程的群体平衡方程;其次把伸缩变换群法用于群体平衡方程,获得群体平衡方程所接受的伸缩变换群、自相似解、精确解和约化的常微分-积分方程;最后所获得结果表明伸缩变换群法不但可用于偏微分方程而且可用于偏微分-积分方程.  相似文献   

【目的】分析中国特有濒危极小种群梓叶槭(Acer catalpifolium)的年龄结构和动态特征,揭示种群与环境之间的相互关系,预测种群发展动态,探索其濒危机制,提出野生梓叶槭种群的保护和恢复对策。【方法】通过对集中分布于四川峨眉山和都江堰的梓叶槭种群进行样地调查,采用样方调查法,将各样地划分为1~4个20 m×20 m的样方,再将每块样方划分为16个5 m×5 m的小样方; 对样方内的梓叶槭植株进行每木调查,调查内容包括个体数、树高、胸径等生长因子,同时记录各样地海拔、经纬度、坡向、坡度、林分郁闭度、植被群落以及土壤类型等生境因子; 以梓叶槭个体的胸径代替龄级来反映种群结构,将梓叶槭胸径大小划分为11个径级(Ⅰ-Ⅺ,设置DBH>50 cm为Ⅺ级,每级间隔5 cm),龄级与胸径大小级对应,绘制梓叶槭种群的径级结构图; 编制了种群的特定时间生命表,分析其存活曲线、死亡率曲线等重要参数; 运用时间序列预测模型分析种群数量动态和发展趋势。【结果】梓叶槭在峨眉山和都江堰地区的种群差异明显,峨眉山种群共有105株,都江堰种群共有81株,种群龄级结构完整,种群径级结构表现为中龄级所占比例较大、幼龄级和老龄级比例次之的纺锤形结构。梓叶槭种群年龄结构动态变化指数表明,两个地区受随机干扰时的种群年龄结构动态指数(Vpi')分别为0.011 6和0.004 2,均趋近于0,总体上表现出由稳定型向衰退型转化的衰退型结构; 生命表及相关曲线分析显示,梓叶槭早期个体死亡数较高,存活数随龄级的增加而减少,对环境的选择作用强; 存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅱ型,各龄级种群有相近死亡率; 生存函数分析表明,两个种群的生存率函数S(t)均随着龄级的增大呈单调下降的趋势,而累计死亡率F(t)则呈单调上升趋势,两个函数曲线变化呈现互补的现象; 时间序列预测分析表明,2、4、6、8龄级时间后梓叶槭老龄级个体逐渐增多,幼龄级个体则有所降低,种群稳定性降低,难以长期维持; 如果种群中幼苗难以补充,幼树不充足,再经过4个龄级后梓叶槭种群将成为衰退型种群。【结论】导致梓叶槭濒危的原因可能是梓叶槭的生物学特性和人为干扰; 应加强对梓叶槭种群及栖息地的保护,保护梓叶槭现有的成年个体,促进种子的萌发和幼苗的更新,防止栖息地及生态系统的破坏; 还要深入开展梓叶槭生物学及繁育特征研究,提高梓叶槭种子萌发率和成苗率,促进其种子向幼苗转化。另外,在天然林更新中,应采取人工抚育等措施来加强对中小径级梓叶槭个体及生境的保护,促进梓叶槭种群的自然更新和恢复。  相似文献   

建立易感染类中具有 L ogistic种群增长和非线性接触率的 SIRS流行病模型 ;分析该模型的正不变集和平衡位置的存在性 ,研究了疾病消除平衡位置和地方病平衡位置的稳定性 ,最后给出一些数值模拟结果  相似文献   

Synchronization of animal population dynamics by large-scale climate   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Post E  Forchhammer MC 《Nature》2002,420(6912):168-171
The hypothesis that animal population dynamics may be synchronized by climate is highly relevant in the context of climate change because it suggests that several populations might respond simultaneously to climatic trends if their dynamics are entrained by environmental correlation. The dynamics of many species throughout the Northern Hemisphere are influenced by a single large-scale climate system, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), which exerts highly correlated regional effects on local weather. But efforts to attribute synchronous fluctuations of contiguous populations to large-scale climate are confounded by the synchronizing influences of dispersal or trophic interactions. Here we report that the dynamics of caribou and musk oxen on opposite coasts of Greenland show spatial synchrony among populations of both species that correlates with the NAO index. Our analysis shows that the NAO has an influence in the high degree of cross-species synchrony between pairs of caribou and musk oxen populations separated by a minimum of 1,000 km of inland ice. The vast distances, and complete physical and ecological separation of these species, rule out spatial coupling by dispersal or interaction. These results indicate that animal populations of different species may respond synchronously to global climate change over large regions.  相似文献   

分析了一类具有年龄结构的周期种群动力系统的最优控制问题。首先,利用Mazur定理及其推论证明了最优解的存在性,然后通过共轭系统和法锥技巧导出了最优解所满足的必要条件。  相似文献   

天山云杉种群数量动态研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选择了15个设在天山地区25m×25m的样地,通过样地调查和数据统计,研究了天山云杉(Picea schrenkiana)种群的年龄结构、静态生命表,运用时间序列预测模型分析了种群数量动态。种群年龄结构分析表明,种群的年龄结构呈倒J 型分布,个体数量主要集中在Ⅰ、Ⅱ龄级(个体数量比例占8270%),幼龄个体数量较多,中、老龄个体数量较少。种群生命表、亏损率曲线、存活曲线、死亡率曲线、生存函数曲线的分析表明:天山云杉有1个死亡高峰,出现在Ⅱ龄级的年龄阶段;存活曲线基本介于DeeveyⅡ和DeeveyⅢ型之间;引入生命表的几个函数能较好地说明种群的动态和结构变化。时间序列分析表明:在未来20、40、60、80、100、120和140年中,天山云杉种群幼龄级个体数量相对丰富,种群稳定。  相似文献   

刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)无性系种群结构与生长动态的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了刺槐克隆种群的种群结构和生长动态.结果表明,刺槐克隆种群中幼年分株数量较多,死亡率较高;成年个体数量较少,死亡率较低,而且相对稳定,种群数量结构成金字塔型;无性系产生分株的时间较晚,分株的数量正处于上升阶段.无性系中刺槐基株的基径、高度、冠幅远远大于分株.刺槐分株在幼年时期高生长和冠幅的生长均较快,当生长到一定的年龄逐渐缓慢下来.克隆分株的生长、数量动态主要受克隆整合的内部调节机制和外部环境中灌木层、草本层竞争的影响.  相似文献   

天然毛竹无性系种群的结构动态与数量统计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用生命表和生存曲线对海子坪天然毛竹无性系种群的结构动态和数量进行统计分析,并对分株年龄的鉴别特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)天然毛竹无性系种群随分株年龄增加,所占的分株比例逐渐减小;(2)天然毛竹无性系种群动态生命表中的生存曲线介于B型与C型(凹型)之间,是一条较为平缓的凹型曲线,反映出整个同生群幼体的死亡率较高,成体的死亡率降低并且接近于不变;(3)静态生命表中的生存曲线介于B型和C型(凹型)之间,总的趋势反映出B2型生存曲线的特点,说明该种群具有死亡率较恒定的特点。  相似文献   

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