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研究了Gledzer-ohkitani-Yamada(或GOY)模型的阵发湍流.通过相平面分析方法研究了惯性区各壳相空间的轨道,发现阵发轨道部分的随机性导致不稳定准周期轨道的随机转动、反转和锁定现象.计算了阵发轨道扩展自相似标度律,指出阵发性能量传递方式是导致反常标度的原因.  相似文献   

标度对称性是无特征尺度现象的主要特征。海岸线、湍流、临界相变等问题中都有。对动力系统作标度变换可以找出不变量。在混沌模型中从自相似变换中找出了Feigenbaum常数这个有意义的不变量。在气候资料中冷暖是随时间尺度而变化的,但也存在不变量。标度对称性在数学上可以看成是不断重复的迭代映射,在生物学上可以看成是像兔子繁殖一样的Fibonacci数的自我复制。标度变换的自相似和自然界广泛存在的螺旋结构相联系。  相似文献   

基于最大流原理的复杂生态系统分形结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统具有分形等复杂性特点,一直是学术界关注的热点和难点.而现有的研究大都缺乏深入的动力学机理分析.针对这一空白,本文以一个远离平衡的复杂系统总是努力寻找一种优化过程,使得系统在给定的约束或代价下所获得的广义流最大这个思想出发,从微观动力学角度探讨了生态系统模式的分形长大过程.从尺度变化角度对分形生长思想进行了MATLAB数值模拟佐证.分析了影响分形维数的因素并比较了理论结果与实际例子,进而讨论了在实践中的可能应用.  相似文献   

Osterloh A  Amico L  Falci G  Fazio R 《Nature》2002,416(6881):608-610
Classical phase transitions occur when a physical system reaches a state below a critical temperature characterized by macroscopic order. Quantum phase transitions occur at absolute zero; they are induced by the change of an external parameter or coupling constant, and are driven by quantum fluctuations. Examples include transitions in quantum Hall systems, localization in Si-MOSFETs (metal oxide silicon field-effect transistors; ref. 4) and the superconductor-insulator transition in two-dimensional systems. Both classical and quantum critical points are governed by a diverging correlation length, although quantum systems possess additional correlations that do not have a classical counterpart. This phenomenon, known as entanglement, is the resource that enables quantum computation and communication. The role of entanglement at a phase transition is not captured by statistical mechanics-a complete classification of the critical many-body state requires the introduction of concepts from quantum information theory. Here we connect the theory of critical phenomena with quantum information by exploring the entangling resources of a system close to its quantum critical point. We demonstrate, for a class of one-dimensional magnetic systems, that entanglement shows scaling behaviour in the vicinity of the transition point.  相似文献   

China faces up to 'terrible' state of its ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Qiu J 《Nature》2011,471(7336):19

三维无限长柱状系统中的有限尺度标度律和标度函数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了三维无限长柱状系统(二维和三维之间的过渡区域)中的有限尺度标度律.利用O(n)对称的φ4场论模型当n→∞时的精确解,证明了三维无限长柱状系统仍然遵守有限尺度标度律,确定了它的磁化率和比热的临界指数以及该系统所属的普适类.最后,给出了磁化率和比热的标度函数并且将它们与三维立方体系统的结果作对比.  相似文献   

企业是城市组织的重要成分之一,是城市产业发展的具体表现形式.城市企业大小的测度分布服从位序—规模法则,可以采用Zipf定律描述.从理论上可以证明,凡是服从Zipf定律的系统,都可以开展等级标度分析.等级标度分析包括两个方面:一是等级标度律的统计分析,二是等级标度指数的数值分析.以河南平顶山卫东区的纳税百强企业为例,说明如何对企业规模分布划分等级结构,以及如何开展等级标度分析.通过标度分析解释产业结构特征,可为城市产业发展和规划提供参考.  相似文献   

Sizing small organisms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
R M Lemcke 《Nature》1971,229(5285):492-493

A Hjelle 《Nature》1966,212(5064):856-857

采用磁控溅射法制备了多晶的Co薄膜,研究了退火时间对磁滞标度律的影响.实验结果表明,Co薄膜具有比较复杂的结构和沿膜面的易磁化方向,退火时间较长,具有更强的磁各向异性.  相似文献   

Yang YF  Fisk Z  Lee HO  Thompson JD  Pines D 《Nature》2008,454(7204):611-613
The origin of magnetic order in metals has two extremes: an instability in a liquid of local magnetic moments interacting through conduction electrons, and a spin-density wave instability in a Fermi liquid of itinerant electrons. This dichotomy between 'local-moment' magnetism and 'itinerant-electron' magnetism is reminiscent of the valence bond/molecular orbital dichotomy present in studies of chemical bonding. The class of heavy-electron intermetallic compounds of cerium, ytterbium and various 5f elements bridges the extremes, with itinerant-electron magnetic characteristics at low temperatures that grow out of a high-temperature local-moment state. Describing this transition quantitatively has proved difficult, and one of the main unsolved problems is finding what determines the temperature scale for the evolution of this behaviour. Here we present a simple, semi-quantitative solution to this problem that provides a basic framework for interpreting the physics of heavy-electron materials and offers the prospect of a quantitative determination of the physical origin of their magnetic ordering and superconductivity. It also reveals the difference between the temperature scales that distinguish the conduction electrons' response to a single magnetic impurity and their response to a lattice of local moments, and provides an updated version of the well-known Doniach diagram.  相似文献   

对烟碱类农药在水体中残留情况及对水生生物产生的直接和间接影响的研究进行了综述。重点对水生脊椎类动物(鱼类、两栖类)及非脊椎类动物(蜉蝣、大型蚤)的急性和慢性毒性,及通过生物群落、食物链因素对鱼类种群层面的间接影响研究进行了总结,认为烟碱类农药对于水生脊椎类生物的急性毒性远小于非脊椎类生物,同时在低浓度下其对水生生物具有长期的慢性毒性和影响。通过对已有研究数据的分析,讨论了烟碱类农药在风险评价过程中的间接影响效应,指出通过食物链富集及传递作用,烟碱类农药对于非靶标生物的群落和种群数量具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

Knight TM  McCoy MW  Chase JM  McCoy KA  Holt RD 《Nature》2005,437(7060):880-883
Predation can be intense, creating strong direct and indirect effects throughout food webs. In addition, ecologists increasingly recognize that fluxes of organisms across ecosystem boundaries can have major consequences for community dynamics. Species with complex life histories often shift habitats during their life cycles and provide potent conduits coupling ecosystems. Thus, local interactions that affect predator abundance in one ecosystem (for example a larval habitat) may have reverberating effects in another (for example an adult habitat). Here we show that fish indirectly facilitate terrestrial plant reproduction through cascading trophic interactions across ecosystem boundaries. Fish reduce larval dragonfly abundances in ponds, leading to fewer adult dragonflies nearby. Adult dragonflies consume insect pollinators and alter their foraging behaviour. As a result, plants near ponds with fish receive more pollinator visits and are less pollen limited than plants near fish-free ponds. Our results confirm that strong species interactions can reverberate across ecosystems, and emphasize the importance of landscape-level processes in driving local species interactions.  相似文献   

在污水处理厂中 ,经常发生由于丝状菌 0 2lN引发的活性污泥膨胀 .污水中的有机污染物约含 70 %的易于降解的溶解性物质 .当液相中易于降解的有机物质在选择池中去除的不完全 ,丝状细菌就会快速增长 .易生物降解的物质在选择池中主要通过生物相的吸附和贮存而得以去除 .选择池中用于生物贮存的需氧取决于有机物的类型 .为保持选择池的吸附能力 ,污泥必须在曝气池中进行再生 .一旦发生超负荷或供氧量及营养物质不足 ,贮存能力不能得到恢复 ,好氧选择池也就失去了效果 .通过研究对选择池中去除易生化降解物质的影响因素 ,发现了好氧选择池设计的简单计算方法 ,并得出了一个模型 .  相似文献   

The kingdoms of organisms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
T Cavalier-Smith 《Nature》1986,324(6096):416-417

Catastrophic shifts in ecosystems   总被引:140,自引:0,他引:140  
Scheffer M  Carpenter S  Foley JA  Folke C  Walker B 《Nature》2001,413(6856):591-596
All ecosystems are exposed to gradual changes in climate, nutrient loading, habitat fragmentation or biotic exploitation. Nature is usually assumed to respond to gradual change in a smooth way. However, studies on lakes, coral reefs, oceans, forests and arid lands have shown that smooth change can be interrupted by sudden drastic switches to a contrasting state. Although diverse events can trigger such shifts, recent studies show that a loss of resilience usually paves the way for a switch to an alternative state. This suggests that strategies for sustainable management of such ecosystems should focus on maintaining resilience.  相似文献   

As natural tracers, stable isotopes have been extensively used in plant physiological, ecological and environmental research. Recently, animal physiological ecologists have also applied stable isotope techniques to study plantanimal relationships. The isotopic compositions of animal body generally reflect and integrate their diets over a time period ranging from hours to years to the lifetime of an individual. When animal living habitat changes or animals move to a new environment, the animal isotopic compositions will shift accordingly. Thus, stable isotope signatures of an animal can truly reflect its food sources, habitat, distribution and movement patterns during a given time period. Moreover, by analyzing animal-tissue isotopic compositions at different temporal scales, we can improve our understanding of animal adaptation to environmental changes. Stable isotope technique also provides an ideal tool to study animal foodweb relationship and community structure because of isotopic fractionation during the processes of nutrient assimilation by animals. Stable isotope technique can continuously measure animal trophic position in a foodweb, which can eventually reveal the predator-prey relationship and its role in determining matter balance and energy flow in the entire ecosystem. Stable isotope technique has been one of the most important and efficient tools in studying plant-animal relationship. In this paper, we first review recent advances in the application of stable isotope techniques to plant-animal relationship research then evaluate their advantages and disadvantages, and finally discuss some future directions associated with stable isotope applications to plant-animal relationship research.  相似文献   

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