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Hyperbolic heat conduction restricted by continuous boundary interface   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Finite difference method (FDM) combined with MacCormack' s predictor-corrector scheme is used to solve the problem of hyperbolic heat conduction in a finite medium. One of its boundary surfaces is heated by a rectangular pulsed energy source while the other surface is tightly contacted with another medium where the continuous boundary condition is satisfied. Some non-Fourier heat conduction behaviors have been analyzed theoretically.``  相似文献   

Unsteady heat conduction is known to deviate significantly from Fourier's law when the system time and length scales are within certain temporal and spatial windows of relaxation. Classical molecular dynamics simulations were used to investigate unsteady heat conduction in argon thin films with a sudden temperature increase or heat flux at one surface to study the non-Fourier heat conduction effects in argon thin films. The studies were conducted with both pure argon films and films with vacancy defects. The temperature profiles in the argon films showed the existence of mechanical waves when the thin film was suddenly heated and the wave nature of the heat propagation. The flux phase relaxation time, Zq, and the temperature phase relaxation time,τt, were calculated from the temporal variations of the energy flux and temperature distribution in the film. Comparisons of the MD temperature profiles with temperature profiles predicted by Fourier's law show that Fourier's law is not able to predict the temperature variations with time. Different film thicknesses were also studied to illustrate the variation of the time needed for the films to reach steady-state temperature profiles after a sudden temperature rise at one surface and to illustrate the finite speed of the energy waves.  相似文献   

Four basic explicit analytical solutions of non-Fourier heat conduction equation simulating IC chip thermal condition are derived. Some other analytical series solutions can also be derived with the above-mentioned basic solutions. Analytical solution has its own irreplaceable important meaning in theory. In addition, as the standard solution to check the accuracy, convergence and effectiveness of various numerical computational methods and their differencing schemes, grid generation ways and so on, the analytical solution is very useful also for the newly rapidly developing computational heat transfer.  相似文献   

In the viewpoint of heat transfer,heat transport potential capacity and its dissipation are defined based on the essence of heat transport phenomenon,Rspectively,their physical menings are the overall heat transfer capability and the dissipation rate of the heat transfer capacity.Then the least dissipation principle of heat transport potential cpacity is presented to enhance the heat conduction efficiency in the heat conduction optimization .The principle is, for a conduction process with the constant integral of the thermal conductivity over the region ,the optimal distribution of thermal conductivity,which corresponds to the highest heat conduction efficiency ,is characterized by the least dissipation of heat transport potential capacity .Finally the principle is applied to some cases in heat conduction optimization.  相似文献   

The heat conduction following the Fourier law widely exists in nature and engineering. Usually, the thermal resistance is applied to evaluating the perform-ance of the heat conduction, i.e. the less resistance corre-sponds to the better performance. Therefore, the heat conduction is often enhanced by means of using high conductivity materials or reducing the thermal contact resistance. The more general performance criterion is the heat duty for the given temperature difference DT, or the temp…  相似文献   

在不同的磁场强度下,对水和油系列的导热实验进行了研究.结果表明:工质的升温速率随磁场强度而变化,且磁场强度越强,磁化时间越长,升温速率就越大;磁场作用下能使水和油的比热容和油的黏度降低.同时对有无磁场下的水和油导热特性进行了对比,分析了水和油在磁场作用下的导热规律及磁场作用下水和油导热的微观机理.  相似文献   

Under given heat duty and heat transfer area conditions, the equipartition of the entransy dissipation (EoED) principle, the equipartition of the temperature difference (EoTD) principle, and the equipartition of the heat flux (EoHF) principle are applied to the optimization design of a heat exchanger with a variable heat transfer coefficient. The results show that the difference between the results obtained using the EoED and EoTD principles is very small, far smaller than that between the results obtained using the EoED and EoHF principles. The correct entransy dissipation minimization principle is chosen to optimize the parameters in the hot and cold fluids in a two-fluid heat exchanger, under given heat duty and heat transfer area conditions. The results indicate that the proper choice of the two alternative fluids has an important role in the successful application of the entransy dissipation minimization principle. The fluid that could improve the total heat transfer coefficient should be chosen, or the fluid that makes the temperature profiles of the hot and cold fluids parallel and decreases the temperature difference between the hot and cold fluids after optimization simultaneously, could be the proper one.  相似文献   

通过系统的实验,对常温下生物质材料在秒量级脉冲加热下的导热特性进行了研究,并且针对本实验的条件分别进行了抛物线型和双曲线型两种导热模型的数值模拟,结果发现,傅里叶模型的计算结果和实验结果非常吻合,而双曲线模型的计算结果和实验结果相差很大,这说明在本实验的条件下,在所用的生物质材料中没有发现非傅里叶现象,同时也说明某些文献所述各种生物质材料的热松弛时间为秒量级的结论还有待商榷。  相似文献   

识别材料导热系数和导温系数的温度场逆分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了识别材料导热系数和导温系数,采用观测温度同时识别材料导热系数和比热容,在建立同时确定导热系数和比热容的肯态温度场逆分析数值计算模型的基础上,引入混沌优化方法求解该优化模型。以克服阻尼牛屯等方法求解该模型所遇到的困难,在瞬态温度场正问题求解中采用了精细积分方法以提高计算精度,算例验证了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

冻结壁温度场模型试验及其导热系数反分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
冻土导热系数是计算冻结壁温度场的重要参数,本文根据冻结壁温度场物理模型试验的结果,建立非线性多维导热系数反分析的数学模型,采用选择法和有限元法,反分析冻结壁整体导热系数,为冻结壁温度场数值分析和冻结壁厚度的设计计算提供参考。  相似文献   

Based on constructal theory,the structure of a tapered element and high-conductivity link is optimized by taking the minimization of the entransy dissipation rate as the optimization objective.The results show that the mean temperature difference of the heat transfer cannot always decrease when the internal complexity of the control-volume increases.There exists an optimal constructal order leading to the minimum mean temperature difference for heat transfer.The thermal current density in high-conductivity links with variable shapes does not linearly depend on the length.Therefore,the optimized constructs based on the minimization of the entransy dissipation rate are different from those based on the minimization of the maximum temperature difference.Compared with the construct based on the minimization of the maximum temperature difference,the construct based on the minimization of the entransy dissipation rate can reduce the mean temperature difference,and improve the heat transfer performance significantly.Because entransy describes the heat transfer ability more suitably,various constructal problems in heat conduction may be addressed more effectively using this basis.  相似文献   

粉煤灰泡沫塑料复合保温材料传热过程的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用有限元软件ANSYS研究了粉煤灰泡沫塑料复合保温材料(FP材料)的传热机理.材料导热系数数值模拟结果与实测结果具有很好的一致性,说明采用有限元方法可以实现对材料传热过程的数值模拟.根据分析结果,提出了对保温材料设计和制备时的一些建议.  相似文献   

针对水源热泵抽灌对地温场的影响,运用Comsol Multiphysics多物理场全耦合软件建立热渗耦合的数值计算三维模型。对比分析不同回灌量下地温场分布云图和不同回灌量下地温场的分布规律,得出单井回灌量越大热影响半径越大、同时热峰面向抽水井方向运移速度越快,达到热贯通时间越短;前期系统运行回灌井附近区域温度变化明显,后期系统运行对回灌井周边较远区域温度变化较影响明显;不同位置热运移规律均与渗流速度相关,影响半径基本与渗流速度呈正比。  相似文献   

非傅里叶导热现象的双元相滞后模型剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对实验观察到的多孔材料内的非傅里叶导热现象,采用双元相滞后(Dual-phaseLag)模型来描述多孔材料内的非傅里叶导热过程并进行了数值求解,求解结果表明,若τT和τq取值恰当,双元相滞后模性地预测实验型可以定后观察到的非傅里叶导热现象;变化τT和τq的相对数值,介质中的非傅里叶导热将表现为不同的形式,据此,文中对非傅里叶导热进行了较为全面的定义,指出了非傅里叶导热与传统意义上的热波并非等价。  相似文献   

为了研究边界变温时功能梯度板的二维稳态热传导及梯度参数 γ的影响,基于该板的二维稳态热传导基本方程,假设热导率沿板高呈指数函数形式分布,用分离变量法和三角函数正交性,导出三边界恒温与上边界变温时该板的二维稳态温度场的解析解,与有限元解对比可知,2种方法结果一致。结果显示:上边界线性热载时,板内温度场分布无对称性;上边界正弦热载时,板内温度场分布对称于过形心的y轴;随着γ的增大,板内高温区不断向两侧和下侧扩展。因此,可选择适合的梯度参数和边界不同变温来满足设计、应用和热应力分析的需要,所获得的解析解可作为检验其他近似方法的参考标准。  相似文献   

用有限元法分析了由ZrO2和Ti 6Al 4V组成的变物性梯度功能材料板在对流换热边界条件下的非线性稳态热传导问题,检验了方法的正确性,给出了对流换热边界下的稳态温度场分布,并与不考虑变物性时的结果进行了比较.结果表明:在精确计算稳态温度场分布时,变物性是影响梯度功能材料板的稳态温度场的最重要因素之一.此外,材料组分的分布形状系数M、环境介质温度、对流换热系数和孔隙度P的变化对变物性梯度功能材料板的稳态温度场分布均有明显的影响.此结果为材料设计和进一步的热应力分析提供了准确的计算依据.图7,参6.  相似文献   

An optimization model considering a novel thermal performance index to be the objective function is proposed for minimizing the highest temperature in this paper. Firstly, the performance of the conventional heat conduction optimization model, with the dissipation of heat transport potential capacity as the objective function, is evaluated by a one-dimensional heat conduction problem in a planar plate exchanger. Then, a new thermal performance index, named the geometric average temperature, is introduced. The new heat con- duction optimization model, with the geometric average temperature as the objective function, is developed and the corresponding finite element formula is presented. The results show that the geometric average temperature is an ideal thermal performance index and the solution of the new model is close to the theoretical optimal solution.  相似文献   

An optimization model considering a novel thermal performance index to be the objective function is proposed for minimizing the highest temperature in this paper. Firstly, the performance of the conventional heat conduction optimization model, with the dissipation of heat transport potential capacity as the objective function, is evaluated by a one-dimensional heat conduction problem in a planar plate exchanger. Then, a new thermal performance index, named the geometric average temperature, is introduced. The new heat conduction optimization model, with the geometric average temperature as the objective function, is developed and the corresponding finite element formula is presented. The results show that the geometric average temperature is an ideal thermal performance index and the solution of the new model is close to the theoretical optimal solution.  相似文献   

针对天线雷达系统中大功率关节热量难以导出、散热难的问题,根据被动式散热理念,将传统的风冷与液冷散热相结合,设计出一个被动式散热装置,该装置直接外挂在大功率器件上,可自主将器件的热量导出并散掉,无须外接电源,无噪声、安全可靠。经计算及实验测得,该装置可持续且稳定地散掉250 W/cm2热量,大大简化了设备数量并提高了系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

对光滑粒子流体动力学方法(smoothed particle hydrodynamics,SPH)的基本技术原理及发展现状进行了综述,利用SPH方法对两个典型二维非线性动力学算例进行了数值模拟。同时,利用国外学者提出的方法初步探索了有关热传导问题的SPH模型。  相似文献   

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