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Summary The simple nuclear body containing a few RNA particles appears through the nuclear pores in the cytoplasm, originating from the nucleolus. The complex nuclear body consisting mainly of RNA components is highly active in the incorporation of RNA precursors. Accordingly, the appearance of nuclear bodies may be related either to transport to the cytoplasm of nucleolar components or to the enhancement of rRNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Resumen En el presente trabajo se estudia el efecto del hipotiroidismo sobre la sintesis de DNA y proliferación celular renal estimuladas por isoproterenol. Se observa que la hormona tiroidea actúa como intermediario de las catecolaminas en el proceso de multiplicación celular. Se sugiere que la hormona tiroidea modula el efecto de catecolaminas aumentando la sensibilidad en el receptor. El aumento de la concentración de cAMP podría estar involucrado en este proceso.

This work was supported by a grant from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas, Rep. Argentina.  相似文献   

Directional cell migration is required for proper embryogenesis, immunity, and healing, and its underpinning regulatory mechanisms are often hijacked during diseases such as chronic inflammations and cancer metastasis. Studies on migratory epithelial tissues have revealed that cells can move as a collective group with shared responsibilities. First thought to be restricted to proper epithelial cell types able to maintain stable cell–cell junctions, the field of collective cell migration is now widening to include cooperative behavior of mesenchymal cells. In this review, we give an overview of the mechanisms driving collective cell migration in epithelial tissues and discuss how mesenchymal cells can cooperate to behave as a collective in the absence of bona fide cell–cell adhesions.  相似文献   

On sections at random of a cat celiac ganglion we counted 68 sections of nuclear inclusions (NI) for 320 sections of neuronal nuclei, i.e. an "apparent' frequency of 0.20. As revealed by serial sections the "actual' frequency is higher since the 5 nuclei entirely explored exhibit 19 NI. Such a study shows that each nucleus may contain at least 3 and up to 5 different tubulo-filamentous NI.  相似文献   

J P Friend 《Experientia》1979,35(12):1577-1578
Pituitary cells increase their numbers more than 3-fold during the 1st 10 days of life while maintaining the same cell size ratios. In the 25-day-old animal, the rate of cell division slows and there is a slight increase in the number of large cells. An increase in adult weight is attributed to hyperplasia and a shift to a population of larger cells.  相似文献   

Summary Pituitary cells increase their numbers more than 3-fold during the 1st 10 days of life while maintaining the same cell size ratios. In the 25-day-old animal, the rate of cell division slows and there is a slight increase in the number of larger cells. An increase in adult weight is attributed to hyperplasia and a shift to a population of larger cells.Supported by NIH grant HD08844.  相似文献   

Replication of linear genomes is incomplete and leaves terminal gaps. Solutions to this 'end replication' problem can be traced back to the prebiotic RNA world: 'fossils' of the presumptive archetypes of telomere structure and of the telomerase enzyme are retained in the terminal structures of some RNA viruses. Telomerase expression in mammals is ubiquitous in embryonic tissues but downregulated in somatic tissues of adults. Exceptions are regenerative tissues and, notably, tumor cells. Telomerase activation is controlled by cellular proliferation, and it is an early step in the development of many tumors. In contrast to mammals, indeterminately growing multicellular organisms, such as fish and crustaceae, maintain telomerase competence in all somatic tissues. In human tumor diagnostics, detection of proliferation markers with monoclonal antibodies is well established, and in this review, the significance of additional telomerase assays is evaluated. Telomerase inhibitors are attractive goals for application in tumor therapy, and telomerase knockout mice have proven that telomere erosion limits the lifespan of cells in vivo. In contrast, telomerase stimulation can be used to expand the potential of cellular proliferation in vitro, with possible applications for transplantation of in vitro expanded human cells, for immortalizing primary human cells as improved tissue models and for the isolation of otherwise intractable products, such as genuine human monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse tail interscale epidermis contains numerous Langerhans cells, whereas the adjacent scale regions are devoid of these cells. No difference in a) proliferative activity and b) inhibitory effect of the epidermal G1 chalone can be demonstrated in both regions. A direct relationship between Langerhans cells and growth control may be excluded.  相似文献   

J Schweizer  F Marks 《Experientia》1978,34(9):1235-1237
Mouse tail interscale epidermis contains numerous Langerhans cells, whereas the adjacent scale regions are devoid of these cells. No difference in a) proliferative activity and b) inhibitory effect of the epidermal G1 chalone can be demonstrated in both regions. A direct relationship between Langerhans cells and growth control may be excluded.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung An ultradünnen Schnittpr?paraten von Speicheldrüsenchromosomen (Drosophila melanogaster) und an entsprechenden Quetschpr?paraten (Drosophila virilis) wurde elektronenmikroskopisch festgestellt: Die Chromomeren und Chromonemata bestehen aus Filamenten mit Schraubenwindungen vom ?paran?mischen? Typus. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass die Windungen der beiden Filamente in der entgegengesetzten Richtung ranken.

The substance of this article was present in 1956 at the International Genetics Symposia in Tokyo.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the relationship between prolactin content and DNA replication in the anterior pituitary gland. Thymidine incorporation in pregnant rats is significantly lower than in virgin controls. This is accompanied by a decreased activity of DNA polymerase. Sulpiride administration to pregnant rats enhances thymidine incorporation to levels similar to virgin controls. The results indicate a negative feedback between prolactin content and DNA synthesis in the rat anterior pituitary gland.We are grateful to Prof. Carlos J. Gómez for the opportunity to perform this work. These studies were supported by PLA-MIRH, by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas and by the Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (Argentina).  相似文献   

Immunohistological investigations have been performed with Vertebrate neuropeptide antiserums in the subaesophageal ganglion of larval Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera). Positive immunoreaction was observed in two groups of cells only with an alpha-endorphin-antiserum. These cells are azocarmine ground positive earth and paraldehyde-fuchsin ground negative earth or Gomori ground negative earth. In the brain, immunohistological staining was completely negative.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between prolactin content and DNA replication in the anterior pituitary gland. Thymidine incorporation in pregnant rats is significantly lower than in virgin controls. This is accompanied by a decreased activity of DNA polymerase. Sulpiride administration to pregnant rats enhances thymidine incorporation to levels similar to virgin controls. The results indicate a negative feedback between prolactin content and DNA synthesis in the rat anterior pituitary gland.  相似文献   

M Shiino  K Yamauchi 《Experientia》1984,40(9):1006-1008
The relationship between the pineal gland and the pituitary gland was investigated in male rats. The results indicate that the hypothalamo-adenohypophysial-gonadal axis is affected by the pineal gland, but the appearance of castration cells following gonad ablation may be only slightly modified by alterations in pineal gland function.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the pineal gland and the pituitary gland was investigated in male rats. The results indicate that the hypothalamo-adenohypophysial-gonadal axis is affected by the pineal gland, but the appearance of castration cells following gonal ablation may be only slightly modified by alterations in pineal gland function.  相似文献   

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