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Many genes associated with CpG islands undergo de novo methylation in cancer. Studies have suggested that the pattern of this modification may be partially determined by an instructive mechanism that recognizes specifically marked regions of the genome. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis, here we show that genes methylated in cancer cells are specifically packaged with nucleosomes containing histone H3 trimethylated on Lys27. This chromatin mark is established on these unmethylated CpG island genes early in development and then maintained in differentiated cell types by the presence of an EZH2-containing Polycomb complex. In cancer cells, as opposed to normal cells, the presence of this complex brings about the recruitment of DNA methyl transferases, leading to de novo methylation. These results suggest that tumor-specific targeting of de novo methylation is pre-programmed by an established epigenetic system that normally has a role in marking embryonic genes for repression.  相似文献   

The per-generation mutation rate in humans is high. De novo mutations may compensate for allele loss due to severely reduced fecundity in common neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diseases, explaining a major paradox in evolutionary genetic theory. Here we used a family based exome sequencing approach to test this de novo mutation hypothesis in ten individuals with unexplained mental retardation. We identified and validated unique non-synonymous de novo mutations in nine genes. Six of these, identified in six different individuals, are likely to be pathogenic based on gene function, evolutionary conservation and mutation impact. Our findings provide strong experimental support for a de novo paradigm for mental retardation. Together with de novo copy number variation, de novo point mutations of large effect could explain the majority of all mental retardation cases in the population.  相似文献   

Despite its high heritability, a large fraction of individuals with schizophrenia do not have a family history of the disease (sporadic cases). Here we examined the possibility that rare de novo protein-altering mutations contribute to the genetic component of schizophrenia by sequencing the exomes of 53 sporadic cases, 22 unaffected controls and their parents. We identified 40 de novo mutations in 27 cases affecting 40 genes, including a potentially disruptive mutation in DGCR2, a gene located in the schizophrenia-predisposing 22q11.2 microdeletion region. A comparison to rare inherited variants indicated that the identified de novo mutations show a large excess of non-synonymous changes in schizophrenia cases, as well as a greater potential to affect protein structure and function. Our analyses suggest a major role for de novo mutations in schizophrenia as well as a large mutational target, which together provide a plausible explanation for the high global incidence and persistence of the disease.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder that profoundly affects cognitive, behavioral and emotional processes. The wide spectrum of symptoms and clinical variability in schizophrenia suggest a complex genetic etiology, which is consistent with the numerous loci thus far identified by linkage, copy number variation and association studies. Although schizophrenia heritability may be as high as ~80%, the genes responsible for much of this heritability remain to be identified. Here we sequenced the exomes of 14 schizophrenia probands and their parents. We identified 15 de novo mutations (DNMs) in eight probands, which is significantly more than expected considering the previously reported DNM rate. In addition, 4 of the 15 identified DNMs are nonsense mutations, which is more than what is expected by chance. Our study supports the notion that DNMs may account for some of the heritability reported for schizophrenia while providing a list of genes possibly involved in disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Morphological alterations have been shown to occur in Drosophila melanogaster when function of Hsp90 (heat shock 90-kDa protein 1alpha, encoded by Hsp83) is compromised during development. Genetic selection maintains the altered phenotypes in subsequent generations. Recent experiments have shown, however, that phenotypic variation still occurs in nearly isogenic recombinant inbred strains of Arabidopsis thaliana. Using a sensitized isogenic D. melanogaster strain, iso-Kr(If-1), we confirm this finding and present evidence supporting an epigenetic mechanism for Hsp90's capacitor function, whereby reduced activity of Hsp90 induces a heritably altered chromatin state. The altered chromatin state is evidenced by ectopic expression of the morphogen wingless in eye imaginal discs and a corresponding abnormal eye phenotype, both of which are epigenetically heritable in subsequent generations, even when function of Hsp90 is restored. Mutations in nine different genes of the trithorax group that encode chromatin-remodeling proteins also induce the abnormal phenotype. These findings suggest that Hsp90 acts as a capacitor for morphological evolution through epigenetic and genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is an etiologically heterogeneous psychiatric disease, which exists in familial and nonfamilial (sporadic) forms. Here, we examine the possibility that rare de novo copy number (CN) mutations with relatively high penetrance contribute to the genetic component of schizophrenia. We carried out a whole-genome scan and implemented a number of steps for finding and confirming CN mutations. Confirmed de novo mutations were significantly associated with schizophrenia (P = 0.00078) and were collectively approximately 8 times more frequent in sporadic (but not familial) cases with schizophrenia than in unaffected controls. In comparison, rare inherited CN mutations were only modestly enriched in sporadic cases. Our results suggest that rare de novo germline mutations contribute to schizophrenia vulnerability in sporadic cases and that rare genetic lesions at many different loci can account, at least in part, for the genetic heterogeneity of this disease.  相似文献   

Evidence for the etiology of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) has consistently pointed to a strong genetic component complicated by substantial locus heterogeneity. We sequenced the exomes of 20 individuals with sporadic ASD (cases) and their parents, reasoning that these families would be enriched for de novo mutations of major effect. We identified 21 de novo mutations, 11 of which were protein altering. Protein-altering mutations were significantly enriched for changes at highly conserved residues. We identified potentially causative de novo events in 4 out of 20 probands, particularly among more severely affected individuals, in FOXP1, GRIN2B, SCN1A and LAMC3. In the FOXP1 mutation carrier, we also observed a rare inherited CNTNAP2 missense variant, and we provide functional support for a multi-hit model for disease risk. Our results show that trio-based exome sequencing is a powerful approach for identifying new candidate genes for ASDs and suggest that de novo mutations may contribute substantially to the genetic etiology of ASDs.  相似文献   

Detecting genetic variants that are highly divergent from a reference sequence remains a major challenge in genome sequencing. We introduce de novo assembly algorithms using colored de Bruijn graphs for detecting and genotyping simple and complex genetic variants in an individual or population. We provide an efficient software implementation, Cortex, the first de novo assembler capable of assembling multiple eukaryotic genomes simultaneously. Four applications of Cortex are presented. First, we detect and validate both simple and complex structural variations in a high-coverage human genome. Second, we identify more than 3 Mb of sequence absent from the human reference genome, in pooled low-coverage population sequence data from the 1000 Genomes Project. Third, we show how population information from ten chimpanzees enables accurate variant calls without a reference sequence. Last, we estimate classical human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotypes at HLA-B, the most variable gene in the human genome.  相似文献   

Tumor heterogeneity is a major barrier to effective cancer diagnosis and treatment. We recently identified cancer-specific differentially DNA-methylated regions (cDMRs) in colon cancer, which also distinguish normal tissue types from each other, suggesting that these cDMRs might be generalized across cancer types. Here we show stochastic methylation variation of the same cDMRs, distinguishing cancer from normal tissue, in colon, lung, breast, thyroid and Wilms' tumors, with intermediate variation in adenomas. Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing shows these variable cDMRs are related to loss of sharply delimited methylation boundaries at CpG islands. Furthermore, we find hypomethylation of discrete blocks encompassing half the genome, with extreme gene expression variability. Genes associated with the cDMRs and large blocks are involved in mitosis and matrix remodeling, respectively. We suggest a model for cancer involving loss of epigenetic stability of well-defined genomic domains that underlies increased methylation variability in cancer that may contribute to tumor heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Meiotic recombination between highly similar duplicated sequences (nonallelic homologous recombination, NAHR) generates deletions, duplications, inversions and translocations, and it is responsible for genetic diseases known as 'genomic disorders', most of which are caused by altered copy number of dosage-sensitive genes. NAHR hot spots have been identified within some duplicated sequences. We have developed sperm-based assays to measure the de novo rate of reciprocal deletions and duplications at four NAHR hot spots. We used these assays to dissect the relative rates of NAHR between different pairs of duplicated sequences. We show that (i) these NAHR hot spots are specific to meiosis, (ii) deletions are generated at a higher rate than their reciprocal duplications in the male germline and (iii) some of these genomic disorders are likely to have been underascertained clinically, most notably that resulting from the duplication of 7q11, the reciprocal of the deletion causing Williams-Beuren syndrome.  相似文献   

In humans, deletion of any one of three Y-chromosomal regions- AZFa, AZFb or AZFc-disrupts spermatogenesis, causing infertility in otherwise healthy men. Although candidate genes have been identified in all three regions, no case of spermatogenic failure has been traced to a point mutation in a Y-linked gene, or to a deletion of a single Y-linked gene. We sequenced the AZFa region of the Y chromosome and identified two functional genes previously described: USP9Y (also known as DFFRY) and DBY (refs 7,8). Screening of the two genes in 576 infertile and 96 fertile men revealed several sequence variants, most of which appear to be heritable and of little functional consequence. We found one de novo mutation in USP9Y: a 4-bp deletion in a splice-donor site, causing an exon to be skipped and protein truncation. This mutation was present in a man with nonobstructive azoospermia (that is, no sperm was detected in semen), but absent in his fertile brother, suggesting that the USP9Y mutation caused spermatogenic failure. We also identified a single-gene deletion associated with spermatogenic failure, again involving USP9Y, by re-analysing a published study.  相似文献   

Junction fragments from the constitutional t(11;22)(q23;q11) translocation have previously been cloned and sequenced. Here we report a high incidence of translocation-specific PCR products in sperm DNA from normal individuals. Somatic DNA from these and other normal individuals or from people with chromosomal breakage syndromes do not yield PCR junction fragments, indicating that this translocation originates during meiosis.  相似文献   

The mechanism of disease-associated trinucleotide repeat instability involves cis-acting factors (cis-elements) in the vicinity of the repeat, but the nature of these elements is unknown. One cis-element may be the location of the replication origin relative to the repeat. We have used an SV40 DNA replication system to investigate the effect of the location of replication initiation on (CTG)(n)*(CAG)(n) stability in primate cells. Depending on the distance between the SV40 replication origin and the repeat tract, templates with 79 repeats yield predominantly expansions or predominantly deletions or remain intact. All templates with 17 repeats are stable. Thus, cis-elements that affect the sites of Okazaki fragment initiation relative to the repeat are crucial determinants of instability. This model system recapitulates the bias for expansions observed in many of the diseases associated with trinucleotide repeats. Our results might explain the variable amounts of CTG/CAG instability that are observed in different chromosomal contexts.  相似文献   

Epigenetic silencing in cancer cells is mediated by at least two distinct histone modifications, polycomb-based histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27triM) and H3K9 dimethylation. The relationship between DNA hypermethylation and these histone modifications is not completely understood. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation microarrays (ChIP-chip) in prostate cancer cells compared to normal prostate, we found that up to 5% of promoters (16% CpG islands and 84% non-CpG islands) were enriched with H3K27triM. These genes were silenced specifically in prostate cancer, and those CpG islands affected showed low levels of DNA methylation. Downregulation of the EZH2 histone methyltransferase restored expression of the H3K27triM target genes alone or in synergy with histone deacetylase inhibition, without affecting promoter DNA methylation, and with no effect on the expression of genes silenced by DNA hypermethylation. These data establish EZH2-mediated H3K27triM as a mechanism of tumor-suppressor gene silencing in cancer that is potentially independent of promoter DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation is required for mammalian development and is often perturbed in human cancer. To determine how this epigenetic modification is distributed in the genomes of primary and transformed cells, we used an immunocapturing approach followed by DNA microarray analysis to generate methylation profiles of all human chromosomes at 80-kb resolution and for a large set of CpG islands. In primary cells we identified broad genomic regions of differential methylation with higher levels in gene-rich neighborhoods. Female and male cells had indistinguishable profiles for autosomes but differences on the X chromosome. The inactive X chromosome (Xi) was hypermethylated at only a subset of gene-rich regions and, unexpectedly, overall hypomethylated relative to its active counterpart. The chromosomal methylation profile of transformed cells was similar to that of primary cells. Nevertheless, we detected large genomic segments with hypomethylation in the transformed cell residing in gene-poor areas. Furthermore, analysis of 6,000 CpG islands showed that only a small set of promoters was methylated differentially, suggesting that aberrant methylation of CpG island promoters in malignancy might be less frequent than previously hypothesized.  相似文献   

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