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Antibody-enhanced dengue virus infection in primate leukocytes.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
S B Halstead  E J O'Rourke 《Nature》1977,265(5596):739-741

针对工业CT无损检测巾缺陷的窄间信息无法准确判断的问题,提出了重建缺陷的算法.该算法使用八叉树来节省内存,并同时从内部增加和外郭切除体素的方法来准确找到缺陷的边缘,利用MC提取的等值面经过拓扑简化得到最终的重建模型.实验表明,该方法可以实现对缺陷的三维空间形状观察,并提高了检测效率,得到了缺陷在空间任意方向的分布.  相似文献   

针对沥青路面微观形貌常用检测方法的不足,融合显微视觉的局部放大特性和数字图像处理技术,提出了基于显微视觉的沥青路面微观纹理三维重构方法。根据激光三角测量原理建立显微视觉三维重构数学模型;利用立体显微镜采集序列图像,对图像进行插值处理和阈值分割,并提取光条中心线;采用Delaunay三角剖分算法实现表面三维重构。与基于聚焦深度的沥青路面微观纹理三维重构方法进行试验对比分析,结果表明,本文方法对光照均匀性无特殊要求,具有精度高、操作简便、三维直观性强等特点。  相似文献   

P K Luther  R A Crowther 《Nature》1984,307(5951):566-568
Fish muscle provides a particularly suitable specimen for studying the organization of thick filaments in vertebrate striated muscle because the filaments are arranged with a single orientation on a well ordered hexagonal lattice. The M-band consists of sets of cross-links, which join the myosin filaments in the middle of the A-band. Previous work concluded that the fish muscle M-band had the local symmetry of the dihedral point group 32. We present here a quantitative analysis of transverse sections of the M-band, using general methods developed for crystalline layers, to combine various tilted views. The three-dimensional map computed to a resolution of about 70 A confirms previous findings; it shows new features of the thick filament structure in the M-band region and provides new information on the use of three-dimensional reconstruction from sectioned biological material. The accompanying paper describes a novel technique of three-dimensional reconstruction of the fish M-band from a single view of a slightly oblique plastic section.  相似文献   

Modis Y  Ogata S  Clements D  Harrison SC 《Nature》2004,427(6972):313-319
Dengue virus enters a host cell when the viral envelope glycoprotein, E, binds to a receptor and responds by conformational rearrangement to the reduced pH of an endosome. The conformational change induces fusion of viral and host-cell membranes. A three-dimensional structure of the soluble E ectodomain (sE) in its trimeric, postfusion state reveals striking differences from the dimeric, prefusion form. The elongated trimer bears three 'fusion loops' at one end, to insert into the host-cell membrane. Their structure allows us to model directly how these fusion loops interact with a lipid bilayer. The protein folds back on itself, directing its carboxy terminus towards the fusion loops. We propose a fusion mechanism driven by essentially irreversible conformational changes in E and facilitated by fusion-loop insertion into the outer bilayer leaflet. Specific features of the folded-back structure suggest strategies for inhibiting flavivirus entry.  相似文献   

内窥镜被广泛用于器官和体腔内部的诊断成像,尽管采集到的内窥镜视频中包含着丰富的信息,但是由于内窥镜的成像范围受到探头太小的限制,图像的放大倍数与视野范围不能兼得,且视频不能将个体二维图像与三维器官形态关联起来,大部分具有巨大数据潜力的内窥镜视频仅用于医师实时指导,并在收集后丢弃。提出基于序列内窥镜视频图像的膀胱三维场景重建的方法。先提取前后两幅序列图像中相对应的多个特征点,基于特征点采用运动恢复结构算法计算得到膀胱模型三维点云。然后,采用泊松曲面重建算法对各三维点进行网格化,并完成场景的三维重建。实验结果表明所提出的算法是可行的。  相似文献   

在岩心图像分析中,低分辨率岩心图像能够显示较大视域,具有较好的全局代表性,而对于低尺度信息无法准确表征;高分辨率岩心图像能够准确地表征岩心的低尺度信息,但通常仅能显示较小的视域.为了能综合分析高低分辨率下的不同岩心图像,本研究提出了一种基于模拟退火,将低分辨率三维岩心图像和高分辨率二维岩心图像融合重建为高分辨率三维岩心的算法.具体地,对于给定的高分辨率二维岩心图像,首先,将低分辨率三维岩心图像进行插值放大以统一两者的点长度,统计二者在二维中的孔隙分布情况,只保留高分辨率二维岩心图像中的小尺寸孔隙,以作为训练图像;然后,在融合重建过程中将低分辨率三维岩心中的大尺寸孔隙相设置为硬数据,以两点相关函数为目标函数重建其中的小尺寸孔隙.实验结果表明,本研究提出的融合重建算法可以很好的将低分辨率岩心重建为高分辨率岩心结构,且融合重建结果有效,准确.  相似文献   

K A Taylor  M C Reedy  L Córdova  M K Reedy 《Nature》1984,310(5975):285-291
Rigor cross-bridges show two conformations paired within each 38.7-nm axial repeat. The two forms may express two stages of the cross-bridge cycle during contraction. Differing numbers of myosin heads per cross-bridge and associated helical changes in the thin filament distinguish the two forms and suggest that both myosin heads usually bind to a single thin filament.  相似文献   

针对传统建模方法的局限性和对唐代服饰进行建模自身的特点,提出了一种将数字建模和物理建模相结合的基于单幅图片的唐代服饰的三维重建的方法。由于唐代历史悠久,遗留的下来的服装文物基本为二维水彩画,陶俑等,能从中提取的信息及其有限,因此利用Open CV的自动扫描技术和根据服装横截面近似椭圆的特性计算得出服装大致的数字模型,而数字模型只有服装的大致轮廓,无法呈现逼真的三维服饰,则再将数字模型的数据数据输入三维建模软件Maya中进行细节修改,并对其添加动力学特性,纹理贴图渲染。仿真结果显示三维重建出的唐代服饰模型,不仅逼真,而且效率高。  相似文献   

R A Crowther  P K Luther 《Nature》1984,307(5951):569-570
A new method of three-dimensional image reconstruction from electron micrographs is presented here, which enables a three-dimensional image to be produced from a single oblique section of a two- or three-dimensional crystal. The method, which is most powerful when the section is thin and the angle of obliquity small, has several potential advantages over the conventional method of reconstruction using tilted views of the section. In particular the accumulated electron dose on the specimen is much smaller and the reconstruction is not affected by changes in the thickness of the section during exposure to the electron beam. The method involves the solution of a generally almost singular set of linear projection equations, relating through the sectioning geometry the three-dimensional crystal density to the two-dimensional projected image density. This can be achieved most conveniently by linear least squares filtering. An application of the method to determine the structure of the M-band of fish muscle is described. The resulting map agrees well with that produced by the more conventional approach involving tilted views.  相似文献   

多孔介质模型的三维重构方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立准确的多孔介质模型在微观渗流机理的研究中具有重要意义.为了更加方便准确地建立多孔介质模型,总结了多孔介质模型重构的物理实验方法和数值重构方法,通过重构方法的优缺点对比及适用性分析,优选出马尔可夫链-蒙特卡洛方法(MCMC).针对3种不同性质的多孔介质,采用MCMC方法分别对其进行了重构.结果表明,MCMC方法计算速度快,适用范围广泛,重构效果好.最后将MCMC方法扩展到三维空间,重构出三维多孔介质模型,为微观渗流机理的研究提供了一个模拟平台.  相似文献   

二维介质目标重建是一个具有发展前途的研究领域,基于傅里叶衍射成像定理研究了介质成像的算法,并讨论了算法的分辨率。在弱散射前提下,用矩量法通过计算机仿真计算了前向散射场,重构了圆柱的图像,并提出了一种实验方案。  相似文献   

为了对电阻抗成像二维重构图像结果进行三维重建,笔者使用对应点匹配插值算法对二维电阻抗图像进行插值,形成三维重建模型。根据电阻抗成像重构数据的特点,改进了插值算法的梯度和梯度方向角计算公式,从而较好地重现层间数据,最后由原始数据和插值数据形成三维体数据。实验的模型是浸泡在圆柱体水槽中电导率为2.1S/m的圆柱体异物。将笔者所提算法与线性算法以及形状插值算法进行了对比。结果表明:笔者算法能够在确保计算精度的同时,兼顾计算效率,满足电阻抗成像的实时监护要求。  相似文献   

目的给出二维非均匀、各向异性介质重构的算子方程。方法从Mexwell方程出发,建立算子方程,采用矩阵的方法。结果给出时域、频域下,二维非均匀、各向异性介质重构的算子方程。结论给出的算子方程将为二维非均匀、各向异性介质的重构提供理论模型。  相似文献   

将波长为800nm,脉冲宽度为150fs的近红外激光脉冲,聚焦到聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(Ploymethyl Metacrtlate,简记PMMA)和熔融石英中,实现了三维逐位式光数据存储.分别记录了5,10,15和20层数据位点,并利用相位对比光学显微原理,对各层数据并行读出,从而分析了各层数据位点读出对比度的变化.结果表明,各层数据位点的折射率对比度由内至外依次增加.记录层数越多,内部层的对比度下降越明显.由于飞秒激光脉冲与透明介质相互作用中熔融石英比PMMA内部产生的残余应力大,因此,在数据位点参数相同的情况下,利用聚甲基丙烯甲酯(PMMA)材料记录的层数更多.  相似文献   

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