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为了实现离散化四足机器人自由步态的控制,提出一种新的基于中枢神经模式发生器(CPG)的自由步态控制方法。介绍了离散化四足机器人模型,在已确定的地形中,设定四足机器人起始点与抵达点的状态。将连续步态按照离散化步态完成排序,形成排序集合。在此基础上,利用中枢神经模式发生器CPG,采用周期性振荡信号对离散化四足机器人腿部各关节进行控制,给出单独神经元模型。为了便于分析,使用互抑神经元构成的振荡器对神经元的输出信号进行改善,通过该振荡器产生规律的振荡信号,以控制离散化四足机器人完成自由步态移动。实验结果表明,所提方法能够有效控制离散化四足机器人实现自由步态移动。  相似文献   

仿生四足机器人对角步态规划及稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以仿生四足机器人作为研究对象,为改善对角步态的稳定性,提出了通过改变对角步态中支撑足的初始位置来提高机器人运动稳定性的方法。通过支撑足位置参数n来改变其初始支撑位置,仿真表明:n从0开始递增直至0.3,稳定性逐渐提高;在 n=0.3附近翻转角达到最小,机身偏转最小,稳定性最好;n>0.3之后稳定性又逐渐减弱;此外在步态规划中研究发现以复合摆线作为足端轨迹相比于椭圆曲线更有利于机器人行走的稳定性。仿真与实验证明了该方法的准确性以及可行性。因此,通过调整支撑足的初始位置以及选择复合摆线作为足端轨迹能使机器人的稳定性有较大提高,为仿生四足机器人的对角快速稳定行走奠定基础。  相似文献   

A prototype of hydraulically powered quadruped robot is presented.The aim of the research is to develop a versatile robot platform which could travel fleetly in outdoor terrain with long time of endurance and high load carrying ability.The current version is 1.1m long and 0.48 m wide,and weights about 150 kg.Each leg has four rotational joints driven by hydraulic cylinders and one passive translational joint with spring.The torso carries the control system and the power system.A novel control algorithm is developed based on a Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum model and the principle of joint function separation.The robot can not only cross a 150 mm high obstacle in static gait and trot at 2.5km/h and lkm/h on the level-ground and 10°sloped-terrain respectively,but also automatically keep balanced under lateral disturbance.In this paper,the mechanical structure and control systems are also discussed.Simulations and experiments are carried out to validate the design and algorithms.  相似文献   

This work presents a controller designed for position-controlled quadrupedal dynamic locomo-tion, aiming at simple and robust trotting control .The controller takes the torso attitude angles and velocities into planning foot trajectories .Firstly design of the servo motor actuated quadruped robot is introduced and the kinematic equations are deduced .Then a scheme is presented for controlling the robot torso attitude based on the virtual leg model .Furthermore , it demonstrates the design of the controller which enables the robot to have a wide range of trotting gaits and omni-directional mo-tions.Finally, results of robust trotting in various speeds , path tracking and push recovery in simu-lation are reported , and results of trotting on real quadruped robots will be studied .  相似文献   

Spinning gait is valuable for quadruped robot, which can be used to avoid obstacles quickly for robot walking in unstructured environment.A kind of bionic flexible body is presented for quadruped robot to perform the spinning gait.The spinning gait can be achieved by coordinated movement of body laterally bending and legs swing, which can improve the mobility of robot walking in the un-structured environments.The coordinated movement relationship between the body and the leg mechanism is presented.The stability of quadruped robot with spinning gait is analyzed based on the center of gravity ( COG) projection method.The effect of different body bending angle on the stabili-ty of quadruped robot with spinning gait is mainly studied.For the quadruped robot walking with spinning gait, during one spinning gait cycle, the supporting polygon and the trajectory of COG pro-jection point under different body bending angle are calculated.Finally, the stability margin of quadruped robot with spinning gait under different body bending angle is determined, which can be used to evaluate reasonableness of spinning gait parameters.  相似文献   

The dynamic stability of a quadruped robot trotting on slope was analyzed.Compared with crawl gait, trot gait can improve walking speed of quadruped robots.When a quadruped robot trots, each leg is in the alternate state of swing phase or supporting phase, and two legs in the diagonal line are in the same phase.The feet in the supporting phase form a supporting region on the ground.When a quadruped robot walks on slope, the vertical distance from zero moment point ( ZMP) to the sup-porting diagonal line is defined as ZMP offset distance.Whether this distance is less than the maxi-mum offset distance or not, the stability of robot trotting on slope can be judged.The foot trajectory was planned with the sinusoidal function.Based on the kinematic analysis, the ZMP offset distance of quadruped robot under different slope angles, step length and step height was calculated, then the reasonable slope angle, step length and step height for quadruped robot trotting on slope to keep dy-namic stability can be determined.On the other hand, the posture angle of quadruped robot should be controlled within the desired range.Computer simulations were executed to verify the theoretical analysis.The study will provide reference for determining reasonable step parameters of the quadru-ped robot.  相似文献   

基于油门与制动的轮式移动机器人纵向速度控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了基于油门与制动的轮式移动机器人纵向控制系统,通过油门加速与制动减速的切换实现机器人对期望速度的跟踪,提出了一种模糊人挡制动算法,将查模糊控制表得到的控制量进行实时滤波,并将滤波后的控制量按一定规则分档,使制动踏板呈阶跃式运动,以防止制动过程中制动踏板的频繁往复抖动,实验结果表明,模糊分挡控制算法有效地降低甚至完全消除了制动踏板的抖动,同时,成功地实现了制动减速与油门加速的平稳切换。  相似文献   

针对轮式移动机器人轨迹跟踪这一典型控制任务,提出了基于模糊控制规则的滑模控制方法。该方法采用等速趋近律,利用连续函数代替符号函数获得切换控制律,最后运用Lyapunov理论证明系统的稳定性。仿真结果表明该方法不但能够有效的跟踪机器人的参考轨迹,还能有效的减少在控制中的抖振现象。即使存在外界干扰的情况下,也具有良好的控制品质。  相似文献   

In order to fulfill the goal of autonomous walking on rough terrain, a distributed gait planning method applied to hexapod biomimetic robot locomotion is proposed based on the research effort of gait coordination mechanism of stick insect. The mathematical relation of walking velocity and gait pattern was depicted, a set of local rules operating between adjacent legs were put forward, and a distributed network of local rules for gait control was constructed. With the interaction of adjacent legs, adaptive adjustment of phase sequence fluctuation of walking legs resulting from change of terrain conditions or variety of walking speed was implemented to generate statically stable gait. In the simulation experiments, adaptive adjustment of inter-leg phase sequence and smooth transition of velocity and gait pattern were realized, and static stableness was ensured simultaneously, which provided the hexapod robot with the capability of walking on rough terrain stably and expeditiously.  相似文献   

本文对轮式移动机器人自主行走提出了三种控制方案,通过仿真研究和实验验证了其可行性.  相似文献   

设计了一种可实现翻滚的四足机器人,不仅可以采用步行方式通过崎岖地形,而且可以自主变形成为滚动体,从而采用翻滚模式通过平坦地形.机器人四肢由弓形杆件组成,机体采用球冠外形,根据旋转对称原则设计肢体的几何参数和质心分布.由站立模式向翻滚模式变形过程中,将机器人简化为平面连杆机构,建立了变形过程中机器人质心运动学模型.提出势能变化最小的变形策略,采用惩罚函数法,优化变形终止时刻机器人的位形.针对变形运动学方程的非线性特性,采用最小二乘法进行关节轨迹规划.结果表明机器人质心运动轨迹满足变形策略.  相似文献   

农用轮式移动机器人是一个复杂的机电一体化系统,在移动机器人的设计过程中,如果缺乏设计经验就需要通过系统仿真的方法来辅助移动机器人的设计.本文针对移动机器人的机械子系统和智能控制系统进行了仿真研究,减少了设计过程中的失误,缩短了设计和开发的周期.  相似文献   

针对直流电动机驱动的轮式机器人,提出一种根据机器人轮子编码器读数辨识机器人驱动系统参数的算法,并与传统的根据速度输出来辨识机器人参数的方法进行了比较.仿真计算证明:根据编码器数据辨识有更好的精度及抗干扰能力.  相似文献   

轮式移动机器人轨迹跟踪控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于轮式移动机器人的运动学模型,以速度为控制量,采用控制Lyapunov函数设计出一种具有全局渐近稳定的速度跟踪控制器。仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

介绍了一种仿人机器人未知地面行走的控制算法 .该算法通过踝关节六维力 \力矩传感器信息感知地面环境 ,确定步态参数 ,利用基于ZMP稳定判据的规划方法进行实时运动规划 ,实现机器人稳定行走 .  相似文献   

黄译  翟军勇 《广西科学》2017,24(3):279-285
【目的】针对存在外界扰动和参数不确定性的轮式移动机器人,设计一种有限时间轨迹跟踪控制方案。【方法】首先,将轮式移动机器人动态系统分为二阶和三阶的两个子系统;其次,针对二阶子系统设计了自适应快速终端滑模控制律,保证移动机器人角速度跟踪误差有限时间内收敛到一个任意小的区域内;然后,设计了关于线速度的控制律,来保证三阶子系统的有限时间收敛;最后进行仿真实验验证。【结果】仿真实验结果与理论值相符。【结论】本研究设计的有限时间控制策略保证了移动机器人轨迹跟踪的效果。  相似文献   

轮式机器人遗传模糊神经网络转向控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对数学模型复杂的轮式机器人的转向控制问题,使用基于遗传算法的模糊神经网络转向控制方法.首先建立车辆的神经网络模型,然后构造模糊神经网络控制器,再用遗传算法寻找模糊神经网络控制器的参数,最后提高控制器对速度变化的适应性.仿真表明,该方法可以对机器人的转向进行有效控制,效果良好,能适应各种不同速度变化,是一种有实用意义的控制方法.  相似文献   

轮式移动机器人大转向航向跟踪控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了防止轮式移动机器人在大弯道路跟踪时出现过度转向而引起较大跟踪误差或偏离预定路径,提出了种能适应大转向的航向跟踪控制方法,利用机器人前轮偏角的绝对方向作为控制器反馈航向,仿真实验结果表明,该方法与以机器人车体航向作为反馈量的常规方法相比,在大转向航向跟踪时能有效志改善系统的动态特性,减少超调和振荡,提高基于航向控制的轮式移动机器人大弯道路径跟踪性能。  相似文献   

温箐笛 《科学技术与工程》2012,12(25):6482-6486,6494
随着移动机器人性能的不断完善,移动机器人的应用范围正在不断扩展,逐步进入到工业、军事、服务、教育等领域。设计满足人们的要求的轮式机器人系统一直是控制领域人们关注的热点。设计一直流伺服系统来实现轮式移动机器人的基本要求,设计首先给出了系统的方案。根据方案和所提供的参数性能指标要求。概述了PWM、编码器、直流伺服电机、机器人运动学和动力学。介绍了移动机器人运动系统,以及本设计中的典型Ⅰ型系统。对系统进行静动态分析,设计了一轮式移动机器人直流伺服系统,整定控制器参数。最后通过仿真给出系统的响应结果,进行分析,结果满足移动机器人的基本要求。  相似文献   

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