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Executives who consider the acquisition of Executive Information Systems (EIS) may encounter several major problems already in their selection and introduction stages. Key issues are the following: Can the EIS's really match our managerial needs and support decision making in our organizational contingencies? How widely in the leadership levels can they be introduced? Are they easy-to-learn, easy-to-use and easily customizable? Do they utilize the newest information technology, e.g. graphics and modern interface technology? Can they work in our computer network? In order to facilitate elegant solutions of the selection problems, we construct an evaluation framework which guides the selection of an EIS product to match the managerial needs according to the organizational contingencies. This framework is useful immediately after the specification of the decision making support requirements of the executive. The effectiveness of the framework is shown by applying it and analyzing 13 EIS products. We also offer introduction and use experiences from four English and four Finnish large companies covering the opinions of 132 EIS users. In this paper we give general answers to the questions above and discuss other relevant issues.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first introduce the concepts of knowledge closeness and knowledge distance for measuring the sameness and the difference among knowledge in an information system, respectively. The relationship between these two concepts is a strictly mutual complement relation. We then investigaie some important properties of knowledge distance and perform experimental analyses on two public data sets, which show the presented measure appears to be well suited to characterize the nature of knowledge in an information system. Finally, we establish the relationship between the knowledge distance and knowledge granulation, which shows that two variants of the knowledge distance can also be used to construct the knowledge granulation. These results will be helpful for studying uncertainty in information systems.  相似文献   

The difficulty of identifying future requirements and the inflexibility of information systems make what is normally called the maintenance process difficult and costly, and may lead to information systems failure or obsolescence. This paper addresses the problem in a number of ways. It discusses three techniques which might be used to help identify future requirements. Two of these techniques are drawn from other disciplines; the third is not used widely in the information systems domain. All the techniques have broader applicability than maintenance alone, in that they are concerned with reducing uncertainty. The paper outlines some tenets of good applications software design, drawn from a number of sources, which will facilitate change by making the software design more flexible. Finally, these tenets are incorporated into information systems design through a proposed modification of the information systems life cycle framework. This framework—part of a “code of good practice” for information systems developers—could be incorporated into information systems development methodologies.  相似文献   

It is argued here that the discipline of information systems does not have a clear and substantive conceptualization of its most fundamental category, namely, information itself. As a first stage in addressing the problem, this paper evaluates a wide range of theories or concepts of information in order to assess their suitability as a basis for information systems. Particular importance is placed on the extent to which they deal with the semantic and pragmatic dimensions of information and its relation to meaning. It is concluded that Dretske's analysis of knowledge and information provides the most suitable basis for further development.  相似文献   

Application of information technology and environmental planning share two very important characteristics: they are both concerned with planning, evaluating, and directing human activity in a wider context, and this activity is multiaspectual, multimodal, and multidisciplinary in scope. Further, the ideal in both cases is sustainable, long-term activity that brings overall good rather than harm. This paper discusses the multiaspectual nature of environmental sustainability and shows briefly how this understanding can be translated to the field of information systems.  相似文献   

In a measurement system,new representation methods are necessary to maintain the uncertainty and to supply more powerful ability for reasoning and transformation between numerical system and symbolic system.A grey measurement system is discussed from the point of view of intelligent sensors and incomplete information processing compared with a numerical and symbolized mea8urement system.The methods of grey representation and information processing are proposed for data collection and reasoning.As a case study,multi-ultrasonic sensor systems are demonstrated to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Although many information systems development methods (ISDMs) are available, past experience indicates that none of them completely supports the design process. One of the major problems is that the traditional ISDMs represents a poor match for some subsystems or dimensions involved in the information systems design (ISD). This paper presents an integration and interpretation of recent research on the mismatch of the ISDMs with the ISD process and suggests that systems ideas can be used to learn about and clarify our perceptions of the ISD processes. First, some important systems concepts such as systems, subsystem, dimensionality, system types, and characteristics are introduced. Second, some lessons of mismatch learned in the past that are related to those systems concepts are discussed. The discussion includes experiences learned through the ISD process such as communication problems, inadequate analysis of systems maintenance, lack of understanding of the relationship between the nature of the subsystem/dimension to be represented and the selection of tools, difficulties in integrating subsystems and dimensions, as well as Brooks' Law along with others. Third, some recommendations are given concerning how to avoid mismatch with a systems concept phase. Fourth, some guidelines are provided for implementing the tasks of the systems concept phase. Finally, a number of areas where research appears needed are mentioned.  相似文献   

提出了一种通用的合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar, SAR)系统分辨能力评估方法,该方法可对复杂轨迹SAR系统(比如圆轨迹,同步轨道卫星和双基地SAR等)的分辨能力进行高效率、高精度评估。首先,推导化简了模糊函数的表达式。接着,根据模糊函数在0~-3dB之间的抛物线形状特性,在满足评估精度的要求下,本文采用四次多项式来近似该模糊函数,进而得到了对SAR系统分辨能力进行评估的解析表达式。最后,圆轨迹、同步轨道卫星以及双基地SAR的仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

本文以2003-2016年中国沪深上市公司为研究样本,采用基于合作博弈理论的Shapley权力指数测度第一大股东权力水平,考察了大股东权力对公司业绩的影响.研究发现:1)大股东权力水平对公司业绩有显著的促进作用,大股东权力水平的提高有利于公司业绩的提升;2)大股东存在"更少掏空效应",即权力水平提升抑制了大股东掏空行为,有效提高了公司业绩;3)大股东存在"监督效应",即权力水平升高增加了大股东监督经理人的动力,缓解了代理问题,改善了公司的经营业绩;4)进一步的研究显示,大股东权力对公司业绩的提升作用在非国有企业中更强,同时大股东权力的提高有利于市场业绩的提升、业绩风险的降低以及长期业绩的提升.本文较为全面地从大股东权力的视角展现了所有权结构对公司业绩的影响,有助于理解中国背景下所有权结构与公司业绩的真实关系.  相似文献   

信息系统的混沌动力行为分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
王延清  杨青  薛华成 《系统工程学报》2002,17(2):109-114,176
应用动态系统理论构建了关于信息系统投资的动力模型,并通过大量的计算分析了其系统行为,结果显示企业对信息系统的投资行为会随着投资偏好的变化而出现混沌现象,系统存在混沌吸引子,具有蝴蝶效应,而且系统对行为因所属行业的不同而发生变化。  相似文献   

本文研究突发事件发生后不实信息的传播与扩散问题,首先,基于系统动力学的思想,提出了不实信息的动态传播模型,刻画了科普教育以及媒体报道对于不实信息传播的影响,分析了模型的稳定性态. 为了克服静态决策的局限性,论文基于最优控制理论的方法,构建了社会效用最大化的控制模型,利用庞特里亚金最大值原理,进一步探讨得出了不实信息传播的动态最优控制策略. 最后,基于模型推导结论和数据模拟,说明了最优控制的优势所在,提出了在应急管理中不实信息的控制建议与思考,为应急管理奠定了理论基础和决策依据.  相似文献   

Technical proficiency has not enabled our profession to deliver value for money in terms of improved organisational performance. Evidence of this failure is adduced. The recommended change is to approach organisations as the information systems we develop. To achieve this we need a better understanding of information, the key resource, better ways of modelling organisations in information terms, and new tools for analysis, design, and systems development. Semiotics, the theory of sign, provides a suitable framework in which to make “information” and related concepts more precise. A semiotics of organisations leads to modelling them as systems of social norms from which information requirements can be logically deduced. This approach yields methods and tools for analyzing and designing the social, pragmatic, and semantic aspects of information systems that receive little attention in our current methodologies.  相似文献   

Based on the strategy of information feedback from followers to the leader, flocking control of a group of agents with a leader is studied. The leader tracks a pre-defined trajectory and at the same time the leader uses the feedback information from followers to the leader to modify its motion. The advantage of this control scheme is that it reduces the tracking errors and improves the robustness of the team cohesion to followers’ faults. The results of simulation are provided to illustrate that information feedback can improve the performance of the system.  相似文献   

Strategy for information systems in the Film Division of Hoechst AG   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper describes a framework for information systems development, based on the Viable System Model, currently used within the Film Division of Hoechst AG.  相似文献   

1 . MEASURES OFPOWERSYSTEMS’SRELIABILITYIn generation planning,the question naturally arisesas to how much generating capacity is required toserve theload demand.Three typical methods usedtodetermine capacity are given as follows .1 .1 Percent Reserve EvaluationThisis the earliest method that can most easily com-pute the generating capacity exceeding annual peakload to determine the percent generation reserve mar-gin, by comparing the total installed generating ca-pacity at peak…  相似文献   

利用拓扑学中内部这个重要的概念来刻画协调决策信息系统的属性约简与不协调决策信息系统关于下近似的约简,使拓扑与粗糙集两个理论交叉、渗透,在此基础上从拓扑的角度出发,更进一步地给出一个二元关系相对于一族二元关系的内部约简的概念,并且定义一个辨识矩阵来给出内部协调集的判定定理与内部约简的算法。最后,在覆盖广义粗糙集理论中认识这类约简,并给出一个应用模型。  相似文献   

武器装备体系中的信息流分析与评估研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
信息流是武器装备体系构成与内部各种交互的依据,认为信息流可分为态势流、状态流和指控流,并提出了对各种信息流进行评估的方法。在此基础上,给出了信息流能力的评估和判断是能否获取信息流优势的依据。信息流优势对应着三种能力:信息获取能力、信息利用能力和信息分发能力。最后,用算例说明了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对协作单载波频分多址(single-carrier frequency-division multiple access, SC-FDMA)系统提出了一种信干噪比约束下的中继波束赋形和用户功率分配联合优化算法。该算法能使得基站端输出信干噪比满足给定约束条件的同时最小化中继节点和用户节点的发射功率。该文通过利用矩阵分析中的瑞利商理论以及交替优化理论,分析并推导得出了最优的中继节点波束赋形和用户功率分配算法。仿真结果及分析表明,该文提出的中继波束赋形和用户功率分配〖JP3〗算法与采用正交频分复用系统下的算法相比能有效地节省中继和用户节点的发射功率。此外,为了降低算法复杂度以及所需反馈开销,该文还给出了用户端等功率分配的方法以及在此基础上的中继波束赋形算法。  相似文献   

To aim at the multimode character of the data from the airplane detecting system, the paper combines Dempster- Shafer evidence theory and subjective Bayesian algorithm and makes to propose a mixed structure multimode data fusion algorithm. The algorithm adopts a prorated algorithm relate to the incertitude evaluation to convert the probability evaluation into the precognition probability in an identity frame, and ensures the adaptability of different data from different source to the mixed system. To guarantee real time fusion, a combination of time domain fusion and space domain fusion is established, this not only assure the fusion of data chain in different time of the same sensor, but also the data fusion from different sensors distributed in different platforms and the data fusion among different modes. The feasibility and practicability are approved through computer simulation.  相似文献   

基于信息量的序信息系统的属性约简   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
属性约简是粗糙集理论研究的核心内容之一.在序信息系统中引入信息量和属性重要性,给出它们与属性约简之间的关系.针对序信息系统提出了一种基于信息量和属性重要性的属性约简算法,讨论了算法的时间复杂度.实例证明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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