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Summary A new synthesis is described of a crystalline 7-methyl-doisynolic acid showing a strong estrogenic activity. This acid is probably identical with the stereoisomer C ofAnner andMiescher. Demethylation of this methoxyacid yields a new doisynolic acid of mp. 113–117° (hemihydrate).

XIII. MitteilungSynthetische Versuche in der Gruppe der östrogenen Hormone; XII. Mitteilung siehe Chem. listy50, 2004 (1956).  相似文献   

Summary An attempt is made to determine the sedimentation constant by means of biological assay in animal viruses. A new type of electromagnetic high speed centrifuge (Type ZF 3) was used for this purpose. An essential feature of this model is that the entire volume for assay is included in one single cell positioned at an angle of 90° to the axis of rotation. The murine EMC virus was used to show that the centrifuge is suitable for the biological determination ofS-values, in spite of the fact that the gravitational field in the cell is inhomogeneous and that the cell walls are not adapted to the radial migrational direction of the centrifuged particles.  相似文献   

Summary It is possible — under constant conditions, such as pH, ionic strength and ionic milieu — to purify -globulins from rabbit-serum, using the fractionated acetone precipitation.

Ausgeführt mit Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Mit technischer Assistenz von FräuleinChristel Borna.  相似文献   

Summary The addition of simple quaternary salts (as I and II) to solutions of local anaesthetics, effects a pronounced prolongation of the time of complete infiltration anaesthesia. These salts have no effect on the time of surface anaesthesia. Other pharmacological characteristics of these mixtures were also determined.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungAus der Medizinischen Universitätsklinik  相似文献   

Summary Pied flycatchers (Ficedula h. hypoleuca) possess at least two releasing mechanisms for triggering the mobbing response to predators near the nest, namely for shrikes and for owls. This is demonstrated by the fact that body size, which was varied in dummy experiments, enters into these mechanisms differentially.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper describes a new method, which permits an accurate determination of capillarity in very narrow and very short capillaries.

Meinem FreundeA. v. Muralt zum 60. Geburtstag.

Die Siemens-Werke hatten uns freundlicherweise eine grosse Zahl von Quarzröhrchen, die bei ihrem Elektrokardiographen-Direktschreiber verwendet werden, zur Verfügung gestellt. Sie besassen Längen bis zu 30 cm. Aus diesen konnten sehr gleichmässige Stücke herausgeschnitten werden.  相似文献   

Summary Water or buffered extracts from tobacco seeds (Mont Calme brun) showed both cresolase and catecholase activity of tyrosinase, which was inhibited by 10–2 M thiourea. No difference of activity could be observed in extracts from old and fresh seeds. Unexpectedly, chlorogenic acid is not oxidized by this tyrosinase.  相似文献   

Summary The catechol-containing granules in the adrenal medullary cells (mouse, guinea pig, cat) are true cell organells, clearly distinguished from mitochondria; their size varies over a fairly wide range, the mean diameter being calculated at about 175 mµ in the mouse (osmium-tetroxide-fixation). They have a surrounding membrane of 100 Å thickness; their internal structure is finely granular. On the thin sections, many granules are surrounded by spaces which appear empty under the electron microscope and which are limited by double-membranes; it is most likely thatintra vitam these spaces contain lipids.

Ausgeführt mit Unterstützung der Friedrich-Baur-Stiftung und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli autori studiano l'utilizzazione del ferro esogeno da parte del tessuto eritropoietico. In base ai dati relativi alla velocità di immissione in circolo dell'Hb marcata, dopo somministrazione enterale di55Fe, essi stabiliscono che: 1. la massima quota di ferro viene utilizzata dal tessuto eritropoietico il primo giorno; 2. il 50% della quantità totale destinata all'emoglobinogenesi viene utilizzata in 1,5 giorni (=semiperiodo di utilizzazione); 3. l'assunzione di ferro da parte dell'eritroblasto è un processo continuo, che una volta iniziato, si svolge durante tutto il rimanente periodo di maturazione (3 giorni); 4. la quantità di ferro utilizzata dall'elemento cellulare decresce con il progredire della maturazione: il 50% viene assunto in circa 15 ore.  相似文献   

Summary In the leaf-hopperEuscelis, the spatial sequence of germ band segments can be reverted partially or completely by translocation of hind pole material to the front end of an egg fragment. Head and prothorax are suppressed by this operation.

Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft danke ich für weitgehende Unterstützung.  相似文献   

Summary Carbonic anhydrase activity, as demonstrated histochemically, is present in human skin. Especially high enzyme activity was found in eccrine sweat glands. Probably there are relations between acide nature of sweat and enzyme activity. Full-length report see in Arch. Dermat.  相似文献   

Résumé Chez les chenilles de la famille de Saturnidés, lors d'une blessure de l'hypoderme, des cellules sanguines fusiformes empêchent la guérison typique par la formation d'un tissus cicatrisant des disques imaginaux de l'aile à l'endroit endommagé. La région originairement défectueuse est élargie par suite d'une destruction secondaire de l'hypoderme.  相似文献   

Summary Diluted serum was treated with diluted acid. Between pH 7·8 and 6·5 a part of the globulines is precipitated whose composition changes in favour of the more rapidly migrating fractions with rising pH. Sera denaturated by heat are flocculated quantitatively and behave like one monodisperse protein also in electrophoresis and chromatography. This leads to the conclusion, other than after denaturation, that negative loads of native proteins possess different strengths of absorption toward H.

K. Simon, Exper.8, 55 (1952).  相似文献   

Summary Gliadin and chymotrypsinogen, respectively, were treated with alkaline sodium hypochlorite solution equivalent to the carbonamide groups present, and then hydrolysed by acid. The proteins treated with dilute alkaline solution have been assayed in control experiments for their content of N-terminal amino acids. The degradation products identified by paper chromatography seem to indicate that in chymotrypsinogen the amido groups of the amino dicarboxylic acids represent asparaginyl (Ia) and glutaminyl (Ib) residues. In gliadin, besides these residues, the presence of isoglutaminyl residues (IVb) also seems to be probable.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made of the influence of local (liver field) and total irradiation (1,000 rl) on the enzymatic activity of isolated liver mitochondria from adult rats. While the succinodehydrogenase activity remains unaltered, the oxydation of pyruvate — as well as the structural stability of the mitochondria — are found to be reduced, entailing a decrease in the oxydative phosphorylation. These variations remain the same even after total or local irradiation.  相似文献   

Summary It was shown that the various organs and tissues differ from each other: (1) in the local capillary permeability for homologous I131-labeled serum albumin, and (2) in their contents of exchangeable albumin.  相似文献   

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